itations AT THE TIIEATERS our Speciality T0 AY Screen in "Eperything in Printing" AYER- SCHAIRER CO. Arcade - Jackie Coogan "Peck's Bad Boy," First Women's Party Planned jUniversity- u-onien! Are you looking' for the Michiganr spirit? You will find it at the Women's league party at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday night in -Barbour gymnasium. This is the first chance of the year for every University woman to meet every other University woman, to make new friendships and renew old ones. There will be music for dancing, and as an added entertainment parts of last year's Junior Girls' play will be given. Now is the time to start the year right. Be there at 7:30 for a big eve- ning. LAST TIMES TODA 2 S. Main St. Phone 1404 Majestic-Clara Kimball Young in "Straight from Paris." Also "Crowning Torchy," comedy with'Johnny Hines. Orpheum-Charles Ray in 'Scrap Iron." Wuerth - Marie Provost in "Moonlight Follies," and Clyde Cook in a comedy, "The Sail- or." PECkZ LAD BOD " < tex MMO.' t , A A Fii AlI Fivel Ir) MAGN[R NARDWAR[COMPANY See our complete line of' chains, cuff links, gold and knives'and collar pins. Haller ler, State St. Jewelers:,--Adv. watch silver & Ful- i Store of IndUiidua I Shops Phone 174-175M THIS WEEK Stage -1 So. Main St. STUDENT SUPPLIES Garrick (Detroit)-Alice Delysia with Lupnio Lane in "Afgar." Shubert (Detroit)-Jimmy Hus- sey and his Century Revue. ALARM CLOCKS WASTE BASKETS Waom en )JUSTABLE TABLE LAMPS HANGERS RAZORS POCKET KNIVES ASH TRAYS ZOR BLADES SHEARS SMOKING STANDS CHIMES DESK SETS WATCHES )K ENDS POKER SETS )UBLE SOCKETS ELECTRIC GRILLS TOASTERS RIC IRONS ELECTRIC URNS ELECTRIC CURLING IRONS All gymnasium classes for fresh- men and sophomores will begin this week on Tuesday, Sept. 27, or on Fri- day, Sept. 30, according to the hours arranged. Classes will meet in Bar- bour gymnasium, and it is necessary that everyone be present. The hours for sophomore gymna- sium classes are: at 3 o'clock on Mon- days and Fridays, and at 10,11 and 4 o'clock Tuesdays and Thursdays, All sophomores must sign up for one of these periods. All locker tickets must be turned in to Mrs. Blackborn before Friday, Sept. 30, in order that locker assign ments may be made before the begin- ning of gymnasium work. A Women's league party will be held at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday eve- ning in Barbour gymnasium for all University women. There will be a pro- gram, followed by dancing and re- freshments. .GARGOYLE BUSINESS STAFF There will be a meetig of the entire .business staff of the Gar- goyle at 4 o'clock today. LAST TIME TODAY CHARLES RAY -- IN- "SCRAP IRON" WED. - THURS. NEAL HART -IN-- ."Danger V.alley. AND TOONERVILLE TROLLEY COMEDY - I - THE SKIPPER HAS HIS FLI KINOGRAXIS PATHE CARTOONS ORCHI STARTING TOMORROW Marshall Nofilan -Presents - "Bolb Hampton of Placl Z TRIC HEATERS EVERSHARP PENCILS tr Flows AT ?-.8:45 I" t g ERA VIMJES tI WOOD The freckled JAME KIRWOODwho is Bob 'Ha A two-fisted frontier gambler, bringer of ha always searching for some one. wonderful pal ADDED FEATURES-A FIRST NATIONAL "A GAME LADY" and PATHE C ADULTS KIDDIES 30c lac 'UESDAY- WEDNESDAY INm Junior Girls' play should be handed In to '23, by Oct. 15. manuscripts Elsa Oiesen, RED MEN ON THE WAR-1 Signal fires burning in the hills-A wagon train bad Indian country-A shout! A shot! A riders! Then. .. .. vi P! V A:f IIV" l f CARL LAEM MLE presents AR IE hVOST in the pen"~ictureofi :a pret aby vamp who could win all the men she' wanted excepting the cave' Manwhogot hery----- , NOON LIGH FOLLIES# Directed b KING BAGGOT( Story by PUCIVAL WI LDE AUNIVERSAL PICTUPEI Before lockers are assigned to fresh- men, all gymnasium clothes should be marked and presented for inspec- tion. Sophomores who were here last year should have their heart and lung examination by 5 o'clock Thursday, Sept. 29, at the Health service. Tryouts for junior and senior class hockey teams will meet at 5 o'clock Monday, Oct. '3, in Barbour gymnas- ium. Girls who wish work may see Dean Myra B. Jordan at her office. Mrs. Jordan's office hours will be 8 to ~12 o'clock and 1:30 to 4 o'clock for the present. Rooms for women may be obtained through the office of the dean of wo- men. Girls are reminded that they must see the dean before making any changes in rooms. WOMEN REGISTER JN BARBOUR GYM Time and confusion has been saved this seiriester by the registration of women in Barbour gymnasium. Stand- ing line and the use of several rooms was avoided. A smaller enrollment of freshmen and entering upperclassmenhasbeen noticed. Much of this is due to the earlier opening of the University. Many students were misinformed by the calendar in the old catalogs. Mildred Sherman, '21, is assistant to Dean Myra B. Jordan, succeeding Marguerite Chapin, '20. Miss Elizabeth Lloyd, a Vassar graduate, has replaced Miss Lucy Green, who was formerly Mrs. Jor- dan's secretary. Time Change Effective October 30 Ann Arbor city time will be changed back to Central time, which is one hour earlier than the present daylight savin'g time on Oct. 30, the last Sunday in the month. ! ALICE. LAKE FINAL SHOWING TODAY Clara Kimball Young IN "STRAIGHT FROM PARIS" TORCHY and, TOPICS OF COMEDY THE DAY . IN A HIGHLY SPECTACULAR, INTENSELY EMOTIONAL MELODRAMA "Uncharted a gripping story of the far North-packed with thrills that succeed each other in a crescendo of interest. MAJES Wednesday Thursday A REAL TREAT IL 0 IT A Picture that is far above the average. ONE, OF THOSE PICTURES EVERYBODY M AJESTI ORCHESTRA LOUIS KILLIAN Conductor CENTURY COMEDY "HOLD YOUR BREATH" WITH LAUGHTER UNPARALLELED CLYDE COO K MATINEES-2:00, 3:30 EVENINGS-7:00, 8:30 I NG- A THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL THE AFFAIRS OF ANA' LOOK AT THE CAST WALLACE REID, ELLIOTT DEXTER, GLORIA SWANSON, BEB] BLUE, THEODORE ROBERTS, THEODORE KOSLOFF, JULIA F. LEY, AGNES AYRES, RAYMOND HATTON, POLLY AI LO R" Laboratory Coats, Aprons,II