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May 28, 1922 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-28

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thcnav cc tendency to cla critics as sorry estate--is capricious and Italt- standards of morality to which they
- The }'lind in the <nesies of society. . * * taving ing. * * *Iare accustomed. Few lawyers can vie
reviev ed the argument of those who * * * Experime it n which natur- their profession with any considerable
Jiakitng would repress criticism lest it lead to al science has reaed itself is by no degree of detachment. Then there ar
v o ence and destruction, we may now means so readily applicable in study- the now all-potent business interesta,
(Continued from Page 3.) properly recall in this connection cer- ing mankind and its problem backed by the politicians and in gen-
It baL been the habit of defenders of tan often neglected historical facts The student of humanity has even eral supported by the ecclesiastical,
the sturdy, old virtues from fime In- which serve to weaken if not to dis- sore inveterate. prejudices to over- legal, and educational classes. Ma
menorial to be careless of others' rep-, credit most of these arguments. * * * come, more inherent and e ulti- of the newspapers and magazines ane
utations.) *** instead of subjecting tradi- vated weaknesses of the mind to uder their influence, sonce they re
inal ideas and rules to a thorough- guard against, than the stadent of n- beome ite business man's heralds an:
18, Some BIstlri:al Refleclons on going reconsideration, our impluse is, ture. Like the early scientists, he has teve off his bounty.
h Philosophy of Repression. as we have seen, to hasten to justify a scholastic tradition to combat. e l To be Concluded Next Sunday)
exi ting and habitual notions of hum- can look for little help from the uni- (Copyright, 1921. by Harper &Bros.)
Of cou e the k'nd of reasoning and an conduct. There are many who flat- versities as now constituted. The - ---.-
the presuppositions described in the, itr themselves that by suppressing so- clergy, although less sensitive in re- Cpes of Broom, which have been
previous section will appeal to msany clled "radical" thought and its diffu- gard to what they find in the Bible, iported from Italy, may now be pur-
readers .as an illustration' of eceasi' sion, the present system can be made are still stoutly opposed, on the whole, chased at one of the State street book
and unjustifiabe fear lest the present to work satisfactorily on the basis of to any thorough going critisn of the stoics
order of disturbed-a frenzied impute ideas of a hundred or a hndred thou--_
to rush to the defense of our threaten- sand years ago.
ed institutions. Doubtless the Lusk- Whie we have permtted our free
report may quite properly be classed thought in the natural science to
as a mere episode in war psychology. transform man's od world, we allow
Having armed to put down the Ger- our schools and even our universities
mans and succeeded in so doing, the to continue to incucate belief and
ardor of conflict does not immediately ideals which may or may not have been
abate but new enemies are sought and appropriate to the past, but which are
easily discavered. The hysteria of re- clearly anacronisis now. Fo-, the
pression will probably subside but "social science" taught in our schools
i.t is nows a well-recognized fact that is, it would appear, so or achy pre-
in dise-sa, whether organic or mental, sentation of the conventional proprie-
the abnormal and excessive are but in- tie, rather than a summons to erapple
structive exaggerations, and perver- with the novel and disconcerting facts
siors of the usual course of things. that surround us on every side.
I At the opening of the twentieth cen-
At the outsee of this volume the tury the so-called sciences of man, de-
statement was hazarded that if only pite some progress, are, as has been
men could come to look at things dif-' pointed out, in much the same posi-
ferently from what they now generally tion that the natural sciences were
do, a number of our most shocking some centuries earlier. Hobbes says
evils would either remedy themselves of the, scholastic philosophy that it
or sloe themselves soject to gradual3 went 0n ooe brazen leg and one of soanug e
-eliimination or hopeful reduction. ass. This see ma to he our plightt-
Among these evils a very fundamental day. Our scientifi leg, is lusty and to he G irl" r aduate
re is the defensive attitude toward grows in strength daily; its fellowG iveat
the criticism of our existing order and member-our thought of man and his
As the Girl Graduate's thoughts turn toward commencement
and the accompanying activities her friends are thinking of ap-
propriate gifts sith which to express their appreciation of her
"""" successful college career.
S Of Fancy Combs New Bracelets
Of ilashing red, jade green, and he vogue in bracelets favors
- r glossy black1 are stately combs beaded ones of pearls and jet.
for the Girl Graduate that will They are flexible and have . a
give a Spanish touch to her coif- charm of their own. There are
fure. Their pituresque designs also thin gold models with finely
are quite intriguing and She will engraved designs that should be
delight in wearing one, worn in pairs.
StorJy Mesh Bags Dainty Neckwear
Most appropriate to carry with There is nothing more acceptable
the summer attire are silver and as a gift than a fresh new collar,
Furnished by the Camera will be gold mesh bags. Some have pan- cuff and vestee set. Dainty
user handles and others have checked gingham, pongee, and
chains. There are models with white linen have all been used
the source of much pleasure in -a engraved tops and others with effectively for neckwear that is
bead tassels as the bottom . at once charming and practical.
future years. Silk Hose Sports Socks
Silk hose are always appropriate. Sports socks with striped cuffs
But make sure your films are de The Girl Graduate will like a pair are quite the thing to wear with
of Martha-4-Foot stockings or a knickers or other sports attire.
pair of Italian hose in grey, white They come in heather silk and
veloped by men who know how. or black. wool mixture.
=' k . Then you have the assurance of Step-In Sets Silk Gowns
Summer lingerie includes cool And every sweet Girl Graduate
maximum success at picture tak- little step-in sets. Thy come in must be supplied with several
_ the delicate shades of orchid, silk gowns. There are many new
pink, and sky blue and have at- styles from which to select a gift
fg. tractive lace edges and hemstitch- that will be counted at the top
ing as their adornment. These of her list. Crepe de chine com-
sets of vests and step-ins will bined with lace bands and hem-
please any Girl Graduate. stitching offers one choice.
Lyndon & Co.
Amateur Finishing-'



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