I I] 131w qA&r :43 ttlp A £ xrahoh DAY AND NIGHT ISERVICE 173 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY126, 1922 PRICE FTVE PRIE IV .RLINGS TO BURN HEADGEA !HOOL EDITORS HERE FOR FIRST STATE MEETING; INTERSCHOLASTIC TRACK ATHLETES TO ARRIVE TODAY REE DAY CONFERENCE OPENED NEARLY THREE HUNDRED WILL BY SPEEChES AND SWARM CITY TO. . ..::... ...' :...... : DISCUSSION - MORROW ... .GIS rRATION SHOWS MEET WILL BE LARGEST 74 DELEGATES IN CITY IN HISTORY OF EVENT ' FRONT VIEW OF THE PROPOSED NEW LABORATORIES AND SHOPS, PLANS OF WHICH ARE NOW MADE PUBLIC. Athby Tells of Illustration Work; Officais Expect Former Records to Tapping, Haoines, Case Stand Despite Promising Speak Performers TapigillnsCae tad esit PomsMgPOPSED ENGINEERING BUILDING eventy-eight delegates represent- When the preliminaries in the ma- L high school publications through- scond ntershostic Michigan mt at the Union yes- met are run, off at Ferry field this lay for the first meeting of the afternoon, what promises to be one ate the foundry and foundry research t annual conference of state high of the biggest and best meets of its Structure Planned is But One of laboratories. Installation of a series ool- editors and faculty adyisors, kind that Michigan has ever spon- Several to Occupy -- of electric furnaces will take place at nsored by Sigma Delta Chi, na- sored, will be under way. Of the 15 Block the base of the "U." scheduled events, preliminaries will al professional journalistic frater- be run in all except the mile race,.the WORK DELAYED BY UOLD. This building will occupy but one- WORK ELAYD BY OLDthird of the whle block and Is but the . half mile relay race, and the javelin UP OF APPROPRIATION fir sectio o a ng s bulding Guests Welcomed throw. first section of a larger building The attendance at the meet this which will later require the whole esterdays meeting was opened by Details of the new engineering shops block between East University and bert 3. Case, '23, president of the weeded by the Athlietic association and, laboratory, the realization of Church street. rnalistic fraternity, who gave an since the inepton of the meets back which will assure Michigan's position tress of welcome. Case outlinedsicthinepo.ofhemtsbk uroses of he convaentinad in 1898. The list of athletes to par- as one of the grqatest research cent- pu poses of the convention, and ticipate is 293, a total number which ers in the United State, if the neces- DAIL U ivers gasa whole r far exceeds the number of athletes sary appropriations are made for the onld Hailton Halines, of the de-entered in any preceding meet. These erection of the building, were made tment of rhetoric and ournaism 293 high school tracksters have been public last night. Curtailment of the e:thehext talk~ The topic "Wha entered by 36 high schools. appropriations providing for the shops Readers Like o Read" offered . A feW of the athletes straggled in.. made recently has been due to the -aines the opportunity to touch to the 'city yesterday. Among those state adminstrative board's desire to PICTORIAL SUPPLEMENT WILL n 'the general subject of putting to arrive was the contingent of per- keep the state from running on bor- INCLUDE PICTURES OF SO. the. varius forms of high school formers from Clearfield, Pa. Other rowed money. However, Governor CIETIES, ATHLETES licatiois in. an interesting and teams arrived during the day and last Groesbeck indicated Wednesday he be- ible form. Mr. Haines stated that, night, but the large majority of the lieved $4,000,000 would be available Four thousand copies of the roto- visitors will not be in the city until for the entire building schedule during gravure edition of The Daily Pictor- tiers will read that which theygrvredtoofTeDiylit- 'w most about. "If you know that this mornig. By noon today all of the next iscal year which begins ial Supplement containing pictures of r name is to appear in a paper the teams will probably be on hand, July 1. . campus acti'ittes, athletic contests, will read until you find it," he although the program of events fo r East of Campus honorary societies and Nichigan's I. The advantages of high school the meet specifies that all visiting The location chosen for the first unit htarso tie , and Micin- ers in this line were emphasized. teams report to the Interscholastic of the building to be constructed is der path will be placed on sale on a sunimiing up his remarks Mr. manager at the athletic office before just east of the present Engineering the street and at Ferry field early nes implored the editors to put 10 o'clock this morning. However, building on property lying between this afternoon., iritandornnatyint thirwith some of the teams not arriving East University and Church street.t SHe t said that every school has until after that time, it is thought that Only the portion necessary for the first Printe in a pleasing shade of i eret spiritd that was hplan re- there will be some who will not re- section of the shops has been acquir- brown against alighter brown back- er t s nport until shortly before 2 o'clock, at ed, but the whole block ultimately groundtthiss 16 pale editin repre- ted in every student that attended wihtm h rlmnre ilb ilb cuid sents the latest achievement in the school. But the papers he declar, which time the preliminaries will be will be occupied way of college rotogravure sections. were- "unins~piring and uninspir- started. The building is a four story U-shap- He placed the final of . (Continued on Page Five) ed structure, approximately 223 by Of speca inte wi te oth tiug riadable material before the 190 feet, with facade on East Univer- ipeebaigtepcueo h ors rathe ability to mul d ths sity avenue. It will accommodate de- four Varsity captains in basketball forsrthe ,abiltyitomouldthisand football, two of whoe will re- inctive characteristic that mark- PleI100. % partments at the present time in the cve thr theirr-schooUinto heir-"w 'ti old Engineering shops together with 'ev hIrN"" blankets tonight, the their school into their writing, other two have yet to lead their teams Suinnir "Empnloymeont on 'ewspa.- I IWDPITV TIT those engineering branches which 'fnext yearlUT HIhaeshw sc ket~pa got frnihed me o he thave shown such phenomenal gr h Only aet little advertising has been ech by T" awley Tapping, na, during the last feW years, chemical taken for the publication, it being egengineering, aeronautics, ighway en- deemed advisable to keep the edition .and cu.neted with the ooth WILF VEIOPE QOOD DIlET- gineering, and pngineering research. as strictly pictorial as possible, which dicate, ha o tined for future ORS, ACTO S, ND PLAY- To Have Wind Tuiuel at the nominal cost of I0 cents, The rnalit f tfr prerequisites of jour. ,WRI*TS, J SAYS The basement is to have accommod- Daily offers to the campus as the. stto w 'r n newspapers, The ation for many laboratories of engi- best sort of a permanent souvenir of atest .aIvntages of summer work FEstablishment of state theaters neering research, and equipment for the year's activities at Michgan, newpapers,' . acording to his which would be connected with the the department of aerodynamics. The Ws, are the completion of neces., state universities and which wold d- principal feature of this apparatus o peligd of e istanpe as a "cb" velop good playwrights, dlrectors, end will be in the double retgrn wid tun- EVERFETUREf j as a method of determining actors, wg she principal idea w1ch nel. This double return device will ther jurnalism wIll be the fu, Prof. F'redri l FI. Ich, prgfessgr f be the third t be constructed in the p pr'fe sl p chogen. In this latter dramatiu literature at the Uiversity world and the first hn the United. SlEN I DISTINCTIYE s@ he pinte out the adyant&$s of Nqrth Carlina :advpcated in hipsad- States. An air speed of more than 80 EN Sdress yesterday afternoon in Natural miles an hu can be attained through lystr~ted Lecture Qyen , science auditorium, this tunnel, but a smaller devie which (By R. A. B.) seph 4. - ernste n '22, who p y 'The play aiid drama have gone back develops an air speed of 0Q miles per Distintive is the word that best rd ': hemeeting, followed r. to the pepl and they are begining hour is also included, In these tunnels describes the 1922 vIichiganensian. pa i tyatwplainlny tnorevfullyithor s types of cdplete model air- Distinctive in size, distinctive in bind- pin bye~painngmor fuly heed. "The great pciyl chang es and planes may be tested.indsncvenlaotdsinie otion§ of the meeting an the df national sentiments are epressing The chemical engineering depart- ing, distinctive in layout, distinctive t sections of the prqgram plan- themselves through the theater. It is ment together with its offices and in design and art work, and distinc- true that the great najority of qur special laboratories will be located in tive in the thousand and one things n illustrated lecture on "Illns- that make up a volume of the charact- ing the High School Paper" gveysr y a thi1 mgr@ than the fronandnth wing oto er of the year book, the Michiganen- by p3. 5. Bottthy, of th e Jaha n thoughtlesas comedies, yet we 'ar@ be= floor. The South wing will accmmod-sinothsyawllblokdun byd i. -..B h, tteJh a n in'Sian of this year -will be looked upon er lngraying pompany of Chias ginping to 4eyelpp g national drama - - --- in future years as a book that broke Sas givenr at the net gathering o a eerios y h tdformer precedents to emerge better by th11 edito#rs in AluMni Mu ilmore akip. to that which F alswrhy,~ far than ever before in the history of L. The necessities f ggqd phot- great uropean play-n phical work in high school a*nals wights prgdnce. Publications of a university, and es- especially stressed by M. :loothy. " Is doubtless true that such wr pecially a publication of the caliber upfrl hintso,tuehmannertiWdiher sa great Plaq fo the annual Architects' May and scope that makes up the year aIvp e r t th nkthat thi cou party to be held from 9 until 21 book, duce best and an explanation ofc t Br rhe ge m i hy m metho of preparing an engraving tryisypilyudyofgthenpeoductouBbour co de up the greater art of the talkn them and that it is supplying tht stum, are now complete, according to By a study of the product of a group p g t t needW. K. Rtindge, '32A, general chairman of students a person should be able to t the evening the editors were thened n the ajestit ter at te Prfeggor ch said that he believ, n charge of the entertainment, judge the university of which they t performace. After the show the ed that the people were far moge i>. Utmost care has been taken in dee- write. And so it is with the 1922 Mich- srburlange Was vit e shnd the terested in this movement thn ay oration for the party, and the work iganensian. The Michigan of today is h school editors had an opportu- other dramatis ctivity of which h of adorning will probably be com- a growing Michigan. Strides into the of seeing 'he Daily being pre- knew. JIe hgas himself had much e'- pleted early thia afternoon. A novel future are being taken, a new cam- d sote ngres. y eing p perienee ilthis wArk at the Uiliverdesign, the principal element of which pus is beig constructed, a new and ti ill I sity qf North Dakplta, and that .f is a peacock, worked out upon a fine- greater spirit is arising, a finer Mich- umber of round table discussions North Carolina. ly finished building paper, is pre- igan is slowly shaping itself. ________d____i_____-dieted to please the eye of those who Probably the most distinctive feature ,ich problems of the high school...attend the affair. of the work as a whole is the art trs will be taken up. Prof. John No corsages will be worn by the work. Jro Marion Van Avery, '24, Brumm and E. G. Burrows, of the OFFICIAL'S NOTICE ladies. The architectural students goes the sole credit for the page upon artment of rhetoric and journal- attending the party will each be given page of well drawn work. Artistically ,will lead groups of faculty ad- All officials of the Inter- C a flower at the door to be worn on contrived, expressively arranged, 'and yrs. Men prominent on campus scholastic Track Meet are re- the lapel of the coat. Murtuch's or- kdrawn, with a free sweep and power cations will lead the student quested to report at Ferry, field chestra will furnish the music fo that is attractive in itself, these intro- ups. 1n the evening the dele- at 2 o'clock this afternoon. dancing, and 'a number of specialty 'ductory pages add a distinctive effect es will be entertained at the Cap features will comprise the program to the Michiganensian of the year. ht ceremonies.toeof the evening. 1irInnA , ofhyar FRESHMEN WILL TI SLEEPY HOLLOWI ANNUAL CAP CAP NIGHT ANNOUNCEMENTS I The entire student body will assemble on the campus prompt- ly 7 o'clock. Men acting as offic- ials will meet in front of the Chemistry building at 6:45 o'clock. WHERE THE CLASSES MEET Band-In front of Hill auditor-4 lum Seniors-East side of court be- tween Natural Science and 1 Chemistry buildings.- Juniors-On Ingalls street just east of Hill auditorium. I Sophomores-Between Law andC Natural Science buildings. Freshmen - On sidewalks in front of Library. LINE OF MARCH From Hill auditorium north on Thayer to Ann street, east 'on Ann to Sleepy Hollow. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS By order of Chief of Police O'Brien no cars will be parked or driven on Thayer street be- I. tween Ann street and Hill audi- I torium and on Ann street be- I tween Thayer and Observatory avenue. Traffic on Observatory t avenue will be toward the south j only. FINAL UTHORIATIONI MAE FOR FIELOHOUSE' CONTRACTS TO BE LET JUNE 1 WITH WORK BEGINNING JUNE 20 Final authorization of the proposed field house has been made with the acceptance by the Board in Control of Athletics of the complete designs of the building by the architects. Con- tracts for the entire structure will be let June 1, when all the bids will be in., Work on the structure is schedul- ed to begin June 20 when the co-'l Crete footing will be laid. Steel con- struction is to start by June 1. With, the contracts already let for the steel, work specifyng Aig. 1 as the , date when the frame work must be com-' pleted, it is being planned to rush the building to completion by Nov.1. With the completion of the field house the Uiversity will be equipped with every- facility for indoor practic- es and meets. The field house, togeth- er with the other facilities which arej now possessed for the handling of ath- letics, will give the University ,ne of the most complete athletic, plants in the country. ORDER OF COIF IN ITITS TEN LAW SCHOIOL SENIORS PROF. WOOD1WARD OF CHICAGO GIVES ADDRESS AT BANQUET Nine senior law atudents were ini- tiated into the order of the Coif, na- tional honorary law fraternity, yester- day in te dean's office of the Law ed by a banquet at the Union, where Prof. Frederic. C. Woodward of, the Chicago university law ?ohool ad- dressed the initiates. He congratu- lated the school upon its recent large gift and outlined the opportunities for service which society is offering the legal profession, emphasIzing the need of a closer organization of law- yers in the interest of higher profes- sional standards. Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law school acted as toastmaster. Sever- al short talks were delivered by fac- ulty and students of the order. Following are the names of the in- itiates: E. 0. Carroll, D. H. Brake, C. E. Bailey, E. C. Davis, E. B. Sta- ton, George Sellett, C. E. Turner, L. A. Parker, and W. R. Ringer. W. C. O'Keefe, one of the men elected to membership in the order, maes nnae ta i i.tnn .Pintita. 1SS POTS INTO FIE TONIGHT AT NIGHT CEREMONIE ALL CLASSES TO ASSEMBLE l 7 O'CLOCK AT DESIGNATED PLACES "M" BLANKETS WILL B AWARDED TO ATHLETI Speakers Include G. 0. Brophy, i Hon. R. F. Thompson and Prof. M. P. Tily Freshmen will toss their pots a toques into the fire at Sleepy H low tonight In the annual Cap N ceremony, the most important cls activity of the year for the men '25, marking their entrance into t sophomore class. At 7 o'clock classes in the University will asse: ble at their designated places on t campus in preparation for the mar to the hollow which will c mmen as soon, as the classes are In line, The Varsity band will form promt ly at 7 o'clock In front of Hill au torium and when the procession ready will start off on the mar playing Michigan airs, followed by t various classes, in order led by t seniors in caps and gowns. Due repairs that are being made on St street, the line of march will be nor on Thayer street to Ann street, a: the east to Sleepy Hollow, the a nual scene of Cap Night ceremoni Visiting men on the interscholasi teams, those attending the hij school editors convention and oth visitors of the school are invited attend the exercises in the hollow guests of the University. Red lighi will designate the reserved sectlo: allotted to the various classes ai also for the spectators; and stude councilmen and other officials will on hand to see that everyone is se ed. The freshmen will take their pla es at the extreme east of the fiel Seniors, juniors and sophomores w have sections from east to west the order named. Varsity Band to Play Cheers by the assembly and sele tions by the Varsity band will ma: the beginning of the program, aft which Angus G. Goetz, '22M, mast of ceremonies, will introduce Pr< Morris P. Tilley, facultya speaker blankets to the following Varsity at etes who have won two Ms in so one major sport, prior to their gr uation this June: W. B. Rea, R. Dunne. Hugh Wilson, Richard Lose W. B. Simmons, D. C. Douglas, C. Stipe, Milton Dixon, Walter We brook, George Reind, E. W. Wllsc Angus Goetz, and Joseph Karpus. "Varsity" will \be played by t band and sung by the audience 1 by F. B. Thomas, '22, student dire tor, following the presentation of t blankets. George ., Brophy, '22, will then speak for the students a the Hon. Robert F. Thompson will liver a message from the alumni the students. "The Victors" will sung during the intermission betwe the latter speeches. Upper Classes to Break Ranks At the conclusion of the speech everyone will stand and sing "T Yellow , and Blue" and then "Whe Oh Where Are the Verdant Free men", the.words of which are p int on another page of this issue, a the freshmen will come forward, fo in a snake dance around the fire a as they circle the flames throw their year old caps, thus sgnifyi (Continued on Page Eight) FRIDAY 9:00--High School Editors Conventic 2:00-High School Editors Conventic 2:00-Interscholastic Track ME (preliminaries). 7:00-Cap Night Ceremonies. 9:00-Architects' Ball. SATURDAY 9:00--Michigan - Northwestern G Match. 9:00-High School Editors Conventic 2:00-High School Editors Conventic 1:30-Interscholastic Track Mc (finals). 4:00-Chicago - Michigan Baseb Game.