WEATHER ABLY COOLER TODAY a:Y Ar Ap 41jtr t cttt &Uttl ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE XXXII. No. 177 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1922 PRICE FIVE -r _________________________________________ AILWAY UNIONS PLAN PARLEY TO DISCUSS WELFARE Political Machines In Lively Contest As Seniors Strive for Class Honors RST GATHERING OF KIND BE HELD IN CINCINNATI EARLY IN JUNE TO TO CONSIDER PROBLEM OF WAGE REDUCTIONS Representatives of Some 2,000,000 Men Will Meet to eee on Plans , For Future (By Associated Press) Cincinnati, 0., May .31.-Telegrams asking the grand chief of the sixteen railroad brotherhoods and executives of other Union organizations to meet in Cincinnati to consider matters af- fecting the common welfare of 2,000,- 000 railway workers wee sent out to- day from here, it was announced by_. Edward J. Fitzgerald, grand president of the brotherhood of railway clerks, freight handlers, and station and ex- press employees. Accrding to Mr. Fitzgerald some 40 brotherhoods, unions, and labor ex- ecutives are expected to take part in the conference. "It will be the first gathering of its kind ever held in the history of organized labor," Mr. Fitz- gerald said. He stated that the ob- ject of the conference was to discuss matters vital to the common welfare of all railroad workers. It is expected that a course of ac- tion with regard to . reductions in wages of railroad workers, recently 'made and contemplated by the United States labor board will be decided -upon. All of the railway brotherhood chiefs who will attend the meeting are expected to stay over in Cincinnati far the annual convention of the Am- erican Federation of Labor which be- gins June 10. Women Advance Class Ranks As Lanterns Swing (By Virginia Tryon) ' Passing on their lanterns to the girls of the junior class, the senirs, in their caps an gowns, singing the Lantern night song, last evening gave over their responsibilities fo the mem- bers of the class which follows,them in the annual ceremony which mark- ed the progression of all classes. The event, held at Palmer field was Impre' sive and beautiful. The block "M" formed by a double line of sen- iors in front and juniors behind them was outlined by swinging lanterns of all colors. The procession, which was led by the seniors, was composed of girls of all classes in order of pre- cedence. The junior girls held gayly flowered and decorated hoops through which the seniors passed, then handed these hoops to the sophomores, who in turn held them while the freshmen passed through. After all classes were in their places, the seniors and jun- iors in the "M," and the freshmen and sophomores in the rear, the class songs were sung, and finally the sen- iors gave their lanterns to the juniors whilesinging the Lantern night song, at the same time changing places with them in the line. The ceremony was concluded by the singing of "The Yel- low and Blue." The eveing's program was begun with a May-pole dance, and two in- terpretive dances by the members of the dancing classes. Following the dances, Helen Bishop, president of the Women's Athletic association, awarded athletic honors to the girls winning athletic honor points. The field events which began at 5 o'clock In the afternoon resulted in a victory for the freshmen, who won a total of 40 points in the various events. The championship baseball game between the sophomores and juniors was won by the sophomores, by a score of 7 to 2. In tennis, the juniors won two out of three matches, 'and in both horseshoe pitching and archery the freshmen won the highest scores. The archery tournament went to the freshmen by a single point. A bitter campaign of several months for popularity honors in the senior literary, class culmingted y~sterday afternoon in a heated meeting, which was the scene of the shrewdest moves on the Michigan campus in years. Managers of the almost defunct Re- publican machine had scouts present to pick out young blood with which to rebuild their once-powerful organ- ization. Machines in Evidence The elections were controlled on the whole by the Senior Machine, led by James G. Frey, and the Opposition group, captained by C. Maurice Atkin- son. Immediately after the meeting broke up, charges of graft, corruption, and choking the ballot box were rife, but President Walter B. Rea asserted that the election was as fair as it could be considering everythin. First blood was drawn by the Oppo- LEAGUE EQUIPOI\SE U. S. Absence from Reparations Com- mittee Reduces Machinery Efficiency BALANCE OF WORLD TRADE NEEDS AMERICAN FAIRNESS (By Associated Press). + London, May 31.-Premier Lloyd1 George, outlining the reparations sit-. uation in the house of commons today, defended the treaty of Versailles and. stated that all he asked was that his critics state facts fairly.+ He said there was no doubt that one fact that worked against the prop-' er balance of the reparations commis- sion, as well as of the League of Na- tions-the attitude of America. America was the only country with- out claims for reparations, he said, and she was not affected by the repar- ations settlement. Therefore, the Un- ited States was strictly impartial with friendly Germany, friendly with France, friendly with Italy and Great Britain, and also was concerned with international trade. Therefore., he de- clared, America was concerned with seeing that reparations were not driv- en to the extreme of upsetting the bal- ance of world trade. ' "No doubt the absence of America from the machinery of the treaty of Versailles," he 'said disturbed its equi- poise, has made the machine less ef- fective and made it prork with less precision; but it has 'created friction which would not have existed if Am- erica had been present in the league or on the reparations commission. ATHLETIC REVIEW WILL HAVE FINAL SLE TODYr ONLY ABOUT 1,400 COPIES LEFT, AFTER ITS FIRST APPEAR- ANCE MONDAY The Athletic Review will appear on the campus for public sale again this morning. Previous sales taking place at the Wisconsin baseball game, dis- posed of over 600 of the 2000 copies to be sold, and it will be the purpose of this general sale today to complete- ly exhaust the number printed. The Athletic Review is a yearly publication put out by the Athletic association of the University for the sole purpose of aiding athletics at Michigan. The fee charged in the sale of the books is just enough to cover costs of printing and of distribution. It is especially urged by those in charge of the book that students read the review well as a method of best acquainting themselves with the year's athletic events at their University. Cc .ch Fielding H. Yost, director of athledcs, has taken 2,000 of the cop- ies of the Athletic Review for the Ath- letic association. These copies will be sent out to the high schools in the state and surrounding sections to acquaint high school athletes with Michigan athletics and with the new development of physical pastimes at the University. June Gargoyle Registers Large Sale Customary good sales disposed of the entire campus quota-of June Gar- goyles, according to Sydney Sara- shon, '22, business manager. Three thousand copies were sold on the cam- pus. A few copies still remain at the news stands and drug stores and may be procured if called for immedi- ately. sition, when they split the Machine vote by nominating "duke" Dunne and Jim Frey for "the most poular man,"I and sent their candidate, "bud" Rea, under the wire a winner. Undaunt- ed by this crushing defeat, the Ma- chine came back with a gusto and elected Frank Steketee, "the hand- somest man" of the class over Maynard Newton, the Opposition candidate, who was out for almost as many honors as was James G. Frey, leader of the Ma- chine. A clever move by the Machine failed of its purpose in ele&ing "the best man student." Sidney Sarasohn car- ried the Opposition colors to victory,c despite the attempted split brought on by the Machine in nominating t Stewart Taft Beach, so that its candi- date, Forman G. Brown, might win. The vote was close, however, and re- I quired a recount. t Opposition Runs Strong t The Opposition seemed to be defeat- ing the Machine on all points after the next ballot, for Allen Sunderland led Herman Lustfield, Frey's candidat, and O. W. Rush, who ran independent- ly, for "the biggest grind." Sunder- land's campaign plea that he needed that title to win favor with his pro- fessors carried him over with the class, however. The most successful "bluffer" was adudged to be Brew- ster P. Campbell, who overwhelming-I ly defeated the Opposition candidate, Thomas C. Truss. The Machine's power was clearly ev- idenced on the next ballot, which by two votes elected James G. Frey leader of that party, "the smoothest poli- tican" over C. Maurice Atkinson, leader of the Opposition. The astute Frey crept into office by having his heelers nominate Maynard Newton, Atkinson's able lieutenant, and thus splitting the vote of the Opposition. The Machine henchmen slipped up on the next ballot and allowed Atkin- son to win again, this time as "the biggest fusser." In an attempt to split the Opposition ticket and send William Michaels across, Frey nom- inated Thornton W. Sargent for that place, who, however, received only one vote. Votes Well Split, The Machine had no candidate to oppose Walter B. Rea, as "the most bashful man" and permitted his elec- tion to go uncontested. In exchange for this courtesy, the Opposition per- mitted the two Machine candidates, Duke Dunne and Frank Steketee, to fight it out for "the best athlete," the former winning. 1. Again the Machine scored when Frey was elected to his second office, that of "the best kidder." Bob Wieneke and Floyd Sergeant together failed to equal Frey's total,' so smoothly w: the Machine working by this time. The geatest cries of corruption against the two organizations came from the women, who had clearly been promised the support of both parties in exchange for votes. Because of the numerous promises made, several women were out for each position. and the result was close elections. Girls Stage Close Races Frances Weimer in a close race for "the most popular girl defeated Dor- is Sprague and Martha Shepherd, while Joyce McCurdy came in victor- ious over Mildred Henry ad Esther Kennedy as "the prettiest girl." Dor- is Sprague won out as "the best girl student" however, Edna Groff and Carol MacDonald going down to de- feat. There was no opposition to Ne- va Lovewell as the "biggest grind, and Elizabeth 'Vickery had no opponent for the honor of "the class vamp." "The jolliest girl" was Josephine Wal- ters, although Helen Bischop and Haz- el Storz received a large number of votes. Inez Reiger, while opposed by Laura Snyder, won a distinct victory in being chosen "the most bashful girl." Before the elections disrupted the meeting, reports of the committe were heard, and an alumni secretary was elected. Robert, Wieneke was chosen secretary, and James G. Fr and Laura Snyder assistants. The class Memorial will be divider' between the Michigan Union and the Women's League, it was decided. Oth- er committee reports were concerned largely with Commencement we' tivities. CLASS IN PLAY PRODUCTION PRESENTS LAST OF SERIES "The Melting Pot" will be present- ed in University Hall tonight, at 8 o'clock, by Professor Hollister's class in play production. The members of the cast follow: Amy Loomis, '22, Ruth Oaks, '22, Devera Steinberg. '22, Helen Elliot, '23, Milton Landy, '23, Harold Lipsitz, '22, E. B. Sharpe, '22, William T. Watson, '22, and Max Ewing, S. of M. This is the sixth of a series of plays which the play production class has presented to the public this year as part of its regular class work. SUSEAIGPROBLEM SETTLED BY DEANS' Will A rrange Seats Along North Tniversity Avenue With Amplifiers to. Transmit Speeches CAN PLACE AUDIENCE OF 5,100 BY ADDITIONAL FACILITIES Plans for solving the seating prob- lem at Commencement, June 19, were the chief topics of discussion at the conference of the deans held yester- day morning. At their last meeting the Regents decided that the gradua- tiori exercises were to be held in Hill auditorium, and the difficulty con- fronting the deans was how to seat the large audience which is expectea. to attend in the auditorium, whose ca- pacity is only 4,800. Those who com- prise the graduating class number ap- proximately 1,700, and allowing two tickets to each graduate would bring the minimum attendance to 5,100, or 300 more than the number which can be seated. Would Use Amplifiers The decision of the deans was to have erected-on North University ave- nue in front of the Natural Science and Chemistry buildings bleachers which will seat the overflow from the auditorium. Amplifiers will be in- stalled and the speech of Secretary Hpghes will be transmitted by them to those outdoors. The site for the bleachers is also an advantageous one from which to view the Commence- ment parade. A further decision made by the deans in regard to the Commencement exercises was that candidates for a degree from the School of Education should follow the candidates from the engineering college on the program. Do Not Favoi M. H. C. Action was also taken in regard to the proposal of the National Confer- ence Committee of Standards that a new "degree of M. H. C. (Magister Honoris Causa) be created and award- ed in place of the present master of arts pr master of science. Dean Bates and Dean Lloyd, who had been appointed a committee to in- vestigate the matter, reported upon it adversely. Their reasons were that they opposed the multiplicption of de- grees, and that they considered the present masters degrees to be entirely adequate. - Discuss Other Details President Marion L. Burton a- pointed a committee to investigate the subeet of travelling expenses paid by the University. It was felt by the deans that the great increase in requi- sitions for, such exnenses warranted a careful study of the matter. In order to make more stringent the regulations compelling physical exam- ination of students, it was decided to request the Regents to give their as- sistance in enforcing this rule. At a meeting early this year the deans vot- ed to withhold the credit of any stu- dent who evaded a physical examina- tion, but this measure has not prov- ed entirely successful. BAND WILL GO TO TORONTO JUNE 19 SPECIAL NUMBERS TO FEATURE SING Music by the Varsity band, and nu- merous specialty acts by students will feature the second Senior sing of the year, to be held on the steps of the Library at 7 o'clock tonight. Among the special numbers that have been secured for the event are several pieces by Tang and Tavares. Phil Diamond, '22, and Myron Chon, '23, will also render several selec- tions. Howard D. Tubbs,. '22E, will lead the sing, and Henry J. Morton, '23E, will accompany on the piano, 'which is furnished through the courtesy of the Allmendinger Music shop. All seniors who expect to take part in the sing are asked to wear their caps and gowns. All students are in- vited to attend the sing. BOARDOAPPOINTS SPORT MANAGERS Also Names Assistants in Baseball, Track, and Interscholastic With Alternates BOYER, SNELL, AND FRIEDMAN SELECTED FOR THE POSITIONS Student' athletic managers for base- ball, track, and interscholastic sports .were elected yesterday afternoon at a meeting of the Board in Control of Athletics. Stewart Boyer, '24L, was elected to the position of baseball manager and Laurence Snell, '23, was made manager of the track team. Harold Friedman, '23, was placed in charge of the interscholastic depart- ment. Assistant managers for these three departments of the athletic depart- ment were also named at this meet- ing. Assistantbaseball managers were appointed 4s fol'lows : Clarke Field, '24, William White, '24,' Donald Scott, '24, and Gurthie Harri- son, '23. Karl Swayze, '23, was named as first alternate, to take the place of any assistant that was unable to ac- cept the office. The following were appointed as- sistant track managers: Harold Nut- ting, '24E, William Howard, '23, Ar- thur Graves, '24, and James Morse, '23E. Philip Spear, '23, was appointed to the position of first alternate. The assistant interscholastic man- agers were appointed as follows: Ed- 'ward Murane, '24, Tom Edwards, '23E,, and George Stracke, '24. No alternate was appointed in this department. SENIOR HONOR GR NAMED- BY PRESIDENTS Play in Michigan's Seond Annual Interscholastic tennis tournament will commence this morning on the Ferry field courts. The draw will be made at 9 o'clock and play will start at 10. The entry this year will equal that of last year in number but will far sur- pass the previous tournament in the quality of the competition. National Champion Here Heading the list of competitors is Julius Sagalowsky of Shortridge High school of Indianapolis. Sagalowsky is the national boys' chapion of the United States, which title he won last year at Boston. He is a remarkable player, displaying excellent form and sound headwork. His teammate, Guy Dixon, is also a player of ability. He has beaten Sagalowsky and the two are certain to put up strong bids for the title. The pair will team up in the doubles and may be counted on tO give a good account of themselves. Hyde Park High school of Chicago will send two fine young players in F. O'Connell and R. Mulfinger. They are both entered in the singles and will play together in the doubles. They hold the State doubles championship of Illinois. Ann Arbor high will be represented by Jerome O'Brien and Harold Gauss, two local players promise. Flint Central will be repre sented by Had Kinley and Clark Per- ry in the singles while in the doubles Kenneth Moore will pair wih Kinley. Highland Park high has entered Shade and Clark for its singles and doubles ,.representatives. Hastings high school is sending Carroll McGuf- fin as its lone entry. Charles Bald- win and Melvin Reed will represent Albion high in both singles and dou- bles. Detroit Schools Represented Six Detroit schools will enter men in both events. Detroit Northern will pick from Goldsmith, Kleary, and Shields for its teams. Northwestern is sending McLetchie, Connor, and Dav- ey; Central is represented by Bielfield and Donaldson; Eastern has, Jerome, Baker, and Chatman; Northeastern Sadowski and Rabinowitz; and South- eastern sends Biederman, Doyle, and Green. Entries from Toledo and Pontiac are expected this morning. The total list should number around 30. The tournamentawill continue throughout today and all day Friday and Satur'- day. Two singles and one doubles will probably be runaofftoday.*Fin- als in both events will take place Saturday and the contestants will wit- ness the Michigan-Ohio State ball game that afternoon. A banquet at the Union will be tendered the vis- itors on Friday evening. NEW UNDERCLASS COMMITTEE ELECTS 1922-2 OFFICERS Holding its first meeting, the 1925 Underclass Conduct committee, elect- ed officers last night at the Union. Elections were as follows: L. W. Cole- man, chairman; C. W. Bird, literary vice-chairman; W. W. Kerr, engineer- ing vice-chairman; George Vander- hoof, secretary. The following men comprise the committee for next year: R. F. Moo- dy, C. C. Kresbach, K. C. Patterson, M. K. Berry, Herbert Steger, D. M. Sutter, C. S. Hough, C. W. Bird, Ed- win Seeley, W. W. Kerr, F. C. Becker, L. W. Coleman, George Vanderhoof, J. F. Murray, Vernon Warney, W. F. Williamson, C. C. Davison, L. Blau- ner. . HIGH SCHOOL NET MEN START PA IN- TOURNEY TODA' PLAY OPENS THIS MORNING I ANNUAL INTERSCHOLASTIC MATCHES SAGALOWSKY HERE; IS NATIONAL BOYS' CHAM Entries This Year of High ulibi Give Promise of Brilliant Contests Another trip will be made by the{ Varsity band before they break up for the summer. They have accepted an offer to play at the international con- vention of Kiwanis clubs to be held in Toronto, Canada, and will leave3 here on June 19. The Michigan State association of Kiwanis clubs will entertain them at Detroit along with the delegations from Chicago and Illinois, and that same night all will go on to Toronto, where they will stay for three days. CHECKER CHM PION TO PLAY EXHIBITION MATCH AT UNION Newell Banks, United States cham- pion checker player, who recently played for the checker championship of the world, and who is considered one of the best checker players of the country, will play chess and checkers simultaneously at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the uppier reading room of the Un- ion. Mr. Banks comes here largely through the influence of tlte Chess club of which George S. Barnes, '24', is president. All those who play either game may enter the tournament if they furnish their boards and sets. Fifty players may enter the contest, and all those who 4vish may witness the game. Law School Finals Shart Today Examinations in the Law school start this morning, two days before the official opening of the examination period in the literary college. The final day will be Saturday, June 10, and all marks will be turned in by the following Thursday. * Members of the Senior Honor Guard, which will act as a body guard for the 'dignitaries attending Commencement, have been announced by the senior. presidents. A rehearsal will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon under the 'direction of Dr. George A. May in1 Waterman gymnasium. They are as follows:; Literary Seniors C. M. Atkinson, R. A. Daily, Albert' G. Barton, Francis R. Blakeslee, Henry 'C. Calvi, Brewster P. Campbell, Sidney B. Coates, Louis M. Dyll, Phillips P. Elliott, Robert D. Eno, Louis W. Fuess, James A. Gallery, W. W. Gower, Harry B. Grundy, Clarence Hatch, John G. Hill, Horace W. Hitchcock, Wilmer B. Hoge, Edward T. Ives, Arthur F. Katz, L. Armstrong Kern, Frank H. Lee, L. Keith Lepard, Fred Maybaum, William W. Michaels, Melvin D. Moersch, Jos- eph W. Morey, Maynard A. Newton, Erwin C. Overbeck, Robert S. Peare, Russell S. Persing, Harold J. Potter, 'Lawrence A. Price, Harry N. Rath,. George G. Reindel, Philip E. Ringer, Ora W. Rush, Sydney R. Sarasohn, Alfred L. Schultz, Bowen Schumach- er, George D. Sellards, Floyd A. Ser- geant, Francis M. Smith,, Leon C. Smith, Stuart Standish, J. M. Sted- man, W. L. Stephenson, Clifford W. Stuart, Clarence G. Etipe, Carl G. Sturmer, Claude F. Towar, Thomas C. Truss, Chiles B. Van Antwerp, Harold L. Votey, Walter K. Wesbrook, Hugh E. Wilson, Clark M. Wimbles, James B. Witker, Alvin Wolfson, Thornton W. Sargent. Engineering Seniors P. C. Ackerman, G. E. Gregory, W. E. Bandemer, G. A. Larson, R. S. Stuart, R E. Everett, H. S. Simpson, R. G. Vail, T H Spain, E F. Moore, D. Hauselt, R. S. Kersey, S. Peterson, C. M. Krueger, ,B. S. Bradley, D. J. Dow, G. F. Emery, D. F. Herrick, D. Kear- ney, D. T. Warner, A. G. Hoyt, C. E Wattles. Scbool of Education Seniors Ross E. Wigent, John S. Thomas, Charles E. Forsythe, George L. Brew- baker. SENIOR LIT NOTICE '22E NO TICE. I . t Senior engineers may obtain commencement invitations and announcements from 9-12 o'clock and 2-4 o'clock Thursday, June 1, in room 111, Engineering build- ii i i Senior lits may procure tickets for the senior reception and ball at the Michiganensian office be- tween 1:30 and 4 o'clock today. Price of tickets, $3. Class dues must be paid. Those wishing graduation in- vitations or announcements misst procure them at the booth in Un- iversity hall from 1 to 3 o'clock I today. Al- those not called for I will be sold. i