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October 23, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-23

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t'1 JJ V .lf-1 1£


No. 25.







1 4




Goebel Play Well for
n, Stuart and Pixley
for 0. S. U.

In a game featured by adverse
breaks in luck and the loss of Harry
Kipke, Michigan was defeated by the
Ohio State eleven yesterday afternoon
in the opening Conferrice game of
the season. The largest crowd which
has ever witnessed a game on the
Ferry field gridiron filled the new
stadium to its full capacity of 42,000,
while 3,000 more were accommodat-
ed through the general admission.
Michigan Line Strong
Both teams opened the game cau-
tiously, each fearing to open up with
new plays. Michigan received the
kickoff, but chose to resort to a kick-
ing game. All doubt as to the strength
of the Wolverine line was removed
when during the first quarter Michi-
gan's forward wall held Ohio at bay,
while the Wolverine backs tore -wide
gaps through the Buckeye defense.
Uteritz received a long punt from
Stuart on Michigan's 49 yard line and
on the next play Kipke made his fam-
ous run through the Ohio team to the
Buckeye 18 yard line, where he was
stopped by the last Ohio defender of
the Scarlet and Grey goal. This play
probably cost Michigan the game, for;
the T speedy Kipke was injured and
was unable to continue in the game.
Roby carried the ball to the Buckeye
10 yard line, where the Wolverines
with fourth down and two yards to
go, chose to attempt a place kick
which went short of the posts.
Kipke's Loss Felt
With Kpke out of the game Michi-
gan's chances faded and the break
that turned the game for Ohio came
with the opening of the second quar-
ter. Steketee got away a short kick
that baffled both elevens. The Ohio
safety men were playing back for this
kick but when it fell far short of its
mark and rolled toward the Michigan1
goal, the players of both elevens hes-
itated to stop the oval. While Michi-1
gan was waiting far a Buckeye player
to fall on the ball, the speedy and
quick thinking Stuart swiftly scoop-
ed the ball and before the playerson
either team were aware "of what had
happened he was across the goal line
with the score that won the game.
Michigan was caught asleep on this
play and was unable to head off the
Buckeye halfback.
Isaber Outkicks Steketee.
Steketee's kicking ,was one of' the
big disappointments of the day. The
big halfback was completely off color
and was outdistanced in nearly every
excliange of kicks by Isabel. Only
once again did the Wolverines seri-
ously threaten when a pass from
Roby to Goebel put the ball on State's
18 yard line. Here Michigan made
desperate attempts to put the ball
across via the aerial route but each
attempt was thwarted by Ohio..
In the fourth quarter Ohio made its
second touchdown when a long pass
Workman to Trott put the ball on
Michigan's 12 yard line. Weaver
made first down on Michigan's one
yard line in his fourth attempt. From
here Taylor carried the ball over on
the second plunge. For the remainder
of the last period neither team threat-
ened seriously.
Roby, Goebel Star
For Michigan Kipke was the out-
standing player during his part in the
battle, while his run in the opening
period was tb longest of the day.
Doug. Roby demonstrated his versa-
tility by driving through the Buck-
eye tackles, running the ends and
passifig. Goebel on right end played
a brilliant game both offensively and
defensively. His work in receiving
(Continued on Page Ten)

"Duke" Dunne won the toss, and
chose to defend the West goal.
Pixley kicked off to Roby on Michi-
gan's 15 yard line. Roby carried ball
to his own 35 yard line. Steketee
made 2 around left end. Steketee
punted to Ohio's 30 yard line.
Muirhead broke through and caught
Honaker for 3 yard loss. Goebel
threw Honaker for 1 yard less. Work-
man made 5 on quarterback sneak.
Seward punted to Kirke on Michi-
gan's 42 yard line. Kipke signaled
for fair catch. Michigan's bail on her
own 42 yard line.
Roby made 4 through right tackle.
Kipke made 3 more through right
guard. Kipke failed to gain. Stoke-
tee punted out of bounds on Ohio's
31 yard line.'
Steketee threw St'zart for a 3 yard
loss o attempted end run. Johns
stopped Stuart after a 2 yard gain.
Kirk threw Stuart for 1 yard loss.
Stuart kicked to Kipke on Michi-
gan's 40 yard line who returned 4
yards. Michigant's ball on 43 yard
line. Steketee makes 2 yards around
right end. Roby went through left
guard 5 yards.i
Kipke added 1 more yard. Steketee
put well placed kick out of bounds on
Ohio's 15 yard line.
Jchns threw Taylor for 2 yard loss.
Workman made 5 on a quarterback
Michigan line smothers Workman
on another attempted sneak. Stuart
punted to Uteritz' who signaled for
a catch, on Michigan's 49 yard line.
Kipke broke through the entire
Ohio team for a 35 yard run. Michi-
gan's first down on Ohio's 18 yard
line. '
It was a beautiful open field run.
' Time out for Kipke, whose knee
was slightly wrenched. Roby made
5 around right end, then failed to gain
on next play.
Roby plowed through line for 3
yards. Steketee dropped back for
place kick for field goal. Steketee
fails to kick field goal. Ohio's ball on
own 20 yard line.
Taylor went through right guard
for 6 yards. Ohio penalized 5 yards
for offside. Taylor makes 4 through
left guard.
Stuart makes 4 ore on right end
run. End of quarter.
Score, Michigan 0, Ohio State 0.
Stuart punted to Michigan's 20 yard
line, this was a 60 yard punt. Young
threw Kipke for 4 yard loss. Roby
made 8 around right end.
Steketee failed to gain. Stuart
picked up a short rolling punt of
Steketee's and raced from Michigan's
40 yard line to a touchdown. Pixley
kicks goal. Score, Ohio 7, Michgan 0.
On this play Michigan was caught
Steketee kicked off but ball went
out of bounds. Kicked off again to
Ohio's 30 yard line. Ohio player
fumbled but recovered. Isabell went
in for Honaker.
Isabell punted to Uteritz on Michi-
gan's 32 yard line. Kpke made 1
around right end. Kipke's knee again
injured. Taken out of game. Kipke
replaced by Knode.
Roby made 6 around right end.
Steketee kicked out of bounds on
Ohio's 40 yard line..
Isabell fails to gain around right
end. Forward pass from Workman
to Myer makes 20 yards for Ohio.
(Continued on Page Three)

Saturday 's Gae

Michigan's hard-fighting Captain
Simplicity marked the ceremony by
which the bronze tablet on the flag
pole at Ferry Field was unveiled at
yesterday's game. The Varsity band
and the crowd stood at attention while
President Burton removed the flag
from the tablet, which bears the in-
"In memory of those men of Mich-
igan who gave their lives in the great
war, 1917-1918."
After the usual flag raising care-
mony, President Burton removed the
flag which covered the tablet and
handed it to Charles R. Osius, '20,
chairman of the flag pole committee.
The design of the tablet is an Amer.
ican eagle surmounting the seal of the
University on a background of two'
American flags resting on a. block
The flag raising ceremony is to be

Graduate Work In Engineering School
For Road Men Leads to
Graduate courses in highway engi-'
neering and highway transport lead-
ing to the degree of master of science
and master or science in engineering
will be given in periods of two weeks
each during the months from Decem-
ber to March inclusive, in the civil
engineering department of the Uni-
Regents Sanction Development
The Board of Regents of the Univer-
sity by its action in establishing a
chair of highway engineering and
highway transport in the department
of civil engineering, and also its ap-
pointment of two assistant professors,
a librarian of the Davis library of
highway engineering and highway
transport and assistants in highway
engineering, has made provision for
a broad development of highway eng-
ineering and highway transport. under-
graduate and graduate instruction, and
for the investigation of research pro-
The phenomenal development of
highway transportation in the United
States has created a demand for men'
having knowledge of and trained in a
new technical field. Fundamentally,
this branch of engineering deals with
the science, art, economics, and busi-
ness of highway transportation of
passengers and commodities, and the
1921 appropriations of approximately
one billion dollars by the government
for highway improvement bespeaks
the importance of this field.
Course Convenient
The short period course plan which
has the approval of the foremost high-
way officials and engineers, and high-
way transport experts in the United
States will afford highway engineers.
chemists, contractors, engineer-sales-
men, highway transport engineers and

Bids are being received by the Uni-
versity- for the erection of the Clem-
ents' Memorial Library. It will be
decided within the next few days to
whom the contract will be awarded.
Mr. William L. Clements, one of the
regents of the University, has pre-
sented a library of very rare and ex-
pensive books to the University. As
soon as the new building is erected.
these books will be placed in it for
the use of the students.





Draw Up Resolutions of Thanks
University Authorities
for Hospitality



a regular custom of the University
and new flags for the pole will be

Crafts Organizati
Sanction Walkout
Oct. 8)

supplied whenever necessary from a! managers, motor truck salesmen and
fund left from the campaign for the others interested in highway engineer-
Ferry field pole. This fund is in ing and highway transport al oppor-
charge of Le Grand A. Gaines, Jr., tunity to obtain advance knowledge
'21E, president of the student council during the season of the year when a
last year and treasurer of the flag leave of absence may be most easily
pole committee. obtained.
Theo Renaissance of Journalism!
Publisher Runs All- Womau Paper

E. J. Ottaway, editor of the Port
Huron Times-Herald, was unanimous-
ly re-elected president of the Uni-
versity Press club yesterday morning
at the final meeting of this year's
conference. An amendment to the
constitution of the club was passed
which provided for the following offi-
cers: President, three vcd-predi-
ents, and a secretary-treasurer. Pre-
vious to this time there have been a
president, a vice-president, a secre-
tary, and a treasurer.
The following were elected to fill
the other positions: First vice-pres-
ident, Stuart H. Perry of the Adrian
Telegram; second vice-president, Lee
A White of the Detroit News; third
vice-president, Harry Musselwhite of
Myanistee; secretary-treasurer, Prof.
John L. Brumm of the department of
rhetoric and journalism.
Discuss Journalism School
The meeting opened with a general
discussion of the subject, "How far
should Michigan go in development of
a 'school of journalism'?" The gener-
al trend of thought of the members
seemed to be expressed in the words
of Mr. George Booth, of the Booth,
Newspaper syndicate, when he said:
"Let the school of journalism be a
natural evolution of the . present de-
partment of journalism. It will come
in due time, for I know that all of
us want to do our utmost to bring it
The committee on resolutions, con-
sisting of Arthur W. Stace, Norman
H. Hill, and James E. Ballard then
introduced the following resolution
which, with an included amendment,
was unanimously passed.
D'-aw Up Resolutions
"we, the members of the Univer-
sity Press club of Michigan, wish to
express our feeling that this, the
third annual conference of Michigan
editors, students of journalism, and
members of the faculty of the Uni-
versity of ~Michigan has been . the
most successful thus far held, yield-
ing notable resutis in fresh enthu-
siasm, new inspiration, and helpful
o "We wish to express our apprecia-
tion of hospitality of the University
and its authorities and to thank, in
particular, President Burton, Prof. F.
N. Scott, Prof. John L. Brumm, Coach
Fielding H. Yost, Mr. Charles Sink of
the School of Music, and all who
have contributed to our profit and
"We wish to thank all the speakers
for the viewpoints they have given us.
"We believe that the department of
journalism has -made pronounced
progress since this club was organ-
ized two years ago..
"In our judgment the aepartment
of journalism should ultimately at-
tain the status of a professional
school commensurate in scope and
dignity with other professional schools
in the University.
On Right Track Now
"We believe it is on the right track
of the training of your young men
and young women for newspaper work
in emphasizing the ,development of
character, of clear thinking, and of
writing ability. P
"We believe that it should be fur-
(Continued on Page Tep)'

Chicago, Oct. 22.-Officials of
with more than half of the r
ployees at the nation in their :
tonight announced that their n
not b% authorized to join tl
Five" rganization in the stt
ed for Oct. 30 in protest of wa
Not Favorable to AlU
Only one of these 11 groups
determined to stand by the "Bi
it was announced, but two oth
not yet taken action. Follow
nouncements by heads of the s
crafts organizations controlli
000 men that they would not a
a walkout, the leaders of the
maintenance of ways employ
of the 25,000 stationary fireme
executive session voted to w
their authorization of a walkoi
ing only the 75,000 railroad tel
ers positively with the "Big l
Some Still to Act
Chieftans of the 360,000 cle:
make their decisions tomorr
the signalmen, 35,000 strong,
yet to act.
The organizations which dec
to join an immediate walko
take new strike votes after an
.ed labor board decision in re
rules and working conditions
"Self Respect" is to be the
of President Marion L. Burt
dress at the evening service
will be held in Hill auditorr
o'clock this evening.
James G. Frey, '22, who
delegate to the annual confer
eastern college students held
George, N. Y., last July, will
short talk on "Impressions fi
Eastern Religious Conferenc
varied musical offerings wi
plete the evening's program. T
sity Glee club of 52 voices, ur
direction of Frank L. Thom
sing the "Morning Song". A
prelude and postlude. will be
by Prof. Earl Vincent Moore,
Walter Rea, '22, captain c
year's basketball squad, will
presiding officer of the meeti
The unusual sight of a clea
met the gaze of the thous
people who elbowed themselv
of Ferry field yesterday aftern
er the game. Not an automol
in sight. There was no tangl
organized traffic. On the c
State street offered a clear wa
as far as the Union.
The whole miracle was acci
ed through the efforts of the
lice department. Ten special
had been given orders to kee
tomobiles off of State street I
Michigan Union to Ferry field
prohibit parking of cars with
blocks of the field. As a resu
was not the usual jam of aut
on State street after the ga
the crowd was enabled to n
way up the street unhinders

"Did you ever know that a woman
made a better newspaper worker than1
a man did?" G. H. D. Sutherland,
owner and editor of the Ludington,1
Mich., Daily News, remarked to his
right hand neighbor last evening at
the Press club banquet in the Union.
"I've been trying out men and
women for some time," he said..
"Seven years ago I bought the Lud-
ington News and started to run it as
the best newspaper I knew how.,
Quality Counts
"I wasn't prejudiced one way or an-
other," he went on. "What I wanted
was good hard workers, people who
knew their business. I got them. I
picked the best workers and the
brightest people I could get. The fact
that they were nearly all girls sur-
prised me. Now I'm running an all-
woman newspaper. I take men when
they can come up to the mark the
girls make. So far I have just two
men in my establishment. Looks
pretty bad for the men, doesn't it?"
"Aren't the men as clever as the
girls?" he was asked.
"They have the brains but most of
them don't act as if they were out to1
work," Mr. Sutherland said.
Girls Fearless Reporters
"Are the girls willing to get out on
night duty, police work and regular
men's jobs?"
"Absolutely! The girls will get out

on any story I ask them to - even
to sports. They're not only taking
men's jobs on the editorial staff but
they inake good in the business de-
partment and the composing room as
well. They receive men's pay and as
a rule don't even stop working when
they marry."
As an afterthought he added, "And
my wife makes the best business
manager I've fpund. I don't feel hen-
pecked about i , either." "


Unless 200 more students sign
up for the Illinois special, with-
in the next two days, the $12.14
rate will be cancelled. In order
to obtain this rate, it is neces-
sary to run a special train. A
special train cannot be procured
unless 300 students buy tickets.
Applications for tickets will
be received at the Union desk,
main floor, from 5 to 6 o'clock
each day. '
Our teamh needs our support.
They need it even more when
away from~ hme. To make good
at the Illinois game we must
send not only the team but
backers. Sign up for the Illinois
special! Do it now!

Wisconsin 19, Illinois 0.
Chicago 9, Princeton 0.
Harvard 21, Penn State 21.
Notre Dame 7, Nebraska 0.
Kansas U 14, Iowa 7,
Yale 14, Army 7.

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