THE MICHIGAN DAILY QCO buys a brand new Corona portable type-. writer. Other makes at attractive prices. See us before you buy.( 0. 1). i-_O1{RILL Ann Arbor.Mich. SLEEP ANY I RE, BUT EAT AT REX'S THFE CLUB LUNCH 712 Arbor Street Near State and Packard Streets A ReliableJeweler 113 South Main 17 Nickels Arcade I ,.~- ' If Economy is r , 'What You Want Buy Your Clothes Here A RE you going through college with spendthrift recklessness or with care- ful economy? What you pay for clothes is a good indication. Most of the, clothing sold here has been worn before, but it has been so thoroughly cleaned and steamed and repaired that in many instances it is hard to tell from new.- OFARMISTICE DAY Committee Arranges Program For Commemoration of War's End November 11 PARADE, IBANQUTET, SPEECHES, DANCING WILL MAKE DAY BIG Initial plans for Armistice Day cele- bration Nov. 11 indicate that the day will be well filled with a program of wide range. As the first step all business houses will be asked to close at noon. Then the schedule as arranged so far by a committee composed of representa- tives from all patriotic organizations, both campus and civic, and headed by {Dr. Guy G. Allway, will get under way with a large street parade. All Organziations to Enter This parade will include a largf, body of school children, all the civic fraternal orders, boy scouts, G. A. R. veterans, Spanish American War vet- erans, Ann Arbor V. F.' W., City post of American Legion, Campus V. F. W., Gun Blade Club, Richard N. Hall Post American Legion, and Chinese Stu- dents Club.'There willalsobe in cluded four bands, the Masonic, Otto's Elk Band, Varsity and Odd Fellows The production of 15 floats, repie- senting the arts of war and peace I will also be undertaken by various interested organizations. Directly following the parade there{ will be a mass meeting addressed by President Marion L. Burton in Hill auditorium. Street Dancing Planned At 6 o'clock there will be a banquet for all ex-service men and their friends, followed at night by street dancing at the court house square. Part of National Plan Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 22.-Depart- ments and posts of the American Legion are urged in a bulletin sent out from the national headquarters here to arrange for a wide celebration of Armistice Day. Public meetings to be addressed by able, speakers on the aims of the Legion are suggested as one form of celebration. PAN TO ENFORCE LAv ONSALE OF CIGARETTE LOCAL ORG-t- IgZTIO-S C ALL FR RIGID OBSERVANCE OF STATE STATUTE A movement is on foot among vari- ous local organizations to emphasize the need for enforcement of Michi- gan's anti-cigaret law, which prohibits the sale or distribution of cigarets among minors. If this ordinance is rigidly enforced, a large proportion of the upperclassmen of the Universi- ty will soon be seeking solace in pipe- smoking, which is.not included under the law. "We are not conducting a campaign against cigaret-smoking," said Mrs. F. R. Payne, corresponding secretary of the local branch of the W. C. T. U. "We are merely trying to bring before the young men the fact that they are: violating a state law when they pur- chase and smoke cigarets. The law provides for serious penalties to be imposed not only upon the youthful violators, but also upon those who sell or distribute the cigarets, and upon Athoes who allow minors to smoke upon their premises. "Many people apparently do not know of the existence of this law, which was passed some six years ago, and our efforts are bent chiefly in circulating copies of the law ag it was passed., Whether the law is en- forced isnot a matter of personal opinion or prejudice; it is a matter of seeing that the laws of the State MANN'S MwALTE of Michigan are properly a te red." Hats and Gow 23o Nickels Arcade PHONE 795-W MRS. GRACE VAN SCHOIC IL e U' N at Mans Drug 213 South Main Street A1 / Prices? Usually: less than half. rar uu unasaaaaaaauura aa iFl 11 Overcoats---it's time for them, CLNUDE BROQWN There is a mighty good place to eat on Huron Street. They call it Teet's Dining Halls Opposite Court House on Fourth 805 East Huron Street } y 5 '- You are always sure of getting courteous service as well high quality of food. It is worth a trial. as a ... . . . ., . . .. .... There's Lasting Satisfaction in Owning a Victrola I" Because - the Victrola is specially made to play Victor r ords; the greatest artists make their Victor records to p on Victrola instruments; you hear these artists exactly as they expected;3 to hear them - they themselves tested approved their own records on the Victr VICTROLAS FOR YOUR ROO[ - $25.00, $3.OO, AND $45.00 OTHER STYLES FROM $50.00 TO $1,500.00 Come in, see and hear them Schaeberle & Son Music Hou 110 South Main St. - -~ - w - -