."V pr* _: 9 ' ,~ ._, r I raphic M'eet Offj to the prevalence of bad the Illinois-Michigan fresh-1 graphic track meet schedul- is week end has been can- eet might have been heldI k, but the Illinois freshmn i aving thieir semester exam- which naturally puts such out of the question. Illi- xever, believing that they etter freshman track squad ;higan, ran off the events iy afternoon. Coach Hahn[ ed a letter to the Illinois officials askidng that they send a copyI of their results in order that they'1 (,can be compared with the results of trials to. be held here some time next wveek. One telegraphic meet was held this Syear with Illinois indoors and be- cause of its success in stimulating spirit it is hoped several can be ar- ranged for next year. L. V. Heivitt, 12211,is 9muh Iun]irov ed .1Leland V. Hewitt, '22I, -who was found in an unconscious condition Monday and taken to the University hospital was reported much improved yesterday. Watch.0 for the Pink sheen! MICHIGAN'TRACK TEAM RUNS AT. CHICAGO TODAY (Coninuued from Page One) The W'olverine squad will number 22 menci and at least 2> menl will be enter- ed in each event, while in three events there will be i enltries;. Simmtons candl Burke are the- Wolverines to run in the:, dashes, Siemons and Joyner in the qu arter mile and lDougles and Price in the half mile. , in the distance events, Bowen 'and Hattendor~f will step the, mile and Davis and Chute thie two mnile. Sargent ands: Schmitz will run the hunrdle events, McElven, Smith and Neisch will high jump, and fbandowski, Naylor and Smith will pole vault. In the Javelin throw will be lHoffmian, Landowski and Dunne, H Ieath and Stipe will be Miehigan's' representat ives iii the shot put, §tipe and Schmidt in the hamIrr throw and Dunne and Hunter are entered in the discus throw. ABE RUTHl 'ETERS FIRST GAME TODAY,, has ilcenl Under Suspension ¢,4 tFall nor Playing in Exhibition 1"alne sliice ig Canoe and Pary' Orders OPEN SUN DAYS Fo~r light Luncheonls after the show or, dance STOP AT Thne Blue Bird D0elicatessen 1112 SOUTH UNIVERSITY CASE SOWS TIIAT LA1 BIS" IS'S i PR EME)if:NTBASEBALL (By Associated Press) Hlis penance all performed, Babe Ruth, ihe prodigal son of Swat, takes uzp ii blgeon again today weather permitlting, as the New York Yankees open a long,- home series at the Polo Grounds- *with Kenineth Williams, ""the Ruthian Lochinvar from; out of the' WNest, trying to miake his 1922 Metro- politan. debut the beginning of a fade- out for George Herman. 04nehe has read of the ball-slam- miing prowess of Williams, since he has; been shown that the Yankees are 1more. than a "one :man" club, since he has found that 'Commissioner lie- nesaw MV. Landis mea~ns to enforce the rules and since he has discovered what it means not to -be alloNved to Wthfor the Pink Sheet! Lost something? A Claissied ,A&' In T ha Daily will feud' It for -vo---Adv. play;' it is reported that Ruth's uni-! form.--including his cap-fits better. Still Big Drawving Card But regardless of the intrepidity of Mr. Williams, who seems inte'nt upon galloping past the Babe's highwater mark of 59 home runs for la'st sea- son; regardless of the fact that Ruth has a "record"-as a baseball Sher-] lock, the King of Klouters is still the bridIe of Harlem and ' the biggest baseball drawing card the world has ever known. In the view of many fans the attitude that Ruth has displayed since receiving his "'sentence" from <