bear up- decision Ask thel LIL ora-I Free tive Arcade [IL trip to Wisconsin. Barbers.-Adv. X DEAL OF rLEDGE IN BOOKS he least of these, as every successful knows, is the banke boob'. k, book habit and you will succeed. k, it is the easiest and safest way. & MECHANICS BANK et. 880 South State Street (Nickels Arcade) amber Federal System PENBERTHY COMPARES INTEREST IN CROSS COUNTRY HERE AND' AT OTHERS SCHOOLS Editor, Michigan Daily: Championship teams are what Michi- gan wants. The student body demands a winning team in every branch of athletic activity. But how are they going to be developed? We have the best coaches in the country, but the coaches alone cannot 'make a'team.; The material must be there for them to work with. I have been asked hundreds of times. "Why can't Michigan turn out distance men like Illinois and Cornell?" And then the questioners will talk of men like Eddie Carroll and Red Donnelly, and how Michigan won the Penn two mile relay in 1916, and broke the in- tercollegiate record. Twenty Out For Varsity There are some interesting statis- tics which might help to throw a little out for the varsity. They develop men report daily at Waterman gym for Varsity. cross country, and 25 men for freshman cross country. At Purdue a small school compared to Michigan, there are 60 men out every day for varsity and 40 for freshman cross country. At Purdue they turn out men like Furnas and Harrison. At O. S. U. 150 reported and 80 men are still out. At Illinois there are 150 out of the varsity. They develop men like Allman, Dussenbery, Wharton, and Yates, whom we saw do 9:45 in the two mile. At Cornell 30 men report daily for cross country. We all know the kind of distance men Cornellturns out. PROF. SHEPHARD TO HAVE NEW OFFICE IN UNIVERSITY HALL Work has been started on a set of new offices which are being installed in the basement of University hall for Prof. J. F. Shepard of the psychology department. Professor Shepard has STUDENTS SUPPLY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Engineers and Architects Materials. near future. Long tables are being that blue-prints may be sr studied with ease. A sta Fountain'Pens. I-P Leather Note B Laundry Agency Morse and Gilberts Chocolates t . .. S. MORROW :es the opening of ARCADIA" f T y , ? } ', u ;..i e,;; 'l , - STARTS - TOMORROW MONDAY TUESDAY REGULAR PRICES A Guaranteed A traclion v, ng, October 14th and Single Meals from O&H * Men's Shoe Shop of a soft toe- oxford at $9.50 Reason For Defeat Our cross country team has not won a meet in two years. There is no reason for this miserable showing e- cept that only a handful of men turn out each day. Cross country also develops distance men for the track team. Last year we could have been Conference champions if we had had several good distance men. There are ample facilities for every One who desires to come out for cros country. There are not cuts' in the squad to weed out the poorer men, a in other branches of sport. Twr squads leave the gym every day, the fast and the slow squads. I would hate to think that Michigan has not as much school spirit .as the other schools I have mentioned. I know they have. Perhaps the actual situation is not realized. We have to get more men out for cross country inporder to turn out a successful cr country team, and in order to provide good distance men for our track team in the spring. Coach Steve Farrell wants and needs you and is always ready to help you. It is a challenge to your Michigan spirit: Let's have at least 50 more men report for Varsity cross country and 50 more freshmen for freshman cross .country. F. Penberthy, Capt. Traveler Enters New Territory (Continued from Page Three) very prevalent, the party stopping at one village where every inhabitant was inflicted with it. After a few days travel they met a French priest who warned them of a war going on directly in their path. To avoid it they went north through the out-skirts of the Lolo country. The Lolos are more like the American Indian than the Chinese with whom they carry on continual warfare. At the pass through the Szechwan Alps the fighting-is so continuous that no one makes the trip without a soldier escort. At Ya-Chou the party obtained a bamboo raft in which they traveled 150 miles down the river to Chia-Ting, and then down to Chung King, the head of steam boat navigation on the Yangtze. The first 150 miles is the most dangerous steam boat trip in the world. Capt. Fleischhauer's party passed three wrecks on the way down. From the mouth df the river Capt. Fleischhauer went to Peking, down through the Korean ( peninsula, and after three weeks in Japan sailed for the United States in July. Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. PARCEL DELIVERY -J 4 z ARTHUR S. KANE Presents CHALESRAY IN THE FAMOUS CHARLES HOYT PLAY "A Midnight Bell" A midnight mystery-a gallivant with ghosts-a hurricane of humor - and enough thrills to last a year. J 4, I r J " - ' RHELPs C Da' cu rrrr nl RAY MADE IT! RAY PLAYED IT! -1ST NATIO rij t'4; !ice 'harlie fight ostsl h.p A, THAT'S WHY LIKE IT ', 1 ' & HEIRTLER -I MAIN STREET Hr ,ADDED SPOOK$ "THE LOVE Featuing, LOUISE FAZE Chester Conklin, Jack John Henry, Jr., and Te EGG" S I N U3 ear" at a price ENDA Duffy, Baby ddy the Dog s' 4 ne Meals IBIS WL3BE 74eer' L) LAST TIMES TONIGHT D ENVIRONMENT THE PICTURE THAT HAS ALL ANN A TALKING ABOUT You should not miss seeing te several dramatic work formations PRICES THE a " p4 AND ADDED Dining Room "SNOOKY'S TWIN TROUB TELEPhONE 270-0 TRUNKS 'N EVERYTHING 1 ARCADE ORCHESTRA, LATEST N 1856-J A