THE MICHIGAN DAILY -4.- ||| - - -. - - -| omen SENIOR SOCIETY HOLDS INITIATION Persons having employment for girls attending summer school or the fall term and those who will take girls to work for their room next fall are asked to register at Dean Jordan's of- fice as soon as possible. All lockers must be emptied by noon on Friday, June 9, without fail. Stu dents who have had lockers with keys should bring both their tickets and keys to Miss Wood. The ticket re- quires her signature before a refund can be made for the key at the treas- urer's office. Mary A. Griswold, '21, will be the acting director of Alumnae house dur- ing thc* summer school term. Girls who are members of the Girls' Educational club and desire to be in- itiated into Pi Lambda Theta are re- quested to leave fees of $8.50 with Miss Cameron at the appointment bureau today. The national and chapter con- stitutions are also at Miss Cameron's office and should be copied by each member in preparation for the coming examination. perones icr dances thi ill be: Union-Mrs. H. W. .y-Mrs. Ella Heartt. week Cake; There will be a short but important meeting of the cast of "Pomander Walk" at 5:15 o'clock Monday after- noon in Barbour gymnasium. The schedule for rehearsals will be made at this time and it Is necessary that every member of the cast be present in order that the dates set for re- hearsals will not conflict with exam- inations of any members of the cast. Treasurers of the freshman and sophomore girls' social committees are asked to take their accounts to the reg- istrar's office to be audited, after which they should be brought to Dean Jor-. dan's office. All other girls' organiza- tions are also requested to bring their treasureI s books to be kept over sum- mer vacation. All,.houses or persons having funds for the Michigan league campaign must send them to the treasurer of thescampaign committee, Dorothy Jef- frey, 836 Tappan road at once. This money is needed for campaign ex- penses and will be collected individ- ually unless paid in this week. Prof. Bartlett Will Address Nurses 'Mrs. Barbara H. Bartlett, professor of public health nursing, will give the commencement address on Jupe 6 at Hurley hospital in Flint. Mrs. Bart- lett will also speak, June 16, at Ibe institute given by the University of Cincinnati, at Cincinnati,' Ohio. Initiation of new members to Sen- ior society Thursday night took the form of a farewell party in honor of Dean Myra B. Jordan, who was most instrumental in organizing the soci- ety. Mrs. Jordan spoke to the girls at this time of the need on the cam- pus for an organization of the char- acter of Senior society and told of its development and growth during the lest few years. Gilcers for the coming semester were elected as follows: President Luella Calliver; vice-president, Dor- othy Bennetts; secretary, Elizabeth Hoyt; treasurer, Grace Hunter. OXFORD MAN TAKES CRISE TO WORTH CAPE AND ICELAND Mr. George Jefferson, of Oxford, England, wil start on June 28 for a North Cape cruise to the lands of the "Midnight Sun." The trip, which is to be made on the steamship Osterley, will last for 33 days and will include in addition to the North Cape, Iceland, the Viking Islands, Hammerfest, Tron- hjem Bergen and Christiana the Nor- wegian Fjords and Copenhagen. From here there. will be excursions to Elsi- nore, Helsingborg in Sweden and Zee- brugge in Belgium. Mr. Jefferson has been asked by the Raymond and Whitcomb company who are conducting, the tour to give sev- eral lectures on board ship concern- ing the places of interest which the travellers will see. He will speak on Iceland and the North Cape Norway Oxford and the Shakespeare country and Walks in London. The cruise will end on July 31 in London. FACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB TO HOLD LAWN PARTY MONDAY Mrs. Joseph L. Markley will be host- ess to the members of the athletic section of the Faculty Women's club at their last meeting which will be a lawn and garden party to be given at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Markley 1816 Geddes avenue. Miss Marion 0. Wood, di- rector of physical education for Uni- versity women, will be the guest of honor and will give a short talk on "Vacation Athletics" at 5 oclock. Mrs. Ralph H. Curtiss, chairman of the athletic section of thetFaculty Women's club, announces that the 'swimming and tennis activities of the section will continue through this so- mester. Engagement of Studets Is Annoim we Arnouncemert was made yesterday of the engagement of Marie E McCor. mar;,, '22, to Wallace A. Gill, '2A Gill is a member of the Alpha Rho Chi fraternity. Is Your Pen Ready for Exams? RIDER TlE EN SPECIALIST 30 S. STATE LAST TIMES TODAY A First Natonal Attraction "The Chil1d Thou Gavest Me" -COMEDY- NA BARNYARD CAVALIER 3ISS MARY ROSS WILL BE NEW Y. 11. C. A. SECRETARY Announcement was made yesterday that Miss Mary Ross had been se- cured as the student secretary of the Y. W. C. A. for next year to succeed Miss Lucille Litaker who has had that position during the past year. Miss Ross has been the student secretary of the Y. W. C. A. at Northwestern un- iversity for the past three years. She is well known in Ann Arbor, having visited here several times during the past.year and spoken at various meet- ings of the Y. W. C. A. Miss Ross is a graduate of the national Y. W. C. X. training school'and she has done grad- uate work in Germany. Daily-The Summer Michigan Daily, -Daily.-Adv. Y. W. C. A. LOAN FUND GWVES GIRLS VACATIONS AT GEnEVA Many girls on the campus who would like to go to the student con- ference at Lake Geneva this summer hut do not feel that they can afford to spend the money, will probably be glad to hear that the Y. W. C. A. has a loan fund for this purpose. By means of this fund girls may borrow the amount of money necessary to pay their expenses and they will not be re- quired to pay it back until after their graduation. No interest on the money will be charged. Additional informa- tion may be secured by calling at New- berry hall. Registration will be open until the first of August. Follow Michigan with The Summer Michigan Daily.-Adv. Is Your Pen Ready for Exams? RIDER THE PEN SPECIALIST 308 S. STATE r" 'I Ix LAST TMES TONIGHT SEE WALLY RACE DEATH AND THE Overland Express Through a Pitch-Black Tunnel! r s - r r _ r - 669 BUILT FOR BUI /NES The pen thit won't run dry or balk in the middle of an exam. - RIDER'S PEN SHOPS 308 S. STATE r _ = An Important Offering PUYEAR & HINTZ -i r r r r~lllin~lutnfil~li~lllI~n~tii1iliilnlnlHH r - A"1I V, ptl. , Jss5L LMKY A Rgliabl Jole CHAPMA 113 South Main 11 C ONEINENT Mile-a-minute romance tingling with dare-devil stunts and packed with fun. Theodore Roberts and Mary MacLaren in the supporting cast. SPECIAL ADDED ANNETTEKELLERMAN IN- "HIGH DIVING" THE QUEEN OF THE WATER BEAUTIFULLY PORTRAYED BY THE SLOW MOTION CAMERA *ALSO "BEWARE OF BLONDES" Featuring PERCY AND FERDIE A delicious combination of Pineapple Sherbet and French Orange Cream I OUR WEEK END SPECIAL "Country Club" I NEWS ORCHESTRA AT THE THEATERS ' !' i ,, f I STARTING SUNDAY A play of the light that lies in a woman's eye, and lies and lies and lies. TODAY I 1427 - -- PHONES - - - 2830 ICE CREAM Is as economical food as you can buy. f SCREEN f Arcade-"Across the Continet," with Wallace Reid, Mary Mac-- Laren, and Theodore Roberts. Majestic - Dorothy Dalton in "The Crimson Challenge." OrpheUni--"The Child Thou Gay- est Me,". .:1 ' f 1 1 I1' I Wuerth - Raympnd Hatton in "Ii8 Bock Against the Wall." i> NEED DIRECTORY TRYOUTS Those who wish to try out for the business staff of the Stu- dents' Directory call Robert E. Dynent, '239, at 558 after 5:30 o'clhck-in the afternoon. CARS FOR HIRE REO five-passenger touring cars, by ,r or day. You drive the car and buy e gas and oil. LTRS-$2.oo first hour, $1.50 second; $15 per day, 12 hours. (all for reservations. Phone 16. E. G. HILDNER. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Organized in 1863 3% paid on Savings Deposits, Q0dest Nationat Bak in Michigan ,,,.,,,,..,..,.,............. Artists' Materials Brushes Colors and Varnishes' -. r I - . a - a - - - a 1= - a a ra a I-- r'a YOrLREE NTH HiL FI it s oiboy~ oytes "admci,"an Iniasmixd it a - Comig ''Reprte Mising t I A little "steno" longed to be a Fol- lies' star - and did. -- - Prepared Oil Colors For Artists In Collapsi- ble Tubes All Size Tubes And Colors K atherine Mac Donald In a picture without-a villain "THE BEAUTIFUL LIAR" ONE OF THOSE PICTURES YOU CAN'T HELP BUT LIKE IT'S SO ROMANTIC ADDED Bill evn Mildred Jiu I °, uWmENmZEI'S Painting and Decorating Two Stores SAnn Arbor Ypsilanti Phone 84 Phone 1 T71 I Ing for sale? A Clssid e Dally will And a buyer.-