I 17 ki LIN~X 5AJ~ UAU SA'r1L ..I - n - - -'-*-'vi-'-.Luc-- *---- " . .tc - ' " iv.b (Continued from Page 1) 'u tion as regards Russia. tors of the entire situation is the at- the part of the Germans, the French "Russia has done away with the kind titude of the Germanis. It is as un- began to be more insistent that Ger- of government on which liberty is reasonable as that of France, but, what m y keep up her achedole of ay built, and has scrapped all the ac- is worse, it is certain that Germany ments. A cabinet was overthrown in ce ted moral ideas of European civili- is making every possible effort to France, and the situation vas fraught cation. The conflict between moral avoid her obligations. But the con- with daneg.ideas represents an irreconcilable sit- ference will probably improve rather Outdof uch a situation as this came uation-more deeply grained than any than make more acute the relations the determination of the four allied difference in economic or legal sys.. between France and Germany. Ger- prenters led by Mr.David Lloyd.George tems. The leaders reject all ideas of many has been permitted to sit in to have a general economic conference truthfulness, honesty and integrity as and play her part in the reconstruc- to settle so e of these problems. His being too 'bourgeois' to suit their tin of European affairs. That puts previous ideas about the general con- fancy,' stated Professor Crane. her on a different basis as far as her ference were now backed by economic The second cause, according to Pro- relations with France are concerned. u quf considerations. So the conference met. fessor Crane, was that the questions "It is quite apparent," said Professor "fi 'the f d0fq France was thore with all the rest of put before the conference were too Crane, "that the United States was A the allied powers and some of the neu-1 vague and too complex. There was fully justified in refraining from par- v' trals. Germany and Russia had rep- too much undertaken in the hope that ticipation in the Genoa Conference. t tr resentatives. This is the first time through some process of "muddling The facts have fully justified Mr.,a since 1914 that all the European na- through" there would be some definite Hughes' estimate of affairs." Orngeik tions have' been represented as -na accomplishment. There were, how- An interesting phase of the Genoa &sm get tions. ever, too many nations, each with its Conference and European politics is Superbly w Why did this conference fall short own ideas and its own special inter- the problem of Lloyd George. The Supgoly of its purposes? Was it a complete eats. It is the same old story of too Genoa Conference failed utterly in ac- in go failure, or did some good come out of many cooks and the spoiled broth. num. Co it? These were the questions that I "The Genoa Conference was trying complishing anything that it set out to and beauti asked myself, before I started out to to deal with a situation as difficult accomplish. Practically none of the yond comp interview Professor Robert T. Crane as that faced by the Versailles con-i hopes of its leaders were realized. 46-W4 of the political science department on feane , use.eIns tad o reaching some What will be the position of Mr. Davidt Gmrna iA tangaelh the sibject. From Prof'esrCaeI ryBlrgtom'. Ndwe or obtained some very definite ideas s would have far-reaching effect (like versiLy students are going to have an to how the conference failed, and I the naval agreement reached at Wash- interesting time watching this astute H l also learned that it was not a com- ingon, which was unimportant of it- leader. Will he maintain his position Liai plete failurel o sel , but profoundly effective in the Or is he "riding for a fall?" Nobody STATE STREE "There was a complete lack of any future wemfare of international rela- knows and the Ruler of our Destinies JEWELERS common ground between Russia and tions), they attempted to have a con- is in the usual uncommunicative mood Europe," said Professor Crane. "There -eec ihuiesa cp. js o i ference with universal scope. just now. was no agreement as to the issues be-I tween Russia and the rest of Europe. Nothing short of either a violent revo- lution or a complete change in the "SEX ANI) COMMON SENSE" (Continued from Page 7) could be decided on, its own merits. She also advocates that in such I m U I courts there be both men and women judges., The book is most certainly not one of information but it should easily accomplish its purpose of putting be- fore the m ore ignorant cassesin Do you know that we can furnish you with a complete Palm Beach Suit for clear way the facts bout sex that as little as $12.00? You are always able to use these clothes to advantage science and psychology have so faraud discovered for us. Only it is too bad ia the summer time and that is another reason why they are so economical. Self from her frequent .rhapsadies If ou have never worn Pan Beach you have a pleasant surpise in store. aoot Gld an her use of high-flown, meaningless phrases. IThey are so cool and comfortable. 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