Florence Wilson-Demattia announc- es the opening of the beauty shop1 above Cushing's Drug Store, 340 So. State St. Phone 2939-M. She will be glad to welcome all her old custom- ers.-Advr. Week-end dances at the Packard Academy. Tickets, $1.00.-Adv. s at Wahr's, )ISTINCTIVE GREETING CARDS, DANCE PROGRAMS, )RS, NOTIONS, TOILET PREPARATIONS,' 'IRS, FAVI ETC. us ever ready to render expert assistance in selecting Gifts, Party Favors, Decorations, etc. THESWISTERIA SHOP' 330 MAYNARD STREET le Postoflice. RO in and se or Brown ade Oxfor -ade High e the new Brogues, , Oxfords or Shoes dsfrd $r 9.hoe= Shoes ....... 10.00 y price you WIsh to pay NDJ DIETZEL SIINGTON STREET rri rrsi r ti rrr rnurr url!|1 curr11rrurr1 rrrtr11| Shoes at ant GROSS Al THE MICHII ADDITINALSPORTS' PROMISING SQUAD OF FARRIERS OUT Prospects f or a winning cross country team this fall at Michigan are unusually bright. Four veteran run- ners from last year's team have re- turned and there is much promising material from last year's Fresh squad. Captain Penberthy, Chute, Standish and Whittemore are the old men who are back for Coach Farrell, while Bowen, Davis, Arnt, Marston and Vande Visse are the most promis- ing members of last fall's yearling team. So far Steve has had but 15 men out for the daily grind, and he is anxious that at least 100 men show up within'a week. The men have been running around Ferry field, but start- ing today they will meet at Water- man gymnasium. There will .be class- es at 3, 4 and 5 o'clock every day so that all will be able to run. At present there is ;no schedule ar- ranged for the harriers, however. Coach Farrell is hopeful of scheduling meets at Purdue, M. A. C. and Illi nois. In addition there will be the Conference meet which will be held at Indiana this fall. Other meets may also be scheduled for the distance men. Coach Yost as director of intercol- legiate athletics does not hesitate to recommend the hill and dale game, and urges that all runners go out for the team. Many of the track stars of Michigan received their first training on the cross country team The call for the'freshmen has gone out and it is hoped that all members of the class of '25 who have ddcne any distance running will meet at Water- man gymnasium tomorrow afternoon. Donald Douglass, who ran the two mile for the Maize and Blue for spring, will have charge of the year- lings, and is hoping that a large squad Will appear. Last year the members of the fresh team received numerals and loving cups for their efforts, and it is probable that this year's men will be given the same awards. OHIO STATE PLANS . RUSH TO MICHIGAN Althought Ohio State lost three o her stars this year t-in Workman, Stinchcomb and Taylor, the team will be more staunchly supported than ever by the student body. This Is made evident by the slogan which was adopted at thee Ohio school, which is, "The Ohio State student body to Ann Arbor on Oct. 22e" This contest will open the Confer- ence season for Michigan and it is on that day also that the newly-com- pleted stadium will be dedicated. It will be a banner day for both schools. For this game the Buckeyes have re- served 6,000 seats,.and it is predipted at Ohio State that every one of them will be filled with Buckeye rooters when the starter's whistle blows. Every- thing points to a record attendance of supporters of both institutions. All-Freshman Football Candi- f date Notice All candidates wishing to try out for the All-freshman foot- ball squad are requested to re- port to Coach Mather at the Athletic office in the Press building between 8 and 12 in the morning or to the Ferry field club house from 1:30 to I 5 in the afternoon. OR. NIST NEAS NEW HOMOPATHIC CLINIC Dr. A. G. Nast, of the Wheatland hospital at Laramie, Wyoming, heads the new out-clinic and registration office at the Homoeopathic hosptal. Doctor Nast graduated from the New York Homoeopathic college and was a member of the staff of a prominent New York hospital before coming to Michigan. The new clinic and registration of- fice is located in the basement at the left side of the building. Several rooms have been decorated and pre- pared for this new department. All patients of the hospital will enter at a door on the left end of the building and will there be registered and ex- amined or given an appointment for examination as thecase may be. Besides the regular medical exam- ination which Doctor Nast will give, all of the heads of the departments of the -hospital will hold their clinics on certain days of the week. Million Turned In At Old Gym' Waterman gymnasium, with its unimpresive exterior and its still more drab interior, was in the over- night aristocrat of the campus during registration week. All roads lead to the building where University authorities were busy counting the thousands, and hundreds of thousands, that rolled in under the windows in the wire cage at the east end of the floor. And the gold-we say gold, but it was currency, checks,, drafts, money orders anJ every ne- gotiable medium-is not yet all count- ed. When the final checking and totaling is made, the sum will run up close to or beyond the million mark. The eleventh hour rush, Saturday and yesterday, caused by the, fact that the University opens this year fully a week earlier than it did last year, made the drawers of the school's ex- checquer over-flow. A detachment of. state constabulary guarded the "treasury" every minute during the time the students were laying their fees on the counter, and THE YINN AT LANE HALL REGULAR MEALS "JUST LIKE HOME" Board by Week or Individual'Meals LUNCH AND DINNER-$6.00 PER WE WAT Four ALARM CLOCKS BIG BEN AND BABY BEN HALLER and FULLER STATE STREET JEWELERS X111 : il1i1EIlfllililill11fil t1l U I ENG = 711 N ~ riggiig & SMI'I LONDON ERMAN CONKLIN S GOLD AND SILVER PENCILS Imported v. University Ave. 117 EAST WAS Pt I-. -t- - ( i Frosh Caps GOOD' SHOES Are always the, end. cheapest in the FURNISHINGS escorted the, heavy bags to the banks. 1 1921 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE I Oct. 1-Mt. Union at Ann Ar- DC llL CLOSES ADVERTISTNrGD AT 3 P.M. bor. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. son. 8-Case,'at Ann Arbor. 15-M. A. C. at Ann Arbor. 22-0. S. U., at Ann Arbor. 29-Illinois, at Urbana. 5-No game scheduled. 12--Wisconsin, at Madi- That is why we recommend Shoes for Men They are leaders in the shoe world just as are leaders in this community. A pair of Nettletons this season will convi you of their real worth. FOR RENT IT-Two houses, two flats, ee suites for light house- For sale, the season's bar- 1 homes which will pay for res. $4,000 to $7,500 on con- k. C. Schryver, Real Estate. --niversity Ave. 2 T-Most attractive suite in bor, available for three or" idents at 725 Haven, near newly decorated, newly d; also desirable suite for hone 2574. 2 T-Exceptionally large, light ems at 422 E. Huron. Phone For two and three men. heat. You will be pleased em. 2-2 1T-One front 'suite to two tents. No other roomers. Two from campus. Price $8.00. Ides Ave. Phone 1168. 2 T-Students can rent good ers; rates reasonable. Un- . Typewriter Co., Rogers ackson, Mich. 2-3 rT-Large front room. In- professional or graduate preferred. No other room- 7 Willard. 2-2 IT-One suite at $3.50. and ;le at $5. First block*south us. Instant hot water. 620 2 WANTED WANTED-Boarders by day or week. 1021 E. Huron St. $7.00 per week' for three meals. $6.00 per week for 2 meals. Single meals 50c. $1.25' per day. Special tables for clubs. 2-21 V A.NTED-Twelve boarders, $6.00 per week for two meals a day. No break- fasts. Good home cooking. Inquire, Mrs. Batdorff. 1213 Willard St., or phone 1456-W. 2-4 WANTED-Good tenor and bass solo- ist for church work. Apply 312 S. Division St. Phone 212-J. 1-3 WANTED-To buy a canoe at a reas- onable price.' Possession to be had at once. Call Hayes, 1328. 2-3 WANTED-Club of 20 or 25 to board for school year. Box R. W., Mich,. igan Daily. 2-3 WANTED-Cook for fraternity house. Call Steward at 595 after 10:30 A. M. 2 WANTED - Students washing and ironing. Call 2569. 110 N. Ingalls. 2-3 LOST LOST-Jeweled Phi Kappa Psi pin on Lincoln Ave. -Initials on back. Re- ward. Return to Daily Office. Box R. T. H. 2-3 LOST-Red leather check book. Mer- chants' National Bank. Owner, R. W. Garlick, Phone 1958-M. 2 LOST-One gold Eversharp pencil. Name B. Brant, Saturday. Finder please call 2935-M. 2 Nov. 19-Minnesota, at Ann Ar- bor. The only successful ink pencil made, The Onoto, is sold by Haller & Fuller, State St. Jewelers.-Adv. Frances Caspari, teacher of voice culture. Studio, Cornwell Bldg. For terms, Phone 638.--Adv. "Memory and Concentration" aids your study. At bookstores, 60c.--Adv. Wahr's Shoe S Phone 1115 1 08 S. Main !.d SodN Made h ADJ TrRQ HESTER __ COMPLETE 1V EAR ~r~- AMBASSADOR SHIRTS CROFUT & KNAPP HATS I DIRECTORY TRYOUTS Tryouts wanted immediately for both the business and editor- ial staffs of the Students' Direc- tory. Have you seen the new Remington and Underwood portables? For sale or rent at Room 2, 2nd floor. 711 N. University Ave.-Adv. VASSAR UNION SUITS -Two single >rch; off S. il 1834-W. rooms with State, reas- 2-2' McDONALD CAPS r GORDON COATS Large suite, men or wo- ges if desired. 917 Mary 307. 2 Room suitable for two E. Kingsley. Phone 2' Double room, private S. Ingalls. 2-2 W1 SALE 'wo complete sets of en- rawing instruments, Box J. B., Daily. 2-2 LOST-Tool kit on State St. between William and Union. Call Dewey at 319. - 2 FOUND FOUND-A gold plated pencil. Ever- ,narp. Initials W. J. A. Owner may have same by calling at 609 Monroe St. and paying for this ad. 2-2 MISCELLANEOUS HOME MADE salads, salad dressing, sandwiches and cakes for that lunch- eon or midnight spread. Phone 1627-W. 2-3 STUDENTS' washings, ironings. and BY WALKING DOWN TOWN YOU CAN SAVE MONEY di 'SR MARK 6V, F/t Spaldng for Sport AT The Lutz Clothing Store 217 SOUTH MAIN STREET 1,1 Whether you play foot ball, basket ball, or indulge in any athletic sport, Spa ing implernents will give incst satisfaction. Send for catalogue A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 211 So. State St., Chicago I WA TCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIA LS .