no means stops with the convenient Times or recalls the dissenting opin anat s-ioo of two judges of the Spren fists and internationalists, as belong- We must not be misled by "false, (COntinued) ing to one threatening group united in specious idealism masquerading as By James Harvey Robinson a like-minded attempt to overthrow so- progress. The light is one for Cod ciety as we know it. * * * The Lusk as well as country, in which all forms (Published by Harper & Brothers) the sudden and somewhat unexpected report devotes a long section on "the of radicalism materialism, and an- close of the war. The unwonted ex- spread of socialism in educated archy should be fiercely and promptly 15. The Philosophy of Safety and citement -brought on a national head- circles." It is the purpose of this sec- smped out. Sanity ache, and a sedative in the form of lion "to show the use made by mem- (During the summer of 1921 the So far we have been mainly en- normalcy was proferred by the Repub- hers of the Socialist Party of America Vice-President of the United States gaged in recalling the process by lican party and thankfully accepted by i and other extreme radicals and revo- published in "The Delineator" a series which man has accumulated such a the country at large. Under these cir- lutionaries of pacifist sentiment among of three articles on "Enemies of the iind as he now has, and the effects cunstances the philosophy of safety people of education and culture in the Republic," in which he considers the this accumulation on his mode of and sanitay was formulated. It is fa- United States as a vehicle for the pro- question, "Are the 'reds' stalking our life. Under former conditions (which miliar and reassuring and puts no dis- motion of revolutionary socialistic college women?" He finds some indi- ore now passing away) and in a state greeable task of mental and emotional propaganda. * * *" cations that they are, and warns his f ignorance about highly essential readjustment on those who accept it. An instance of this is an article in readers that, "Adherence to radical salters (which are now being put in * * * the "New Republic" which "includes doctrines means the ultimate break- quite a new light) he established cer- And these are its presuppositions: more or less open attacks on Attor- ing down of the old, sturdy virtues of In standards and practices in his po- No nation is comparable to our own ney-General Palmer, Mr. Lansing, the, manhood and womanhood, the insidi- tical, social, and industrial life. His in its wealth and promise, in its free- House Immigration Committee, the ous destruction of character, the vtis of property, government, edu- dom and opportunity for all * * * New York Times, Senator Fall, this weakening of the moral fiber of the ation, the relations of the sexes, and When the European powers had reach- Committee, etc. It also quotes the dis- individual, and the destruction of the erious other matters hereaffirms and ed a hopeless stalemate after four senting opinions in the Abrams cases foundations of society." It may seem wepetuates by means of schools, col- years of war the United States girded of Justices Holmes and Brandeis, anomalous to some that the defenders eges, churches, newspapers and maga-- on the sword as the champion of lib- * * *" of the old, sturdy virtues shuld so itiee, which in order to be approved erty and democracy and in an incred- So it comes about, as might indeed carelessly brand honest and thought- sd succeed must concur in and ratify ibly short time brought the conflict have been foreseen from the first, that ful men and women, of whose opinions hese established standards and prac to a victorious close. * * * Class one finds himself, if not actually violat- they can have no real knowledge, as ices and the current notions of good privileges do not exist. * * * There ing the criminal anarchy statute,at "enemies of the Republic"-but there nd evil, right and wrong. This is is perfect freedom in matters of re- least branded as a Bolshevik if he is nothing whatever enomalaus in this. what happened in the past, and to the ligious belief. * * * If people are speaks slightingly of the New York (Continued on Page 4) treat majority of people this still not satisfied with their form of govern- see. s to be the only means of "safe- ment they may at any time alter it by uarding society." Before subjecting a peaceful exercise of the suffra e. his attitude of mind to further criti- * We are-singularly free from is it will be helpful to see how the vices which disgrace the capitals H YFR hols argue who fail to perceive the of Europe, not excepting London. * * * 0 icious circle :involved. Our higher institutions of learning areE h ar brought with it a burst of unrivaled. * * * Our newspapers iente ar brghtithnitabn.sthosfand magazines disseminate knowledge inwonted and varied animation. Thooe and rational pe'asure throughout the FIIi)CTO OFTl WRL FAOSDMO S rho had never extended their activi- and eare REPRODUCTION OF THE WORLD FAOUS DIAMONDS is beyond the usual routine of do- land. We are an honest Have You Seen the Historleal Fac-Simile Diamond Display estic and professional life suddenly people, keeping our contracts and giv- such as the o wd themselves arnali nly aog fair measure. 0 * a GREAT MOGUL - (Russian) ,..... Weight 289 carats osn ptemsevsarticipating in a The circumstances of our participa- i RE0O-U-NO - (British) ....,,,...Welght 196 carats at enriein they egemed tion in the World War and the rise of TlHE HOPE - (American) ... .., ....Weight 44 carats o be broadening their knowledge and iBolshevism convinced many for the EXCELSIOR - (British) .......... .Weight 280 carats splaying dndreamed of capacity for I first time that at last society and the THE SANCY - (French) .. ... caras a-operation with their fellows. Ex- ( Repubic were actually threatened. * * And Ten Other of the World's Largest Diamonds oesions of high idealism exalted usEx'e for the Chicago anarchist epi- ! Iove the petty cares of our previous soe end the troubles with the I. W. ( S HL ANDERE& SEYFR ED x.stene, roused new ambitions, and W radical reformers had been le to s hes, Jewelry and e ned un an exhillaratng perspective . .Silvcersae o ss bility and endeavor. It was -g their way, hold their meetings, and East Liberty Street ifu tosblkthandwhendtevo., wspublish their newspapers and pamph- 'onmamon talk that when the foe, whose lets with no great interference on the miiel lust for power had precipi- part of the police or attention of the 'sed the mighty tragedy, should be lawgivers. With the progrees o the "aoqulhed, things would "no longer war this situation changed; police andsm" l-"har- e ti' sae. All would then sgree lawgivers began to interfere, and gov-- - ar was the abomination of abom- emnent officials end self-appointed a'o... the world aould be made safe guardians of the public weal began to o.:<; ::"'w>;"":"": or right-mided democracy, and the denounce the "reds" and those susect- ' ". ations would unite in smling emul- ed of radical tendencies." The report 1 O~i -of the Lusk Committee in the state of t3.BS Never did bitterer disappointment New York is perhaps the most impos- ; 'rte for pmaes ohow high hopes. All the old habits ing monument to this form of patri- , nationalistic policy reasserted them- otic zeal. *x* * PEARL T ASSELS elves at Versailles, A frightened and In view of the necessity of making . .a y ankrupt world could indeed hardly head against the menace the AND e expected to exhibit greater intelli Criminal Anarchy statute of the State PEARL BRACELETS ence than the relatively happy and of New York was invoked, search war- > f r: rderly one which had vs years ear- rants issued, "large quantities of rev6- The Parisian Fad that ler allowed its sanctified traditions lutionary, incendiary and seditious - C o drag it over the edge of the abyss. written and printed matter were s eeping teounry * * War had naturally produced siezed." After the refusal of Governor 11 ts machinery for dealing with dis- Smith to sign them, the so-called Lusk 50 t O 0 ch enters, sympathizers with the enemys educational bills were repassed and -la{?" od those who deprecated or opposed signed by the Republican governor J 0 H N B. E I B L E R s ar altogether; and it was the easiest Miller. No teacher in the schools shall hing in the world to extend the repres- be licensed to each who "hs advo- 314 South MaiStreet ion to those who held exceptional or rated, either by word of mouth or in S C H L A N D E R E R & S E Y F R E I D mpopularviews, like the Socialists and writing, a form of government other aembers of the I. W. W. It was plaus- than the government of the United 113 East Liberty Street ble to charge these associations with States or of this state." Moreover, "No ANN] ARBOR: elng under the guidance of foreign- person, firm, corporation, association,'" '" with "pacifism" and a general or society shall conduct, maintain, or endency to disloyalty. But suspicion operate any school, institute, class or rent further so as to embrace mem- course of instruction in any subject rs of a rther small, thoughtful class without making application for and .. t:.,.." w" ."'c""""'""'ae S rho, while rarely socialistic, were being granted a license from the Uni- onfessedly skeptical in regard to the versity of the State of New York (i. e. eneral beneficence ofexisting institu- the Regents)." The Regents shall have ??'' ions, and who failed to applaud at the right to send inspectora to visit t the right points to suit the- taste classes and schools so licensed and to -'., . a '?"'">"a""^""", the majority of their fellow citizens. revoke licenses if they deem that an>: * * * overthrow of the existing government : Business depression reinforced a by violence is being taught. .'as'v""x""s.; , . *,; ural reaction which had set in with But the safe and sane philosophy by I