__ THE MICHIGAN D AILY ... ..... ..m.., - ... ..,. . . "Mon!i! '...__. "t , t % f,' .." f + . ' ,. . .. ,, . ,. , iY ; R . , 'i y l Th1 itk . , yr .. " , 1 'V " " "a" " n f" ' ' " ', . ..n" '. tli w *. '.. . .. .. j; ,' w M1, '. ' :. . " .. t 'f 4r ". ,. : ." ' . .,. . "" . ., .. ... . . r ' L . .. .. . .. n f " ' x OW£Fj 6. 1 F Y ' ! Ruling Out freak Deliveries Cause Of Poor Pitching Cleveland, Ohio, June 2.-Comment- ig on the tremendous hitting by ball layers in the past two seasons, Joe Vood, veteran Cleveland American aguer, who when known as "Smoky oe," was one of the game's greatest itchers, said the pitching today is not s good as it was 10 or 12 years ago. "Individually," said Wood, "there re some pitchers equal, in ability to lost of those of 8 or 10 years ago. ut search the two big leagues and ee if you can find a Cy Young, a Jack hesbro, an Addie Joss, a Mordecai rown, a Christy Mathewson, an Ed Valsh, an Eddie Plank, a Rube Wad- ell ,a Bill Donovan or a Walter John-. on. True, Johnson is pitching to- ay, but he is not the same old Wal- er who could pitch the ball past' "What's the reason? There "rre two. The success of Ed Walsh, Jack Chesbro and others started a flock of pitchers using the spitter. Others rec- ognized the ability of Russell Ford Eddie Cicotte, Fred Falkenberg and others to pitch wonderful ball by doc- toring the ball and they tried to fol- low in their footsteps. "When the powers that rule base- ball threw out all the freak deliver- ies except the spitter, the stock in trade of many a successful pitcher was taken away from him. The lim- itation of the use of the spitball to those who already were in the major leagues cut down the number of pitch- ers who could throw that ball effec- tively. And in the meantime thou- sands of youngsters on the sand lots and in colleges who had been acquir- ing success by use of the spitter or doctored balls, found they had been wasting their time. As a result al that bunch failed to come through as they had no legitimate delivery to fal back on. .g REMOVE THE DANGER Step into either of our offices and look over our - Safety Deposit Vault Equipment You will feel at ease knowing your valuables are safely deposited in your individual box behind those massive doors' THE COST 1S NOMINAL FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 101-105 South Main Street. 350 South State Street (Nickels Arcade) LSTADLESHBD 181* a %C L MADISON AYE NY COR. FORTYFOURTH STREET mEWYORK' do the hurling forthe invaders and - A~flhe can be counted upon to be in top f '1' form for today's game is the final one ma rrIU, g~rl E for the Buckeye captain as it is for - Michigan's leader. Opposed to Captain ,ACotter will probably be Howard Liv- erance. Livy kept the crowd on edge - (Continued from Page One) with his sharp breaking curves, after In Captain Ernie Vick, Michigan is his entraace in the Wisconsin game, losing one of the greatest athletes and if he can -cut the plate with the who has ever played oi a Wolverine same assortment he used against the - team. Ernie started his career in the Badgers the contest should develop f fall of 1918, when as a freshman he into a pitcher's battle with the advant- r rplayed center on Yost's eleven which age going to the team which is able - went through the year. without defeat. to produce the most timely hits. Vick played four years on the grid Probable lineups for today are r teams and in all of his playing, time Ohio State Michigan - was never taken out for the Wolver- Fesler, ss Uteritz, ss m ine pivot man and in addition he was Matusoff, 2b Wimbles, 2b - honored in his first year by selection Volk, 3b Knode, lb s as All-Conference center, while last Shaw, of Vick, c - fall he was chosen by Walter Camp Bauman, If Shackleford, rf as -ceilter on his mythical Al-Amer- 'Hawk, rf Kipke, cf ican eleven. Vick's ability on the Lyden, lb Paper, 3b I gridiron has been matched by his play Workman, c Roby, if s on the diamond when in two seasons Cotter, p Liverance, p behind the bat he has been generally credited as the ba st college catcher in UAN P the Big Ten. Ernie will report to the St. Louis Cardinals after the close of B ' the Conference season.TflPVTITLE QT Milt Dixon, Dick Schultz, and Eddie I TIMES .AiKlein have each played two years on Fisher's baseball nine. In that time When Detroit Eastern and Detroit Dixon and Schultz have hung up en- Northwestern tied for first place in viable records as hurlers, while Klein tannual Univrsityo Michigan i as alternatedinthe outie. Short terscholastic last Saturday the state .~ ~ Wimbles has played but one year on track and field pennant was taken to the Varsity. He stepped into a vacan- Detroit for the eighth time, a compar- cy on the keystone sack this year and ison of the records of the various has acquitted himself in a highly meets since they wer. started in 1898 < satisfactory manner, allows. Buckeyes Going Strong Detroit Central has won the state Ohio State comes to Ferry field witb championship three times, while the LIVERANCJE IS SLATED TO PITCH a string of recent victories. The Buck- University of Detroit High has been against the Ohio State nine at Ferry eye nine was not fortunate in the victorious in an equal number of con- field this afternoon in tie game that opening games and met defeat at the tests. Detroit Northwestern held the will close the BigTen season hands of most opponents, but since undisputed title last year and was mid season St. John's men have playd expected to repeat this season, but an improved game and have been was obliged to divide the honors with Millar, '20, Returning to Ann Arbor stumbling blocks for the best teams. Eastern. Bruce Millar, '20, has accepted a Last week the were scheduled to play Of the 22 meets held so far Michi- position on the editorial staff of the Illinois at Urbana, but rain interfer- gan schools have won 12. University Ann Arbor Times-News, and will take red with the game. At Columbus the High, of Chicago, has taken the pen- up his duties here on June 15. Mil- Illini won by a scant margin of one nant outside the Wolverine state on lar at present holds a position in the run, several occasions. state publicity department,at Lansing. Livy to Face Cotter In but one other year have two During his senior year in the Univer- Captain Cotter, who has been the schools tied for first place. That was sity, Millar was managingeditor of the ace of the 0. S. U. mound corps, will in 1900, when Ann Arbor and Grand Michiganensian. Rapids Central made an equal num- ber of points. T Y Er WrT r I ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS LINE - b50 uya braSchedule in effect June 1, 1922. CROSS COUNTtY NOTCE { portabletype __ liter. Other maes'Cnta SadadTie at attractvepres. Central Standard Time. All freshman milers and two Seeusbeforeyoubuy (Slow Time.) milers who Intend to run cross { Leave Ann Arbor for Adrian at 8:45 country next year will report to J We by good usedatypewriters, a in., 12:45 p. in., 4:40 p. m daily ex- the Ferry field club house be- Many leave their nmachines with us tee3an SocokaydyI during the summer to be stored, clean- cept Sundays and holidays. tween 3 and 5 o'clock any dy ed or 4epaIred and ready for use when Sundays and holidays, 12:45 p. in. and cross country shoems the fall term openss 6:45 p. . [ The following named men 0. .ypMORRIILL, 17 Nickels Arcade. Ishould also report: Ilealcl , The Typewriter and Statiotiery Store.' ______Arndt, Prophet, Van de Visse, Cochran, Dunkin, IH. . Davis, I °fEverett, Bowen, Polhamus, Kry- { {RsCEinski, and any others who { Y { ~wish to try trat. $aPRICE '.1 FARRELL, v " Along comes Sold CALKINS-FLETCERDrugCo I THOSE who are looking for 4 IE what is new will be interested PIPES in this stylish square toe with square punching. new style - - gives cooler, cleanersmoking Sigentsor the UnitedStates andCanada GROSVENOR NICHOLAS & CO., Inc. N60 Broad Sreet New York City cleaner~@~w s~u6mking 15 S. MAIN 60BodSre e okCt ' I eaea aa a EXHIBIT EXHIBI Meet Me At The ORANGE BLOSSOM Fountain y RIGS* Since the days of "Joe's"'U WEDDIN RIN S and "The Orient" about And the most popular place in * Ann Arbor to get a cool* Diamond Settings drink or light lunch. PLATINUM AND GOLD . S U See Our Window __ Haller & Fuller - STATE STREET JEWELERS 4yw a y I Telephone Murray Hill 88oo Our Repu'sentative will be at the HOTEL STATLER, DETROIT Monday and Tuesday June 5 an~d 6 ,with Samples of Ready-made Clothing. Furnishings, Hats and Shoes For Summer Send for "The Packing of Your Luggage" HOFFMAN Is EXPECTED TO STAGEI. a great battle with Angiers, of Illin-1 pis, for the javelin suprermcy hir the Conference meet at Iowa ' City this afternogn. In the recent dual meet with Illinois here he defeated the Suclker star with a toss of 200 feet, breaking the Ferry '#eld recgrd by 18 feet, Intramural Items Zeta Beta Tau 4efeated Delta Jpsia Ion in the final gape of the interfra- ternity tennis tournament yesterday after a hard played match. This de- feat planes Delta Upsilon in tentl place in the interfraternity standig for the year Moc1echnie is the winner f 1-All campus horseshoe singles instead aof Croxton as was announced in yes- terday's Daily. -In the All-Campus tennis 4quhleq Jerme-Jerome, 2$6, met Duwni4l- Zook, 63, and Lang-Coats, 1457°, meet Segall-Rogk, 1391, The winner of these- matches will play lerriam- Underwood, 131. All of these Ramer - must be played today. Invite Bids for City Schools As the bond issue for the city schools was favorably voted upon Thursday night, bids for th new building and the additions to be made on two others will be advertised for within a short time. The new school building will be in Burns park, while the additions are to be made to the IOUQM lSALES soriFgiCE Team"iaoov u stowv NEWPORT ALES-O FIC9S 220 ,BLsvue Avenue I, s go - - - -i r LAST TIME TODAY Perry and the Bach schools. ................. I Raymond Hatton IN- 7 "His Back Against the Wall" S ST4RTINC SUNDAYI "The Prodigal Judge" __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ ___n ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDING I sand by the HOUR, FOOT, OR JOB. Specialty of Fraternity, Sorority, and 44r e H~4 New and Qld Floors EMtMETT BAILEYT Offico and esideIuce 319 East Washington Stree