I 1A IAL 001 ETIN Number 23 I MI M515 HULU5 FROST RECEPTION TONIGHT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 Literature; Science, and the Arts: a meeting of. the Faculty Monday, Oct. 24, at 4:15 p. in., ence auditorium, to elect members of the standing com- r and to discuss the report of the committee on 'the di- -senior ,colleges., ARTHUR G. HALL, Registrar. ire, Science, and the Arts -- Dean's Advisory Committee: a meeting of the Dean's Advisory Committee in the Dean's, t. 25, at 4:10 p. m. An informal reception will be ten- dered Robert Frost at Betsy Bar- bour house tonight by the editorial staff of Whimsies. Yuki Osawa, grad, of Whimsies' staff, emphasizes the fact that the affair will be en- tirely unconventional. Invitations have been mailed to such students as are especially interested in writing, and they will have a chance to meet Mr. Frost. personally. "ALL PRINCIPLES BASED ON SAME FOUNDATIONS" (Continued from Page Seven) possible for you to be taken to China and transformed into Chinese over night."* Princess Tsianina has two ambitions which concern her people: "I want to create a market for their work," she said. "Why should people pay for- eign prices for blankets, bead-work, and baskets, when the Indians sell all "But most of all," he want to change the impression of the Sigma Delta Chi, jo American people concerning the In- ternity, will meet Frid dians. The Indian not only worships the Union. The mee God on Sunday, but every day. All at 4:30 o'clock, anda he does is in reverence to the Al- room in which it is to mightyorto..whatwecaltheG posted at the Press cl mpiity'rter hat we call 'The Great booth. This will be a . A r aand will afford an oppa -_ _some of the older me organization who are Patronize our Advertisers.--Adv. tion with the Press e II I JOHN R. EFFINGER. Service dispensary is open 8 to 12 except Sunday, and 1 to lay and Sunday. Students' wishing Health Service Men's ay other time, please call University telephone exchange sk for name and telephone number of physician on duty. is should be called for regularly enrolled *full fee Univer- ly. WARREN E. FORSYTHE, M. D., Director. went: be a meeting of the English Department on Friday, Oct. 21, om 208, Tappan hall. Tryouts for University Choir Meet Tryouts for the University choir under the direction of George Oscar Bowen of the School of Music, will meet this afternoon in Lane hall. All University students exeept freshmen are eligible to membership. Special three piece orchestra every evening from 6 to 7:30 P. M. at Chi- nese Gardens.-Adv. Wa hr's UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE. Log .Log WITH LEATHER CASES $13.0 Ru l Start The Day 'RightI Examination for Absentees: s absent from final examinations in rit1en test will be conducted in the ning at 9 a. m., Saturday, Oct. 29. Astronomy 2 last June class room of the bb- W. J. HUSSEY. R. H. CURTISS. Two Days SALE OF SALESMEN'S SAMPI .. EAT A LIGHT BREAKFAST aminati: buildh n for Abseiltees: gy I in the second semester of last year, who were ion in June, will take an examination in room Z-229, ing, Saturday, Oct. 22, at 9 a. m. A. FRANKLIN SHULL. 4 Friday and Saturday, October 21 and 22 AT AT'S GOING ON FRIDAY unption of general program convention at Union.- W faculty luncheon, room on. -Frehman health lectures by rythe in Natural Science au- Junan cross country tryout. er Room Bible class meets hall. nal informal dinner of Press on in auditorium of Union. tng of tryouts for soccer room 304, Union. dfgan's first music week pro. attengill auditorium. SATIIRDAY -Sal of concert tickets at Itorium. ms country rae-Purdueov. L Course starts and ends rman gymnasium-. bal game with 0. 5. U. er Room Bible clas 'meets hall. ds Institute club party at fall- y in Unitarian church par. 's il st Music week pro. at engill auditorium. USNOTICES ' , , ites and sororities must pay space in the 1922 Michigan- nmediately. Contracts ma 4 at 'Ensian office. sations wishing space In the higanensian must sign con- umediately. Sign contracts iganensian office in Press any afternoon. UB ATTENDANCE REACHES TOTAL OF 7 inued-from Page One) a selection from his works, titled 'The Cde." e dinner the editors ,attend- ral Union series cocert at rium at which Hrold Bauer FolIo Ing this'a smoker on was given the editors by ts' Press club of Michigan. nts were served and music ainment were furnished. meeting will be opened at: k with the resumption of ,1 program. E. G. Burrows, urnalism department, willl n "News and the Public" as I by the teaher,; while A. of the Muskegon Chronicle he editor's point of view. 1 Responsibility" will be the a talk by Stuart H. Perry, L publisher of the Adrian followed by Jesse S. Reeves, Le political science depart- Preston William Slosson, rary editor of the Indepen- a member of the University Professional Standards" will d by yril Arthur Player, of t News, and Dean H. M. d of the Law school. L. (Burton will adress the meeting, and Arthur Brisbane, the famous edi- torial writer, will be present. THREE PRESS ORGANIZATIONS DISCUSS VARIED PROBLEMS (Continued from Page One) addresses and discussions to be held during the convention. Among the state editors who arriv- ed yesterday were Lee A White, ;of the Detroit News; E. 3. Ottoway, of the Port Huron Times-Herald; R. Marshall, of the Concrete, Detroit; Stuart H. Perry, editor and publisher of the Adrian Telegram; A. D. Gal- lery, of Caro; Frank R. -Moses, of Marshall, president of the Michigan League of Home Dailies; and J. E. Ballard, president of the weekly se- tion of the Michigan Press Federa- tion. TSIA11NA AND CADWAN DELIGHT 819ADIENCE (By Frances O'Hara) Those who attended the matinee musical at the Michigan Union Thurs- day afteinoon carried away with them the memory of an enjoyable afternoon and a deep appreciation of Indian folk songs. Charles Wakefield Cadman and Princess Tsianina, in a joint recital, delighted more than 600 people who same to hear them. Princess Tsianina captivated her au- dience with her opening number, "In- vocation to the Sun-God." Her mezzo- soprano voice was beautiful in this In- dian lullaby, which also displayed the ease with which she covered her voice range. "From the Land of the Sky- Blue Water," that hauntingly beauti- ful melody, made the greatest Appeal to her audience. Vivid tonal color and plaintive cadences made this se- lection exquisite. In Charles Wakefield Cadman there is original vocal'melody which was displayed in his interpretation of old Indian folk songs. Cadman's own compositions are peculiarly charac- teristic of the Indian. Alumnus Appears In Weekly Form The second number of the Michigan Alumnus for this year came out yes- terday containing articles which prove that it can perfqrm as a weekly. One of these articles is a detailed report of the M. A. C. game, another is on registration at the University. By the editor of the Alumnus, Wil- fred B. Shaw, '04, is the report of an interview with Robert Frost, gpoet. There are also articles on the new University hospital, organization of the law alumni, and two aeroplane views of the campus, bne showing the new addition to the stadium and much of Ann Arbor. There will be room for dancing at the Whitmore Lake Pavilion, Friday and Saturday. Fisher's Orchestra.- Ady. .Pay, your Daily subscription at the Consisting of high grade furs in Coo Dolmans, Capes, Stoles, Scarfs, a Chokers of every description, must sold at once at 50c on the dollar. On sale and display at our Store Two Days Only F lowers Re staurant 32 STEPS FROM STATE STREET- Service reigns supreme Cet'em from 0. &iH. Men's Shoe Shop "Featuring Thompson Brogues E.M.11 Milline y 303 S. MAIN ST. ;a Don't S . ; w '' .", " a : . ; fi ..... t , py .o . A NEW MODEL THE SOFT TOE BROGUE OXFORD This! f THE FINEST QUALITY, CORRECT STYLE AND A SENSIBLE PRICE - Week-End SHIRT Special $9.05 Ask the man who i wears our shoes O'KANE & HERTLER 335 SOUTH MAIN STREET Where Quality Reigns Supreme United Ciar Store ARROW WHITE POLO I Asks You to Watch this Space NEXT WEEK SHIRTS Low Collar Attached it FOR SALE OF 2,000 Auto Strop Razors, formerly selling .for. $5.00 AT 98 cts ealch The opportunity of a life time Remember -, Next Week UNITED CIGAR STORE 118 East Huron Street $1.75 As Many as You Want III Get Yours!! Wadhan wwVI ww I