THE MICHIGAN DAILY - --- -________ Attention! Rain water sham- air dressing, marcel-waving, d scaip treatment, Wigs for .rs. J. R. Trojanowski, 1110 S. ty Ave., side entrance. Phone -Adv. E TONIGHT. Masonic Tem- I. Dancing at 8:30.-Adtd LEARN TO DANCE I ARMORY Prof. Mittenthal from Detroit, the most up-to-date dancing instructor will teach you the Terrace Fox Trot, Culture Walk, and the University Waltz. Class 7 to 8:30. Can be paid in two payments. Ladies $5.00, Gen- tlemen $8.00, for eight lessons.-Adv. Two New Brogues have just arrived. Both are oxfords in black Norwegian calf; with one piece vamp; one with a soft toe, the other stiff. Like all our stock they are r'au ord shoe REVENGE FOR DEFETS SOUGHT BY1IWOLVERINES (Continued from Page One) Pixley's additional poundage gives him an advantage over his lighter op-' ponent. Johns has played one year at M. A. C. in addition to his year on the Varsity. Last year he opposed Trott at tackle when the elevens met. Toledo will meet Toledo when Er- nie Vick and "Tee" Young, centers on the respective elevens, clash on the pivot job. Ernie is one of the best centers Yost has ever had, and with his three years of Varsity play should rule a favorite over Young, although the Ohio pivot man comes with a reputation hard to surpass. Dunne Equals Trott Capt. "Duke" Dunne will face Trott, the Ohio right guard. Both men are veterans and "Duke" although lacking five pounds the weight of his oponent is expected to equal or surpass Trott. "Duke's" reputation as a fighter needs no comment, while playing his fourth year should give him a slight advan- tage over his adversary. Spiers at right tackle will be op- posed by Cappon. "Cappie" has given some great exhibitions of his versa- tility this year. Originally a back- field man he played end last year, where he earned a place in Ecker- sall's second All-western team. Spiers has an advantage of 10 pounds in I weight and has had more experience at I tackle. r self. He can run, pass, or kick and with his defensive play should ap- pear in many plays. Steketee, at right half, is a tried vet- eran. He is the best distance punter in the West and one of the best ground gainers. Last year he made sweeping gains around the Ohio flanks and on line plunges. His kicking should outdistance Stuart's. should the game develop into a punting duel. Steketee, like Kipke, carries the tri- pie threat which will probably be made use of this afternoon. Roby at fullback has shone on the secondary defense, while his line plunging has been highly effective. "Doug" can also pass the oval farther than any man on the squad. Upon Uteritz will rest the burden of run- ning the team. He is a clever open field runner, an accurate passer and a booter of no mean ability. His only handicap is a lack of experience, which may not prove a drawback. Taken as the whole it appears that the battle will be one of the hardest fought the two teams have ever play- ed. If Michigan can stop the end runs of Stuart, Workman and Taylor and break up the strong overhead at- tack, Ohio is expected to open up with it should win. The Buckeyes rule a favorite on the line, especially in of- fensive play. The Wolverines' hope of success lies in its quartette of backs, all of whom are rated highly. If these men are able to tear through the Buckeye defense Michigan should be returned victors. The outcome will, depend entirely upon Michigan's abil- ity to get through, and the condition of Yost's "inspired defense". ATTRACTIVELY SERVED IN A PLEASANT ENVIRONMENT Dining Room Fresh Wholesome Meals 339. COFFEE AT REASONABLE PRICES AT THE 0 Telephone 18564 SOUTH DIVISION STREET CHICKEN DINNER 4 DELICIOUS ON SUNDAY made in Brockton by the Charles A. Eaton Company and like all our shoes, they were built to our order. Per pair 3 .._ - Ten Dollars Don't forget to look over our wool hose when you buy your Brogues. DAVIS TOG GERY SHOP 119 SOUTH MAIN STREET Che Mic higan ATTENTION! STUDENTS AND ALUMNI One block from the Ferry Field gates you will BUY YOUR - be able to CIGARS TOBACCOS' CANDIES PEANUTS - and "MUMS" FOR 50c AND 75c Kirk and Slyker will face each oth- er on end. If Kirk lives up to his ad- vance reputation he should outplay his opponent. Slyker played on the Buckeye wing last yer, while Kirk's previous experience was with the Notre Dame eleven. The Irish elev- ens are famous for their aerial attack and Bernie may figure in a passing game should Yost elect to use one. In the backfield Ohio has Stuart, Noel Workman, Honaker and Tay- lor. None of these men bring with them the reputation of a Harley or a Stinchcomb, although Stuart has been heralded as a worthy successor to these men by Buckeye supporters. He carries the triple threat and will be watched closely by Michigan.' Workman is also performing well for Ohio at quarter. His play against Minnesota was noteworthy, while his field generalship completely baffled the Gophers. His experience at the helm may give him a slight advan- tage over "Uteritz, who has not pilot- ed the Wolverines in a Big Ten game before. Taylor and Honaker have given good accounts of themselves in the games thus far. Both men can run the ends or drive of tackles. Watch KipkeI For Michigan, Kipke at left half wil have his first test in Big Ten com- pany, as also will Uteritz and Roby. Kipke's work in the early games has been little short of spectacular, and he should give a good account of him- GA RCK Nights -- 75C to $3.00 GARRCK' at. at. nly,50cto $2.00 DETROIT Second Annual Revusical Comedy GREENWICH VILLAGE FOLLIES original Greenwich Village Theatre Company 30 Famous Artists' Models LAST TIME TODAY Wits of Sport The) University of Minnesota''s basketball squad, yesterday held the first practice of the year. Arnold Oss, star of the quintet, and one of. the stars of the Conference for the past three years, will be ineligibile as he has played his alloted time on the team. A great crowd of 20,000 people wit- nessed the recent track meet between France and England at Colombes, France. The English won by the close score of 123-118. The meet was fea- tured by the comeback of Guillemat, the French crack, who won the 5,000 meter race in 15:25:3-5, against Mon- tague Hodge, and other English stars. According to Tex Rickard, the Dempsey-Willard fight which is sched- uled to take place next July 4, will be to a decision. UNIVERSITY REPRESENTED AT LANSING SURVEY CONFERENCE Profs. Russel Watson and Leigh J. Young of the forestry department and Prof. Carl O. Sauer of the geology de- partment represented the University at a conference of specialists on eco- nomic land survey held -last Tuesday at Lansing. Opens Today East Liberty St., Between State Street and Maynard Ann Arbor's Newest, Largest Cafeteria 4 'U, (0 at 11:30 A.M. / 4, BLUE FRON.T CIGAR STORE CORNER OF STATE AND PACKARD STS. Under the management supervision and of C. J. Fingerle, C ASSIF1E CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISINGU AT 3 P.M. 1 r LAST TIME WANTED NTED-Four men to make auto ip with me to Urbana for Illinois- chigan game. Will leave Ann Ar- r Friday noon. Round trip $12. 11 2384-M or see me at 1341 Wil- ot. 24-21 NTED-Situation wanted. Sten- raphic or general office position. rl, University graduate, excellent eparation two years experience, n hall. )?hone 823. 22-3 NTED-15 students to sell mega- ones at the game today. Apply ticket booths, inside of entrance, erry Held, 10 to 11:30 o'clock this orning. 24 NTED-Four tickets for Saturday. l me if you have one or more. . W. Horton, 1074-J. 24 NTED-Four waiters today after me, 5 to 9 P. M. 60c per hour. 41 Whitney, 2372. 24 ITED-A violoncello to rent ,for e winter or to buy on easy terms. l 274-J. 24-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE-One bass and one snare drum. Good for dance work. Also . one Hammond typewriter-several kinds of type. Call 936-W. 24-3 FOR SALE - Folding cot used five months in private home at half-price. Phone 1418-W. 24-2 FOR SALE--B flat cornet at a bar- gain. Must sell. Phone 862-3. Hoover. 23-2 FOR SALE-Cadillac 57 touring car. Apply 311 Maynard St. 24-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Share in large front suite. Steam heat. Desks. Plenty of hot water. Also room-mate wanted for double room. Phone 1194-M. 422 E. Washington. 22-3 FOR RENT-Well furnished modern house to married couple, no child- ren. *Southeast section. Phone 2196-R. 24, FOR RENT-Single room for gentle- man. Near campus. 516 Mack Road. Between Wilmont and Elm. 23-2 LOST LOST-Silver Eversharp, initials H. J. B. Finder please return to Daily office, Box H. B. 24-2 LOST-Grey purse containing check and currency. Call 2325. Reward. 22-3 LOST-A' large Parker fountain pen. Finder please call 1457-R. 21-4 WANTED WANTED-Student for board job, 9-12 every morning. Also 7 tickets wanted for Ohio Game. 538 Forest. 24 MISCELLANEOUS WILL FELLOW who took hat by mis- take Oct. 14 at Van's Indly get in touch with me and receive his in exchange. Phone 2351-W. 24 TODAY DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS treWrenr STARTING SUNDAY JACK WE HAVE PLAYED THE PICTURE FOR i 25 cAsdaponCostuminscnrh umder&dard fobocI Direction under red Niblo PhotOrphwder Arthur desom 5"AD For One, One For All" Here you will see *Doug" in a genuinely great production of an incomparable story-inwch he attains the ambhion of bi. HO0L T - IN"-- CONSECUTIVE SHOW- "THE GRIM' INGS AND HAVE ES- TABLISHED A NEW COMEDIAN" -Washing to do at for and deliver. home. Phone 24-3 TD-Four tickets for the ame-together, or in pairs. in. 2222. O. S. Call 24 BeLAST CARD- THIS IS AN UNQUES- TIONABLE TRIBUTE TO THE PICTURE'S MERIT. DON'T BE ONE OF HARL and a return of HOUSE RECORD. LLOYD 'ED- Five tickets for 0. S. U. L in north or south stand. Call I-W. 23-2 CED-Student washing and Iron- Call 2569. 110 N. Ingalls 22-4 'ED-Roommate. One half block Icampus. 1122 Washtenew 23-2, THE FEW IN- WHO WILL MISS THIS "BLI SS" ONE GOOD SHOW DESERVES ANOTHER EPOCH - MAKING ID-Two tickets for 0. Call Zinn, 1217-J. D- Single ticket to 0. Phone 284. S. U. 23-2 S. U. 23-2 PICTURE La I