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May 30, 1922 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-30

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Society's Books Shol
Credit Balance This

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Checking up the financial results of
the 1922 May Festival reveals the fact
that the affair achieved the same suc-
cess in a monetary as it did in an ar-
tistic way. Not only has the Univer-
sity Musical society shown that it can
embark upon so great an enterprise
as the annual May Festival and meet
the large expenses incurred; it has
actually a slight credit balance to
show for this year's Festival.
Large Undertaking ,
Connsidering the magnitude of the
undertaking as well as its musical
value, this situation is indeed remark-
able. The musical organizations in
this country who' can operate suc-
cessfully without the assistance of
public-spirited citizens are very few.
Examination of the record made by
the Universal society in the 29 years
since the Festival idea was inaugur-
ated, discloses the fact that this year's
success is no exception to the general
rule. Occasionally in the past small
deficits have been incurred, but these
deficits have been counterbalanced by
the profits of other years.
Following the example set by Ann
Arbor, May Festivals have been estab-
lished in many parts of the country-
at Springfield, Mass., at Worcester,
Mass., at Northwestern university, at
Cincinnati, at Cornell University, and
at the University of Illinois. Most of
them have had to have their expenses
met by large private donations and
heavy admission charges.
Many Concerts
There is another feature of the local
musical situation which is of equal
interest. During the past year the
city has had concerts on the Choral
Union series; five concerts by the De-
trait Symphony orchestra; 25 recitals,
by students of the University School
of Music; 45 Sanday and Thursday
afternoon concerts in Hill auditorium
-all in addition to the six concerts
of the event which marks the climax
of the season.
Due to the excellent management
of Charles A. Sink, and to the fact
that the University Musical society
does not aim at anything more than
clearing :expenses, it has been pos-
sible to offer to local music lovers
this array of fine music at a maximum
cost of $16-a record that is prob-
ably unmatched anywhere. Finally,
it may be noted that of the 87 con-
certs above mentioned 70 were given
entirely free of charge.
Fifty-One '22E Men Get Positions
All' excepting nine out of more than
60 electrical engineers in the class of
1922 have secured positions. Twenty
openings are available for these nine

Tubercnlosis (Contiuued)
It is now quite generally held that
infection in tuberculosis is usually re-
ceived during childhood, but remains
more or less latent until adolesence or
early adult life, when the disease be-
comes clinically apparent. According
to this view the disease In adults is
.h'je "end of 'a song, the beginning Of
v -hich for the unfortunate patient was
su ug in the cradle."
L tut the most healthy and robust
yout h may be Infected and rapidly
succunb to the disease, if a suffici-
ently large dose of virulent tubercle
bacilli gains entrance into his sys-
tem. H'ence the indispensability of
being on guard at all times.
Means of Transference
While there is still no unanimity of
opinion among scientists concerned as
to the, exact made of entrance of tu-
bercle bacilli into the lungs-whether
by inhalation through the respiratory
tract or by ingestion-it makes no
practical difference. Tuberculosis is in
the largest sense, a contact disease in
which the bacilli pass from one in-
dividual to another in a brief space of
time and through a short distance."
Contact infection may be direct or in-
direct, through dust, through bacilli
in the air or through contaminated
food, through soiled fingers or objects,,
through the agency of flies as well as
in numerous other ways. The infection,
through kissing, pencils, pipes, toy4
cups, and other objects, all come
under the convenient category of
"contact diseases." Even the infec-
tion through "droplets," sprays of
mucous thrown out from the mouth in
talking, sneezing, and coughing, is in-
cluded in the modern conception of
contact infection.
"Contact" Infection Dangerous
While the tuberle bacilli may live
for some time outside of the body, es-
pcially in dark and dingy rooms, and
in all probability the disease is fre-
quently contracted by the continuous
inhalation of dust carrying the bacilli,
this mode of infection is as mustard
seed to a mountain compared to "con-,
tact infection."
The sputum of the tuberculous,
which as a rule is excessive andson-
tains millions of germs, Is the chief'
source of Infection(it is estimated that
only 7 per' cent lof tuberculosis Is of
the Bovine type). The careless spit-
ter, then, is one of our greatest men-
aces, for the disease is spread mainly
from man to man usually through di-
rect association between the well and,
To HohI t3 Day Coumenceoment
Northwestern University's com-
mencement exercises this year wil
cover a period of three days, begin-
ning with Alumni Day, June 17, then
baccalaureate Sunday, and finally on
June 19 commencement day and the
awarding of degree's and diplomas.
Chase S. Osborn, former governor of
Michigan, will deliver the commeiice-
ment address.



According to plans announced late-
ly by the University Health service,
the dispensary will be open to care
for students until Commencement day
June 19, and will re-open with the
summier session, continuing through-
out I he summer term. Students are
entiti ed to the privilege of the Health
Servi ce until Commencement, and
sumsni er school students are entitled
to fill privileges of consulting the
Healih service doctors and to exam-
inatih )ns and hospital privileges just
as in the regula school term.
Forsyte to Stay
Ti ere will be five of the regular
staff; physicians in . attendance
thraighout the summer session. Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director of the
Health service, will be in attendance
th"s summer. One of the Health serv-
ic e .doctors will be in attendance at
tlae Vniversity camps at Lake Douglas.
1,o Physical Exams Required
The office hours of the Health serv-
ice fduring the summer session will be
the same as during the regular term,
from 8 to 12 o'clock and from one to
five .o'clock. No physical examinations
will .be required of the summer school
Two members of the 'department of
herpetology of the American Museum
of Natural History, New York, have
been visiting the University during
the past week. Charles Lewis Camp,
'whose interest in his visit centered
in the department of paleoltology,
left last Friday to take a position in
the museum of vertebrate zoology in
the University of California.
G. K. Noble, who is the curator of
herpetology at the American museum
returned to New oYrk yesterday aft-



Dean Mortimer E. Coley, of the tU
college of engineriag and architec-
ture, will speak at a luncheon of theS -----------
'Phlidelphia Engineers" club, and at a
meeting of Michigan alumni, June 6 j We have a
in Philadelphia. or periodica
Heinz Company Seeks Employees business cow
Sixty Michigan men will be given*
an opportuuity to obtain employment 3 men and wc
to last them throughout the summer
or permanently with the Heinz Pickle tive will be i
company by application to A. J. Sd- m t
-elter, who will be in Ann Arbor ment to Ma
Thursday. Mr. Sdelter wishes about ----------
60 men for this employment. He will
be at the Allenel hotel from 7:00 to=
5 o'clock on the day named. +
Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.

1 - m

dent Sales'men
- -------------------.------------------- --- - -
.n unusually good selling proposition (not boo
Is) for whole or part time. Sells readily to a]
icerns and has a wide field among professiona

omen. Commission is worth while.


n Ann Arbor shortly.

Write at once for appoint-


- - - - I - - -

Substitute vegetables for meats
thi ete;more: healthful
Plenty to choose from' at the


Arcade Cafeteria
Upstairs in Nickels' Arcade

Try a Dai Want Ad. It pays.-Adv.




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Million Dollar Picture



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You Will Love,
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