THE MICHIGAN DAILY ITUDENTS ITEN :CRANGE . TO AiD NEEDY RUSSINS Supplementing the work -of the American Relief association by giving id to the starving children in Russia, he American Committee for. the Relief f Russian Children is attempting to "aise funds for their work in ,ie famine fstricken country. Vorking with the national committee s an intercollegiate committee which as undertaken to raise funds in the 'arious colleges and universities in he country. No regular "drive" is being conduct A, but friends are asked to make con-t ributions to the fund. By means of a. pecial arrangement all of the funds which are contributed go to the actual elief of the starving children in the oreign laud. Executive expenses are aken care of by special contributions from philanthropists fwho have started he movement. Serving on the national, ommittee are such men as Sen. Ro- >ert M. LaFollette, David Starr Jor- dan, who is the head of the intercol- .egiate committee, Dr. Henry Neu- nann. and Bishop Francis J. McCon- hell. The committee is represented n Russia by Rev. George Stewart, r r. The work on the campus is being handled by J. S. Pearlstein, assist- art in the political science department. Thiro ugh a committee organized by him the funds collected here by vol- intary contribution are forwarded to he central office. Appeal has been nade for contributions from those who can appreciate the work which the or- ganization is doing, checks to be mailed to Mr. Pearlstein at 114 N. Division street. CORRECTION It was erroneously stated yesterday n The Daily that Crosby Rees, '25, was to be Varsity Glee club publicity committee chairman next year. Carl Schoonmaker, '25E, will hold this po- ;ition. T E UNIVERSITY'S . COMMON HEALTH] Tuberculosis (Concluded) As a final word on tuberculosis, let" us quote from the United States Pub- lic Health Service: "Tuberculosis is a communicable, preventable, and curable disease. The' disease is spread by coming in contact with excretions from the bodies of those suffering from it. Intimate per- sonal contact with a consumptive, as kissing, using same dishes, sleeping in same beds, will render one likely to coiltract the disease. All dis- charges from the nose or throat, bow- els, or kidneys of the consumptive may contain the germs of tuberculosis, therefore such discharges are danger- ous, "Tuberculosis is caused by a small germ which is too small to be seen with the unaided eye.. These little seeds or germs of consumption are contained in the discharges from the body, especially in secretions and dis- charges from the lungs. "Droplet in- fection" is also a factor in spreading the disease. By this is meant that a 'small particle of sputum containing hundreds of tuberculosis germs will be carried directly from the sick per- son to a well person by coughing, sneezing, or kissing. Tuberculosis may also be contracted by drinking milk from cows which have tuber- 'culosis of the udder. Children often contract the disease from milk of tu- berculous 'cows. "The prevention of tuberculosis is accomplished by observing the follow- ing precautions: (1) Live and sleep in plenty of fresh air. Sleep with win- dows'up in bedroom or use a sleeping porch. Allow plenty of fresh air in the place where you work. (2) Deep the vitality of the body high by avoid- ing excesses of alcohol, exposure and overwork. (3) Eat plenty of whole- 'some food. (4) Avoid intimate contact with consumptives. (5) Be examined physically once or twice each year. "The enemies of tuberculosis are fresh air, rest, good food, competent medical supervision. HEALTH SERVICE TO HAVE NSW QUARTERS NEXT FALL Plans for the arrangement of the University Health Service in its new quarters, the children's ward of the Homoeopathic hospital are now being completed. It is stated by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe that the Health Service will be in its new quarters by the time school reopns in the fall. Both the dis- pensary and a student hospital will be operated in the building, which is considerably larger than the building now housing the Health Service. DELEGATES PLAN TO ATTENI) ANNUAL CO1JNCIL MEETING The following alumnae have sent word that they will be in attendance at the annual meeting of the Alumnae council 'which will be held in Barbour gymnasium on June 15th: Mrs. L. C. Whitney, '18, of St. Paul; Mrs. F. W. Ranney, '11, of Greenville; Mrs. F. G. Stauch, '17, of Birmingham; Miss Julia Emanuel, '89, of Fort Wayne.; Miss Mary N. McKay, '99, Lansing; Miss Gretchan Jones. '20, 'of Saginaw, and Mrs. W. F. Newton, '17, of Battle Creek. While here, the delegates will be entertained at Betsy Barbour dormi- tory. BEFORE You MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR THIS SUMMER'S WORK - WRITE TODAY TO .- - I 'CYLINDER REGRINDING a Scored Cylinders Repaired Let us quote you prices on overhauling your motor. WORKMANSHIP AND SERVICE GUARANTEED Monson Pattern & Machine Works 417 Detroit Street, - Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone 969-M I -1 14 H, M, HALVERSON & CO. 2913 N. Albany Avenue Chicago We Believe Our Proposition Will Interest Men Who Want To Spend A Plea sant And PROFITABLE Vacation. Keep Fit The t i -A r, ?eCmCl opn l r ,2 'fAxxm. i. R" 1 v ^* 1* "' for both muscular and mental work by making at least one meal a day of U 'ShriecpddedI Wli eatg Two biscuits make a delicious and, satisfying meal, but you can, eat all you wish without harm. It is 100 per cent. whole wheat, steamed and baked, and good to the taste. Very rich in energy-building carbohydrates and muscle-making proteins; liberal in vitampines. A favorite food of brain workers and a leading item on the menu at athletic training quarters. Shredded Wheat is on the training table of nearly every school and college in this country. Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 11 11 x I i IT'S A 100 PER CENT STAR IN A 100 PER CENT ENTER- TAINMENT "... ' -., ' _ .. ' IIRYI "" ., "' ".Nrrs C , ' ; POSITIVELY A QUARANTEED ATTRACTION THE MNGT. Have You Seen Our -------- ----------- --- ---------- Straw Stack? Pick your straw from our big variety of new styles now, and you'll be a ,lot more comfortable these bright June days. All the new shapes and straws; five minutes for a try-on will tell the story. $3 AND UP REGULAR PRICES NOW! RIGHT NOW See Wally Smash the Coast to Coast Auto Rec- ord -Drive His Car Through a Raging Prairie Fire - Race with Death and the Overland Ex- press through a pitch-black Tunnel. JESSE L.LASKY Lindenschmitt-Apfel Ck. ANN ARBOR'S LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS 209 SOUTH MAIN STREET t x CE, PRESENIS EI P}tESFNTED 9y' JdS3i' L.L tIY!' ..4 IN ~L#. stunts and packed in the supporting MILE-A-MINUTE romance tingling with dare-devil with fun. Theodore Roberts and Mary MacLaren cast. - --SPECIAL ADDED - THE FAMOUS SWIMMING BEAUTY ANNETTE KELLERMAN in "ulGhI DIVING" See the Slow Motion Camera Beautifully Visualizing her famous high dives THIS ATTRACTION WAS FEATURED ALONE IN NEW YORK'S LEADING THEATRES 'I 00 ooo ,.--Oo ,-- PRICES MATINEE 25 Cents ALL SEATS EVENINGS 35 Cents KIDDIES-10c SHOWING n 0.a .A 'c.2 IF- 1 r, " 4 200 - 3:30 - 7:UU - Last Feature Starts " u 9:00 P. M. ~54 ,' ' . COMING SUNDAY - KATHERINE MAC DONALD IN "THE BEAUTIFUL LId