THE MICHIGAN DAiLY SUNDAY, JUNE THIS COLUMN , CLOSES AT 3 P.M. LAS S IF HIS ICOLUMN EACLOSES ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. WANTED FOR RENT WANTED- Several active ambitious students who want an opportunity to make money during summer months. Mr. Ellis will be in Ann Arbor, Monday next. Call on him at Allenel Hotel promptly at 10 a. m., 3 p. m., or 8 p. m. This may be the opportunity you have been seeking. Better get further partic- ulars Guy W. Ellis Real Estate Company, Detroit, Michigan. 178-3 WANTED - We have openings for three or four college men who have selling ability and are willing to work eight hours daily. Address Gerald A. Eubank, Manager for Michigan. Canada Life Insurance company, 40810 Union Trust Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 176-5 WANTED-District manager for Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County. Great opportunity for high class salesman. Life Insurance experience prefer- rea. Address J. B. McLean, 911 Pru- den Building, Lansing, Michigan. 178-3 WANTED-A number of young men to sell "The Aerometer" for Ford cars. More miles, more power, less carbon. Every Ford owner a pros- pect. See W. P. Hendershot, Jr. 1298-J. 178-3 WANTED-One or two comfortable rooms by two Seniors for next fall. Prefer Southeast part of city, and home where no other students room. Daily Box C. F. N. 178-3 WANTED - Two students living in Southern Colorado, New Mexico, or Arizona to complete party of four to make the trip in a car, starting June 20. Cheap transportation. Call Gower, 1205-R. 180 WANTED-Two quiet Junior or Sen- ior Medics to occupy pleasant first floor suite during next school year. Private lavatory. Phone 127 3-R or call 913 East Huron. 180 WANTED-Experienced college mus- icians for summer resort engage- ments. State fully in first letter. Wm. Goodheart, Jr., 6022 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago. 179-2 RADIO MEN WANTED-Salesmen un- derstanding radio sales and install- ation. Excellent proposition for live wires. The Raidofone Co. Call '2236-J. 179-2 WANTED-A white boy during Sum- mer school for janitor work and to assist with dishes at 819 So. State St: Phone 530, ask for Mrs. Ben- nett. 180 WANTED-To show you a pen that won't run dry in the middle of an exam. At College Inn. Rider's Pen Shops, 308 S. State St. 169-21 WANTED- A foreign Student, com- petent cook, hosework, wants posi- tion in summer. City reference. Box N. N., Daily. 179-2 CHEF WANTED-To cook for fra- ternity of thirty men next year. Ad- dress communications to Box T. R. 178-3 WANTED-Cook or chef for Fraternity of twenty-eight next fall. Give par- ticulars. Box D. T. U., care Daily. 180 WANTED-House to rent to accom- modate fifteen men. Occupation on September 1. Box R. F. F., Daily. 180 WANTED-AGENTS to sell automo- bile dimming device. Apply at once at 415 W. Huron or call 2389. 179-2 WANTED-Work of any kind by Hin- doo student for summer. Refer- ences. 990-J. 179-2 WANTED - Work of any kind by healthy .student for summer. Refer- Miss Clark. 176-4 WANTED - To buy a canoe Victor Victrola. Call Wahr's Bookstore, State St. 180 WANTED-To buy one or more can- oes. Phone 2312. G. R. Swain, 178-3 WANTED-Students to purchase Eng- lish History Outlines at Wahr's. 180 WANTED-Reasonably priced Under- wood Typewriter. Call 170-M. 180 WANTED-To buy Michiganensian. Call Larson, 976-J. 180 WANTED-Soprano Saxaphone. Call 24394. 178-3 LOST LOST-A Hales Chemistry laboratory manual, containing address 603 E. University. Please return to 832 E. University. .Reward. 179-2 LOST - Orn So. University between Church and Linden, a white satin skirt. Reward. Phone 1732-M. 180 LOST-Top coat at M. C. depot, Thurs- day P. M. Finder please call 265-M. Reward. 179-2 FOR RENT - Rooms for Summer school. Cool and well furnished. Three blocks from campus. One block from corner State and Pack- ard. 822 Oakland. Phone 2378-W. 179-2 FOR RENT - Rooms for group of summer instructors or students. Good location. With meals as de- sired. Reduced prices. 1021 East Huron St. Phone 481-R. 179-2 FOR RENT-Five room house com- pletely furnished, 1-2 block from campus. Available from June 15th to Sept. 15th. Call 1121-J. 224 So. Twelfth St. 179-2 FOR RENT-To adults, two comfort- able sleeping rooms, well furnished and lighted. Also a quiet study downstairs. Phone 2018-W, 813 E. Kingsley. 180 FOR RENT-Suites for Summer school with use of grill for breakfast. Also single rooms. Two blocks from cam- pus. 543 So. Division St. 180 F7OR RENT-Pleasant newly decorated suites or single rooms for Summer students. Phone 1273-R or call 913 E. Huron. $2.50 per week. 1801 rOk NAL FOR SALE--Home just outside of Ann Arbor on State St., 9 rooms, mod- ern house, beautiful lawn, shade and fruit trees. One acre and house, $8,000-$1,000 down, balance on con- tract. Also choice building lots. N. S. Johnson, Route 6, Box 107. 179-2 FOR SALE - Law library, including Michigan Reports. For sale cheap, if taken at once. Correspond with Stella M. Sturges, Admx. of estate of Chas. A. Sturges, Sturgis, Mich. 180 FOR SALE-Three new genuine Nav- ajo Indian Blankets direct from the N&vajo reservation. Call at 906 Greenwood Ave., or call 1205-R and ask for Gower. 180 FO RSALE - One Peerless Cornet B fiat, silver plated.. Nearly new. With case. Call at 918 Catherine between 5-6:30 P. M. 179-2 FOR SALE -- Ford touring, $85.00. Tires practically new. Motor just overhauled and in excellent shape. Phone 1170-M. 180 FOR SALE-Black saddle horse, per- fect condition, thoroughbred regist- ered Morgan. Call Mock, 231. 620 S. State St. 1801 FOR SALE-Cheap, 5 passenger tour-{ ing car. Light six Continental Red Seal motor. Good condition. Call -344. 180 FOR SALE-Tuxedo, ice skates, skiis, 22 repeating rifle. Call Monday 8-12 or 7-9. 2345 Natural Science. 179-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE-T-square, drawing boards, canvas cover, Philip's slide rule. Practically new. Call 1164. 180 FOR SALE-Two pure blood Airedale pups. Fred Plenschmidt, Saline. Phone 197-F22. 180 LOST LOST-Phi Mu Alpha Fraternity Pin. Initials W. B. W., on back. Finder call 613-R. W. B. Wines. 178-3 LOST-Diamond shaped gold pin with white enamel letters S. C. Please call 2226-M. 179-2 LOST-BBB "M" Pipe. Reward. F. H. Bradshaw, 1007 E. Huron. 180 LOST - My pen troubles at Rider's of course. 308 S. State St. 172-21 FOUND FOUND-A fountain pen that holds 4 times as much ink. A safe pen for Exams. Rider's Pen Shops, 308 . State At. 172-21 NOTICE I am buying old clothes and paying the highest prices. $3.00 to $10.00 for suits. Call 1677-W or bring them to 203 N. 'Main St. Dave Mordsky.-Adv. Let the Students Transfer Co. haul your trunks to the depot. Phone 1217-J.-Adv. A box of stationery from the fine selection at 0. D. Moirill's, 17 Nickels' Arcade, makes a pleasing Graduation Gift.-Adv. FOR RENT-Room and board in pri vate family for two Sophomore girls for next fall. Call 2615-J for furth- er information. 179-2 FOR RENT-Large, newly furnished room with running water and dorm- itory, for next year. 1309 Washten- aw Ave. 179-2 FOR RENT-Furnished club room with kitchenette, for summer months. Call Martin Webb, 1595-R. 180 FOR RENT-Attractive housekeeping apartment, furnished. 711 Catherine near State. 180 FOR RENT - Attractive rooms for girls for next semester. 806 East Kingsley., 180 FOR RENT- Two single rooms for Summer school. Phone 2970-M. 539 Thompson. 180 FOR RENT-Four unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Immediate pos- session. 226 Twelfth St. 179-2 FOR RENT-Nicely furnished rooms for men. Phone 1194-M. 422 East Washington. 178-3 FOR RENT-Large, nicely furnished rooms at 1309 Washtenaw for sum- mer months. 179-2' LET THE Students Transfer Co. have your trunks to the Depot. Phone 1217-J. 179-2 HOUSE TO RENT for vacation seas- on-will accommodate 18. 821 E. University. Call 1700. 180 FOR RENT-Cool, comfortable rooms, sing or suite. 711 Catherine St. 180 FOR RENT-Rooms at 311 Thompson. Two blocks from campus. 180 MISCELLANEOTI MICHIGAN STUDENTS-Young men or women desiring to pay their own expenses at college this coming year, can earn $10 to $15 per day this summer by our plan. No matter where you are going to spend your vacation. Write Tom L. Johnston, 1707 First National Bank Bldg., De- troit. 180 DETROIT STUDENTS to sell door check in Detroit, also Ohio and In- diana students to represent me in their home town. Quick sales, good profit: See G. E. Carnenter between 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. Thursday, June 8, Hotel Allenel. 180 FIRST CLASS chef wants position now or next fal, fraternity or boarding house. Good references. Address Box E. W. S.,Daily. 180 SENIOR AND Mother will care for house during Summer school in return for rent. References. Phone 2351-W. 180 NIANTTSCRIPTS accurately typewrit- ten by experienced typist. Biddle's Book Store, 11 Nickel's Arcade. 155-21 R. NORMANTON BILBIE, teacher of Violin, Piano, Harmony. Studio, 307 N. Main Street. Phone 611-M. 170-21 FINE COLLECTION of old violins, bought in Europe, to be seen even- ings, 307 N. Main St. 169-21 LAST CALL for Fuller men. Positive- ly last chance. Fuller Brush Co., 301 National Bank Building.. 180 TYPEWRITING - Theses accurately typed and neatly bound. 1443-M. Miss Clark. 176-3 FIRST CLASS typing done. Call 1015-W, mornings. 4 180 UNITARIAN CHURCH June 4, 1922 State and Huron Sts. SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister "THE LIFE HABIT OF READ- ING" is the sermon topic. The organ plays at 10:35; opening hymn 10:40. YOUNG PEOPLE'S OUTDOORS meeting at 4:30 p. m., starting from Church. Last of year. Special program, with read- ing. R 'I SUN'DAY'S CHURC.H SERVICES WHA'T OTHERS SAY Probe us, prod us, wake us up, 0 God; do not let us, like sluggards, sleep these precious hours away. That little spark of celestial fire called conscience, which still glows faintly in us, fan into a flame of zeal for righteousness. And the visions which we see now and then when our eyes are even half open; the sense of unlimited power that sweeps over us at times; the uncontrollable longing that tugs and pulls at our reluctant, sluggish, cringing, languishing, cowardly, lazy souls; the burn- ing aspirations that now and then burst the bonds of worldliness and make us feel for a moment what it means to be free; - O God, may all these heaven-sent experiences lift us into a larger life, life akin to thy life, life that is divine, eternal. 1, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huron, Below State R. EDWARD SAYLES, Minister 10:30 A. M.-Sermon: "Fret Not Thyself.' 12:00 M. - Student Guild. Led by Dr. Chapman. 6:00 P. M.-Guild Social Hour. Miss Gien Tsu Liu, '24M, of Kiangsu, China, gives the ad- dress on "Growing Up With China." 7:30 P. M.-Senior B. Y. P. U. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 10:30 A. M. 12:00 2:30 5:45 Noon. P. M. P. Ni. Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts. REV. ARTHUR W. STALKER, D.D., Pastor MISS ELLEN W. MOORE, Student Director OUR GREAT COMMUNION SERVICE. Special Music: "Air" (Hollaender) Miss Struble and Mr. Brooks. Tours' Communion Service. STUDENT BIBLE CLASS IN WESLEY HALL. HOSPITAL SING AT U. OF M. HOSPITAL. WESLEYAN GUILD DEVOTIONAL MEETING on the BOULEVARD. Meet at Wesley Hall. LEADER: MR. EDWARD RAMSDELL. AN EVENING OF MUSIC. Numbers: "Legende" (Wieniawski), Miss Struble and Mr. Brooks. "Be Still and know that He is God" (Stock), the Chorus. "Deus Misereatur" (Parker), the Chorus. "Holy, holy, holy" (Tours), the Chorus. "Lord God of Abraham" (Mendelssohn), Mr. Adams. "The Cricifix" (Faure), Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Dewey. "Oh for the Wings of a Dove" (Mendelssohn), Mrs. Wheeler. "People Victorious" (Parker), Miss Howe. "Fear not ye, 0 Israel" (Spicker), the Chorus. 7:30 P. M. I I ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (MO.. SYNOD) Cor. Third and West I[uron Sts. C. A. BRAUER, Pastor A Pentacostal Sermon. 9:30 A. M.-Service in German. 10:30 A. M.-Bible Study. 11:30 A. M.-Service - English. No evening service. WELCOME ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. and Washington St. E. C. STELLHORN, Paster Something to consider: "Facts form the basis of Christianity. These facts are unerringly given us in the Bible. Any philosophy which attacks the Facts of the Bible attempts to undermine the basis of all Christianity." 9:00 A. M.-Pentecost service. (German). 10:30 A. M.-Confirmation serv- ice. I- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Leonard A. Barrett, D.D., Minister Lewis C. Reimann, Secretary Men Students Miss Esther D. Nyland, Secretary Women Students Morning Worship 10:30 Sermon Theme "THE S1CRET *OF CHANGED LIVES" * * * * * * * YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING 6:00 Mary Harris, '23, leads in the topic: "The Church in Industrial Centers." CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The annual Children's Day Services will be held at the time of the morning worship, at ten-thirty o'clock. The children of the Kindergarten and Primary De- partments of the Church School will share in the services. I I 4 4.As4 all a0 *1