for those Jvho indulge in sports
---and for those who follow the game
flr 4
A Swagger Skirt
Color and fabric may be almost what
you will; there is no deviating, how-
ever, from the carefree swing and
jauntiness of the out of doors. That
must be evident.
Prunella in plaids and stripes is prom-
ipently featured. Velours, too, in
checks of navy and brown. $16.50 to
A Bramley Blouse
The one who would attire herself in'
sports wear calls next for, a blouse-
and more particularly for one in the
Bramley style. In white muslin, plain
and striped. Trimmed with dainty
tucks in front and with fine pleats on
the edge of the collar. $3.
A Bramley Sweater
Then a Bramley sweater-the new
slipovers which show only the collar
and cuffs of the blouse one wears.
Made entirely of fine, soft wool that
will retain its color, shape and fit. In
black, brown, white and navy. Plain
stitch $5. Lace stitch $6.t
A Leather Jacket
/Of course, if one would be quite up to
the minute in this matter of sports ap-
parel, onewill wear aleather jacket
-very new, by the way, and destined
for popularity. Knitted cuffs and web
at the bottom of the jacket insure a
snug fit. Belted; patch pockets.
Warm, comfortable, serviceable-and
exceedingly good looking. $19.50.
In suedine and suede at $12.50 and
A Sports Hate
Some will top their sports costu es
with Boston Hats-smart little affirs
of soft felt in styles unusually becom-
ing. Fuschia, brown' and tan. $11.
Others will don the combinations of
scarf and hat-both of brushed wool.
In plain colors and stripes. Black,
white, tangerine, rust, brown, fuschia,
tan, purple and Sorrento blue. $13.50
and $16.50.
Gauntlets of Wool
Wool gauntlets protects one's thumbs
and fingers from the coldest blast.
Ideal when worn in connection with a
sports costume. In brown heather,
beaver, gray and white. $2.
-and of Kid
D & P gauntlets of kid are in brown,
gray, black, white and willow. $5.
Fownes French kid gauntlets are ex-
tremely well made. Extra long. In
brown and Deaver with fancy dark
stitching on the backs. Pearl snap.
Woolen Hose, too
Hose must have some wool in them
these autumn days. That is, they
must be combinations of silk and wool
or entirelyt of wool.
Heavy ribbed hose entirely of wool,
in navy, brown, gray and green. $1.75.
English ribbed woolens in brown and
green heathers. Very heavy. $1.95.
Phoenix silk and wool drop stitch
hose are in brown, green and purple
heathers. $2.25.
Drop stitch in heavy all wool hose are
in brown and green, heathers. $2.45.
Fine ribbed all wool hose in black and
in green heather. $2.75.
And then --
After a day of sports-or of sports at-
tire-the snug comfort of a corduroy
bathrobe is most inviting. Some of
these brightly colored affairs are trim-
med with satin. All shades. $4.50 to
Dolmtown--at 124 South Mlain Street