THE MICHIGAN DAILY t against the Sen- quested to send tin, 1520 South ophomores who have their posture exam- o so at their earliest sophomore women having for the sophomore movie are ed to turn them in to Marian 11 at Newberry residence im- 31y. ersons who have been selling ickets are asked to turn in the and remaining tickets immedi- Mary J. Lawson so that a re- the sales may be made. reliminaries in all sports should hed up this week if possible. llation of all officers for the 's league for next year will take t 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon ah Caswell Angell hall. Im- ely following the installation ill be an election of class com- iand chairman, reasurers of the freshman and .ore girls' social committees are o take their accounts to the reg- office to be audited, after which iould be brought to Dean Jor- filce. All other girls' organiza- re also requested to bring their er's books to be kept over sum- cation. .ouses or persons having funds * Michigan league campaign ;end them to the treasurer of npaign committee, Dorothy Jef- 36 Tappan road at once. This is needed for campaign ex- and will be collected ind Id- nless paid in this week. Members of the Ann Arbor group of the American Association of Univer- sity Women will hold their annual business meeting at 11 o'clock Satur- day morning at the home of Mrs. Jos- eph A. Bursley, 2107 Hill street. There will be a picnic luncheon previous to the regular meeting. The freshman-junior baseball game will be played at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The first practice for the May-pole dances will be held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon, the second at ;4:45 o'clock tomorrow afternoon,Iand the third on Monday, May 29. It is very necessary that all girls be present at all practices. Members of the Senior Girls' -play cast and committee who aregoing to Whitemore lake for thew party will meet at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon' at Barbour gymnasium. Cars will be provided for transportation. The Girls' Educational club will hold its initiation of new members at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. Seniors are requested-to wear their caps and gowns. ADVISERS TO BE LISTED Men wishing to serve as up- perclass advisers next year are requested to fill out the enclos- ed coupon and mail to the Union or hand in at the main desk( immediately. I desire to serve as an up- perclass adviser next year. Name. ...... ........ .... SIGMA DELTA PHI TO INITIATE 14 Sigma Delta Phi, honorary orator- ical society, will hold its initiation at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Fost- er's tea room. The following people 'will be initiated: Portia Goulder, '24, Celma Simonson, '23, Lucile Welty, '23, Blanche Kynast, '23, Louise Gra- ham, '23, Ann Mushken, '23, Ruth 'Werkheiser, '23, Mary Ives, '23, Velma Lee Carter, '24, Ruth Sutherland, '24, Shirley Salisbury, '24, Elsie Townsend, '22, Olive Lockwood, '22, and Mattie Proudfoot, '23. HOUSES HEAR SEEENADE BY FRESHMAN GIRLS' GLEE CLUB Folksongs, college songs and pop- ular melodies were sung to the girls of University rooming houses last eve- nimng by the Freshman Girls' Glee club. The members went from house to house on a truck. They serenaded President Marion L. Burton and Mrs. Burton, Dean Myra B. Jordan, ex-Pres- ident Harry B. Hutchins, Helen New- berry and Betsy Barbour dormitories, AdeliaCheever house, and various sororities. Have your silk and organdie gowns as well as your exclusive gowns, made at the Mode Shop, 711 N. University Ave.-Adv. Daily Want Ads Pay.-Adv. U LET US PLAY THEM FOR YOU' . i AT THE THEATERS June Records Have Arriv Teasin' On the Almo Every Day Rosy Posy By the Sapphire Sea Sing Song Man Jimmy Dinny Danny Do It Again Lovey Dove Put and Take Moanful Blues Stars Thrills Opera Reel Rickett's Hornpipe S . . Paul Biese's Orchestra Paul Biese's Orchestra S . Ted Lewis and His Band Ted Lewis and His Band The Columbians . . . The Happy Six S . . . The Columbians Ray Miller and His Orchestra Ray Miller and His Orchestra Ray Miller and His Orchestra Jonnie Dunn's Original Jazz Hounds Jonnie Dunn's Original Jazz Hounds Accordion Solo Accordion Solo S . . . . Fiddle Solo S . . . . Fiddle Solo I TODAY SCREEN TELEPHONE 214 F- Arcade-Bert Lytell Face Between.", in "The Majestic--"The Good Provider',' with entire "Humoresque" cast. Orpheum-"Golden Gallows." I 1 1___ Wuerth -- "Dangerous Curve Ahead," by Rupert Hughes. | ~----------- i SLEEP ANYWHERE, BUT EAT AT REX'S THE CLUB LUNCH 703 Arbor Btreei Near State and Packard Btreet. WHEN SELECTING A DOCTOR to diagnose the trouble with your heat- ing or plumbing system, use the same good judgement you excercise in choos ing your physician. Your confidence in us will not be mis- placed. We are experts in our profes- Nion and offer you the benifit of many years of experience. HUTZEL & COMPANY Phone 41 119 E. Washington St 11 We wish to draw your attention to our portable phonographs for your !canoe and camping trips. They are sturdy little machines and make splendid music. Prices are very rea- sonable. Let us show you. THE LATEST AND BEST IN MUSIC Address.................. Class................. Department .. ...... ...... . . Phone No.- -........... i i i i i i ,FIRST NATIONAL BANK Organized in 1863 3% paid on ALWAYS MEANS Allmendiniger' s, Music Shop 305 MAYNARD STREET "HOME OF COLUMBIA RECORDS AND MACHINES" a Savings Deposits Oldest National Bank in Michigan f'! 9 99 TAXI 1 rf rrtl qr r rriirrrr rrrrr s irsO HHrUO" rr ash . 35 CENTS p 999 TAXI to Subscribe REMOVE THE DANGER Step into either of our offices and look over our for The --- Safety Deposit Vault Equipment - You will feel at ease knowing your valuables are safely deposited in your individual box behind those massive doors Summer ih aI ail THE COST IS NOMINAL FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 1O5 South ain Street. U$O South S4 Street (N4T Aread) MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS _ _-__ _ ' . . .... . - _ ..,r 46 Issues All full of Michigan News A I OSWALD KAT Z The first three issues will deal with Commencment, :I yet:ti Qms t z'+. ,tu .. 814 S. State Street Delta Block Class Day, Alumni and Baccalaureate News While they last, any CAP in store $20-9 The Daily will be sent to any address in the Uuited States for I Button Down White Polo Shirts I 1.00 and $1.50 $ .50 Must clean up. e nevel carry any stock over OSWALD Steam and Dry Cleaning Call and Deliber I KATZ Repairing by Experts Phone 2383-7 SUBSCRIBE And Keep In Touch With MICHIGAN _ -. .. ' IF :t a Radiophone! PRICED AS LOW AS $25 Or Hake One Yourselt We'll Shov You Ho)v Washtenaw Electric Shop 200 E. Washington t