THE MICHIGAN DbAILY i - .. . .._._...w ._.._ ..._...._... posed power plant will be among the largest in existence. Prot(esor Pariker 's immediate duties will, include, in addition to the elec- trical engineering administration of the present plant, supervision of the electrical phases in the design of the new power unit. S. D. Sprong, electrical engineer for the company for the past 10 years, is retiring from. his 'position to enter the electrical field independently. CoPINITTEE APPOINTHENTS BADN~E FOR LEAG~UE CAMPAIGN Appointments for the Michigan League campaign committee for next year have been made by Neva Love- well, '22, who will be chairman of the committee again next year. Dorothy Jeffrey, '24, has been appointed stu- dent chairman of the committee, Kath- erine Kuhlman '23, manager of the booth, Hope Halladay, S. of M., charge of the special house stunts, Carol Wal-arrangements for the Christmas bF ters, '23, chairman of the flower comm- and Dorothy Bennetts, '23, charf mittee, Miriam Reid, '23, clhairman of publicity. For A BX LUNCH Made Up Of Home-made Goodies1 Call 26200M Becker's Deficatessen 119 E, LIBERTY' 66 The pen thait middle of an exam, . SRIDER" - a9 . i, C IIEOS tO J won't run dry or balk in the r 'SPNSHOPS 08 S. STATE n. ..C" LA , _7- PROF. JOHN C. PARKER, WHOSE RETIREMENT FROM THE UNIVER- SITY AFTER SEVEN YEARS' 'SERVICE AS HEAD OF THE ELECTRI- CAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, CAUSES KEEN REGRET ON THE PART OF HIS FORMER COLLEAGUES AND STUDENTS. PA9R KER LEAVES TODAY FOR BROOKLYN POSITION WILL AssUM11E OFF ICE WITH BROOKLYN EDISON COMA 3NY Prof. Johni C. Parker, former head of the department of electrical engin- eering, whose resignation from his of- fice in the University was accepted by the Regents at their last meeting, 'Will leave the city this evening for Brook- lyn, New York, where he will imme- diately assume the duties of electrical engineer for the Brooklyn Edison com.-* (within the past two years has neces- sitated the construction in the near future of a 400,000 horse-power plant to supplement the Brooklyn Edison company's present facilities, and to supply power for the next five years' increase in demand," states Professor Parker. The organization supplies electric power for the domestic and industrial needs of :Brooklyn borough, 'part of greater Niw York with a popu- lation; of 2,500,000. This ,is the largest population served by any central sta- tion company in the country; the pro- 1U,-RAOMW, 5$5WK-R Of N SfI5 AE_ L !w \ i t. } }II I .dt111 } ,} J1 }1Il}11rJ . j1 ' ,J C mil THE "TURKI S E VERY day MURADS are held higher in the estimation of the men who smoke them. They are the standard of Taste. They are 100'o pure Turk- ish: tobacco - of the finest varieties grown. They never disappoint - H CARE TTE never fail -- never change Uf You are proud to -smoke_ them in any company--on any occasion., They are the-largest sell- ing high- grade cigarette. in the world. The cigarette smokers of America DSO prefer Quality to. Quantity. pany-. "Tremendous expansion dustrial activities of the of the in- community TRADE MARK REG. U. S. PAT. OFI . IH!E ORIGINAL WDE M You wouldn't wear a ._ tourniquet. Why bind veins and muscles wth a garter that depends on ad- justed tightness? No adjustments on the E. Z. 35e to $1,, in single-grip and the E. Z. 2-Grip, and the F. Z. Sport Garter. Made solely by The Thos. P. Taylor Co., Bridgeport, Codn. FEATURED BY LEADING STUDENT SUPPLY STORES University Men Trainedf 'rusiness Northwestern University, through its School of Commerce, offers you unusual opportunities for thorough train~ing preparatory to business. Neu SCHOOL (oi isaUnvrst COM ERCE is UnverityProfessionaal School. F'or students having two years of collegiate credit, it provides a two-year course lead- ngto degree B. S. in Commerce,'and three years' work leading to the degree Master of Business, Administration. Courses-- Opportunity is given to specialize in: Accounting Advertsing Banking and Finance, Foreign Trade Business Administra- Merchandising lacoryM geetLabor Administration Trafilc Foyand aTranspor- f'ublic and Social Serv- tation ice sales Management Commercial Teaching Special Advantages- Campos in Evanaton on shore of Lake Michigan, suppl[em i L y bu~id. ing in heart of Chicago, pernitt '~ field work, research and inspection trips to Chicago's busi- ness and manufacturing centers. Medill School of Journalism To students having two years of collegiate credit a two-year course is offered leading to B. S. in Journalism. To college graduates one-year course in Journalism is offered "ed- ing to decree Master of Science. For Special Bulletin Write to NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 223 IHarria Halt EVA NS'TON, ILL. 2O0a , ,' Makers o iA Ilig rs ;(Gra T rkish .fJ4lt w and Egyjptian CG reles in it. cWaddJ J7udge f'for Yourself -!!"' a ThMi l anIHe li ToCut Clothing Prices! I' IY A0, y J Aa .. C- t TODAY and SATURDAY - c YOU'LL REVEL IN THE THRILL OF IT Here It is -- cm or~s', coiyotes, "had men," and Indians, mixed -withk riding and shooting stunits. Not ancient hisitory eitiher, but an iiip- to-the-miniute picture of a. romantic spot in the West of toda. See Dorothy Dlalton as the twro-guinIheroine avenge herself upoit0114 man and win the lov otf ;motiler ia pieture uas big and1( refresinig as the wind-swept prairies.- Coming- "Reported Missing" And .he's going to move things- move this stock down to absolute clearance- change former e prices so there is not a particle of recognition left except the values they represent. . ~The Miracle Man himself is Iopening up a cam.- d paign of smashing things, laying siege to apex prices on apparel and levelling the strongholds of high costs. Prices totter and costs tumble be- fore his onslaughts of reductions,. RELENTLESS IS THE KNIFE OF THE MIRACLE MAN I I I: Delayed warm weather and the accumulation -of stocks delivered too regular season selling has loaded us up with merchandise. We must of it profit or no profit --- we must turn it into cash regardless of the rea EVERYTHING MUST Go - SENSATIONAL SAVINGS ON SU l ate for dispose al value. ITS! SUIT VALUES SUIT VALUES GROUP 1 GROUP 2 I GROUP 3 I SUIT VALUES $30.00 AND $35.00 $31.50 AND $40.00 $ 27.50 $42.50 AND $45,00 ~31 5 _U II OTHER SENSATIQNAL SAVINGS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND HATS Sale OCpenxs Saturdaehy Morning e t 9:00 o'clock. Store Closed Frldwy to Arra nge Stocks for Your Conveni ence I F. W. GROSS., 309 South Mai'n'' Street L,..