menf BPMEf W 01GIVEN OK All sophomore girls who wish to be( .nior advisers next year and who ere unable to attend the meeting last hursday are asked to call Elizabeth arson at 1343-M. Persons having employment for rls attending summer, school or the ,11 term and those who will take girls work for their room next fall are ked to register at Dean Jordan's of- ce as soon as possible. All lockers must 'be emptied by noon i Friday, June 9, without fail. Stu- mts who have had lockers with keys iould bring both their tickets and eys to Miss Wood. The ticket re- Wres her signature before a refund in be made for the key at the treas- rer's office. Girls who are members of the Girls' ducational clit aand desire to be in- jated into Pi Lambda Theta are re- uested to leave fees of $8.50 with Miss atieron at .he appointment burea: nday. Thenationaltandschapter con- itutions are also at Miss Cameron's' ice ,and should be copied by each iember in preparation for the coming xamination. There will be a short but iinportant .eting of the cast of "Pomander TalV' at 5:15 o'clock Monday after- oon it Barbour gymnasium. The chedule for rehersa1s will be made t this time and It ii iecessarv that very member of the cast be presont i order that the dates set for re- oarsals will not conflict with exain- aatiols of any members of the cast. Treasurers of the freshman and ophomore girls' social committees are sked to take their accounts to the reg- Atra"s office to be audited, after which W silun4W be brought to Dean Jor- ans officea. Ali oth,- girls' organiza- .ons are also requested to bring their reasurer's books to be kept over sum- aer vacation. All houses or persons having funds or the Michigan league campaign gust send them to the treasurer of eO fgrpaign committee, Dorothy Jef- r Iey 8 Tappan~ road at once. This honey is needed fr campaign ex- enses and will be collected individ- ,ally unless paid in this week. THE MICiGAN bAILY 59 and should be accompanied by, a self BASEBALL TOURNAMENT ENDS Tddressed and stamped envelope. Tick- IN VICTORY FOR KAPPA DELTA ets will be on sale at Graham's book- store beginning next Friday and at Kappa Delta defeated Gamma Phi Alumni Memorial hall during com- Beta by a score of 7 to 0 in the chain- mencement week. Tickets for the first pionship game of the interhouse base- floor will be priced at $1 and $1.50 and ball league, played at 7 o'clock Friday annual senior tickets for the balcony will be priced morning. This is the second consecu- repeated at 8 at 75 cents, $1, and $1.50. tive year in which the Kappa Deltas. une 16, at the - have won the campus baseball cham- performance is CORRECTION pionship in the annual series of games ance with the . between the various sororities and ncr iths the Announcement made in yesterday's irls' houses. week and with issue of The Daily of the engagement Other runners up for the cham- senior women of Marie E. McCormack, '22, to Wal-