FE TEAC Lf III QI T All IIAAIf il 1 II 0 eet L rty Str4 Chemicals pry Supplies and Toilet Specialties CSTAB'SKED I8IR M AVENUE COR. FOflTY-EOURTH SXREU' it . c c i s a iRIlUI IILUIVIlI IV ILL MEET THIS WEEK r. HEAR URBANA RESULTS PRESIDENT BURTON AND COACH YOST TO SPEAK THURS- AT SMOKER SAUDYA President Marion L. Burton will OF GAME, PLAY BY speak at the Thursday morning ses- PLAY sion of the Michigan State Teachers' Association-Institute, which will hold E At the second weekly luncheon of its 68th annual meeting in Detroit Detroit alumni held Thursday at, the of this week. on Thursday and Fridayoftiwek hotel Cadillac, Mason P. Rumney, His subject will be "A Possible Future 08E, president of the association, an- nounced the newly elected committees. for American Education.' The committee for the Illinois Coach Fielding H. Yost, will give smoker with James M. 0' Dea, '09E, a talk Thursday afternoon on "Foot- chairman has arranged to hold the ball Strategy," while Prof. Guy M. smoker at the Elks temple, on the Whipple of the experimental educa- afternoon of the Illinois 'game. A tion department will speak Friday direct wire communication with the afternoon on "Intelligence Tests and scene of the game has been secured. College Entrance." Among other arrangements is a special George Oscar Bowen on the School car from Ann Arbor to Detroit for of Music will direct the community Phone the convenience of undergraduates singing which is to be a feature of the and cheer leaders who wish to attend Friday evening program. the smoker. A Wabash, railroad special from Detroit to Urbana has CLINIC PREPARED also been chartee fo the men who FOR DENTAL WORK wish to attend the. game.FO DE T L R Irvin Huston newly appointed chair- man of the attendance and acquaint- "Although we have an unusual an'ce committee has devised a novel number of patients for this time of plan for a successful year. He plans the year," said Dr. J. J. Travis, of the to divide the alumni members into 8, teams each under a captain who will . can tk are of be responsible for his team being at any amount or any kind of wark that the weekly luncheon. Each team will may come in. have its own table according to class, "The clinic is open for operative that is, '21 etc., and each member will work such as filling and inlays at attach to the lapel of his coat, a card 1:15 o'clock in the afternoon, while with his first name on it, 'that the the crown, bridge, and prophylaxis men may become better acquainted. work are taken care of in the morn- ing between the thours of ten and Property Owner Must Pay For Walks twelve. It is not necessary .for the Ann Arbor sidewalks built during students who wish attention to make this year must be paid for at the City appointments. They need only come Hall by Nov. 21, or ten per cent of over and be examined, at which time the building cost will be added to they will be assigned to the. care of the bill, according to the ruling of one of our students. The men who the City Council. are operating in the clinic at this r EANERS'I PRESSERS 2Z. £WASNINUOM. Ione 628. , VT . REPAIRING Telephone Murray Hill 88oo Our Representative will be at the HOTEL STATLER, DETROIT Today October 25 with Samples of Ready-made Clothing Furnishings, Hats and Shoes for Fall Send for "Clothes and the Hour" WPO13 r. sO FE'S \\ 1 ; (I ' ' THE ONLY ENE ERS IN AI Phonc cvissilized Carmen CLEANING REPA 209 South 2508 ts Stay Clean Longer {i PRESSING l_ ERGINE CLEAN- NN ARBOR dRING .. ._ t 7 t 1 I0for5 Newest Creation 'BEAUTIFUL HAIR NEEDS A COOD BRUSH Find Them at THE QUARRY Drug and Prescription Store G. CLAUDE DRAKE - Proprietor npafl) ing>' 4th Avenue i CiG . .,..,. .r-_.- The A AMS.f Raw R r7 1 , / r Cutting a Figure 'HEN a young man wants to cut a figure, he'll choose an E Jlo Shirt. It gives him eling of being w J dressed-in the beauty fabric, the youthfulness of its cut. If he s the cost, he'll find in Eagle Shirts at his many more of the things he wants than in less and fameless makes. Buy Eagle Shirts by the fabric name in the labed M URAD THE TURKISH CIGARETTE .~KL1S W ,LW - - 0.5R A~i~ ", gD $ ETE 1 _t ,a .m, ki esVERY day MURADS are held higher in the estimation of the men who smoke them. They are the standard of Taste. They are 100% pure Turk- --i ish tobacco -of the finest varieties grown. They never disappoint- never fail-never change- You are proud to smoke them in any company-on any occasion. They are the largest sell- ing high-grade cigarette in the world. The cigarette smokers of America DO prefer Quality to Quantity. 4uerth Co. 2 S. Mam A$ Ma.4t'n of IM eeL. vli Makin of Ibo .._ . ,.