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Hoffman Takes Javelin; Krogh Makest
Brilliant Finish in Fast. I
Mile Run
(Special to The Daily)t
Chicago, May 20.-The University oft
Michigan track and field men com-
pletely outclassed the University of
Chicago today, winning the dual meet1
by a score of 89 to 46. Michigan took
nine firsts out of the 15 events, and in
the opinion of spectators, could haveI
taken all honors in many events, ex-
cept for the fact that only two Mich-
igan men were entered in each con-
The track was hard and dry, but the
times were slow. The field events
showed good distances, but no records
were broken.
One of the exciting 'races of the day
was the 440 yard run, in which At
'Brickman, of Chicago, went from last
to first place in the last .175 yards.
Krogh of Chicago, beat ot Bowen:of
Michigan, in the last few yards of the
mile run.. Hoffman of Michigan, hurl-
ed the javelin 190 feet, but a foul was
called, and he won the event with a
throw of 188 1-3 feet. Frida made
the best discus throw registered here
this spring.
Two mile run-Won by Davis (M),'
.Chute (M) second, Bisno (0) third.'
Time, 9:52 1-5. Pole vault-won by
Landowski (M). Naylor (M) second,
Hall and Frida (both C),tied for third
and fourth places. Heigh, 12 feet.
High jump-won by. McEliven (M).
Smith (M) second, Dickson (C) third.
Distance, 6 feet, 3-8 inches. Discus
throw-won by Frida (C). Thomas
(C) second, Dunne (M) third. Dist-
ance, 124efeet, 6 1-2 inches.
Hammer throw--won by Redmon,
(C), Schmidt (M) second, Stipe (M)
third. Distance, 134 feet, 6 inches.
Javelin throw-won by Hoffman
(M). Landowski (M) second, Frida
(C) third. Distance, 188 feet, 4 inches.
Two hundred twenty yard low hurdl-
es-won by Jones (C)j Schmidt (M)
second, Sargent (M) third. Time, 25
2-5 seconds.
One hundred twenty yard high
hurdles-won by Sargent (M). Jones
'(C) second, Schmitz (M) third. Time,
15 3-5 seconds.
Four forty yard dash-won by A.
Brickman (C). Simmons (M) second,
Joyner (M), third. Time., 50 3-5.
Broad jump-won by schmitz (M).
Byler (C) second. C. Brickman (C).
third. Distance, 22 feet, 1 1-4 inches.
Burke and Simmons took first and
second in the 100-yard dash, Pyott
third . Time :10 flat.
Mile run: Krpges; Chicago, first;
Bowen, Michigan, second; Hattendorf,
Michigan, third. Time: 4:31 2-5.
220-yard dash. Burke, first, Sim-
mons, Michigan, second; Pyott, Chi-
cago, third. Time :22 flat.
Shot put: Stipe,, Michigan, first;
Heath, Michigan, second; Frida, Chi-
cago, third. Distance: 40 ft. 7 in.
Price, of Michigan, took first in the
half..mile, A. Brickman of Chicago
second. Time 1:59.
Summer Daily To
Start On June i6
Publication of The Summer Michigan
Daily, official newspaper of the Sumn-
mer session, will commence with the.
June 16 issue, papers also being is-
sued the following two days as ex-
tra editions for Commnencement week.
A full review of the events which take
place during that week, reports of the.
Commencement speakers and pictures
of speakers and events will be includ-
ed in theseis sues.
The first number of the Summer ses-
sion will appear on the campus on
June 24, continuing through the sum-
mer term to the time of examinations,
thel last issue being that of August 13.
Full Associated Press news will be
carried in the columns of The Sum-
iner Daily, as well as regular news of
campus interest. It is also planned
to run a column devoted to book re-
views and literary comment, which
will be conducted by G. D. Eaton, '23.
Donald Coney, '24, has been appointed
as humor editor.
The subscription price for The Sum-
mer Daily will be $f.50.
Defeat Cornell in Final Match by
Score of Five to.
(Special to The Daily)
Geneva, May 20.-The University of
Michigan tennis team closed one of
the most successful eastern trips in
tennis history today by a five to one
victory over the Cornell team.
The Michisrn team scored victories
over five eastern schools in the course
of the week's trip. The teams that
were beaten were the University of
Pittsburgh, Carnegie Tech, University
of Pennsylvania, Lehigh University
and Cornell University. No team was
able to win more than one match frome
the Wolverines and a slam was scor-
ed against Pittsburgh.
Merkel and Reindel continued t
keep their slate clean, winning fror
Suender and Barkelew 6-3 and 6-3.
Merkel's game improved greatly in the
doubles and the Michigan .pair were
not pushed to wig in straight sets.
Rorich and Sanchez finished up the
day by winning from Harper and
Thornton 7-5 and 6-4. Michigan's
second team is a strong combination
anld can be counted on to win the
majority of its matches.
SVulcans To Give
- ESecrets To Ten
lvi r lT L 0 to Vulcan's burnished anvil will ring
HO Yo the measured, beats of his mighty
ALsledge, as the god of fire forges 10
ANNAL FESTIY h aeoe ereso hiSsE (pr
plastic sus into shape fit to receive
lowing. Writhing, the once mortal -
PRESENTATION OF "TANNAIAU- clods will be transformed from the
SE' IDECLARED FITTING sordid dust of this life to the immut-.
CLIMAX able fiery substance of the realms of
EASTON AND ALTHOUSE Vucans, senior engineers' honor so--
FINAL NIGHT FAVORITES c ie"tyewill initiate 10 men tomorrow. b
Te ceremonies will be followed by an a
intainbanquet at the Union.
Van Gordon Recalls Success of First initiationtr
Appearances; Others Star inB
Minor Rolesi
r'I Ain.G h«roRa
(By Edgar H. Ailes) I
A magnificent production' of Wag-0
ner's "Tannhauser" in English by a CE
cast of excellent soloists, supported
by the Chicago Symphony orchestra___
and the University Choral Union, all Fo
under the direction of Frederick Five Day Program Composed of Class
Stock, brought 'to close the twenty- Day Exercises, Banquets.d
ninth May Festival in Hill auditorium and Speeches j
last night, and proved to be a fittingR
climax to a series of concerts, the SECRETARY OF STATE HUGHES, v
quality and popularity of which has WILL BE PRINCIPAL SPEAKER
steadily increased from the very first.
From the first notes' of the somber, Final plans for the seventy-seventh
oft-repeated, opening theme of the annual commencement week have.l
overture to the triumphant finale, the been completed by University officials
performance was grand in the truest and were announced yesterday. The
sense of the word, and evoked from Commencement proram begins on
an audience of nearly 5,000 people an Thursday, June 15, and lasts through
overwhelming ovation. Monday' of the following week, Com-
Unstinted. praise must be accorded mencement proper coming on the last
Paul Althouse, whose performance of day.
the title role was masterly, being All class day exercises will be held
characterized by great beauty of voice on Thursday and Friday. On Thurs-
and compelling force of interpreta- day the senior laws will hold their s
tion. Vocally and artistically he is exercises, with Dean Bates as the t
an ideal Tannhauser. His appearance principal speaker. The same day sen-U
tells us that it was no misfortune iors in the School of 'Education willd
to the Festival that Mr. Riccardo have their annual class day program,
Martin's artistic temeprament got the president Marion L. Burton deliver-a
better of him. ing the main address. Seniors of thea
In the role of Elizabeth, the fair literary and engineeiing colleges will
heroine, Madagme Easton distinguished hold their exercises on Friday morn-b
herself, more for artistic singing and ing. Both will be on the campus, the t
a perfect enunciation, than for natural lits around the Library, and the en-e
beauty of. voice. Miss Cyrena Van gineers around the senior benches.
Gordon, in the role of Venus, display- Senior Ball Fridayt
ed a fine musicianship, vocal opu- The senior lit banquet will be given
lence and regal personality which Thursday noon at the Union, and
r have made her a favorite with Ann that of the engineers on Friday noon.
Arbor audiences. Seniors of all schools and collegesi
The part of the lover Wolfram was will hold their annual reception andp
taken by Mr. Carl Schlegel, whose ball at 9 o'clock Friday in the assem-
rich deep baritone proved one of the bly hall ol the Union.
outstanding feaures of the evening. Friday night at 8 o'clock "Pomandert
-- Walk," the annual senior girls' play,
(By Sidney B. Coates) will be presented at the Whitney the-1
William Bachus's performance in the ater. The performance will be.opent
Beethoven G major Concerto and the to the public, although tickets will beb
Chicago Symphony orchestra's work, reserved for alumni. The proceeds,
under the direction of Frederick will go to the Women's League fund.o
a Stock, in the Oyerture to "Benvenu- Saturday night at 8:30 o'clock is the
to Cellini" by Berloiz and in the time set for the annual senior prom.S
Symphony, No. 2, E minor by Rach- Seniors will parade through the cam-
e maninow added another successful pus with music by the Varsity band.
concert to the May Festival series. Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock allL
Of the orchestra's section of the pro- the senior classes will assemble atG
gram, the Russian composer's sym- their respective buildings and marcht
phony was the composition most ap- in columns of twos to Hill auditorium
preciated by the audience. 'In the al- for the baccaleaureate address, whicht
legro moderato movement massive will be given by President Burton. The
chordal effects drove home the cli- faculties, in academic dress, will en-g
maxes in th" theme de relopment. The ter the auditorium by rear door num-
brass choir was used much, but al- ber one and assemble in the dressingy
ways effectively. Then came the stir- rooms. (Incase of rain the seniorss
ring, ;almost martial allegro molto will assemble in the foyer of the audi-
movement, again featuring the brass torium.)
section. - Hughes Chief Speaker
Contrast Superb The. Commencement address will be
The adagio movement was in mark- given Monday morning by Hon.
ed contrast to the two movements pre- Charles Evans Hughes, secretary of
ceding it and to the. final allegro vi- state. Seniors will form in line at
vace movement. It was delicately their respective buildings at 8:30
done and the quaint melody admira- o'clock, under the direction of theirt
bly develcped by the strings. and class presidents. The procession toc
woodwind. This quiet theme was in- Hill auditorium will be under the di-f
terrupted with tremendous effects for rection of Chief Marshal Prof. L. M.F
} full ochestra, immediately softened by Gram, and will start at 9 o'clock. Re-1
a chordal progression of clear har- gents, ex-regents, and those to re-
monies through which sounded the ceive honorary degrees will meet in
French horns. The opening work by the President's office, the faculties and
Berlioz also took well, Mr. Stock's invited guests will assemble ,in the
reading of this excitable overture ef- auditorium of University hall, and the
fectively producing the atmosphere of alumni will assemble at Alumni Me-
the erratic Berlioz. morial hall at 8:30 o'clock. The Com-1
The Beethoven concerto by William mencemert exercises will begin
Bachaus gave full proof of that pian- promptly at 10 o'clock.
ist's power over technical difficulties, There will be two baseball games
and his brilliant interpretation of the during the week, between the alumni
elusive message of the Beethoven and the Varsity baseball team. The
work. In the second movement, an- two teams will clash Thursday after-
ldante con moto, the softer side of his noon at 3 o'clock, and Saturday at 4
nature was brought out. ie played o'clock. A number of former Varsity.
-; this movement with intense feeling players have signified their intention
and understanding. to be on hand for these contests, so,
Numbers Popular that plenty of competition is prom-
But Bachaus gave his real program ised for Coach Ray Fisher's proteges.
after the orchestra had left the stage.
To an audience which increased in en- COSMOPOLITAJ CLUB 'WILL
thusiasm after each number, he play- HOLD BANQUET THURSDAY
ed Chopin's Polonaise, Opus 3, Ber-
ceuse, Opus 67, Etude, Opus 25, Waltz Cosmopolitan club members will
in D fiat, Opus 64, and Schubert's hold their annual banquet' Thursday,
Y "Marche Militaire," transcribed by May 25, at 6 o'clock at the First
Tausig. He played music popular Methodist church. The program will
with every audience, but at no time did include music, brief toasts by several
ID he depart from the fine classic mas- members, and an initiation ceremony
- nir a nan,.rit a fhi r arv f..Lma n.rnvm.h r
Injuries- sustained in removing the
)arricade erected in the Engineering
rch immediately preceding Swing-Out
esulted Friday in the death of Charles
Bliss, janitor in the Engineering build-
ng. Mr. Bliss died in the University
ospital where he was taken immedi-
ttel after the accident.
1 was believed at the time that
Dly minor injuries were sustained,
d Mr. Bliss was believed to be re-
overing so that his death was totally
.Although the death was purely acci-
dental and no blame is laid, a corner's
ury will investigate the affair. Mr.
Bliss was 63 years' old, entering Uni-
ersity employment in Odtober, 1917.
Forty-one Greek biblical manu-
scripts were purchased at the sale of
he late Baroness Burdett-Coutts, in
London, May 15, and have been given
to the. University by an unanmed
donor. They form the greater part,
and from the point of view of schl-
arship, by far the most important part
of the collection of manuscripts made
by the Baroness Burdett-Coutts lhie
traveling in Albania in 1870-71.
The manuscripts are dated in the
eleventh, twelfth and .thirtenth cen-
turies, with a few of later date.'They
4ere probably all written by monks
in the monasteries of the 'Balkan
peninsula. Most/ of them are on vel-
lum, and only a few are written on
paper. In some cases the ancient
binding is preserved.
Of the 41 manuscripts, 13 contain
the text of the Foor"Gospels and two
the New Testament. There are also
separate manuscripts of the Acts of
the Apostles and the Apocryphal
book of St. James. The others con-
tain exegetical writings of St. Greg-
ory of Nyssa, St. Basil and St. Chry-
sostom; also liturgies of St. Basil and
St. Chrysotom, lectionaries, and
other church service books.
From another unnamed source the
University has 'received atnotable
Greek manuscript of the tenth cen-
tury containing the Homilies of St.
Chrysostom on the Acts of the Apos-
tles, which was written with great
care and presents an exceptionally
good text of this work..
In commenting on the acquisition
yesterday Librarian W. W. Bishop
stated that this additio, to the Li-
brary was the most important since he;
has served as University librarian.
More than 400 seniors who expect
to graduate have not yet paid their
diploma fees to the Treasurer. The
fees must be paid before 4 o'clock
Monday evening, May 22, or the dip
loma will be withheld.
. According to Robert A. Campbell
treasurer of the University, approxi-
mately 1100 candidates for graduation
had paid their fees up to closing hour
last night. This number, out of a
graduating class which numbers be
tween 1500 and 1600, leaves between
400 or 500 who have not paid.
Seniors are expected to secur
blanks at the office of the secretar
of the school or college which the
are attending, fill in their full name
and the data required, and then tak
the blanks to the Treasurer and pa
the fees.
Seventh Frame Proves Only
Strength for Fisher's Me
Score Three Runs
Michigan's chances for a
ence baseball championship
a severe jolt yesterday when
ni team defeated the Wolverii
7-3 score at Urbana. Although
solutely out of the running, 1
will have to win all her re
games and Illinois must defe
due in the only hard game
Boilermakers' schedule.
Milton Dixon, Michigan's
ace, was again off form as h
Ohio State, and the Illinois
got to him for many hits. T
vled with errors on. the par
Michigan infielders was the
the defeat.
Rally in Seventh
A rally in the seventh coun
only three runs for the Wo
Blott pitch hitting for Sch
out a double in this frame,
Vick and Kipke who had ge
the first by a clean hit and
getting a walk. Roby scored I
run from a walk, advancing
on Blott's double and then go
when Paper 'hit to. the third
who threw him out at first.
A double by McCurdy, an
Uterltz and a walk given to H
filled the bases in the first inn
two out and a long single to r
by Reichle hit brought in
and Vogel for the first two
Illinois' total. - Another d
Riechle, a wild throw by P
hits by Crossley and Dough
counted for two mbrre runs
fourth. Three doubles and
brought in two more runs-
sixth and the lonetally in
enth was the result of an e
Wimbles allowig Vogel to '.s
A crowd that overflowed
field witnessed the game and
of the longer hits went into
pie around the edge of the fi
Paper up. Strike one calle
two called, foul ball, ball one
struck out. Wimbles up. St:
strike two called, ball one, b
foul, ball three, grounded o
strom to McCurdy. Uteritz u
one, strike one called, foul
bleachers. Grounded to McCu
missed it, the ball hitting h
der. Knode up. Ball one, si
called, ball two, ball three.
stole second. Foul, strike I
along left bleachers, fou
Knode out, Jackson to McC
runs, no hits, one error.
Illinois at bat. Crossley u
one called, ball one, foul, st
He flied out to Kipke. Doug
Ball one, strike one called,
ball three, strike two cal
struck out. McCurdy up.
McCurdy doubled to right fie
* grounded to Uteritz, who n
McCurdy going to third. Hell
Ball one, ball two, ball three
, Bases are filled. Reiche u
strike one. He hit to deep r
scoring' McCurdy and Voge
up. Ball one, flied to Kip
runs, two its, oje error.
mistry Professor to Speak
* Moses Gomberg ,of the organic
try department, will speak .be-
he University of Michigan sec-
f the American Chemical so-
it the next meeting to be held'
5 p. m. Tuesday, May 23, in
L51 of the Chemistry building.
essor Gomberg's talk will be
le Reaction Between Silver Per-
and the Halogens."
jonkey, '23, Whimsies Author
as erroneously stated in yester-
issue of The Daily that A. D.
y, grad., was the author of a
story called "Apples Versus Ap-
that appeared in the May issue
Whimsies. The story was writ-
y Hal Conkey, '23.
due Squad Defeats Northwestern
lue track men defeated the
western track squad at the meet
Yesterday's Games
American League
Washington 4, Chicago 3.
St. Louis 8, New York 2.
Cleveland 5, Boston 2.
Detroit 1, Philadelphia 6.
National League
Chicago 5, Boston 3.
New York 7, Pittsburg 10.
Michigan. Shackleford
one, strike one, ball two, .f
Peden. Vick up. Ball one,
ley to McCurdy. Kipke
one called. Kipke hit by pi
Roby up. Strike one called
Kipke took second on a
Strike one called, strike t
ball two, Roby struck out.
no hits, no errors.
Illinois. Stewart up.
called, ball one, ball two,
strike two. Struck out. J
Ball one, strike one called
out to Shackleford. Crossle
out to Roby. No hits, no r
Michigan. Dixon up. Ba
1~" ^ " *^