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October 22, 1921 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-10-22

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TO $593.15
)f Total Building Subscrlptionf The
Amount Past Due and Unpaid.
is Only 6 Percent
A rate of profit approximating ,one
enth of one percent on a year's total
usiness of more than $500,000 was
hown in the annual report of the
Michigan Union for the fiscal year
nding Aug. 31, 1921. The total profit
mounted to $593.15, according to fig-
res given out three weeks ago by
'rof. Evans Holbrook, financial sec-
etary of the Union.
The statement affords an interesting
asis for comparison with the finances
.uring the previous year, when the
eficit was $3,076.62. The closeness
f the operating margin and the at-
empt of the officials to sell as near
o cost as possible are shown by a per
ent of profit as low as this.
Superintendence, office expenses, so-
ial activities, and such operating ex-
enses as house wages, insurance, and
elephones-they costs of providing
lub facilities to members-cost the
rnion $69,899.02.
Opera Most Successful
The greatest financial success of all
tudent activities during the year was
he Union opera, with a net gain of
pproximately $7,500.00. The gross
eceipts were $31,800.00, offset by cost
f production amounting to $24,110.00
-$8,800.00 in Ann Arbor and $15,310.-
0 on the road.
Every department of the Union show-
d small credit balance except musi-
al activities, whose deficit was $1,267.-
3. Food, soda bar, stand, billiards,
>dgings, bowling alleys, and barber
hop returned a balance of $27,996.15.
pera, musical activities, spotlights,
ances, and rentals showed a balance
$12,087.47. With these credit bal-
aces the actual operating losses
mounted to $29,815.40, offset by mem-
ership dues from students and annu-
l members that totalled $30,408.55 and
ade the net gain exactly $593.15.
Subscriptions Well Paid
The total amount to the building
Lnd to date, due, and not paid, is $1,-
5,060.81. Of this amount $886.758.77
is actually been paid and $396,090.90
not yet due. The amount past due
id not paid, $82,211.14, is but six or
ven per cent of the total.
The amount received from various'
>urces is $1,418,258.77, of which build-
.g fund subscriptions yielded $886,-

758.77, a loan from the Michigan State
war board $260,000.00, a mortgage
from the People's State bank $200,000.-
00, and a loan from the Ann Arbor
Savings bank $71,500.00.
Cash on Hand, $3,154
The Michigan State War board has
been paid $162,810.91, cost of real es-
tate $65,338.82, expenditures on build-
ing, $830,911.17, campaign expense and
collection of funds $89,372.93, interest
on loans $9,585.34, loss on sale of state
war bonds $4.050.00, repaid to war
board $2,400.00, interest on mortgage
$24,000.00, and tax and revenue stamps
on mortgage and recording same $1,-
045. Cash on hand amounts to $3,154.62.

Scoe of Organization Indicated By
1437,Meetings There Last
(By Howard A. Donahue)
To the returning alumnus who
wanders super-contented through the
lobby, the corridors, or essays to the
more volatile atmosphere of the bil-
liard room, the Michigan Union rep-
resents a building superbly fitted for
the utmose in a University student's
"service station." If he chance upcm
a loiterer who appears ready for con-
versation, he shortly acquires some
information upon which he hgs prob-
ably had little or no enlightenment.
Union a Trinity
"The Michigan Union" declares his
informant may be said to be a
trinity, composed of an alumni body,
an active student body, and the thirdl
member, this building, a fitting testi-I
monial to the loyal efforts of the first.
The first is familiar, the third is
obvious to the visiting grad, so that1
it devolves upon the "willing one" to
explain the work and purpose of the
second and how the Union serves it.
1671 Union Committeemen
During the college year 1920-21 a
total of 1671 men worked as members
of Union committees, and groups ac-
tually engaged in executing various
activities. This year the number will
swell close to 2000, according to esti-
mates at the Union executive offices.
The swimming pool committee com-
manded the services of the largest
number last 'year, aggregiattng 220
members based upon only those who
turned in subscriptions. The results
of their efforts are yet to become tang-
ible, as the new Union swimming pool
remains but a source of conjecture,
but with a few more such successful
campaigns it would be an actuality.
Open a Major Activity
The debut of the Michigan Opera
this year will find that effeminated
transformation of masculinity at the
opening of the longest road trip ever
taken by an Opera cast. It will take
18 days to complete the tour which
will include first appearances in

Direct from Manufacturer
to You.

With the alteration work of the
past six weeks completed, the Michi-
gan Union Playhouse, situated on the
site of the old Union building, was
opened last week for opera rehearsals
and will soon be in full operation as
the scene of campus dramatic produc-
tions. The remodelling has been con-
fined to enlarging the stage and in-
stalling new dressing rooms for the
use of rehearsals and smaller plays by
Has Large Stage
From wall to wall the stage as now
arranged measures 50 feet, and from
the curtain to the back wall the dis-
tance is 28 feet. This is approxi-
mately the size of the average profes-
sional playhouse throughout the count-
ry and will give the student players
and managers valuable experience in
presenting productions on a complete
Three dressing rooms have been pro-
vided and, the old dining rooms in
the basement have been remodelled to
provide a room for storing costumes.
The floor of the old building is slanted
in such a manner that every person
seated will have in the house a clear
view of the stage. There will be room
for an orchestra of 16 pieces in the
orchestra pit.
The east side of the Playhouse, fac-
ing on Jefferson street, has been made
into the main entrance and exit, with
offices for E. Mortimer Shuter, director
of Mimes dramatic activities, near the
door. The old entrance near the Union
building will be used only for an
emergency exit. Seats have been pro-
vided by the University from the bal-
cony of the old auditorium in Uni-
versity hall.
Use Old Opera Sets
A highly desirable feature of the
new project will be the opportunity
presented to save all the old scenery
from previous performances of the
Union opera for any productions that
desire to make use of it. Thousands
of dollars are invested annually in this
adjunct of the Mimes productions and
(Continued on Page Nine) ]
Genuine Pocahontas
West Virginia White Ash
Genuine Hocking, Qhio
Highest Grade Kentucky
Genuine Scranton White
Upper Lehigh Valley
Genuine Solvay
Phone 195-F1

Cleveland, Lima, Indianapolis, Toledo,
and the usual visits to Michigan cit-
ies. In all, 15 performances will be
given in 13 cities, two nights being
spent in both Chicago and Detroit.
The "Spotlight" is another produc-
tion given semi-annually under the
management of a Union committee,,
Skits and vaudevill6 acts of an in-
formalanature composeathe programs.
Give Freshmen Aid
To the befoggled freshman wonder-
ing "what its all about," the fall re-
ception committee has proved an in-
estimable boon. He found that the
man with the information badge pin-
ned to his coat lapel need but wave
his magic stick and '25 was the pos-
sessor of anything from a room to a
sheaf of theme paper.
Through still another Union com-
mittee, arrangements for special foot-
ball trains are negotiated so that with
the price of a single week-end's dis-
sipation at tea rooms, movies and
dances the loyal one may accompany
his team into the enemy's camp.
Committee organization at the
Union lacks nothing of the finesse of
the most well regulated business office.
Committees are grouped into 36 dis-
tinct departments, each comprising
a number of committees governing
various activities. Men are appoint-
ed to membership on the merits of
services which they have rendered in
their various capacities.
As a social center, the patronage of
the Union is probably unequaled any-
where. An interesting experiment
was made one Thursday afternoon,
when only a normal daily program
was being offered in the building. The
doorman at the main entrance was in-
structed to keep an accurate count of
men entering the building. In the
course of the day, a total of 4792 stu-
dents passed through this entrance
During the last college year, 1437
meetings of committees and clubs rep-
resenting divers campus activities,
were held in the building.
And now grad, the willing one, hop-
ing that he has explained to you what
the word "Activity" means in Union
language, will sidle into the billiard
room for that game he was about to
start when he met you.

Company Numbering More Than 125
Will be Entertained by Alumni
Along Route
"Make It For Two," the 1922 Union
opera which will be presented during
the Christmas vacation this year, will
be taken to the doors of alumni in a
territory twice as large as any previ-
ous production. Heretofore alumni
in the state of Michigan alone have
been privileged to see the annual pro-
duction, but a widespread demand from
alumni all over the country together
with the ability to stage the opera on a
larger scale than before, has prompted
Union officials to arrange a pretentious
New Cities Listed
Grand Rapids, Chicago, Indianapolis,
Cincinnati, Lima, Cleveland, Toledo,
Pontiac, Port Huron, Bay City, Flint,
Saginaw, and Detroit will be visited.
It will be the first time in history that
Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Lima, Cleve-
land and Toledo have been on the it-
inerary and the first time in two years
that the opera has shown at Grand
Rapids and Chicago.
It is the first time in years that the
opera has gone on the road during the
Christmas vacation. The customary
time is the spring vacation, but this
year holy week comes at that time,
and it is believed that audiences would
be smaller for that reason. During
the holidays 18 days are available
while during the spring vacation only
10 days could be used. The long trip
which will be taken to 13 cities, play-
ing 15 performances in 18 days could
only be arranged by using the Christ-
mas vacation season.
Plan Entertainment
Alumni committees in all of the
cities have already made plans to en-
tertain the members of the cast and
chorus who will be their guests when
the opera comes to town. The dates
have been reserved on the social cal-
endars in each city. The trip is ex-
pected to be especially happy because
of the season of the year, and also be-
cause the students will be home from
college at that time.
A special train of three Pullmans
and a baggage car will be scheduled

for the opera's use. The cast and
chorus, orchestra, managers and com-
mittee men will contsitute a group of
more than '125 men. The trip will
open the last day of school before
vacation, and close on the night be-
fore classes re-open.
Opens Here Dee. 5
The show opens in Ann Arbor Dec.
5 for a week's run here. After a week's
rest, the company will leave on the
special train Friday afternoon,. Dec.
6,for an engagement at the Powers
theater at Grand Rapids that night.
From Grand Rapids the showt goes to
Chicago for a two night stand at the
Aryan-Grotto. The opera will be given
there Saturday and Monday nights,
Dec. 17 and 19.
At Indianapolis the large Shubert-
Murat theater will be used, with a seat-
ing capacity of more than 2,500, Tues-
day night, Dec. 20. The show plays
at Cincinnati in the Emery auditorium
Wednesday, Dec. 21, and in the Farout
opera house at Lima Thursday, Dec.
22. The Masonic temple, in Cleveland,
in which "Make It For Two" will be
presented Friday, Dec. 23, is the larg-
est playhouse in which the opera will
show. A theater has not yet been se-
cured at Toledo, but the opera will be
staged there Christmas eve, Dec. 24.
Christmas In Detroit
The company will spend Christmas
day in Detroit, and take the road again
on Monday, Dec. 26, going to Pontiac
where it shows in the Oakland theater.
At Port Huron the next night, Tues-
day, Dec. 27, the Majestic theater will
be used. Wednesday, Dec. 28, will see
the show presented at the Washing-
ton-Strand in Bay City, while the next
night "Make- It For Two" plays in
Flint. The Majestic theater which had
been contracted for, is not open, and
the Palace theater, where the opera
was given three years ago, has been
secured. The special train will carry
the show to Saginaw where the opera,
will be given in the auditorium Friday
evening, Dec. 30. New Year's eve will
see the performance of the opera given
in Orchestra hall, Detroit. The show
will rest on Sunday in Detroitt, and
give the final performance there Mon-
day night, January 2.
The itinerary is twice the size of
any previous trip, and approaches the
national trip which has been talked
about every season for the past sev-
eral years.
Shuter in Charge
E. Mortimer Shuter, who has direct-
ed the past three Union operas, is in
charge of "Make It For Two." Dance
rehearsals have been under way for
more than a month, and cast parts
have been given out. Costumes, which
will be made to order, have been sent
for. Carl Bromel, of Detroit, opera
scenery builder, has begun work on
this year's production. The rehears-
als and work on the show are being
held in the new Union theater, which
was constructed out of the old Union

Union Officials Have Ambitious
Plans For Big Future Expansion

(By J. P. Dawson)

Union are ready to use, the next aim

Plans for the future of- the Union, of the Union officials will be to build

an organization that can never stand
still but must go on toward ever in-
creased service to Michigan and its
alumni, represent hopes for an expan-
sion in later years that will equal its
growth up to the present time. Start-
ing with the mere hopes of some few
farseeing men in the earlier days, the
Union has grown under the continued
efforts of successive classes at Michi-
gan, until now it represents the great-
est achievement of its kind among Am-
erican universities.
The first project that must be com-
pleted, before the ultimate hopes of
the Union management can be rea-
lized, is the swimming pool that now
stands unused in the basement of the
building. A total of $38,000 will be
needed to complete the adequate purl-
ication and filtration system that is
considered essential to the present
Ex-Service Men Aid
Of perhaps equal importance as a
factor in student life will be the com-
pletion of the reading room on the
second floor, for which $15,000 is need-
ed. The present reading room on the
first floor, intended as a reception room
in the original plans, is inadequate to
serve both as the informal lounging
room and library that are necessary in
the building. A project is now on foot,
with excellent chances for success, by
which the organizations of ex-service
men on the campus will foster a cam-
paign to complete the room, with the
aim of dedicating it to the Michigan
men who died during the World war.
After these two departments of the

the new tap room for which plans are
already drawn up, and which will be
four times the size of the present over-
crowded quarters.
Lack Room Facilities
With 49 bedrooms now at the dis-
posal of all Michigan alumni visiting
or resident in Ann Arbor, the need for
enlarged room space becomes a seri-
ous problem to the Union manage-
ment. More than 1,000 applications
for accommodations were received
from alumni who wished to visit the
University over the week end of the
Ohio State game. Plans for an addi-
tion containing 95 new bedrooms, situ-
ated above the tap room that will
eventually occupy the south court,
have been drawn up and await the
completion of the other projects be-
fore final action can be taken on them.
Plan Freshman Dormitories
The ultimate aim of the Union man-
agement-an aim that will depend
more on the support of Michigan al-
umni than campaigns by students-is
to build around the Union as a center-
ing point a group of dormitories for
freshmen. The dormitory idea, fav-
ored most strongly by President Burt-
on, is conceived of as the great factor
in undergraduate life that can lead to
real broadening under the influence of
Michigan ideals. Grouping the first
year men in large dormitories where
they can mingle on an equal basis with
one another is one of the mots import-
ant means at eastern universities of
inculculating a spirit of loyalty and
comradeship among those entering for
the first time.


PRICE $13.95

eavy Drab moleskin cloth
-lined coat 36 inches long,
shawl wombat fur collar,
ed on buttons and loops,
sleeve lining knit wrist-
slant welted pockets, belt
ound with buckle.
from 36 to 48. Will send
Z post direct, on Receipt of
on breast measure, also
and address plainly. Sat-
on guaranteed or money
led without question.
ingston St., Boston, Mass.

If you are hungry,

If you are thirsty,
If you just need a friend,--
Drop in at that friendly place.

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