THE MICHIGAN DAILY Jt tt tjj ICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN sbtd every morning except Monday during the Universiby heBoar in Control o Student 'ublications MEMBEW OF THE ASSOCIATED PPusI Asoia te Vre. i j ruviyly t.,,% e q tg the ts '.? x tha atpe gn the Iwoal se pabim*AWttio r s a 'k " &r 4 i rb, Mraa, as xr- ptlon by crrier or Msal $3. ,: AND ATx.~farceai3ti, M e ynard. Strtet. ex Busainess. g0o; lditerial, R414, rtnicatiunD not to exceed Sao words ifsigned. the signa- necesari~ly to appear in print, but as an evidence of faitk, es of events will be published in Tke Daily at tle discre- e Editor, if I14t at or mailed to The Dail office. Unsign~ed -ations will receive no consideration. e nanuscript will ed uniess the writer incloses postage. Daily doesnot necessarily endors ethe sentiments expressed mmunications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephoe .2414 LNG EDITOR............ BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL itor...........o................Joseph A. Bernstein or........ ....... ...................James B. Young itors- R E Adamis G. P, Overton .hn P. Dawsn M. B. Stahl shlt i'u1 Wat el _i .. E. x+ .. r ;, ; torial ~Board Chairman...........,......L, Armstrong Kern torial Board- Leo Herahdorfer E. R. Meiss C. T. Andrews day Magazine Editor.............Thornton W. Sargent, Jr.. hange Editor... ---...-.....................George E. Sloan sic Editor.................... .....Sidney B.%Coates rting Editoi .................-...............George Reindel men's.Editor...........................Elizabeth Vickery nor Edilor... ....... ................-......1;. R. Meiss Assistants Maurice Be man ' rA. Donahuz Marion Koch Jack D. Briscoe Dorothy G. Geltz J. C. Mack W. B. Butler 11. B. Grundy Kathrine Montgomery R. N. Byers Winona A. IIibbard R. C.:Moriarty A, D, Clark T1lairy D. Hoey Lillian Scher Harry C. Clark Marion Kerr R. B. Tarr Evelyn J. Coughlin Victor Klein Virginia Tryon. B1JSlTESS STAFF~ Telephone 960 SINESS MANAGER........ ----. VERNON F. HIILLERY erti: iig . ... .......... .. . .... ........ .... Albe* J. Parker rertising. ,,.... .. ......... .........John J. Hamnel, Jr. Aication.................................N'athan W. Robertson ount.....................................Walter K. Scherer :ulation..................................Herold C. Hunt Assistants W. Cooley T. H. Wolfe E. D. Armantrout L. Beaumont 1'arks Paul Blunm Edward Conlin Rdw.Mura tne Stanley Aonroe Lawrerce Favrot Tames Prentiss william Graulich .C. ). Malloch Martin Goldring 1). C. Maltby Wallace Flower David Park Harvey Reed Charles I. Richards J. A. Dryer George Rockwood Richard G. Burchell is done, the better it will be for all of the students and fr the University as a whole. Or animation of the upperclass advisers is now under way at the Union, looking forward to carry- ing on this work in the fall. It is essential that the corps of advisers be thoroughly organized and ade- quately instructed before the. present term ends. Sophomores with memories still fresh from their own experiences as first year men, will nake the best kind of advisers, under the guidance of their upperclass leaders. Men of the present freshman class who expect to distinguish themselves in cam- pus activities during the remainder of their col- lege course, can make no better beginning than to sign up for this work immediately, so that they may be properly .nstructed to assume their duties as mentors next fall. S - PULL ACROSS THE OCEAN The well-known saw has it. "You can't teach old 'dogs tiew tricks", but if reports of those who have recently returned from England can be believed it seems that the Yankee influence over there is fast proving an exception to this proverb. For they as- sure us that the British bulldog is rapidly catching on to many of the tricks taught him by his Ameri- can cousin. Bond Street is daily taking on the appearance and atmosphere of Broadway and the Strand is begin- ning to march to the syncopated music of the Bronx. The American hustler is not looked upon as the pilgarlic he used to be, but beneath his light- hearted air the stolid Englishman is beginning to see a system and efficiency which he himself could adopt to great advantage. His afternoon tea, his four o'clock cricket match, and his santer down Paternoster Row he is beginning to find make se- rious inroads on his day's work. In fact so much does the Britisher. appreciate the business methods and social customs of the American that before en- tering his son into business he is in not a few cases sending him over here to see America first. America is looking on all this with amusement and pride. It has taken the conservative inhabi- tants of the sea-girt isle a long time to see much in American life other than superficiality and sciolism, but that they are now "coming round" can hardly be doubted. The presence of our doughboys in England and the way America delivered the goods .during the war ae perhaps the chief reasons for this change in opinon. And, while Americans cer- tainly would not like to see their British cousins adopt any of their bad tricks still would it not give satisfaction and relief to watch the sons of Albion learn how to tell a good jokearight? THE MICHIGAN DAILY staff of "B. M. 0. Q.'s" is scheduled to meet a team from the gar- goyle, gargyle, gargle, - or however-you-spell-it,- at nine o'clock this morning. THE DAILY'S ex- tra edition, announcing a victory over the gurgle, will appear on the street at eight fifteen this mo-n- Ing. Michigan's position this year in spring athletics hangs in the balance today as her track team meets Chicago, and her baseball nine encounters Illinois in the first of a week of battles on the road. Sit tight, Michigan! ' I ~ 1Jie Telescope ] OTHERS S AY: m~MII.IQINa "F1AP1E is" (The New York Times), But most to you with eyelide pure, 'Scarce witting yet of love or lure; To you, with birdlike glances bright, Half-paused t speak, half-poised in flight; O English girl, divine, demure, To you I sing! -Austin Dobson.i Far more blessed than "Mesopo- tamia," the word "Mid-Victorian" evok~estile picture of perfect female propriety. Theii iimlle innocence acid innocent simplicity characterized the English girl. linsophicticated, una- dorned, shrinking, apart, she was al- wviys standing wit h reluet t fe t -where, and so forth l, as .in the pom.) Why must The Saturday Review snatch the reverend periwig from the poll of Mid-Victorian virtue? That jiournal reprints an article on "The Girls of the Period" that appeared in 1868. It was written by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton, a clever and once well-known novelist and essayist, a vigorous journalist. She laments the vanish- ing of "the fair young English girl of the past." Gaze and shudder at that celestial damsel's shameless succes- sor: TUTTL E I A Place to bring your frien Try Our SPECIAL STRAWBERRY SHORT CA Nowhere is the food better Nowhere is the service more prompt TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Maynard 'Street I I 'aSPEI Ii Trimmed Ms PUYE 3 328 So di 511 :: e~iil!EEEEi ON Hats and Sailors AR & HINTZ outh Main Street u, A The girl of the period is a creature who dyes her hair and paints her face as the first articles of her personal religion; whose sole idea of life is plenty of fun and luxury; and whose dress is the object of such thought and intellect as she possesses. . . The girl of the period has done away with such moral muffishness as considera- tion for others, or regard for counsel and rebuke. . . . If a sensible fash- ion lifts a gown out of the mud, she raises hers midway to her knee. Talking slang as glibly as a man, and by preference leading the conversation to doubtful subjects. So the happier age of gold was brass to bilious eyes; and in the most high and balmy state of prunes-and-prisms the daughters of men capered and felt (Contiued on Page Seven) I (g!i ,ENSIANS TrOI)AY Michiganensians may be had today in the basement of the General Library, at the east driveway entrance. Checks will y not be received in payment of, balances due. G I F4px T S CIAL S for GRADUATION That are worthy i of the occassion CARL F. B.AY Arcade Jeweler SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1922 MICHIGAN LOSES It. was in his own words a "painful step" for 'iof. John C. Parker, head of the department of lectrical engineering, to resign his position on the aculty of his "very much loved Alma Mater". 'rofessor Parker goes, 'o;ever, from a high po- ition in the field of education to an equally high ost in the field of commerce. i Not only does Pr ofessor Parker stand among he leaders' in his profession, but he has through ustiiting service and able efficiency brought the Iectrical engineering department of the University y a ranking place among the other such depart- rents throughout the country. With his departure Michigan will sustain. a genuine loss not only in eing deprived of oie who has done so. much to stablish the prestige of his institution, but also in >sing one who has been a prominent factor in fos- Bring a closer relationship between the faculty and tudents at Michigan. e Invite our Inspection Watch for the Pink Sheet: <. i CO AGS Paris - France. - green. On to-. So this is-. - Garters. JAZZ HAS YET ro CONQUER eeing the capacity audiences at the May Festi- concerts, and noting the hearty enthusiasm of audience, the observer must surely say, "Peo- love nmsic of the right sort, and they' always . There arc some who tell us that young peo- are losing their artistic taste; campaigns are ed against "jazz" nusic, which supposedly is ing the appreciative ear; constantly can be. id. warnings against the present materialistic and its exactions. Ut what better proof is there that even these d young people" whom the critics are so con- ed over. have an artistic sense and can appre- ithe finer things in life, than to observe the en- iasnm with which they receive the best that is to ound in the world of musi? O(ACI IING YOUR SUCCESSORS 1). nonth preceding Commencement is the time n apipointments are made i t caupus organiza- s, and the new officers are coached for their positions. Seniors will be graduated and so not be available 'when school reopens in the hence the necessity to break in their successors lig the last few weeks of the spring term. The tice has naturally been extended to shifts made tudents of the junior and underclasses. Next 's campus orga'izations must be built up and ICw workers given somlle traminig. so that activi- will move forw"rd smoothly froi the start in [all. September, 1922, anothler host of freshmed imvade the campus. Ihese students will plunge the whirl and work of their new college wdrld, vithout the benefit of any preliminary coaching they "learn the ropes" to, a measurable extent will be much at sea, will waste valuable time in irected pursuits, and Will cause the veteran nts a lot of bother that" ought to be avoided. sooner incoming freshmen are properly coun- , and the more effectivelvthis necessary work No matter what or where the occasion, we stand ready to furnish you with corsages of just the type and descrip- tion that you desire. Preliminary graduation events and so- cial functions call for corsages.' We will, at all times, be glad to tell you the proper flowers to send and, being tele- graph florists, can assure you of their prompt and satisfactory delivery, no matter how great the distance. Short Story Contest ! ! ! Due to our recent success in obtaining a method for removing the crane from the Clements library, we have decided to aid the rhetoric department in conducting a short story contest. We believe that the failure of the one conducted by Chimes was caused by the fact that the reward was too small. Therefore we are offering to the winner the Presi- dency of Hill Auditorium. But before asking for manuscripts, we would like some suggestions as to the rules which are to govern the competition. Send yours in so that a volume can be compiled. The fol- lowing ones will probable be used. Write on only two sides of each sheet. I [ave no more than 250 or less than 247 words in the story. Flowers are the universal language. .Do you have a friend with whom you would like to speak? Labor Troubles He stumbled through the doorway, He looked tired scarr'd; In drinking a quart of cider, He found it rather hard. I' with Agreed Solomon with all his wive was not half as lucky as the fellow who held four queens against my ace ull in a poker game last night. -Bony Part IV. Getting Desperate I Teadli :- STEEL MA.UF'ACTUIRES TO .DINE WITH H ATDING. We were under the impression that an invitation was all that was necessary to bring them there. One to Think Over What kind of a noise is a tennis racket? UNCLE BEANIE. 3 A 1 Blossom Shop 213 EAST LIBERTY STREET NICKELS ARCADE TELEPHONE 666 -