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May 27, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-27

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XXXII. No.,174


SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1922


.. . ,,

Provides for Permanent Body Known THIS SUMMER.
as Michigan InterscholastleT __ _SUMMER.,
Press Association"
Discussions groups, going into the
general assemblies and the adoption flt
of a constitution marked the second
-day of the first, annual convention of n
state high schools and faculty ad. -f
visors, under the direction of Sigma,
Delta Chi, national journalistic fra-
In the morning the delegates gath- WILL CINC TITLE FOR
ered for a general assembly at 9 MICHIGAN .-
o'clock which, under the guidance of
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the depart-
ment of rhetoric and journalism, turn- WOLVERINE SLUGGERS
ed into 'a discussion. HAVE REGAINED STRIDE
Round Table Discussions
Specific subject were taken up inds
round table discussion groups imme- Liverance on Mound to be Opposed
diately following the general meeting. by Dixon or Bturch of
Professor Brumm led the group of 1Iaroons
faculty advisers and took up with
them the problems with which the PROBABLE LINEUPS
faculty man is concerned. Joseph A. Michigan ChI ' o
Bernstein, '22, news editors of The Uteritz, ss C , cf
Daily, led a discussion group on Wimbles, 2nd Schultz, if
"News and News Gathering." Eliza- Knode, 1st Yardley, c
beth Vickery, '2, women's editor of Vick, c Dixon, 1st
The Daily led a discussion group of Shackleford, rf McGuire, 3rd
the women at the conference. Marion Paper 3rd Gertsma, rf
B. Stahl, '23, managing editor-elect Kipke, cf Curtis, 2nd
of The Daily, headed a discussion Roby, If Fedor, ss
group which exchanged ideas on the RBrh,y,
make-up and typography of the pub- Liverance, p urc P
lications. E. P. Lovejoy, '23, for-
mer city editor of The Daily, discuss- With confidence regained by the suc-
ed copyreading and headlines, Edwin cessful road trip just completed, the
R. Meiss, '23, next year's . editorial Wolverine baseball team will stack up
board chairman, led a discussion on against Chicago at 4 o'clock this after-
editorial writing and policy. noon on Ferry field.
In the afternoon another general Michigan'srdiamond aggregation ap-
assembly was held at which Joseph pears to be in stride again after the
A. Bernstein, '22, chairman of the slump of the last two weeks and the
program committee, outlined the re- Mro sho ave onierable
maining events of the convention. Maroons should have considerable dif-
At 10 e'clock this morning President sluggers. With only three games re-
Marion L. Burton will address the maining on the Michigan schedule the
editors after a short talk by Lee A. Wovines a e Mhanu tc omdue e
White, of the Detroit News.
Discusion groups in the afternoon through in all of these and 1hus
took up a more general type of pub- -cinch the championship.
lication work than the purely news- Chicago does not have a strong team
paper line. this year and has only one game to
Hold Business Meeting its credit. The Maroon fielding is one
A business meeting of the editors of the weak spots of the team as men
was called at 4:30 o'clock, at which in the field do not seem able to hold
E. G. Burroughs of th4 department of up their battery men. . In all prob-
journalism read a constitution for the ability the Windy City batteries will
editors, which had been drawn up by be Dixon and Yardley. Burch has
the executive committee, and which been going well in the box for Chicago
was unanimously adopted without but Dixon was rather effective against
change. the Badgers recently and may take a
The constitution provides for a per- chance agains the Wolverines. * He
manent organization known as the plays first base regularly when not on
Michigan Interscholastic Press asso- the mound and so is certain to be in
ciation, composed of representatives the lineup.
sent from all the ificial high school In all probability Liverance will
publications in Michigan with the ob- start the game for Fisher's men. Dix-
ject of fostering better high school on of Michigan, was also quite eff'ective
publications by bringing the staffs and against Wisconsin and may be saved
advisors of such publications into a for the game on Monday against the
close r'3lationship of mutual helpful- Cardinals, while Liverance already
ness. has one victory over Chicago.
The constitution provides for stu- (Continued on Page Four)
dent officers for the organization and
seven representatives, one from each
of the districts determi ed by the
Michigan State Teachers association, ANNUALALUMNI
and one from the upper peninsula. AnC
executive committee, to take care of
the general business of the associa- ER
tion was also provided for, consisting

of the student officers, four faculty Forty-two representative members
advisers and the president of the 10- of the alumni bodywill gather here
cal chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, to be today in company with members of
elected every two years. The pay- the faculty for the second annual
ment of fees, $2 from each school thumniCoyferee.
every year, voting and the other de- Alumni Conference. b
ever yer, otig ad te oherde- The meeting will include members
tails of the organization were also of the faculty and the Board of Re-
taken care of. gents, the alumni and President Mar-
(Continued on Page.Three) ion L. Burton, and will consist main-
ly of a tour of inspection of the
DAILY SUPPLEMENT points of interest and greatest de-
APPEARS ON SALE velopment on the campus, and a din-
ner at the Union.
The purpose of athe conference,
The Daily Pictorial supplement un- which was originated last year, is
derwent a rapid sale when it appear- to acquaint the alumni with the af-
ed on the streets shortly after 2 fairs and projects of the University.
o'clock yesterday afternoon. By mid- It was emphasized by University offs-
afternoon few of the original 4,000 cials yesterday that no solicitation for;
.copies yet remained to be sold. funds will be made during the confer-
The paper devotes most of its space ence, nor were any solicited at they
to the athlete,. giving pictures of the meeting last year.
various teams and their members, The program will include a prelim-
posed and in action. Photographs of inary conference and a luncheon at
outstanding events of the year, such the Union in the morning, a visit to
as Swing-ouq; Cap Night, and the the main points .of interest- on the
Spring games are additional features campus, attendance at the Michigan-
of general campus interest which help Chicago baseball game and tea at the
to make this edition a distinct inno- President's house in the afternoon,
vation in college pictorial supple- and a dinner and discussion at the

Architects' Party
laborate Affair
Underneath a canopy of green, yel-
low, and blue streamers the outer
ends of which blended pleasingly into
the surrounding border of gold and
purple, architectural students last
night held their annual May party in
Barbour gymnasium. At the center
of the sky of colors hung a large
light from which the streamers eman-
ated in multiform coloration to the
upper edge of the ribbon of decora-
tions which encompassed the room,
and which rested upon pillars tinged
with an exquisite coloration.
During the evening six baskets
hopling corsage buquets for the la-
dies were lowered from the ceiling.
The, architects attending the affair
wore flowers which were presented
to them by the committee in charge.
Martuch's orchestra furnished the
music for the evening, and a banjo
quintette furnished entertainment.
Erection of Structure Scheduled to
Commence Early In
Plans for the Practice school, one
of the several units of the large group
eventually to be built for the School
of Education, were made known yes-
terday. Although the state legislature
authorized the erection of the building
-for the University in 1919, the appro-
priation then made was found to be
too small to meet the needs of the
School of Education and the actual
construction was postponed. The sec-
ond postponement occurredtthis year
after the state administrative board
with held the general building 'ap-
propriation in order to keep the state
(from running on borrowed money.
With the indication from Governor
Groesbeck Wednesday that he believed
that $4,000,000, would be available for
the entire building schedule July 1, it
is expected that the erection of the
structure will begin the early part of
Entrance on East University
The location selected for the first
unit of the group of educational build-
ings lies in the block on South Uni-
versity between East University and
Haven avenues. The new school will,
not face directly on South University,
although a large part of this block
has been secured by the University.
The main entrance of the new Practice
school will be on East University ave-
The building is designe in the sape
of an "L," 172 by 246 feet. The pres-
ent plan is to use the building as a
practice high school with later addi-
tions to accommodate the grades. The
general style will be a collegiate Gothic
modification. The designers of the
building are Perkins, Fellows and
Hamilton, Chicago architects, who have
specialized in modern school building
Lecture rooms and laboratories will
comprise the major part of the first
floor..: At the end of the main hallway
will be the large lecture room with a
seating capacity of 272. Equipment of
this room will include a motion pic-
ture apparatus and a small stage. On
this floor will also be located the
wood-working and metal-working lab-

oratories and the boys' locker room.
Emphasis on Manual Arts
On the second floor a large exercise
room is provided on the front side at
the south to be used for sports such as
fencing, wrestling, handball which do
not require equipment as extensive as
provided in the large gymnasium on
the next floor. There is an obvious
emphasis placed upon the manual
arts phase of education as indicated
(Continued on Page Eight)

wwWeek LndLvents
'ENTUALLY BE BUILT FOR THE, 9:00-Michigan - Northwestern Golf
9:00-High School Editors Convention.
i:30-Interscholastic Track Meet
H POTS B4:00-Chicago - Miosigan Baseball
K SH Game
7:00-High School Athletes and Edit-
ors banquet at. Union.
Jobs for graduates in journalism are
promised by a telegram from William
B. Colver, publisher of the Washington
THOUSANDS SEE SEVENTEENTH News, received yesterday by E. G. Bur-
ANNUAL CAP NIGHT rows of the journalism department.
CEREMONIES Mr. Colver is prominent in the
Scripps-McRae string of 25 newspa-
THOMPSON,'92L, URGES pers published throughout the country
FOR SPIRIT OF FIGHT from Boston to Los Angeles. The
'Washington News is an example of the
new tabloid illustrated dailies.
Prof. Tilley Explains Obligations of "Would like to call on you and look
Classes and Presents "l" your graduates over before the end
Blankets of the school year," the telegram says.
'If it is not, possible for me to come
Sleepy Hollow for the seventeenth personally, E. E. Cook, editor Colum-
time saw the "verdant freshmen" -bus Citizen, who is interested in our
throw their pots into the blaze that correspondence, will run up to Ann
leaped up into the sky and saw each Arbor."
of the classes advance a rank. Cap
Night, one of the most ancient ofr
Michigan's traditions, was celebrated
last night.
Early In the evening the spectators
began to gather around the edge of
the natural amphitheater awaiting
for the huge bonfire was piled high, the
Speakers' stand was decorated in gala Eastern and Northwestern Place Most
colors. Men in Interscholasti
At 7:30 o'clock the Varsity band . In asti'
ushered in the classes. The "grave Finals
old seniors," garbed in cap and gown
with tdssels of yellow, blue and green, RECORD TIMES ARE EXPCTED
and hoods of varying colors offsetting IN TODAY'S' FIELD EVENTS
the array of black, marched to the*
center of the hollow and, taking a
wide circle, arranged themselves on Preliminaries in the twenty-second
the west bank. Other classes follow- annual Interscholastic track and
ed in order, lastly the freshmen for field meet held on Ferry field yester-
whom the evening was to be a step- day afternoon under the auspices of
ping stone in their University life. a feno ne h upcso
Gives History of Cap Night the Athletic association, while not
Angus G. Goetz, '22M, president of revealing any sensational performanc-
the Student council, ascended the es, uncovered a number of men who
speakers' platform, gave a short his- are exected to turn in some near
tory of Cap Night, and immediately re c ed t o un in soe ne
introduced Prof. Morris P. Tilley, o record times under the stress of the
the English department, who was the finals today.
speaker for the faculty. Professor Eastern and Northwestern, of De-
Tilley spoke of Michigan loyalty, de- troit, showed strong teams and placed
claring that every man has a chance more men in the finals than any of
to show his loyalty, and emphasizing
the responsibility of faithfulness in the other schools. Hester, of Detroit
student offices. Northern, displayed enough speed in
For the freshmen he declared their the dashes to take his heats 'with
loyalty could best be expressed in pa- ease, turning the 100 in 10:2 and the
tient resignation to instruction. Soph-
omores owe allegiences to the fresh- 220 in 22:3, the fastest times made in
men and the juniors, he declared, oc- these events. R. Barnum, one of the'
cupying the middle position between two-man Parkersburg, W. Va., team,
them, teaching the one, being taught was another outstanding figure of the
by the other. To the upperclassmen afternoon. This man entered in the
Professor Tilley delegated the re-
sponsibility of the University's free discus and the hammer throw, took
communication of thought necessary first place in each. In the former
to the community. event all three of his throws surpass-
Professor Tilley then presented the ed those of any of the other men en-
"M" blankets to senior athletes who tered. . His best distance was 119
had earned two or more letters for feet, 4 3-8 inches. In the hammer
their services on various teams. throw he led the field of entries and.
The 'fire was started, the tongues of his distance stood as first when he
yellow reached high into the back- threw the weight 142 feet, 9 1-2 inches.
ground of the dark blue clouds which Finals in all events, including the
were reflecting the last rays of the half mile relay, mile race, and the
sun. The glen resounded to J'Var* javelin throw, will be run off this
sity," sung by the assembled classes. afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. At 6:15
Added Responsibility o'clock this evening the visitors will-

George O. Brophy, '22L, spoke of the be tendered a banquet at the Union,
duties of both the graduating class at which time the awards will be given
and the men who were advancing into the winner of events.,
added responsibility in University The results of yesterday's prelim-
life. He emphasized the need for the inaries are:
support of student governing bodies, 100 yard dash-first heat won by
declaring that as soon as a student Sternaman, Owosso; Barlow, Detroit
governing body could step out and Northern, second; second heat; Hes-.
receive student support it would be ter, Detroit Northern, first; Lorrence,
given real responsibility, more re- Clearfield, Pa., second; third heat,
sponsibility than previous student gpv- Grim, Sturgis, first; Alderman, Lan-
erning bodies have had. But, he con- sing, second. Time, :10 4-5; :10 2-5;
tinued, the job rested not on the :10 3-5.
shoulders of a few men but upon the (Continued on Page Four)
shoulders of 10,000.'
"The Victors" was sung, and as the LEGION MINSTRELS
light of day gradually faded more
fuel was added to the fire. Nothing was WILL PLAY MONDAY
visible now but the dark faces of
the thousands gathered in the glen,
the glare of the bonfire and the speak- American Legion minstrels will in-
er's platform in the white glare of the vade Hill auditorium Monday night,
spotlight. May 29, with an array of jokes, songs,
Thompson Speaks for Alumni dialogues and specialty acts. The cast
Hon. Robert F. Thompson, '92L, is composed of Legion men from both
judge of the New York Supreme Ann Arbor posts. The proceeds of
court, spoke for the alumni. He urged the show will be used to entertain
the students to strive and to work, de- the state convention which will be
(Continued on Page Eight) 1held in Ann Arhn r nt. 5 anA 6

University of Illinois Ma
Physiological Chen

That student government w
coercion through physical v
may be of real value and shou
enlarged was the decision of the
mittee of inquiry in its report to
ident Marion L. Burton which
read in the Board of Regents'
ing yesterday.
The committee, consisting of
H. W. King, of the engineering
lege, Prof. J. B. Waite, of t%e
school, Prof. Robert T. Crane, c
literary colege, Prof. E. C. Go
of the Law school, and Prof.
Tilley, of the literary college, w
pointed by President Burton'to
tigate the hazing of Louis T. Or
'25, on April 25, and o Josselyi
Tyne on May 10, as weil as all p
of hazing in the University and
methods employed by the Unde
Conduct committee to prevent
ing, and to consider what mig
done to improve conditions. ,
Still Under Investigation
The committee further reporte
the two specific cases of hazin
still under investigation and w
reported upon in the future. Wi
spect to present conditions on
campus and the methods of the
derclass Conduct committee, It
found more than 200 freshmer
been reported to and called befo:
committee during the year and
out of this 'number, 16 had been
ished by one to three blows of a
dle. The rest were warned n
repeat the alleged offense, and
rimanded. It -was found that
"punishments" were sometimes
vere even to brutality and in al
es intended to be humiliating."
It is believed by the committe
members of the Student counci
Underclass Conduct committee
not observed or been cognizant
agreement made in November,
between the Student council an
Committee on Student Affairs, '
by no personal violence was t
used in enforcing the fules of st
conduct. The two committees at
individual members of each, ho
were found to have taken ,no pa
the abduction or hazing of th
freshmen whose cases are still
investigation. It was found th
the contrary both bodies had
much to restrain disorder and, h
on the campus.
Will Never Approve Violen
In completing the report the
mittee recommended that the stt
be informed that the University
never countenance the use of 1
cal force in the enforcement b
called traditions, but it pointe
that student control should not b
continued but should be enlarge
that the Committee on Student
fairs should hold conferences wi'
student organizations which a
governing bodies.
It was emphasized that the ol
ance of tradition was not to b
garded as a requisite to attenda]
the University, but that the en
ment of rules regarding trad
might be referred to a con
which would curtail certain c
privileges to the non-conformis
To Enlarge Laboratory
Arrangements were made fo:
enlargement of the physiologica
oratory in the Medical school in
to take care of the large enrol
in that school. .This departmex
cording to University opl cials,
only one in which the Medical
might be said to be deficient, a
enlargement is considered an i
tant step in the expansion pr
of the Medical school.
The appointment of Dr. H
Bishop Lewis, of the Universi
Illinois, as head of the physiol
chemistry department was app
The resignation of Prof. Jol
Parker, head of the electrical
neering deartment, to take effe
day, was accepted with regrets
fessor Parker has accepted a
tion with the Brooklyn Edison
pany in Brooklyn, New York.
A gift of five lighting units
Halo Pane Glass company w

An addition of $750 to the U
sity Fellowship fund for 1922-2
An invitation was recommen

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