s 1-IL MiCiIV sAN LJAILY lMV1AUALMLNt. "The yind in the ly a gregarious animal who dislikes inmanufacture, trade, or finance, are coclusion that busine. as now con- Th Iy nd he solitude. ie is, moreover, given to"the leading figures of our age. They ducted is not merely unfair, exceed- f1aking" the most exaggerated estimate of his exercise a dominant influence in do- ingly wastefuil, and often highly mex- tribe; and on these ancient founda- mestic and foreign -policy; they subsi- pedient from a social standpoint, but (Continued from Page 3:) tions modern nationality has been d ze our education and exert an un- that from an historical standpoint it is on, but for profit; the soap is no built up by means of the printing mistakable control over it. In other"intesely unusual, unstable comli- longer prepared for purposes of clean- press, the telegraph, and cheap post- ages a military or religious caste en- cated, unreliable, and temporary liness, but to be sold for profit. Prac- age. So it has fallen out that just joyed a similar pre-eminence. But (Keynes). It may prove to be the chief tically nothing catches our eye in the when the world was becoming effee- now business directs and equips the eccentricity of our age; quite as im- way of writing that was written for its tively cosmopolitan in its economic; soldier, who is far more dependent on perianent as was the feudal and own sake and not for money. Our inter-dependence, its scientific e- its support than formerly. Most re- manorial system or the role of the magazines and newspapers are our search, and its exchange of books and ligious institutions make easy terms medieval church or of monarchs by modern commercial travelers pro- arif ite snelent tribal insolence -has wth business, and, far from interfer- the grace of God; and destined to claiming the gospel of business com- heen deseltedo 0n a stupendous scale, ing with it or its teachings, on the undergo changas which it is now quite cliinghFosel thewhole cordially support it. * * impossible to forecast. clasesnworerbecy they 4r 'the Sickness of an Acquisitive , Modern business produced a sort of In any case, economic issues are the slaves, or because they were defense- Soeletr Iparadise for the luckier of mankind, chief and bitterest of our time. It is lessandcould notteyape fromdthral It is so difficult a task to form any which endured down to the war, and in connection with them that free dom-or, mayhap, because they were correct estimate of one's own surround- which many hope to see restored in its thiking is most difficult and most apt natural artisans; but now they are ings, largely on account of our very former charm, .and perhaps further to be misunderstood, for they easily coming into a position where they can familiarity with them, that historical beautified as the years go on. * * become confused with the traditional combine and bargain and enter into students have generally evaded this it was easy to argue that the ter- reverences and sanctities of political business competition with their em- responsibility. They have often de- rible conflict merely interrupted the, fidelity, patriotism, morality, and even - ployers. Like their employers, they Ilared that it was impossible to do so generally beneficient course of affairs religion. There is something humili- are learning to give as little as pos- satisfactorily. And yet no one will which would speedily re-establish it- ating about this situation, which sub- sible for as much as possible. This ever know more than we about what self when given an opportunity. To ordinates all the varied possibilities is good business and the employer is going on now. Some secrets may ithose who see the situation in this of life to its material prerequisites, should realize that at last he has suc- be revealed to coming generations, but light, modern business has largely much as if we were again back in a ceeded in teaching his employees to plenty of our circumstances will be ob- solved the age-long problem of pro- state of impotent savagery, scratching be strictly businesslike. * * * scure to them. And it certainly seems ducing and distributing the material for roots and looking for berries and necesities and amenities of life; and dead animals. Along with the new inventions and pusillanimous, if not hazardous, to s. discoveries and our inordinately per- depute to those yet unborn the task nothng remains except to perfect the Whatever may he the merits of the vasive commerce have come two other of comprehending the conditions under system in detail, develop its farther conflicting views of our business sys- novel elements in our environment- which we must live and strive. * * * potentialities, and fight tooth and nail tem, there can be no doubt that it is what we vaguely call "democracy" and Our generation, like all preceding those who are led by lack of personal agitating all types of thoughtful men "nationality." These also are to be generations of mankin, inevitably success or a maudlin sympathy for and women. Poets, dramatists, and traced to applied science and mechan- takes what it finds largely for granted, the incompetent to attack and under- story writers turn aside from their ical contrivances. * * * and the great mass of men who argue mine it. old notits to play the role of econom- On the other hand, there were many, ist. Psychologists, biologists, ches- Ou rsn oin fnationality shout existing conditions assume ai are of very recent origin, going back fundamental likeness to past condi- before the war, not themselves suffer- ists, engineers, are as never before scarcely a hundred years. Formerly tions as the basis of their conclusions ng conspicuously from the system, striving to discover the relation be- nations were made up of the subjects in regard to the still unrolled future, who challeitged its beneficence. and tseen their realms of information and of this or that gracious majesty and * * * * permanence, in the name of justice, the general p'obhems of social and in- were regarded by their God-given Few people realize how novel is the 'o-onfmy, and the hest and hIghest in- dustri organization. rulers as beasts of burden or slaves ahomost universal ptreoccultation wvith lerests of mankind as a whole. Since (To hot continued next Stisnday) rules bast budenor save alostuniersa Proccpaton iththe w'r many more have come to the (Copyright, 1921, Harper t& Bros.) or, in more amuiable moods, as chil- business which we can observe on ____w___manymrehaecmet__the_ (C__ yr__h_,_1921,__arper_&_ Brs.)_ - dien. The same forces that have every hand, but to which we are al- given rise to modern democracy have ready so accustomed that it easily es- made it possible for vast groups of capes the casual observer. But in people, such as make up France or the spite of its vastness and magnificent United States, to be held together achievements, business, based on mass more intimately than ever before by production and speculative profits, has the news which reaches them daily ofl produced new evils and reinforced old the enterprises of their government ones which no thoughtful person- can - and the deeds of their conspicuous possibly overlook. Consequently it fehlov-countrymen. ' has become the great issue of our to this way the inhabitants of an time, the chief subject of discussion,- extensive territory embracing hun- to be defended or attacked according ---_ - dreds of thousands of square miles are 'to one's tastes, even as religion and ~- - brought as close together as the people politics formerly had their day. i - - s> of Athens in former days, man is sure- Business men, whether conspicuous J+IIIIIlIlIIIfu1 IIIIIIli I 11111111111Hfilllill: I ii i11li I1111,11Jil fill II ill I ill I - L ^ ' You Get a Hearty Meal When you take a walk down town and eat from one of Mr. Besimer's tables. Just say ~ that you want one of the famous - = Take a Kodak with you up the river, Besimer Grilled Steaks down the glen, to the links or on the One a day would make you a football man" road. Everywhere there are pictures that invite you. We are at the old stand opposite the D.U.R.8 Station on Huron Street. Come up and try AUTOGRAPHIC KODAKS - $6.50 UP a steak with some french fried potatoes. CALKINS - FLETCH ER DRUG CO 1III IillilIiH H III N~lil11t~11111i111111111 iit;1111111111IgHiUi![Ih ;- III I nIIIII11lllllilllillll ll gli111111111I111I IIf IIf pU1tllli l tl l NlilfliUF',~