:ETOMORROW '0 iated Press) .-Ty Cobb, one of rs of the American g at the door for the he junior league cir- averages released include games of Tiger leader, who week ago, boosted , and finds himself second place. Ty's rently has been an eammates and as a have been winning e St. Louis star, who week ago, stepped batting list with a also is showing him- t run getter in, the t batting and base led him to register wing the way to the 15 thefts, his clos- is teammate, Ken- isler also is lead- he total base honors, compared to 81 for as cracked out nine Ales and four home ns' total, besides his :lude seven doubles MEN WHO WIN FIVE POINTS WILL BE AWARDED NUMERAL JERSEYS Increased interest is being shown in the interclass track meet which will be held beginning at 3:30 o'clock Mon.- day and. Tuesday afternoons at Ferry field. As is the practice of the in- trarnural department, the largest pos- sible number of events in which one man can safely enter -and display his tbility are offered, 11 'different track and field events being open for en, tries. Monday the program will be divided between preliminaries and finals. Pre- liminaries will be held in the 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 120 yard high,! and 220 yard low hurdles, while finals will be run off in the 440, half-mile, and mile runs at 1 :30 o'clock. Tues- day eafternoon the finals in the eight remaining events will be held. Suitable rewards are being offered for' the successful athlets. The men winnig five points will be given jer- seys with their class numerals, and the men obtaining three points will be given track shirts. Any person- taking part is limited to three events. In case these three events,are4 not all track contests, the relay race may also be entered. Men who have won their M ,or are at present on the arsity track squad, or, on the All-fresh teamare not eligi- ble for competition. The entry sheet shows that the freshmen will proba- bly carry off major honors unless the other three classes produce some good entries. The entry sheet 'is posted at the intramural office. In order that the largest possible,, number of' men can be given a chance to win their numerals in this last meet for the campus at large, the officials will ac- cept entries at Ferry field on Monday afternoon of the men that were un- able to get to the intramural office on Saturday. Intramur'i Items In the All-campus horseshoe sin- gles tournament, the following men will play for the semi-finals: Croxton vs. Finn; Fuess, 1399, vs. Carnegie, 558; Friedman, 751-W, vs. McKech"nie, 558; Sunderland, 236, vs. Housel, 2801-J. These games must be played not later than Monday night because ,of the short length of time before ex- aminations. Following are the partners to play for -the semi-finals in the All-campus horseshoe doubles: Smith and Sun- derland, 236, vs. Gustus and McKech- nie, 558; Strut and Nichols should cdll at the intramural office for their opponents. Following are the men who will please call at the intramural office for Church league basketball charms: Fairchild, Buchanan, and McClellan. For jerseys: Wood, White, Osius, Watts, Lawton, Jones, Bowne, Reli- mann, Fairchild, Paul, and Warney. Fraternity horseshoe reports are coming in slowly. Participants will kindly get their games played imme- diately on notice, as examinations are near and all matches must be played before then. Phi Chi defeated Sigma Psi Epsilon in interfraternity indoor baseball semi-finals yesterday by the score of 4 to 0. Phi Chi will neet Acacia at 4:30 o'clock Monday to decide the championship. Schedule fo Monday: Class league, junior lits vs. fresh laws at 4 o'clock; Independent league, Taumen vs. D~eng, 4:15, at Ferry field; Faculty league, rhetorics vs. school of educa- tion, 4:15. at Ferry field; economics vs. physics, 4:15, at Ferry field. Schedule for Tuesday: Champion- ship game, Dents vs. Medics, at 4. WANTED - Students to handle and seH during summer vacation in the locality where they reside; a fast sell- ing necessity, used by all owners of automobiles. The article sells itself. BIG PROFITS AND NO EXPENSE. ,Call at 1119 Packard Street, near Wells, any day between 3 and 6:30 P. M. SPRING LEAF LUBRICATOR CO. I ~ Sold by CALKINS-FLETCHER Drug Co TDFO flflPRICE IILIJ $6.00 PIPES to be E l rved.-Adv. ''1 Get away from ordinary food; enjoy a real superb dinner tomorrow. . It will cost little at the Michigan Cafeteria.- Adv. CORRECTION It has been erroneously stated that the score of the Daily-Gargoyle game was 37 to 4. The correct score was 9 to 4 in favor of the humorists.3 MEN AND WOMEN Make your education cunt. Get the best posi ton to be had. We place teachers and school execu- es in alparts of the country .Notanordinary agency Abureau forspecialiss- .e rget in ArenracNo e w e are choo subjects.College gyraduatesaspeCalty. feorethan half o thestate uvert.ies hav. selected our cand idates. We will put you in just tepaeyuwn .Wd add hundreds of dollar. to your income or there is nothing to pay 'L"w"deei6-NOW SPECIAI.$STS' EDUCATIONAL AUREA. Odeon Bldg., Si. LOUIS, Mo. WHILE THEY Imported B.B.B. (o Pipes Values up to $6.50.. B.B.B.'s Umbria ... B.B.B s Briar...-- These Pipes Burn I or t CITY CIGAR S' 110 E. HURON Phone 180.4 I New gives cooler, cleaner smoking Agents for the United States and Canada GROSVENOR NICHOLAS & CO., Inc. 60 Broad Street New York City Perfect. Blue White Dian Think of the foods you -like best for Set in Exquisite New Style Platinum Rings Try a DaIly Want Ad. It paya..-Adv. Sunday dinner. Then come to the National League a of Brooklyn, and Hank Gow- ston, are topping Toporcer of' s for batting honors of the- league, with marks of .417' Toporcer is hitting .398. Griffith and Gowdy played in games, while Toporcer partic-! t 22. Rohwer of Pittsburg, with an of .393 is pressing Toporcer, gers Hornsby, the star of the s has beenthaving a tough ting his batting eye sharpen- nsby, however, is leading ini es with 67, which include sev- es, one triple and a half dozen ins. His batting average is NOTICE uying old clothes and paying est prices. $3.00 to $10.00 for all 1677-W or bring them to, ain St. Dave Mordsky.-Adv riters of the best makes. 0. l, 17 Nickels Arcade.-Adv. paily Want Ad. It uaYS.-A1V. Co'm mon Sense' and Good Sense, twin brothers of the Sense family, arc among the most enthusiastic advocates of ShrededWeat as a regular food.' It is whole wheat - 100 per cent. Easily digested. Aids digestion and elimination of other Bef Perfect Blue-White Diamonds because of their scarcity in compar with other grades are ever increasing in value. Imperfect Diamo on the other hand, have no established price, and their value to I. constantly to lower. The "slightly imperfect" diamond may I w only a -tiny carbon spot or a feathery flake that affects its.brillia n but little. Or, the so-called "slight imperfection" may be a bu A or fracture very dangerous to its durability. Buying imperfect p monds is truly a gamble. oil The word PERFECT as used by this store, refers to the absenc M flaws in the diamond that can be perceived by the naked eye, or w ° examined through the powerful magnifying glass known as the E eler's loop. The word PERFECT also refers to the 58 facets of a| dianipnd cut with geometrical precision to bring out all of its Pt. and color. BLUE-WHITE means that the diamond has an unmis q able bluish tint, which makes it a gem of the highest grade an the utmost desirability. "Perfect Diamonds" is a relativeterm use standardize quality. When one buys a Diamond Ring-especiall Engagement Ring, "the ring of rings"- setting should be Diamonds of QUALITY- only because the best is none too good for best girl in the world," but because it is business to buy QUALITY DIAMONDS. foods. A great strength-builder. Never produces "that heavy feeling" after eating. struction to brain work. A help, instead of an ob- nm1W rI 1 plt lmu :! We Inbite Inspection Shredded Wheat is on the training table of nearly every school and college in this country. Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Hailer and Fulle STATE STREET JEWELERS I ;, I LA VSIN ADVERTISI THIS CLOSES AT 3 P.M. w LOST -A tan silk bag embroidered in wn wool-containing miscellan- s articles. Finder please phone s Lovell, 368. Reward. 169-2 '-Gold lwrist watch on black ion. Octagon shaper Initials M. C. on back. Finder please call call, 2619. 169-3 -In Auditorium ,or on street, ,11 gold hoop bracelet with spring ening on upper side. Reward. 1 2949. 169-2 - Set of instruments between eum and old Engineering. E. y. 727 East University. Phone -J. 168-3 -Have lost my pen troubles at er's of course. At College Inn. er's Pen Shops, 308 S. State 169 -Stonemartin neck piece-some- ire on Cambridge Road or Wash- aw Ave. Reward. Phone 2980-J. 169-2 -Eight dollars in bills between k's Store and 1520 S. University. ne 2325. Reward. 169 -Gold fountain pen-initials G. M. Return to Betsy Barbourn use. 169 '-Kappa Alpha Theta pin. Call 0. E. Oriesen. Reward. 169-2 WANTED . 'ED-Eight more students to fill quota of a hundred men to sell shes this summer. If you are king for a good proposition call ween 3:30-7:30 any day this com- week. 232 Nickels' Arcade. ephon% 600-M. 168-21 TED-To show you a pen that n't run dry in the middle of an m. At College Inn. Rider's Pen >ps, 308 S. State St. 169-21 MISCELLANEOUS DIG UP those discarded pens. We can make them good-as new or exchange for a Rider Master Pen. Full trade allowance -on all pens of standard make. Rider's Pen Shops, College Inn, 308 S. State St. 169 MISS NAN ADAMS has opened a shampoo parlor at 519 Detroit St. Experienced in scalp treatment. Soft water used. Appointments by phone, 2770-M. 169 MANUSCRIPTS accurately typewrit- ten by experienced typist. Biddle's Book Store, 11 Nickel's Arcade. 155-21 .v RADIO FANS - For sale, Western Electric Amplifying Tube, Socket and Rh ostat. Call. Cobe, 1205-R. 168-2 FINE COILECTION of old violins, bought in Europe, to be seen even- ings, 307 N. Main St. 169-21 WILL PARTY finding eye glasses in lobby of Arcade Theater, phone 2031-W. Reward. 169 111 SAVP FOR SALE-Twenty room house four blocks from campu4, suitabye for fra- ternity or sorority or a money mak- er as a rooming house. Terms reas- onable. For detailed information write the owner. E. R. care Daily. 169 FOR SALE-New $40 victrola, canoe- size. Big bargain. Must be sold. Box G. W. X. Daily. 169-2 FOR SALE-Radio set, $10. Call Lince. 670-R 169 FOUND FOUND-A lady's purse containing a sum of money. Owner may have same by identifying same and pay- ing for this ad. Inquire of Prof.' Carey, Surveying Dept., on Monday morning. 169 FOUND - A fountain pen that will write 10 exams without running out of ink or laying down. Call at Rid- Booli SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY th FTarkAnton :S FAMOUS STORY AND PLAY - w L -!, p - The Stirring Recital of a Warm Ro- mance Whose Trail Led From a Little Indiana Main Street to the Gorgeousness of Monte Carlo, With Intrigue and Adventure at Every Turn. 1 , b@ f Also in the Cast: ANNA Q. NILSSON NORMAN KERRY DOROTHY CUMMINGS and others A D DE D "TORCHY'S GHOST" featuring JOHNNY HINES f clean, light ms for sum- 'or next fall, . 1015 East . SUNDAY SCHEDULE -MATINEE 1:0 8:00 - 4:30 E(vE NIN G 7:00~ - 8:80 Last Feature Starts 9:00 P. M. REGULAR PRICES Positively His Funniest NEWS ORCHESTRA - c,1 .... _,T._,. -MY H