it AllMNUS A WEKLY MAGAZINE1_OUT OCT. 13 OTHER MINOR CHANGES MADE IN PUBLICATION FOR MICHIGAN GRADUATES The Michigan Alumnus, published for many years by the Alumni asso- ciation as a monthly magazine, will appear in its first issue on Oct. 13 as a weekly, according to reports from the oce of Wilfred B. Shaw, secretary of the Alumni association. The change was only recently decided upon and will be part of the association's ex- panded policy in serving graduates and keeping them in touch with Uni- versity events. The new policy inaugurated next month is inpart a result of a trip by Mr. Shaw last summer among uni- versities in the East. After studying the bulletins issued by Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, and Cornell, he determined to increase the size of the Michigan Alumnus to 24 or 32 pages, each page being 7 by 10 inches. Little change will be made in the material and appearance of the maga- zine, except that a new cover will be designed for the first issue and the departments of alumni news and ac- counts of athletic events will be con- siderably enlarged. A new depart- ment of news from the Michigan Un- ion will be inaugurated. The Alumnus by this change in pol- icy will be better able to carry short- er and more timely news of events among Michigan's alumni, it is hoped. Subscriptions have reached the 7,500 mark, a total that is greater than at either Harvard or Yale and is only surpassed among eastern universities by Princeton. MICHIGAN MAN BECOMES HEAD OF FORESTRY BOARD IN EAST Herman M. Kerber, '19, whose resi- dence is in Newark, N. J., last week received conformation of his appoint ment as head of the city forestry com- mission of Scranton, Pa. Kerber's name w ras chosen from a long list of applicants, among whom' were several other University grad- uates. He received the degrees of B.S. in 1919 and M.S. in 1921. His new duties will commence Oct.1 3. WHY YOU HA' A TYPEWR BECAUSE-It will en get more out of course. "Silent Smith" Model 8 Typewriter L. C Smith & Bros. BECAUSE-It will mean higher marks in your studies. BECAUSE-It will add to your standing and prestige the professors. BECAUSE-You can keep carbon, copies of notes, I and lectures. BECAUSE-A knowledge of how to operate a writini chine will be useful as long as you live. The Silent Model 8 runs so quietly that you can use it without disturbing other students near you. It has many other exclusive features that you should know about. E Drop in and e kind of company you keep JUST AS A MAN IS JUDGED IN A PERSONAL WAY BY THE KIND OF COMPANY HE KEEPS, SO IS HE JUDGED IN A BUSINESS WAY BY THE KIND OF BANKING CONNEC- TIONS HE MAKES. A CHECKING OR SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH A GOOD RE- LIABLE INSTITUTION LIKE THIS ONE REFLECTS GOOD JUDGMENT. IT BUILDS PRESTIGE. We have a helpful service to offer every man, woman and child in this community. Every person who enters our .door, whether a stranger or a patron, is assured of courteous, considerate attention. he Ann Arbor Savings Bank let us show you our very of typewriters 0. D. MORRILL 17 NICKELS ARCADE Special rates to students for rental machines. L. C. Smith, Underwood, Royal, Hammond, Ren Oliver, and other well known makes of typewri SOLD, RENTED, CLEANED SAVE A LITTLE EVERY DAY Our SERVICE DEPARTMENT is in the STATE. 1q w' - , ' NEW AND SECOND -HAND Everything in the line of Drawing Instruments and Supplies Log Log Slide Rules MICHIGAN STATIONERY M BOOKS FOUNTAIN PENS M BOOK RACKS Leather NoteBooks IE SLA Uq BOOK SHI State St.