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October 30, 1921 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-30

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Students Are of Many Faiths

(By Edward Lainbrecht) Jews. All these figures include both relative size and order these groups Bretheran ...... 7
if someone had asked me last week members and non-members who prefer remain almost the same from year. to Greek Orthodox. 7
how many different religions there that church. year, although their order differs from Morman......... 7
are among the students in the Uni- More than 1300 students put no re- the order of the religious denomina- Adventist ....... 4
Versity, I would have hazarded a guess ligious preference on their cards. Rev. tions in the United States as a whole. Free Methodist. , 6
--and that a wrong one. To tell the Lloyd M. Wallick, in charge of the Whereas the four religions in the Church of God... 4
truth, I didn't know so many religions registration for the Student Christian University having the largest num- Evangelical Assn 4
existed-35 in all-until I saw the cen- association, believes that this is be- her of students are the Methodist, African Methodist 3
sus compiled by the Student Christian cause of suspicion as to why the in- Presbyterian, Congregational, and Swedenborgian .. 4
association from the registration formation is desired, dislike of receiv- Episcopal, the four protestant reli- Swedish Mission. 3
cards. ing literature, disinclination to answer gions in the United States having the Mennonite . 2
The range all the way from the more questions than absolutely re- largest number of followers are the Buddhist... . 1
Methodist at the top of the list with quired, and a general indifference on Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, and uHindu.......... . . .
1184 students down to the Buddhist, the part of some students -to any re- Presbyterian, in the order named. Nazarene ....... 1
Hindu, Nazarene, New Jerusalem, ligious interests. Practically every Taking the resident population of Ann New Jerusalem.. 1
New Thought, Moravian, Salvation student has some religious connection, Arbor there is still a different order. New Thought.... 1
Army, and United Evangelical with according to Reverend Wallick. Here the Lutherans head the list and Moravian ....... 1
but one follower apiece. Relatively as well as actually the are followed by the Methodists, Evan- Salvation Army.. ...
There are seven Mormans in the 'No Preference' list contains far more gelical, and Presbyterians. United Evang.... 1
University, two men and five women. men than women. Eighteen percent It is interesting to notice the dif-
Three men and one woman are Swed- of the 6668 men listed are in this ference between the number who are Total..........5617
enborgians, seven men are Greek group, while for women the proposi- members of each church and the numb- No Preference
Orthodox, and four African Methodists. tion is only nine percent of 1721. One er who prefer that church. For in-
Some of the others with but few mem- sixth of the entire student body is in stance, the Christian Science church Total Registration
bers are: Mennonite, Swedish Mission, this class. has but 52 members as compared with
Evangelical association, Church ' of One freshman said, "Any religion to 117 who give that church as their pref- And how about the
God, Free Methodist, Adventist, which I can be faithful and yet dance," erence, while the Lutheran church has ance on Sunday? Wh
Friends, and United Brethren. and another wrote, "There is no 351 members as compared with 15 exact way of telling,
Out of the total of 8389 students church today that represents the preferences. More students preferred lick estimates that not
registered, the Presbyterians hold truth." Some wrote "Not Interested," the Congregation church than any fourth of the 7050 stud
second place with 1198 followed by the "Any Protestant," or just "None". other. The following list shows the that they are eiher cl
Congregationalists with 977, Episco- One student put down "Agnostic," and result of the registration. The mis- or have some church p
palians with 811, and the Catholics three said that they do not want to cellaneous item means churches in church on any one Si
with 611. Sixth and seventh places be bothered with literature. smaller towns which have combined. The Student Christian
are held by the Baptists and Jews with All the larger and many of the Members Pref- planning to take a coo
432 and 380 respectively, while the smaller religious groups in America Church erence Total day in each month and
Lutherans have but 14 less than the are represented in the University. In Methodist . 1110 144 1164 average at the end of



1 1
1433 705
1339 133
church atteni
ile there is
Reverend Wal
more than om
ents who stage
lurch membe
reference go
unday mornin
nt on one Su
dthen strike
the year.


Feeds Body and Mind -
It is a decided help in
making your work at the
University a success.

Presbyterian .
Episcopal ...
Catholic .....
Baptist ......
Jewish ......
Lutheran ....
Christ. Scienc
Reformed ....
Unitarian ...
Evangelical ..
Unite. Breth. .
Friends ......

. 983 215 1198
. 626 351 977 Meneken Mead in Germany-
... 699 112 811 The American author mo,, read
618 15 633 Germany at the moment ig M. L. M
350 82 432 cken. The two leadisng German
... 273 107 380 views, "Die Neue Runoschau" and'"
351 15 366 Grentzboten," publish long trans
e.. 52 117 169 tions from his writings this mon
... 142 15 117 Mis "In Defense of Women" is bei
...183 8 111 translated into German and is t
... 49 42 91 r published shortly, and "The Am
61 1 62 can Credo," which he wrote in
... 17 1 18 laboration with George Jean Nath
.. 10 1 11 is to follow,

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A touch of life and animation
takes away the dreary colle-
giate atmosphere Why not se-
cure a bowl of goldfish from
us, and make it cheery and
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Oh-h-h! But they are good!
Those great big, tender, juicy
Grilled Steaks
that you get down at

'q' L

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