THE WEATHER RAIN; SOMEWHAT COLDER TODAY ALI ILI- 5kfrt an 471AOW tl . ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIll SERVICE VOL. XXXII. No. 31. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1921 PRICE FIVE CE WOLVERINES DEFEAT ILLINOIS, 3 -- OMEFEEB HM K SPIRIT .IN BRILLIANT t VICTORY OE LIOSTEAMt - 1 VARSITY LINE PROVES STONE- Cappon went through.right tackle for WALL IN STOPPING INDIAN 4 yards. Steketee punted to Walquistt ACSFIELD 'on his 35-yard line. Peden made 2 yards through left tackle. Michigan held Crangle for no gain. Duran WOLVERINE BACKS GAIN punted to Uteritz, who was downed on AT WILL ON PLUNGES Michigan's 32-yard line. Steketee slipped on muddy field on Malse and Blue Defenders Make Eight 27-yard line. Steketee punted to Wal- First Downs Against Four quist, who signaled fair catch. Peden of Opponents hit right tackle for 2 yards. Durant failed to gain. Durant punted out of (Special to The Daily) bounds on Michigan's 26 yard line. Illinois Field, Urbana, Ill., Oct. 29.- Michigan gained on exchange of punts. Michigan's Varsity football team came Cappdn made 1 yard through center. back for a brilliant hard fought vic- Steketee punted to Walquist, who tory over Illinois this afternoon by a returned ball 5 yards on his 35-yard1 score of three to nothing. . line. Goebel stopped Durant for no- Illinois line was not able to cope gain. Crangle made 2 yards through1 with the hard plunging tactics em- center. Durant punted 'to Michigan's ployed by the Wolevrines. Before the 40-yard line. Roby went for 5 yards onslaught of Cappon and Roby whose around left end. Wilson went in for line driving was the hardest seen in Carney at left end. Sabo now at left many years, the Illinois forward wall end and Wilson at right end. Cappon' crumbled. Forcing its way down the added 1 yard through left tackle. Roby field on straight football, Michigan's added 2 more. Steketee punted out attack rolled over the Illini defense. of bounds on Illinois' 13-yard line.l The Wolverines showed more cohe- Durant punted to his own 31-yard sion and team work than at any time line, where ball was downed. Roby this .season. The plunging of Cappon made 2 through right tackle. Pedenl and Roby, the kicking and end runs intercepted Roby's pass and returned1 of Steketee and the field generalship to Illinois 26-yard line. Crangle hit of Uteritz left little to be desired in line for 1 yard. Time out for Muir- the way of an offense., hea Michigan's line showed a great in- Peden got away for a 10-yard run crease in its offensive power as well. around right end. Durant failed to7 It opened holes and cleared out Illini gain. Peden thrown for 1 -yard loss tacklers repeatedly. On the defense by Johns. Durant failed to gain. it maintained its great reputation as Durant punted to Roby, who was' a stonewall. downed on Michigan's 27-yard line.1 All Stars Roby made 1 yard. Steketee punted No one player may be considered to Walquist, who returned to his 35- the star of the game. They all were. yard line. Time out for Crangle., Goebel and Kirk at end played veter- Vick broke through and threw Peden an ball. Muirhead and Johns turned for 8 yard loss.- Durant punted ou back the Illinois drive on the tackles of bounds on Michigan's 31-yard line.' In great shape. Wilson's block of An- Steketee slipped again for 5-yard loss. derson's attempt at field goal may He punted to Peden on Illinois 39- have prevented the tying of the score. yard line. Goebel nabbed Crangle His subsequent recovery of the ball after 1 yard gain. End of first quarter. brought great acclamation from the Score: Michigan 0, Illinois 0. Michigan stands. Dunne led his team SECOND QUARTER brilliantly. He was a tower of Crangle hit li'ne for 4 yards. Peden strength. He recovered Woodward's added 2 more. Durant punted to fumble, giving the ball to Michigan Uteritz who slipped on 20-yard lie. and repeatedly helped to open holes Steketee failed to gain. Steketee in the center of the line. Vick was in punted to Waquist, who called, for every play. His offensive and defen- fair catch on his 46-yard line. I si ework stamped him as the best Forward pass Peden to Wilson, in- center in the Conference. complete. Cappon intercepted Peden's It was Steketee's toe that gave pass on Michigan's 39-yard line. Cap- Michigan its winning points. The pon plowed through line for 7 yards. plunges of Cappon and Roby having Roby made first down for Michigan carried the ball to the Illinois 8 yard around right end. Roby plowed for line, Steketee booted the ball between 4 yards more. Cappon made 2 yards the posts while standing on the 15 on plunge. Forward pass Roby to yard stripe. All during the game his Uteritz incomplete. Steketee to Peden punting was a great offensive and de- on Illinois' 20- yard line. fensive w apon Woodward went in for Crangle. Gain More Yards Than Illinois Peden failed to gain around right end. Michigan showed a different forma- ,Time out for Peden. He stayed in. tion than before in executing its line Durant punted to Roby, who called plunges. Usually with only two men for fair catch. He was tackled and behind the line, the backs tore through Illinois was penalized 15 yards. the center guards and tackles for sub- Michigan held on next play and stantial gains. Michigan made 163 penalized 15 yards. Roby made 5 yards by line plunging while Illinois yards. Roby's pass incomplete. Michi- could only make 66 in this way. Wol- gan off side, penalized 5 yards. Roby's verine backs skirted the ends for 44 second pass incomplete. Steketee yards to the Illinois 26. Steketee's punted to Walquist, who is downed kicking showed a marked improve- on 16-yard line. ment. He averaged 38 yards on 15 Wodward made 3 yards off plunge. kicks, while Durant averaged but 29. Johns stopped Peden for 1 yard loss. Michigan failed to complete any of (Continued on Page Five) Its few passes while the IllIni made good on many. The Wolverines made Naval Officers Take Courses Here eight first downs by plunging, while Three United States naval officers their opponents made but four. from Annapolis, Lieuts. T. E. Chand- ler, A. D. Mayer, and C. T. Joy, are FIRST QUARTER taking special courses in explosives in Michigan defended the south goal. the chemical engineering department. Mohr ' of Illinois kicked off to Roby, Their studies will keep them here a who ran ball from 10 to 25-yard line. year. ILLINOIS GOLFERS i HIT BY DEFEAT MICHIGAN LD i nirn nr vi iimnirn (Special-to The Daily)j Urbana, Oct. 29. -- Illinois golf team defeated Michigan's golfers 8 to 3 in matches which were close throughout. Rolfe, Illinois, won 1 and lost 2 to Ingham, Michigan. Freder- ickson, Illinois, won 2 and lost 1 to Welch, Michigan. Lebosquet, Illi- nois, won 3 from Slaughter, Michi- gan. Norotny, Illinois, won 2 from Broderick, Michigan. EXTENSION DIVIS ION LECTURES ANNOUNCEDO Seven lectures will be delivered un- der the auspices of the Extension di- vision during the week of Oct. 31- Nov. 5. Dr. C. V. Weller will speak Monday before the Grand Rapids Exchange club on the "Cancer Problem". Prof. J. B. Edmonson will speak Tuesday on "The Co-operation of the High School with the Home", before the Tuesday club, of Union City. On Wednesday, Nov. 2, Prof. F. W. Kel- sey will speak in the Grosse Pointe Presbyterian. church' on the subject,f "New Light from Ancient Egypt". Thursday two addresses will be given, both at Detroit. The first will be delivered by Prof. J. R. Hayden on "The Colonial Problems and Achieve- ments of the United States", before the Michigan State Federation of Women's clubs. The other will be de- livered by Prof. F. W. Kelsey on "Bi- ble Lands and the New World", be- fore the Fellowship club in St. Paul's cathedral. The lecture wil be illus- trated. The Lansing Women's club will hear Prof. L. A. Strauss speak Friday on "The Present Trend of the Dra- ma", and Saturday Prof. J. H. Han- ford will take for his subject "Culture and Commercialism", in an address before the Women's City club, of De- troit. DILb VINlluhlb Accident of Friday Night Fatal to University Student Proves FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS STILL AWAIT COMPLETION Neal M. Anderson, '23E,- died at 11 o'clock Saturday morning at the Beyer hospital in Ypsilanti. Death result- ed from injuries incurred when a truck, driven by William Button, of Ypsilanti, struck Anderson, hurling him against the windshield and then off to the side of the road. Anderson and Andrew Adams, '24, were walking toward Ypsilanti shortly after dusk Friday evening, when the accident occurred. The truck, going in the same di- rection as were the students, dimmed its lights at the approach of a car coming toward Ann Arbor, and the driver failing -to see the walkers un- til almost upon them, was unable to stop or turn out sufficiently to avoid the accident. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson returned to Highland Park today with the body of their son. The time of the servic- es could not be learned at a late hour last night. ILLINOIS VICTORS IN TRIANGLE MEET Urbana, Oct. 29.-Illinois cross country team defeated Michigan and Ohio in triangular cross country meet between the three schools this morn- ing. The scores were, Illinois 19, Michigan 41, Ohio State 60. Chute of Michigan crossed the line second to McGinniss of Illinois. The time was 28 minutes, 1 second and -three fifths. Other Michigan men placed as' fol- lows: Standish 8, Penberthy 9, White- more 10, Marston 12, Bowen 14, Illi- nois placed six out of her first seven men. DIRECTORY MAKES CAMPUS BOW NOV. 1 Michigan's 1921-22 directory will be on the campus Tuesday morning, Nov. 1, according to Burton E. Dun- lop, '23, managing editor of the direc- tory. This is almost a month earlier than last year, due partly to the fact that school opened one week ear- lier and partly to rapid handling. The cover this year will be a bril- liantk red and special care has been taken to avoid the errors which usu- ally occur. Students' phone numbers change during the year in many cas- es, so the list does not remain ac- curate, but all avoidable errors have been removed by careful checking. The directory will contain 368 pages, 26 more than it did last year. In the list of names the letter "S" stands! first, there are no "Xs" and only 15 ".Qs". HOLD SECOND FCULTY CONCERT-HERE TODAY William Wheeler, tenor, and Mrs.! George B. Rhead, pianist, will give the second concert in the ,Faculty series at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Hill auditorium. Mr. Wheeler is head of the voice department of the School of Music, while Mrs. Rhead is a teacher of advanced work in piano. Each artist will give two groups 'of selections and Mr. Wheeler's singing will be accompanied by Mrs. Rhead. Their program is as follows: Phantasie, C major, Op. 17...... ..................... Schumann "Durch alle Tone tonet Im bunten Erdentraum Ein leiser Ton gezogen Fur den, er heimlich laushet." Durchaus fantastich und leiden- schaftlich vor zu tragen; Massig; Langsam getragen Mrs. George B. Rhead La Cloche ..............Saint-Saens L'Heure exquise ...............Hahn Apres un Reve ..............Faure Carnaval ..... .............Fourdrain William Wheeler Auf Flugeln des Gesanges.... ................Mendelssohn Liszt Gnomenreigen ................Liszt March Militaire .....Schubert-Tausig Mrs. Rhead I Love Thee, Ragna, In the Boat, Cradle Song, Eros .........Grieg Mr. Wheeler Frost Speaks On College 7enefi ts "Some people come to college to be- come efficient, others come to make valuable friendships, but if I went to college it -would be to get a kind of insurance against being made a fool of either by success or failure," said Robert Frost in his address to the American Association of University Women yesterday. afternoon. Mr. Frost questions whether we can ever satisfactorily decide just what is worth while in life. "When I was younger," he said, "I thought that every one would be an artist who could be. In like manner the money- getters of the world have a strong conviction that every one would make money who could make it, and there is another group of people who are just as certain that every one would come to college if he could. Yet I walked out of Harvard hilariously and feling glad that my seriouE friends could not understand me." Mr. Frost finished his talk by read- ing sevral selections from his own I poetry. OVERf LOWS"'MN DEATHSRPRE HOUSES CARRIED AWAY, MUCH DAMAGE DONE BY FLOOD AT BRITANNIA, B. C. BRIDGES WASHED AWAY, RAIL TRAVEL STOPPED Heavy Snow Fall, Torrential Down. pour Given as Contributing Causes of Overflow (By Associated Press) Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 29. -Thirty- five are dead or missing at Britannia Beach, a village 18 miles from here, as a result of a coudburst and flood Friday night which'swept away part of the town. The death levy may reach 60, according to late reports Saturday. Fifty out of 110 houses were carried away- and several are floating about the bay. - Flood waters of the Coquitlan river also are reported to have inundated a section of the town of Port Coquitlan, 14 miles east of here. The river overflowed its banks,.washed away a Canadian Pacific railroad bridge and cut rail communications between this city and interior points. A railway bridge over the Stave river also was swept away. .At Coquitlan a hotel, store and several cottages were car- ried from their foundations. Contributing causes of the flood are described as continuous for a month, a heavy snow fall on higher levels, and a torrential downpour brought by a Chinook (warm) wind. ADVISERS MEET FRESH TUESDAY All upperclass advisers whose names begin with letter G to M inclusive wll confer with their freshmen at a meet- ing to be held In the reading room of the Union at 7:30 o'clock on Tuesday evening. This Is the second meeting of the upperclass advisers to take place this year. The programis to include a variety of entertainment in addition to the group of well known speakers. Prof. Mor- ris P. Tilley, of the English depart- ment, will represent the faculty,- "Duke" Dunne, '22, captain of the football team, will talk on sports, and George Brophy, '22L, last year's man- aging editor of The Daily, will cover the publications. SUMMARY MICHIGAN ILLINOIS Kirk .......L.E........ Carne" Johns ........L.T........Olander Dunne.......L.G........Mohr Vick .........C..........., Vogel Wilson......R.G....... Anderson Muirhead ...... R.T......Dreyer Goebel.........R.E........Sabo Uteritz ......Q.B.......Walquist Cappon........L.H........Peden Steketee......R.H .......Durant Roby ........F.B......... Crangle Greet The -Victors Michigan has come back ! Going down to Urbana, the meat-hungry Wolverines invaded the lair of the Illini and carried off the spoils of the conqueror. Predictions were be- ing sent broadcast during the past week that after the defeat of Michigan by the Ohio State team that the former was doomed to defeat in yesterday's game. But one loss was not sufficient to dishearten the men of-Yost, and it was with grim determination to win, to bag the scalp of the Indian who last year took away with him a victory which he won only by a hair's breadth, that they set out for Urbana. Yesterday proved conclusively that the Michigan spirit, the famous "comeback" spirit which has characterized every game, every athletic-undertaking of the. Wolverines, is not dead. Sometimes it takes more than one match to light a fire, and the Ohio disaster of last week served as the spark which started the blaze that led to victory over Illinois. Every Michigan player who took the field yesterday against the foe made the Spartan resolve that he would either come home vic- torious or be carried off on his shield. This morning, at 8:30 o'clock local time, the members of that team arrive at the Ann Arbor station, bringing home the .glory of victory and carrying with them their -shields. His- tory tells us how Sparta acclaimed her heroes. This morning history will have a chance to repeat, for every Michigan man and woman should turn out to greet those fighting, red- blooded, warriors. Two thousand saw the team off to Ur- bana, but every one of the 7,500 who did not accompany the team should mob the station, sending cheers that will resound many miles along the track, ere the train arrives, to show that team that Michigan is always behind them. Be down at the station and sing "The Victors !" Substitutes: Illinois-Wilson for Carney; Woodward for Cran- gle; Greene for Olander; Gamn wage for Mohr; Reickle for Wil- son. Michigan-Swan for Wilson. Goal from placement-Steketee, Michigan. Umpire, Eckersall, Chicago; Referee, Haines; Field judge- McGovern;. Head linesman-Kir- itz. i r - Limited STUD ENTS' DIRECTORY No* Copies OUT TUESDAY, NOV. 1 75 CENTS