Poetry-A Magazine of Verse Review by Lois Elizabeth Whit- Mrs. Frances Dckenspn Pinder, of unusually varied. Louis Untermey- Robert M. McBride & Co. are about comb) Jacksonville, Florida. is the author of er's "Monologue from a Mattress," to issue two books dealing with the three poems, "Sea Marsh," "Marsh and Carl Sandburg's "Medley of er since Poetry, A Magazine of Pools,". and "Shaiiows,' which are Poems" live up to one's expectations Theory of Relativity. The first of e, edited by Harriet Monroe, collectively given the heading of of work from such authors. "Song these, "The Idea of Einstein's Theory," into existence ten years ago, i 'Marsh Sketches." The first two ap- Sketches," by Marion Strobel, and by J. H. Thirring, professor of Theo- been making a valiant fight for peal to me as being the most charm Ruth Harwood's "Working Hour retical Physics in the University of ree eXpression s of an authentic ing verses in the issue. "Sea Marsh, Songs," are interesting groups of Vienna, is a discussion of the theory a oe,,in verse. The mere a poem of thirty-eight lines, has a pe- verse. The other poems seem to me thatit hs cotined t be ub-which differs from other books on the that it has continued to be pub- culiar haunting beauty and a delicate somewhat below the level of those in d is something of a commentary melody which makes it memorable. It the February issue, none of them ap- same subject in that it avoids mathe- a success in a day when new begins: ' proaching the subtle beauty of matical formulae, while explaining the zinearengonstantly appearig ""Fire," by Eunice Tietjens. results of. the history in brief com- ippearing Poetry was the "Like a woman who remembers Huitsoboslim sileopa, and also shows the stepsb magazine in its field, and it is Is the marsh- But it is obviously impossible to pass, s he steps by ly considered the most important A woman who forgives, and yet give anything like an adequate im- which Einstein reached his conclu- he special magazines devoted Whose every mood is dimmed pression of Poetry by brief comment and the Universe," by Dr. Harry r wholly or in part to the pub- Because, forgiving, on a few issues. It is a magazine Schmid ttempt to give h genera on of verse. She cannot ever muite forget'" i s Poetry is published in Chicago it The second is a tiny exquisite thing, done much to center American |brief enough to be quoted in full. tical expression in the Middle- t: Carl Sandburg, now famous as "And now I knowx oet of the prairies, and a cele-. Where are those stars for of Chicago's smoke and steel, That slip like jewels le his first appearance as a poet Between the night's Poetry for March, 1914, and it was Most jealous fingers. andburg's volume, Chicago Poems, At dusk I found them, tPoetry awarded the first Levin- Where the marsh had hidden prize the following November. them- lie magazine's ideal in regard to In a silver pocket creation of definitely rooted art is Of her grey-green gown!" forth clearly in the following edi- The same issue includes, according al comment on the April issue, to the custom of the magazines, com- ch is called the "Southern Num- ments, reviews, correspondence, notes and is devoted principally to on the contributors, and a list of books hern contributors: ' received. Ever since Poetry began, it has be- The reviews form an interesting ad in,. and tried to encourage, a section -of Poetry. They are usually ngly localized indigenous art. Such excellently written, and show sound may not produce masterpieces- critical judgnent. The issue for gods alone decide that; but no February contains a review of the can deny that the world's most Collected Poems of Edwin Arlington ious masterpieces-such things as Robinson. te, Homer, Rembrandt, or the old The writer, Yvor Winters, touches ptian sculptors have left us- on the work of various other poets mng out of intensely local loyalties, in connection with the criticism of attained to universality because Mr. Robinson's work, and manages to locale, grandly handled, becones cover a good deal of ground rapidly wide as the earth; and a. great and interestingly. Yvor Winters has ter's neighbors, re-created in his the gift of pungent phrasing that will speak, to the end of time, lends conviction to a reviewer's work. the whole human race. 'Today Another review which commands cially art needs to concentrate on especial comment is one by W. Bry- locale against the' generalizing, her in the March issue. It is not too tering tendencies of the age; -else high praise to say that the writer's s in danger of becoming vague beautiful and penetrating appreci- diffused and theoretic, of losing ation of H. D.'s new volume of poems, :ision and vitality." "Hymen," is worthy of that poet's ex- ie Southern Number is an inter- quisite work. Any reader who has ag example of an effort in the di- found delight in .H. D.'s poetry will ion of this strongly localized art. be interested in revelw, and it will begins with a group called especially appeal to those readers who arleston Poems," of which the have disagreed with the usual critic's -and best-is "Dusk," an appre- judgment of H. D. for W. Bryher says on of -the city of Charleston. The of H. D.'s verses, "-they are not ing lines will serve- to indicate cold, they are not passionless; and tone and manner of the poem. apart from the color of some Attic names how are these songs anything hey tell me she is beautiful, my but the expression of the emotions city, and desires of an extremely present sat she is colorful and quaint; age?" In answer to those critics who alone have pigeon-holed H. D. as Greek, nong the cities. But I-I who old-world, ancient, the reviewer says: have known "To people born in England H. D.'s er tenderness, her courage, and work is peculiarly American-Ameri- her pity; can with a southern flavor and a sjn- ave felt her forces mold me, mind gularly native strength. Call Simae- and bone, tha an American, name, and nothing fe after life, up from her first be- is lost but the impersonality of the ginning- far-off, silver-grey Greek syllables. ow can I think of her in wood and Circe is any woman of intellect who, stone!" with the very sincerity of her vision, 1 turns -lesser minds 'each to his own x poems by Hervey Allen make up selfs"' next group, "The Sea-Islands." Again, as in the case of Robert se evidence a very real artistry Frost, it would seem that England are full of an almost tropic must discover our Americans. titness. -A few other verses also The same issue contains Dorothy noticeably regional in character. Dudley's concise and interesting re- poems of the group by Beatrice view of Amy Lowell's "Legends," enel, "Tidewater," employ "the some excellent, witty editorial com- primeval sound" of negro dialect ment that includes a sharp slap at heir refrain, and another from the Edgar Guest and his "cheap rattle e group suggests a southern at- of foot-rule rhymes," his "sickish phere by its very title, "White slobber of easy virtue." eas in Magnolia Gardens." The poetry in the March issue is which challenges the attention of reader an insight into the problems every one who is in the least con- raised by the Theory of Relativity, and cerned in the development of Ameri- to show how our idea about the uni- can letters, and one which partic- verse and the laws of nature will have larly invites the interest of all writers to be modified if we accept Einstein's and readers of verse, theory. 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