LN DAILY I Ii roininen s of the eek Sun eting o ess Edi most im atives of ing the Program am of addresse, n and dissemi a the state and nclude those on ing primary and emergency news ice, the Lansing subjects. n will take place he annual lunch- rly in the after- wspapermen will SITY'S i HEALTH bserved that the foot in the Army shoe a~den, thicken, and ,that another fitting d six months later. soldier's size remains tity for future requi- alled attention to. the is a military foot mn the average civilian say, a better shaped, stocky and muscular :e duo, in the first elicitation of the re- active marching ex- he is subjected. The herefore, requires a" e that follows more >mical lin6s of a nor- gly developed foot. Military Methods of the extremely pre- 1 feet, and the indis- ound and 'normal feet health, and its main- high time that. every o reconstruct and re-; pitiable to think how the work ofa W fine head may be spoiled by misdi-P rected feet." Again one is much more TI prone to walk (outdoo exercise and M fresh air are indispensable to the P.0ser maintenance of a healthy and vigor- row ous body) when the feet are in good T Me condition. ANEXATION OF OAK OOD TO o _ _._FOURTH CITY MAKES IT io ATTAIN GOAL tio Students eating mo (By The Associated Press) ne t uld See Detroit, May 19.-Detroit's popuia- sho e , Ltion offlicially has passed the one mi- _ lion mark, as the result of annexation P CataloguedNotice of the village of Oakwood, with its hMu 8,000 persons. - Students desiring to rent rooms for Added to the 993,319 persons shown cati f next year should read carefully the by the last federal census to be resi- Det . notice that appears in the new Uni- dent in Detroit, the fourth city in the jud versity catalogue. They are especi- country has attained the goal it set ally urged to give particular attention out to reach a decade ago, when it ELI s to paragraph one under the heading began to make the record of the fast- .. "The student (lessee) agrees." The est growing large city in America. d article contains a form of the lease Incorporation of Oakwood as a part M r to be used in renting of rooms as well of Detroit was accomplished only after iga e as a set. of. rules governing men's a bitter fight extending over a period of E rooming houses, and the above refer- of six months. Oakwood voters last an f, ence, is, of course, to it. The refer- November asked that they be adopted.. the - ence begins that 'the student lessee The village officials, however, refused whe . agrees to be responsie for the rent to turn over the tax rolls and court Det .f his room for the.............., litigation ensued. The matter has just. T with a blank space .followed by the been settled by surrender on the part Det ord semester. of Oakwood officials, who have com- buil As stated in the catalogue, "while plied with the demands of Detroit's they the space may be filled out so as to city council. Tele cover both semesters, students are . A] cautioned against signing the agree- Prof. Scot Meeting Classes Agane mar ment when it is so worded'unless they Prof. Fred N. Scott, of the rhetoric othe are perfectly sure that they want to department, has been meeting class'es to a rent the room for the year. The .since his return from Battle Creek. agreements are drawn with the idea I'e will leave June 1 for Euorpe. D of covering one semester only, and it is advised that, except in nusual cases,'the space referred to be filled in with the words 'First' and 'Second,' depending on the semester for which room is taken, thus leaving the ques- l a tion of future occupancy open for mu- tual agreement between student and landlord later on." What you can do with'your m ( It is also suggested in the bulletin that it is much better if the rate of degree on what you have done t rent per semester rather than the rate per week is entered in the space set cannot afford to be inrlifferent to aside for the pur'pose. Payment can, of, course, be made by the week, if agreeable to the landlord; but the price agreement should be based on the semester rate.:; S Poilce Find Paper's Machine A Ford runabout belonging to Meyer you have the assurance that you Paper, '22, which was stolen late prvi e strength for body and r Monday evening, has been found. Soon provides'rg r y after missing the 'machine, Paper re- effort and a food that is a distinc ported the loss to the police, who found it Thursday afternoon near of other foods. It is 100 per ce 'Denton, about 18 miles from "Ann ed and baked to a delicious fl Arbor. When found, the machine had been stripped of its tires. Shredded Wheat is. on tie nearly every school and colle Commencement Earlier This Year Commencement period this year will Shredded Wheat Co.,T Ni be earlier than in previous years at the request of i7merous alumni. Plans for the program are 'practically. completed and will be ready for pub~-_ lication within a few days, accordipg to University authorities.. WE STAND FOR T Oavp your typewriter .cleaned dur- .ION OF THE LIQ ing vacation. O. D. Morrill, 17. Nick- ON THIS ISSUE W el's Arcade.-Adv. To consent to the violation of the la crowning infamy of modern times, w "_. break down our civilization and defeat est hopes. No political party and no leader sh DAKtheway of the execution of the liquor Sandpurpose of tle American people e DEALER IN Prohibition Amendment. HARD And SOFT 9 JEW F'L COAL WOOD AND COKE KentuckyEgg, Pocahontas, Maighattan Egg, West:Vir- ginla' Lump, Solvay Coke, G o od Clean Hard Coal. PHONE 109F2 r ,.. .T .SALE iday, May 19th. lored hats flower- anded Sailors in id navy. * LL HOLD FIRST INTER. MENORAH DEBATE SUNDAY Michigan will oppose Western' Re- we University at 2:30 o'clock tomor- w in Lane hall in the first inter- norah debate held here. The ques- n will be: "Resolved, that tradi- nal Jewish life is compatible with dern industrialism." A large cup w on display in the Arcade Jewelry p has been offered by the Shaarey ek synagogue of Detroit. >rof. P. Brand Blanchard, of the losophy department, Mr. Samuel C. mford, of the Detroit Board of Edu- on, and Mr. Samuel Levin, of the roit Junior College, will act as ges. ECTRICAL ENGINEERS WILL VISIT DETROIT EDISON PLANT 'embers of the University of Mich- n section of the American Institute Electrical Engineers will be given opportunity to inspect several of larger electrical industrial units n the 'society travels in a body to roit this morning. he members will go directly to the roit Edison Plant and inspect thia ding and apparatus. From there will go to the Michigan State ephone Exchange. lthough the trip is intended pri- ily for members of the society, all ers who are interested are invited ttend. ily Want Ads Pay.-Adv. The Blue Front Cigar S has your kind of Cigar, the Cigarettes y prefer, and your favorite Soft Drink. r, o [ 4 Wl kl':5 T. ,1 III r I!1 t to wl a a11 Itg (E 'U XI e, then, we adopt the military of measuring feet. Remem- the measurements of feet ot be taken while sitting, but upporting the entire body f the foot to be measured. mere weight of the body; t to spread one-third of an ength, and one-fifth of an inch >.After a long march the ot' becomes even still further Ily enlarged. ke Careful Measurement careful measurement add the y length and width. Wear prescribed hygiene shoe. By, one is only surprised at the with which many of thoseI distressing and painful ab- es-corns, callouses, chil- tc.,-disappears The general improved, for the elastic steps contribute to the hy- elfare of all organs. "It I'is U5.O HA CORNER STATE and PACKARD nd depends to such a your stomach that you 'hat you eat. In eating are eating a foodthat ind with little digestive help in the elimination t. whole wheat, steam- ror, and ready to eat. training table of e in this country. igara Falls, N. Y. -IE DESTRUC- JOR TRAPFIC FIGHT v by a business which is the Ld undermine the Republic, umanity's fondest and high. u d be permitted to stand in tiife according to the will ressed through the National rNG RON. l 16 T CAMPAIGN. R nd 7:30 P. M. ud 7:30 P. M. nd 7:30 P. M. AN CHURCH t s THIRD DAY dyke Hon. 0. W. Stewart Rev. Norma C. Brown ADMISSION FREE - WY I !fc Q T ,&'i CI )061 t.IYAt i- i.. 1 se~ MfPEELOtY6i r A Little Jackie Wrote,'This Act UJCSz FL Z, ovh-b Wt? $po 5O ('uC j lWn2ba Gi'R C Z 'WaN i Got )flU' t t~?oc.M) :I-t4 5p~ f~t~ P '00-ovaQs to o- A L S0 A D "The Four Se. A SPECTACULAR NATURE P 0 SUNDAY THROUGH If you 'e ever loved- a. ;;? r '71 ry C J { 1 I C 1^Jy}{ l _ 1 nencing Fr r1 I. 11 black, and .co trimmed, also B black ar SPORT HATS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE. - _ 'a-' ~~~ ~ 1' '' ~#~ 7 I!IIrv~pre enit GEORGE F:ITZMAURIC PnODUCTION tooJAMES KlRKWOOD ANNA Q. NILSSON AND NORMAN KERRY A love-drama as warm as the Ital- ian skies under which it was filmed R 'A D E DGHOST" ~~- --" O R C gH Y E'S G H T " LAW ENFORCEMEN' ANN ARBO Sunday, May 21 - 3:00 a Monday, May 22 - 2:30 a Tuesday, May 23 - 2:30 a FIRST PRESBYTERI FIRST DAY SECOND PA i'on. Frank S. Regan Jr. H. Woerten Arthur E. Whitney EVERYBODY INVITED a Richardson EET' J 0 H N POSITIVELY HI|