ETIN~ .urday.) Number 169 degrees or cer- that no degree immencement of r certificate fee isiness, 4 p. m., :TH, Secretary. ity of California, will lecture f Life," and Tuesday, May 23, .1 be at 4:15 p. m., in the Nat- F. E ROBBINS. of a local chapter of the Scabbard and Blade, is requested to commun- icate with Box S and B, 223 East -Ann street, The Varsity Glee club will hold a meet- ing at 7:15 o'clock Monday night in the reading room of the Union. The matter of charms will be taken up. The Ann Arbor Art association an. nounces an exhibition of Batiks by Hugo Knapp, oil paintings by G. A. Beneker, water colors by Edmund S. Campbell and Lars Hoftrup, and pen and ink and pencil drawings by D. S. Walker, Catherine C. Fowler, and Katherine McEwen. Open daily from 2 to 5 o'clock, West gallery, Alumni Memorial hall. Camp Davis men-All men going to first camp must see Cuthbert, trans- portation manager, Tuesday morn- ing in the Engineering room to sign up and pay for their transportation to camp. Fare is as follows: round trip, either from Detroit or Ann Ar- bor, $16.45; one way, $11.40; Pull- man lower, $3.75; Pullman upper, $3.00. Think of the foods you like best foi Sunday dinner. Then come to the Michigan Cafeteria, for they're sure. to be served.-Adv. ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS SCHVTJDLR F.FFCTIVE OCT. to, roar Read Down Central Standard Time A.M. P.M. * P.M. A&PM Daily Daily Daily Daily 7:30 1:30 L.v... Adrian ...Ar. 7.b0 12:45 B~os 2s5 ..T eumselt ... 6:2 ts I 8:25 2:25 .....Clinton......6:oS ;r:5 9:15:1S......Saline. 5:151:00 9 :4,5 :4 Ar. Ann Arbor Lv.. t a to:; R4 A. M. P.M. P.M. A&PM Read Up SUNDAYS AND HOLTDAYS P.M. P.M. 3:30 Lv... Adrian .Ar. 9:00 4:05 ..Tecuimseh ., B:25 4:25 ... Clinton ..... 8: 5. . Saline.715 .45 Ar. Ann Arbor Lv. 6,t. R M.IP.M- GRADUATION GIF Wahr ' UNIVERSITY BOOK S-M.IAY ISSUE N1%OW READY, A GOOD BOO --There's nee, and the Arts: n probation who have not such students are required and Research for examina- arts at 4 p. m' on Monday, hose names begin with let- B, Law building; from L to Z, inclusive, to Room D. Hundreds of reasons for eating dinner tomorrow at the- Arcade Cafeteria. The most satisfying is that you'll enjoy it! fail. This takes G. HALL, Registrar. 11 years has been' of- Warine Engineering. ublished, as certain e conditions in gen- Upstairs, Nickels' Arcade to students who will have imination in the sub- .ng. The final exam- for grading. ent will also receive pects to complete the requested to call and oom 326 Engineering n week, between the to 3 p. m. ery year after this. H. C. SADLER. curricula in jour- z journalism should Prof. J. L. Brumn, 2 and 4 o'clocl Any he curricula in jou n journalism is eligi- '16 Does foods? served Adv. yaur appetite crave spring They're tastily prepared and at the Michigan Cafeteria.- /' , _ Gatq ng Canoe and Party Orders OPEN SUNDAYS For light Luncheons after the show or dance -'STOP AT T1e2lue Bird Delicatessen 1112 SOUTH UNIVERSITY 'urses, PROF. F. N. SCOTT. ast time this year at a .esday, May 23. Talks on ers will be Gordon C. El- Cunninghom Co., Detroit, rgan. Officers for the en- ay afternoon in the corri- will be sold after Tuesday f the luncheon is discon- GALLERY, President. s kYasnpsu rtwts ftfnaafwwa warm uft+.a saga ra asft nussru usff t a uwfsf ttruwsuswatstrwawftafssa a awwafsaf usupnfawsu nn ui Frieda Hempel vs Hounds le agility of the infielders "Varsity stuff". Not a sin- was chalked up against this on of stars. On the initial ng" Scherer capered in big form, making remarkable f an occasional wild throw. I "Bull" Byers electrified the with his uncanny putouts. iferty performed creditably taking everything that came Without an error, while at eamn" Bostic manoeuverea so that a big league scout in stand signed the young fel- r his next year's team. In ns THE Daily was repre- y three demon sluggers,. f" Parker, "Kmppy".Robert- 'Rube" Hershdorffer. These s.came thru with three home tce, while "Rube" managed two bunts. s "Jamie" Young and "Vern" ere showered by pop bottles bites in the fourth inning rooters for a close decision Later in the game both men ed to Washington by a spe- from "Ty" Cobb to officiate emainder of the series. tist guild social half hour. 1 Nicholson leads Baptist eeting on "The Place and of Faith." 'othy Arbaugh leads Pres- Young People's society on wer of Example." If you heard her at Friday Ev- ening's Concert you will want to hear her sing "Blue Danube Waltz' again. Ask to hear Victor record No. 88540. You hear Frieda Hempel, Wer- renrath, Wim. Wheeler, Paul Alt house and all the other great artists as they are -- only when you use, the Victrola. To get the final touch of perfec- tion which makes an artist great, it the artist's Victor Records be played on the LO/ED Al ?AS IIOT" 1 l Two Suits in One If you desire a good looking suit pos- sessing pep and snap you will best be satisfied with one of the above made at Fashion Park. I is necessary that Victrola. Neither the instrument nor the record is 'complete in itself. Both are dependent upon each other; both are specially made to be used together,- and this is possible only because both" are Victor products. Victrolas $25.00 to $1,500.00 in upright and period model styles. Convenient terms of payment when desired. FourSpecialVitor Records BOTH DANCE AND QUARTETS, NOW ON SALE. THESE ARE LATE. HITS AND VERY SNAPPY. Rockii Better MONDAY 4:00--Editorial and art staff of Gar- goyle meet at Press building. 7 :15-Varsity Glee club meets in read- ipg room of Union. TUESDAY 4:15-Prof. M. Gomberg will address meeting of U. of M. American Chem- ical society, room 151 of Chemistry t'd avhrr r & 'irn farers meet in room 83 1. naw club meets at Union. ad-Up club meets at ;Unio: Musir Wpougr 110 SOUTH &