THE MICHIGAN DAILY I r , . _. IESTIC MOXIE WILL BENEFIT 1EAGUE FUNDl Tickets for "A Bachelor Daddy," the picture now showing at the Majestic theater, are being sold by sophomore women for the benefit of the Michigan league campaign fund. No additional charge is made, the regular 35cent price being observed, but a per cent on all tiskets sold outside of the the- ater box oflice is given to the fund. These tickets are good for any per- formance as long as the picture is here. A special attraction of Hawaiian music will be furnished at the matinee perfornmance this afternoon when Tang and Traveres, the two Hawai- ians who took part in the Michigan Union opera, "Make It For Two," will give some native musical selections. The tickets are on sale at the book stores, at a table in the Arcade, in University hall, and the Library, and may also be obtained from all sopho- more women.. WOMEN PLAN NEW WAY TO GET FUNDS All University women who live in Ann Arbor will discuss plans for launching a campaign to raise funds for the Michigan league at their meet- ing at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon in Newberry hall. The plan for raising funds will be explained by John Blocki of the Blocki and Son Toilet Article company. This company has established specialty shops all over the United States and will open one In. Ann Arbor at 115 North Thayer street. By way of advertising, these shops sell certificates for $1.00 which en- ttles the holder to a 20, per cent dis- count on all purchases at any of their shops for one year. The club of Ann Arbor University of Michigan women has decided to take up the scale of these certificates which will realize a large amount for the Michigan leauge campaign fund. The Blocki and Son shops make a specialty of giving expert advice as to Individual needs in toilet articles and supply a booklet of such information to each purchaser of a certificate. Complete plans will be explained to the women this afternoon and the committee in charge .is anxious that all Unliversity women who live in Ann Arbor will attend the meeting and co-operate in this effort. ID-VICTORIAN "FLAPPERS" (Continued from Page Two) their oats, and the mouths of the moralists ran with verjuice. In 1968 or earlier the sons of thunder will laud the impeccable, modest girls of 1922, as Dante did the virtues of antique Florence, and. smite the inluxes of the time. Even i we could go bac to Mid- Sumnerian, Early Accadian or Paulo- post Hittite glories, we should hear much the same whine. .Unshaken by any present discontents, the philos- opher will hold that this mellow old world is not only as pood as it ever was, but a mighty good deal better and yet essentially the same, and he will repeat reverently the high saying of Mr. Turveydrop: "0 woman, wo- man, what a sex you are!" Coming Events May 20-May Festival. May 22-Northwestern tennis match. Illinois golf match. May 23-Serenade (Girls' Glee club, Fresh). May 25-First Senior Sing. May 25-High school editors' conven- tion, May 26-Cap Night. Architects' Ball May 27-Chicago baseball game. May 29-Wisconsin baseball game. Chjcago golf match. May 31-Lj.antern Night. June 2-0. S. U. baseball game. Last day of classes. Any additions or corrections to the above should be mailed to the Calen- dar Editor of The Daily. I . AT THE THEATERS ! ! ! TODAY I ! I I I ! ! Arcade--JacMe Coogan in "My Boy." Majestic - Thomas Meighan In "A 3achelor Daddy." J Orpheum-"Smiles are Trumps," ' with Lefty Flynn. I W uerth - Marie Prevost in "A' ' Dangerous Little Demon." All sophomore girls wishing addi- tional movie tickets call student office at Helen Newberry residence, Any girls who are planning to be here for summer school and would be interested in helping carry on the Michigan league campaign during that time are asked to call Neva Lovewell, 22, at Martha Cook. There will .e a 10 honor point hike for all girls interested at 9 o'clock this morning. The party will leave from Barbour gymnasium pro{mptly at this hour. A May Festival breakfast will be served by the Y. W. C. A. at 9 o'clock this morning at Barbour gymnas- ium. Anyone having bills against the Sen- ior Girl's play is requested to send them to Harriet Gustin, 1520 South University avenue. Chaperones for dances over the week end are: Union-Mrs. H. B.' Lazell; Armory-Mrs. H. W. Cake. Freshmen and sophoncres who have not signed up for their posture exam- inations should do so at their earliest convenience. All University women who live in Ann Arbor will meet. at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at Newberry hall for the purpose of considering a, pro- position to raise money for the benefit of the Michigan league campaign fund. All sophomore girls having unsold tickets for the sophomore movie are requested to turn them in to Marian Wicksall at Newberry residence im- mediately. The first practice of the May-pole dances will be held at 4:30 o'clock on Wednesday, May 24, the second at 4:45 o'clock on Thursday, May 25, and the third on Monday May 29. All women of the University and townspeople are invited to attend the Sorosis lawn fete which is to be given' this evening from 8 to 11:30 o'clock at the sorority house. In case of rain the affair will be given in Barbour gymnasium. Wa ABE lICrn EGH IBENEKER ADDRESSES rIubiP JOURNALISM CLASS hme CODIIP DCCUR I TIKnow--in Fll/ID JOULUALL I [LHIil Class teams have been chosen in baseball and horseshoe pitching, and practices for the final games will be- gin at once. The girls chosen in baseball are as follows: Freshman team- pitchers, M. Howell, A. Sherer, D. Davis; catcher, L. Phiel; first base, M. Mur- phy; second base, M. Miller; third base, A. Ladd; shortstops, E. Ohl- macher, B. Garber; center field, D. Mcl+'ay; right field, D. McFarlen; left fild, F. Murray; squad, M. Barnum, V. Cronin, 11. Gustine, E. Kadow, E.' Schreibher. SrphoIore team-pitch- ers, 1). Bogan, M. Willis; catcher, W. C(raigie; first base, M. Hays; second Base, L. Miller; third base, M. Early, M. Munz; shortstop, P. Gallagher; center field, J. Raum; right field, D. Rockwell; left field, D. Rippold; squad, D. Maitland, P. Dell, E. Pike, L. Walker. Junior team - pitcher, C. Johnson; catcher, H. Miller; first base, K. Potter; second base, G. Fry; third base, M. Dodd; shortstops, W. Wilmot, B. Kahn; center field, D. Klooz; right field, J. Roe; left field, G. Church. The juniors will hold their first practice at 4:45 o'clock on Monday afternoon, and the sophomores and freshmen will practice at 4 o'clok on the same afternoon. Both teams and squads must be present at all prac- tices. Teams in horseshoe pitching are as follows: Sophomore team-K. Cole, M. Kolb, M. Moore; substitute, R. Bli- ton; freshman team-F. -Fuller, L. Lake, E. Mallory; substitute, E. Dom- bey. The first game will be played at 5 o'clock on Tuesday, May 23. There are two games scheduled for field day, May 31. It is very important that all girls be present at all games. Detroit Philosopher is in City Rev. John McClorey, S. J., professor of philosophy at the University of De- -troit, and one of the ablest pulpit ora- tors of the state, will conduct a three- day annual retreat for Catholic stu- dents, beginning at 7:30 tonight in the chapel. Watch for the Pink Sheet! Mr. G. A. Beneker, well known art- ist and writer, addressed a Journal- ism class informally yesterday morn- ing in the auditorium of University hall. Mr. Beneker spoke on "The Appreciation of Art" and in discussing this subject said that whether a thing is art or not is merely a matter of time. He implied that we of this gen- eration are unable to judge the value of contemporary art. "The true artist does not look at art-he looks through it and beyond it," stated Mr. Ileneker. "We may all be artists in our particular line of work. The finest degree of art de- pends on the degree in which the artist may enter into the spirit of the thing which he has to do." Nature in its simplest form is the artist's source of inspiration accord- ing to Mr. Beneker, and he says the purpose of art is to reveal man to himself. custom (arden ow ina Full Bloom flower lovers to visit the floe tulip garden of JProfessor den at his home,' No. 3 of the French department, is Heights. full ibloom. According to his Mr. Thieme is permitting Watch for the Pink Sheet! Hardware Hardwl The Only HARDWARE Near the CAMPUS 9 Seasonable Goods for All Seasons Our MOTTO is COURTESY and FAIR DEALING n Vile (p-o.'Date lar Br , SUMMER LCICHIGAN DAILY Students attending Summer school wishing to work on the business side of The Summer Michigan Daily, are asked to see the business manager any after- noon, this week from 3 to 4 o'clock in the Press building. (:; Ile9l9i1salaitEfdi li1a1I1 N:111111111iII H111lii111111iiiiiIIifill iililt ilifill IIII[iliii i I ADVISERS TO BE LISTED Men wishing to serve as up- perclass advisers next year are requested to fill out the enclos- ed coupon and mail to the Union or hand in at the main desk immediately. I desire to serve as an up- perclass adviser next year. Name.................... Address.................. Class.................... Department................ Phone No................ I Now Showing II- of Exclusive Designing I- Airs. Grace Van Scihoick NICKELS ARCADE 100 1iiH il~ l~ lililliiilll il i 111111i 1111i H Watch for the Pink Sheets d Sport rr. ........+^. " ' , s, . y3 . i '$$ Sport Oxfords Oxfords Oxfords for Street, Sport, or Golf We have a large line to select from, made of smoked elk, with brown saddles, moderately priced. $6a0O, $150 AND $9.00 WAHR'S SHOE STORE DOWN TOWN 108 SOUTH MAIN ST. PissAUMMIO -u . ._ , - aa i -- Special Sale of ftme. Ise' Bell 's Toilet Prepartions _ t Three Day Sale Three Day Sale SHalf Reular Prices Think what this means - a reduction of 50c on the dollar - just one-half the regular price,- on a world-famous line of toilet preparations whose qual- ity has always far exceeded the purchase price. Never before have we been able to announce the sale of such values to women who wish to preserve their beauty, to acquire new charms and loveliness. The sale starts Monday and includes delicate perfumes, fragrant toilet water, face powders, face creams, talcum powder, and other toilet preparations. Take advantage of this opportunity and buy enough toilet articles to last the sum- mer through. Come early! i «- « M tt M111 f111eMEEB I THE PINCH * HITTERI The ability to hit in a pinch when hits mean runs has earned many a man his po- sition on a baseball team. Start now setting aside a por- tion of your funds in an interest 5 account here which later in life will "pinch hit" for you while you enjoy watching the game from a grandstand seat, I Farmers and Mechanics Bank 101-105 South Main Street 330 South State St. (Nickles Arcade) P'0 w2 E B1 '*1iSOn4 for the Pink Sheet!