questionably not only has ideas-in toral stoadard she considers the real spite of the mistiness that he som- hum to it re and, on that basis, her Bn sines psses o ffas profundity-but he true morliy. The outstanding fac- can write as well as any English or. to her are the facts that human novelist of the present generation. .e rgs are three-fold, for they have a "AARON'S ROD" leaves once more, this time for good. Even excluding his ideas altogether, oody, a mind and a spirit, and that By D. H. Lawrence ] "He would never yield' The iflus- he displays an extraordinary vocab- a human being can never be cut off (A Review by R. D. S.) I ion of love was gone forever. Love ulary, a feeling fir situation, a poetic ;romsi other human beings. To act ex- D. H. Lawrence continues to stride was a battle in which each party tenderness, and an ability to present luding any part of our being or to act along his own untrespassed' pathway, strove for the mastery of the other's colorful dialogue and episode that a - the assumption that what you "do totally indifferent to the influence of soul. So far man had yielded the imake his novels stand firmly on their oicerns yourself alone, is in violation his contemporaries and the compre- mastery to woman. Now he was fight- own feet. ' humfin nature and therefore in- hension of his readers. Into his tre- ing for-it back again. And too late, iota'. In view of our three-fold na- mendously long novels he pours his for the woman would never yield. "SEX AND COMMON SENSE" ure human beings cannot elect to ac- intensely individualistic self, unloading "But whether woman yielded or By A. Maude Royden 'ept promiscuous relations with one a seething, poetic mass of ideas, ob- not, he would keep the mastery of his (A Review by A. A. H.) another, or, in other words, they can- servations, and reflections upon the' own soul and conscience and actions. When a book is entitled "Sex and not treat thomsalves as animals, for intricate relationships of love and life.' He would never yield himself up to Common Sense" and when it is written in so doing they are violating a law There is no compromise, no explana- her judgment again. He would hod by rn English woman one quite nat- of their being by forgetting that they tion. Either you follow Lawrence himself forever beyond her jurisdic- ura ly expects if not some new infor- 'ave a mind sand a spirit. So far she or you don't. He is apparently equal- tion. smation, at least a clear and interest- s logical. But then she declares that ly wel pleased in either event. "Henceforth, life single, not life ing consideration of the subject. -A. disobedience to this, law reacts in dis- In hes almost fanatic individualism doubles" Maude Royden begins her book with tse. By that statement she makes the lies the essence of this writerpartnership: sex an como sese, rense of ind and spirit causes for. ever stressing the essential oneness "As for the future unions. Let and eds with a triangle: sex, God c n e existence of social diases, and and indivisibility of the masculine them ,be clean and pure division frst, and common sense. The inevitable re- -o reduces this particular theme to and feminine wills, ever pleading for perfect singleness. That is the only s'lt is a series of unscientifc plati- :n ab urdity. an escape fros their subjugation or, way to final, living unison: through andes enlightening only to the lay A legal marriage in itself she denies assimilation. This is the theme of his' sheer, finished singleness." mind. Still, in all fairness, the book is the criterion of morality. "A true massive trilogy, "The Rainbow," "Wo- So much for Aaron's character and , of value to such as can not under- nairriage," she says, "must be the out- men in Love," and "Aaron's Rod," Lawrence's doctrines. To ask if a stand the more technical language of ome of a morality which makes you the last volume of which has just being like Aaron ever lived is hardly Freud, Forel and Havelock Ellis. realize that what yout do affects other been published by Thomas Seltzer. The a fair question. Few people ever "A truer and nobler moral standard _icople, affects the children you hope first book traced the conflict of wills lived that .resemble any of Lawrence's tan the world la ever accepted," i have, cnd that the community has through several generations of the characters ;and yet the people in his seems to be the need of the world, and 'ot' on inter"st and a responsibility Brangwen family. The second dwelt books undeniably have personalities she implies that 'she will find some so- Ti a l this." All very true, but she on Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen. But of their own, or perhaps they are vari- the final noved takes up an entirely ous phases of Lawrence's own psychic tio to the question. In the whep- ed seit out t find "a moral standard new ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s "e fcaatr n are nTrue Basis of Horality," where atier thias the world had ever ac- new set of characters and carries on personality Aaron is unconvincing she discusses the moral standard in a eptied," and she merely repeats what the theme through Aaron Sisson. I picplybcueh trsa This Aaron is a self-contained per- incijoally hecaue he starts as a detailed way (for her), she states that 11 fair-minded people have long re- son, a member of the English work- his emancipation, is "immediately imoral law should be one y to which do ni od. ing class. He is, in his groping way, adopted, for no ve.ry clear reason, by uoan nature would moat freely re- The disprosportion of the sexes, an a rigorous individualist and an artist bohemian and artistic society. The apond. And she adds that one is only inattral condition existing tempo- capable of considerable depth of feel- author tells us that he had "that perfectly free .when one obeys God. It IIarly for artifical causes, such as war ing. Nothing matters much to him I curious knack, which belongs to some ,s a simple and conclusive answer, but nd immigration, makes celibacy the save independence of will. "His in-I people, of getting into the swim with- it leaves the less inspired as ignorant only choice for so many women that trinsic and central aloneness was the out knowing he was doing it." But "s before She airily forgets that even a sincere, acceptable moral standard very centre of his. being." An inco- even Lawrence gets a bit uneasy, after Ifdis being cross-examined today. It rceessary to insure a free response herent realization comes to him that loading Aaron down with a particu- is a question whether the author is 'ro n human beings. She believes that his family life is profaning this larly impressive heap of ethical spec- Isrfedlt sncere in auth etite-enis us 'h ' is solled immorality of "aloneness." So, with no thoucthit of u'tion, and feels called uposs to ex-. ' is' 'le considers it necessary for he younger generation is merely a re- the future of himself or his family, he plain that "the inaudible musts of fsis 1ii -ertuation of her ublic. - In of standards that they feel in- simply deserts his home,. As he him- e:earcious soul conveyed his meaning flif'" . lttempting to establish a ar eqtate, and she also expresses the self puts it, "When you've had enough, in him quite as clearly as I convey you go away and you don't care what it in words." -mill tillimlfill liii1111DD1U1111Q you do." Well, maybe so. One cannot . be At a later time le essays a return, dogmatic in criticising one of Late- 2 p " hoping for a' readjusted matrimonial rence's characters. One must read to relationship. But he finds at once' get Lawrence himself. After all. his : o s e that the former position of shjura- i characters are mostly representations S tion will be in effect again. So he of his own ideas. And Lawrence un- . UNTIL JUNE 15th 1-3 OFF SALE -OF- is a great convenience. Crisp, fresh Michigan Memory Books toast can be quickly made on the dining table - buttered and served Banners, Pennants, while piping hot. ' CLet us show you the different styles 1 ~Pillow Covers,1- of toasters. Etc., Etc. THE DETROIT EDISON CO. A U NIV E RSITY cOR. MAIN AND WILLIAM STS. BOOK STORES PHONE 2300 . .......... .. ..,... .................... .... .i 1ll llilI IItIIllllliiIII illilllilliiigii