-1 A I oeol Sfr i!o~an Irn1 ASSO DAY ANNIE SERVIC No. 171 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1922 PRICE I -_ TNIVERSITY ASSURED OF FUN MICIANDE PI DELTA EPSILON 1P DFTINITIATES 11 MEN Ir4 Pi Delta Epsilon, national honor- GE7 ary journalistic society, initiated 11 men at the annual initiation, held last night at the Union. Prof. Morris OD GAM P. Tilley of the English department was the chief speaker at the banquet which followed. The 11 men were: Sheldon Brown, ELLIOTT HOLDS MINNESOTA TO 2 '23, William A. Cotton, '23L, J. Aston HITS, STRIKING OUT 9 ]EN Fisher, '23E, Leo J. Hershdorfer, '23, t AND WALKING , James House, '24L, James W. Hume, '23, Herold Hunt, '23Ed, Edward C. McCobb, '23, Albert J. Parker, '23, J. WOLVERINES SCORE 5 Ross Riford, '23, Max Schrayer, '23E. RUNS IN SECOND FRAME Uteritz Leads Batters with 8 Hits, 2 of Them Doubles; PaperL Gets Triple (Special to The Daily) Minneapolis, Minn., May 23.-Michi- gan's baseball team annexed the first Vktory Goes to Illini After Hard of two scheduled contests on Northrop Pitching Duel Between Barnes field today by the one-sided score 'of and Wallace 7 to 0. The game was salted away in the second when Friedl weakened MICHIGAN'S HOPES FORBIG temporarily and the Wolverines tallied TEN TITLE RISE AS RESULT five scores. Elliott, Michigan mounds- man, pitched a wonderful game, strik- ing out nine men, allowing but two (Special to The Daily) hits and letting no runner reach third Urbanj, Ill., May 23.-Midhigan's base. . chances for the Big Ten championship: Uteritz Leads Hitting were given a decided boost today Uteritz, Roby, and Elliott led the of- when Illinois defeated the Purdue fensive for Michigan, the former team here by a score of 5-3. getting three safe hits, two of them The game was a pitchers' duel be- doubles. tween Barnes of Illinois and Wallace In the second frame Paper's three of Purdue after the opening inning. bagger started the. ball rolling, after Barnes allowed the Boilermakers 3 which five singles were made in hits and struck out 8 batters. Wagner quick succession, which gave the Wol- of Purdue clouted a homer in the verines five scores. After this Friedl first with 2 on for the only Purdue tightened up until the seventh when scores. (Continued on Page Eight) Score by Innings Purdue.... ....3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 043-5-3 I HE[, SH0WS Illinois ...'....31001000x-5-7-1 11111Batteries: Banker, Barnes and I1 Dougherty for Illinois; Wallace and Waltser for Purdue. All three teams, Michigan, Illinois I NC N H and Purdue, have now lost two games and the Wolverines are fortunate in EACH CLASS WILL ATTEND A having a longer schedule than either SEPARATE THEATER AFTER of her two competitors for the flag. Purdue has only nine games schedul- CEREMONIES ed and by winning the remainder of her games the Purple aggregation Through the courtesy of the 'man-will have a standing of seven won and agements of the local theaters special two games lost. The Illini and Wol- free shows will be, put onfor the stu- verines both have a 12 game schedule dents following the Cap Night core- but Illinois was forced to cancel one monies, and'arrangements have been game with Iowa owing to wet made, o that each class may go to a grounds. With both teams winning separate theater. This'is a plan work- the remainder of their games the two' S out by theatetcoucislcomit- teams will end with the Wolverines a ed out by th~e Student council commit~ half game in the lead, having won 10 tee to eliminate the rushing of the and lost 2, while the Indians were shows that has occurred in the past winning 9 and losing 2, thus giving and to provide room for everyone. winigandlosin s iv n The Arcade has been designated Michigan the championship._ for the seniors, who will be in Caps and gowns that night, the Majestic for Phi Ieta I ah the juniors, the Wuerth for the sopho- mores, and the Orpheum for the fresh- ,',w,,iet rrnng it men. The committee further wishes to announce that this applies to the classes as they are rated now and not Sixty-five seniors recently elected as they will be after the freshmen to Phi Beta Kappa, international burn their pots, and all the classes scholastic honorary society, will be move up a notch. The films at the given a banquet this evening at the first two houses will be alike, as will Union. Prof. A. C. McLaughlin, head be those of the last two. The Ar- of the history department of the Uni- cade and Majestic are also planning versity of Chicago, will give the prin- on having special 15-piece orchestras cipal address on "The Prevailing that night. The theaters may also be Pessimism." roped off so that only a certain num- Professor McLaughlin graduated ber can enter at one time. from the University of Michigan in W'y'ood for the immense bonfire which 1882. Since his graduation he has will consume the freshman headgear is been devoted to the study of history. being gathered by the Underclass con- He served on the history faculty of duct committee from the merchants of this University as professorof Amer- Ann Arbor and taken to "Sleepy Hol- lcan history from 1891 to 1906. He low" where it is to be piled awaiting was for some time director of the the touch of the match, department of historical research of the Carnegie Institute in Washing- Menges-Ellioft Engaged ton. Since 1906 he has been profes- sor and head of the department of The engagement of Janet' Manges, history at Chicago university. He is '23, to Phillips P. Elliot, '22, was an- the author of many books on history nounced at the Alpha Tau Omega and has edited many historical maga- house last night. Elliott is retiring zines. president of the S. C. A., a member of Prof. Arthur G. Hall, president of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and the Michigan Alpha of Phi , Beta is prominent in University oratorical Kappa, in commenting on the conflict circles. of the society's banquet with the date of the Lindsay lecture, stated that the banquet date was set by the execu- SUItI iER DAILY STAFF TO tive council of the society. At that MEET j time it was not known that the date of the lecture series had been changed Members of The Summer Mich- from Wednesday afternoons to Thurs- igan Daily editorial staff will I day evenings. meet in the Press building at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. All 24E Enjoys "Pow Wow" j other students who plan to at- f A canoe joust and other games fea- tend the Summer session and I tured the "pow wow",held by the soph- Wish to try out for Tha Summer omore engineering class at Barton dam Daily editorial staff should be t yesterday afternoon and evening. present at this meeting. Trucks transported the engineers to - the dam. Following the games and swimming a dinner of frankfurters was served. Watch for the "I's." Today Is "M" E k WILL HOLD SING TOMORROW NIGHT T Seniors will revive an old Michigan tradition tomorrow night when they - gather about the steps of the Lirary for their first sing. The program will "Singing Pdet" Will Make Last Talk begin at 7 o'clock and last exactly an of Series at 8 O'clock in hour. Plans that were to be the or- Hill Auditorium der of last Thursday's weather-in- terrupted carol will be the same for IS ADVOCATE OF INCREASING tomorrow night, with one exception BEAUTY OF TOWNS, VILLAGES and that is the feature number of Tang and Tavares, which will take place at a later sing. Though best-known as the "singing All seniors will wear their caps and poet," Vachel Lindsay, who will give gowns. The committee is anxious that interpretive readings from his poems not only seniors from all colleges but at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditor- all who care to do so attend. ium, is also a writer of several prose works. Mr. Lindsay is the last poe to speak in the series of modern toseki h eiso oenS NOSAeia ottlsbiggvnu-der the auspices of the Association S NIR ANNOUNCE American poet talks being given un- of University Women and Whimsies. Mr Lindsay is, in a sense, a mi'E strel turned missionary. His doctrine forth in his prose volume "Adven- tures While Preaching the Gospel of Schedule Gives Laws and S. of E. Beauty," encourages the half-hearted June 15; Lits and Engineers beauty that hides and fears to declare Jne 16 ' itself in the dull and complacent vil- lages and townships. Vachel Lindsay- is a champion of the small town, and CLASS OFFICERS AND FACULTY is doing all he can to bring forth the MEMBERS TO GIVE ADDRESSES development which he believes is its rightful heritage. He wishes to re- animate and beautify the thousands Class day programs have been com- of dreamless villages which have not pleted by all the senior classes and realized their potentialities of artistic were announced yesterday. expression. The senior lits will hold their class The forthcoming "Golden Book of day exercises on the afternoon of Fri- Springfield" will correlate and synthe- size his scattered speculations that day, June 16, on the campus. There there are a thousand miscellaneous will be speeches by Walter B. Rea, achievements within the scope of the class president, Phillips P. Elliott, great-hearted American village. Mr. class orator, and Josephine Walters, Lindsay was born in Springfield, Ii. linois, and he is endeavoring to ap- class histrian. Margaret Tibbals will ply his theories to that town. His de- read the class poem, and Brewster votion to it is seen in many of his P.rampbell will deliver the class poems, which commemorate its great prophecy. events. and great men. His poem Senior engineers will hold exercis- sAbrah ncoln s at M es at the same time as the lits, in the night probably owes its conception enginering quadrangle around the to the fact that the poet's interest in senior benches. Dean Mortimer E. Lincoln may have been fostered by Cooley, of the Engineering school, will his associations with his home town. be the principal speaker. Other speak- Another which shows this core clearly ers will be: George W. McCordic class is "The Eagle That Is Forgotten," president, Douglas J. Dow, class his- which bears the subtitle "John P. Alt- torian, E. F. Moore, class orator, and geld, born Dec. 30, 1847; died March George F. Emery,: class prophet. 12, 1902," referring to the martyred Senior laws will hold their class governor of the state. day exercises on Thursday morning, _ Dean Bates, of the Law school, de- livering the main address. Owen J. S nirai vIT.. Watts, president of the class, will speak, and Louis A. Parker will then present the class memorial, Prof. V. TO TTENDCNaIrmIOn fH. Lane, of the Law school, making the spech of acceptance. Class day exercises of the School HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER STU of Education will be held Thursday DENTS WILL MEET HERE T afternoon. After an address by the class president, John S. Page, Presi- THURS., FRI. AND SAT. dent Marion L. Burton will speak to the class. Chares E. Forsythe will Seventy-five high school editors and present the class memorial, which will faculty advisers from 20 secondary be accepted by Dean Whitney, of the schools in the state are scheduled to Educational school, arrive here Thursday for the three day convention which is being heldt here. Acceptances continue to come Archiects arty in even though estimates of the num-E ber to attend the meeting have been .[ oSB surpassed. The ;three day meeting here will be1 for the purpose of getting the publi- Architectural students will hold ations of the high schools in the state their annual May party from 9 until' into closer co-operation and to offer 2 o'clock Friday night in Barbour' a place for a discussion of problems gymnasium. The decorations, orches-1 which confront the high school edi- tra, music, programs, and supper fors tors. the party have all been arranged for, At the present time the shools that and the work of preparation is now have accepted the invitations which under way. were mailed out last month are The predominant element in the de-] Adrian, Albion, Ann Arbor, Grand sign of the decorations for the even1 Rapids South, Grand Rapids Union, will be a peacock. The entire hall7 Flint, Hastings, Highland Park, How- will be surrounded by archways rest-] ell, Jackson, Lansing, Marquette, ing above the decorated columns. The Muskegon, Port Huron, Royal Oak, design, which will be worked upon Saginaw Eastern, Saginaw Western, building paper in fine shades and1 Ypsilanti, Detroit Central, and Detroit colors, is the work df Benjamin K.I Northwestern. Ruehl, '23A, and Carlos G. Brada,4 The school farthest away to be rep- '24A, who won the prize for making resented in the conference is Mar- the best decorative design among theI quette high, which is sending one del- architectural students. egate to the meeting. Grand Rapids Martuch's orchestra from Saginaw,1 Union, sending nine delegates, will a banjo quintette, a vocal quartette,I be represented by the largest number. and feature dancers will furnish the In the 75 delegates are included 17 entertainment for the occasion women who head the weekly or an- Nearly all the tickets for the party nual publications in their high have been sold. The remaining few schools. may be secured from Frank Andrus, In addition to the work which will '22A. be taken up at the conference the The programs were designed by; delegates will be entertained while Fredrick Harley, '24A. in town by the Cap Night ceremonies, the baseball game with Chicago, the CONTESTANTS WILL SNOW interscholastic track meet, and a Sat-. SPEAKING TOPICS TODAY urday night banquet. S. of E. Seniors Meet Today Specific topics will be assigned at 5 Seniors in the School of Education o'clock this afternoon in room 302 of will hold a short business meeting at Mason hall to the contestants who are 5 o'clock today in room 203, Tappan entered in the extemperaneous speak- ball. ing contest to be held at 8 o'clock this evening in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Watch for the 'Ws." Today is "M" The public is cordially invited to GOVERNOR INDICATES S4,OOO,OOO "TO' BE AV91iLABLE FOR EXPANSII SJULY ]; BURTON MAKES 5TATE~ PRESIDENT, AT HILLSDALE, NEWS CONFIDENCE IN GROESBECK RE- EXECUTIVES OF STATE 84 ASKED TO SUBMIT PROGRAMS FIGHT WILL CONTINUE FOR NEEDED EQUIPMENT Emphasizes Fact that Buildings MustI Come with Increase in En- -rollment (By Associated Press) Hillsdale, May 23.-"I have confid- ence in Governor Groesbeck,, I know, he believes in the University of Mich- igan and its building program, and I feel sure that insofar as the state's finances will permit he will make available the funds appropriated by the last legislature." President Marion L. Burton, of the University, here as the guest of Reg-' ent Sawyer, so expressed himself to- night when he was told the governor had indicated that $4,0,00,000 probably would be available ,0 forward the building program of state schools dur- ing the fiscal year starting July 1. Needs Greater President Burton emphasized that the needs of the school were greater this year than they were last, because of the increased number of students. "This year," he said, "there are reg- istered 11,200 students as against 10,- 623 last year. "We will continue to ask and fight for and expect the funds necessary for carrying out the building program," President Burton said. "The first unit for the literary col- lege, $800,000; first unit for the phys- ics laboratory, $400,000; a total of $1,200,000 which 2nay be divided into $750,000 and $450,000. Reviews Extensions Planned "Engineering shops and laboratory, $750,000; model high school, $225,000, plus the $300,000 appropriated by the legislature in 1919, and- not a part of the appropriation made by the last leg- ilature; medical laboratory, $900,000. "All of this is exclusive of the appro- priation made by the state adminis- tration during the current year for purchase of land and an addition to the College of Dentistry. Also for the completion of the existing con- tracts on the University hospital."' SH KOCH TO SPEAK HERE TOMORROW HALF MAY OF BE SUMS FORTI Curtailment Due ;to Administ Boards Desire to Keep Out of lebt Lansing, May 23.-President M L. Burton, of the University of P gan, and heads of the state n schools were directed in a reso adopted by the state 'administ board today to .submit to the details of the contemplated bu' programs. The board then willc what part of the program can nanced by the state immediately what part shall be delayed unt full amount authorized by the legislature for that purpose, is able. The University's program, contemplates an expenditure o 000,000, members" of the board be can be carried out, possibly with next two years. Revision of the mal program, suggested by' Ti E. Johnson, state superintendei education, may aid the Univers While the state would be una' finance the $8,000,000 University gram, Governor Groesbeck ind today he believed $4,000,000 wot available for the entire building s ule during the next fiscal year, begins July 1. Sharp curtailment of the bu program was necessitated, it wa plained, by the board's desire to the practice of running the state ernment largely on borrowed n during half of each fiscal year, o til the taxes are received. PROF. OIE -fTAI y n NORTH CAROLINA PROFESSOR TALK ON' "CONTEMPOR- ARY DRAMA" TO Frederick H. Koch, professor of dra- matics literature in the University of North Carolina and founder of the "Carolina Playmakers" will give a lecture on "Contemporary Drama" at 4:15 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium. Professor Koch is widely known as one of the chief promoters of the little theater movement in this coun- try and is a pupil of George Pierce Baker of Harvard university. He is particularly interested in the creation of a new and vital American drama as an artistic expression of American life. Particularly has Professor Koch been successful in organizing groups of playwrights and play producers in N'orth Carolina and North Dakota, among university men and women. A volume of original Carolina plays by members of the "Carolina Play- makers" is about to be published un- der his editorship. Professor Koch is the author of "Raleigh, the Shepherd of the Ocean," a pageant recently pro- duced at Raleigh, N. C. He has also contributed articles to the Theater Arts magazine and other theatrical journals. BURTON, AT HILLSDALE, TALKS TO BOARD ON CITIZENSHIP President Marion L. Burton spoke last night in Hillsdale before the an- nual meeting of the local Board of Commerce on the subJect of "The lEssentials of Citizenship." Regenit Junius Beal and Mrs. Beal and Mrs. Burton accompanied President Burton. The party was the guest of Regent Walter H. Swayer and Mrs. Sawyer "The Origin of the State" was th subject of the speech which Prof. Rob ert H. Lowie, of the University of Cal ifornia, delivered yesterday afternoo in Natural Science auditorium unde the auspices of the history departmen As a students of primitive society Professor Lowie traced the origin c the state especially in Africa, an showed wha$ a great part anthropo) ogy played in the revelation of know] edge concerning these primitive pec ple. "Two of the principal factors i deciding the boundaries of states wer blood ties and territorial divisions, he said. "At first blood ties were th great factor in deciding the limits of state. Later territorial consideration were taken, and other factors helped t decide the origin of the different states Professor Lowie also showed ho-" greatly religion had influenced th formation of certain states. Sex ha also had much to do with the origin of certain states, he said. NEW MEMBERS TO MEET WITH STUDENT COUNCIL TONIGH' Newly elected members of the Stu dent council will attend the regula meeting tonight at the Union wher they will be sworn into office by th old members. The new presilent o the council will be sworn into offic at this time also. Other officers of the council will b elected at tonight's meeting and wil take office immediately. Little regula business is planned with the excep- tion of discussion of Cap Night cere monies. THE"' DAIL Y The Daily announces the appoini ment of James B. Young to the pos tion ofatcity editor, Marion Kerr i assistant city editor, Harry B. Grun dy to conference editor, and Dorotbr Bennettse, J. M. Bennett, R. A. 1Bi ington, A. B. Connable, Jr., Eugen Carmichael, W. 0. Crane, Bernade Cote, T. E. Fiske, Isabel Fisher, San uel Moore, W. G. McDonald, T. G McShane, W. H. Stoneman, W. E Rafferty, P. M. Wagner, and A. P. Wel bink to the dtitnrial staff for the n . + . .. v..wJ av a+a....