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May 19, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-19

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Web And Flange
Tests New Plen

Disagreement as

Web and Flange, honorary senior
civil engineering society, initiated 13
men in front of the Engineering arch
yesterday afternoon. The technical
knowledge of the, initiates was' put to
a practical test in the construction of
a miniature water wheel and bridge,
and the diagonal walk was carefully
surveyed by means of a pop bottle
mounted on three sticks.
The following men were initiated:
W. E. Comb, '23E, V. H. Cook, '23E,
R. L. Davis, '23E, J. A. Fisher, '23E,
E. J. Giffels, '23E, L. R. Gillis, '22E,
H. I. Howell, '23E, H. D. McKinney,
'23E, J. R. Meranda, '22E, L. S. Miller,
'23E, R. K. Reid, '23K, 1M.- C. Sperry,
'23K, and H. Taylor, '23E. At the-in-
itiation banquet held at Willett's cafe
at 6 o'clock last evening Prof. Lewis
M. Gram, Prof. James H. Cissel, and
Prof. Chester 0. Wisler were taken
into the society as honorary members.

,auses underlying the resignation
Prof. John C. Parker, head of the
>artment of electrical engineering,
re made known by him yesterday.
Then questioned with reference to'
tements appearing in Detroit pa-
s which articles it was alleged
A te motives underlying Profes-
Parker's resignation centered in
ontroversy involving outside prac-
es. The statement was also made,
t "Parker Loses Fight."
Makes Statement
oncerning this Professor Parker
di: "It had been my desire that my
hdrawal from the University should
asion no ,discussion and I volun.
ily offered to the President my
mise to say nothing to the press.
wever in justice to the adminis-
tion I feel that there should be
rection of the News' article.
The engineering' faculty is not
it over my withdrawal or over any
estion of private practices. 'Par-
has not had any fight with any-
Ly and hence has not lost a fight."'
borating on the causes of his with-,
wal from the University Professor
rker made the following points:
y resignation from the University
>uld not be interpreted as due to
r dissatisfaction with University
y or as a result of any desire to
ter myself. When I entered teach-
work seven years ago I knew the
le of compensation and was will-
to share moderate poverty with
.olars and teachers in the assump-
n that their work carried compen-
ions which my active and practi-
engineering work would not of-



stay on
ons had

hough materially bettering myself
acially it is not for this reason
I am leaving now. I resigned
July without a date and made the
definite, for the resignation to
effect, a fortnight ago with no
loyment in sight. The extremely
active position which has becomel
lable to me offered itself after I
tendered my definite resignation.
.wo years ago I made the state-
t that neither decent respect for
elf as an engineer nor reasonable
e of profession were compatible
1 accepting a salary scale lower
1 obtains elsewhere on the cam-
of men of equal ability and ener-
The University itself selected me
ead its electrical engineering de-
ment and has therefore, I pre-
e, placed on me its estimate of
ability. The building up of this
irtment certainly has required all
work and energy that I could pos-
y have given. During the past
e years the general scale of pay
senior professors has become, I
erstand, higher than in, the col-
of engineering. In loyalty to my
ession, then, I felt that I could not
a partner to such discrimination.
Outside Practice Not an Issue
ome of my colleagues in the col-
of engineering justify such a
rimination because of alleged per-
sion to engage in private practice
revenue. I do not understand, that
is a point at issue since so far
know private practice as a source
evenue is distinctly discouraged by
action of the Regents during the
1 substance the essence of the Re-
s' motion is 4s follows:....
nay be assumed that the members
he teaching staff would have a
n sense of responsibility to the
versity and that their desire to
age in outside work would not be
narily inspired by any spirit of
mercialism. If it were found true
commercial spirit did predomin-
in any case, then the University
ht well dispense with the services

Genoa, May 18. - The nations of
Europe are in no mood to disarm, or
even substantially reduce the size of
their armies and no material progress
toward the reduction of land arma-
ments can be looked for during the
next three or four years.
Such is the opinon of the disarma-
ment experts of the League of Na-
tions, and the members of the tem-
porary mixed commission on arma-
ments which is the instrument through
which the league has been trying for
the last few years to. make . some
headway in the direction of world dis-
Only 20 replies ave been received
to date to the questionnaire sent out
by the league to its 51 members eight
months ago asking for detailed in-
formatin as to the present size of
armies, the amount of war materials
at hand, and conte(plated reduction.
While the questionnaire merely ask-
ed for statistical information, the
mixed commission of the league has
learned from unmistakable sources'
that thdre is no disposition on the
part of the European nations partic-
ularly, and the world generally, to dis-
arm while the present political situa-
tion in Europe continues.
An addition of $2,000 to the True-
blood Fellowship fund was made
yesterday by the Oratorical associa-
tion of the University. The sum
which was added to the fund was
made up of the profits realized from
the program of the Oratorical asso-
ciation during the past year.
The Trueblood Fellowship was es-
tablished on May 19, 1921, by friends
of Professor .Trueblood, under the
auspices of the Oratorical association.
At that, time $2,000' was given as the
initial subscription to the fund, with
the intent of making the ultimate total
$20,000. With the fund only, a year
old the total is now $4,000. The pur-
pose of the fund is to help advanced
students in oratory.
sAt the recent meeting of the Ora-
torical board when it was decided to
present this amount, the new officers
of the association were . installed.
It was announced that three speak-
ers have been secured and accepted
for the next year's oratorical pro-
gram. Irvin S. Cobb, humorist and
author, has agreed to lecture here
next year. The board aims to have
his lecture open the program, about
the middle of October. However, no
definite date has been set.
Glen Frank, editor of the Century
magazine, has also consented to
speak on the program. Ex-Senator
Kenyon of Iowa will also speak. ,
Weather inclemency necesitated the
calling off ,of the first Senior sing
which was to be held last night on the
steps of the Library. The program
will move forward one week and the
same features of concert, song and
entertainment which were to be the
order last night will be transferred
to next Thursday. Four sings will be
held in all, beginning May 25 and
lasting until Commencement. Each
will be featured with some special
number such as the Varsity band, Glee
club, Banjo quartette, and Tang and

Suspension of University Building
Program Necessary at This
Time, Says Groesbeck
Although no further progress can
be made with the building program at
present, it is the belief of University1
authorities that the delay will be only
temporary, pending the submitting of
a full report ofhthe state's finances
at the end of the fiscal year, afterI
June 30.
SAccording to Governor Groesbeck,
following the action of the state ad-
ministrative board Tuesday in sus-
pending the entire building program
of the state, such a report is neces-
sary in order to maintain stability in
the plan of expenditures.-
In commenting on the action of the
board, President Marion L. Burton ex-
pressed the belief that the plans' for
building would again be taken up,
when the report from the state's aud-
itors became available. .
"It is unnecessary to say that the
University is disappointed. We know,
however, that the governor believes
in the building program, and it is im-
possible for me to think that the pres-
ent situation means more than a brief
delay, due to uncertainty as to the
state's finances."
Vpperclass advisers will organize
as soon as possible under the chair-.
manship of James Duffy, '24, for the,
carrying on of their work next year.1
Plans arai already under way for or-
.ganization, one of which will proba-
bly give four freshmen to each of the
300 seniors who are needed to do the
'work of advising the freshmen, in-
stead of three yearlings, the number
which an Upperclass adviser looked
after. this year.'
Approximately 100 names of volun-
teer advisers 'are expected throughl
the coupons printed in The Daily ask-,
ing for ;the name, address, class, de-,
partment, and phone number of the1
men who intend to work on th com-
mittee. However, only approximately;
25 names have been turned in to date.'
The duties of the advisers are as
follows: (1) to see that your fresh-
men, get a square deal in every way;
(2) to be a friend to your freshmen;
()to teach your freshmen the ideals
and traditions of Michigan; (4 )to in-
terest your freshmen~ in student 'ac-
tivities. Besides these outlined du-
ties, advisers are urged to do their
freshmen good in any way possible. A
booklet containing instructions will
probably be issued to the advisers
giving complete instructions about
the work.
Any freshmen who, as "sophomores
next year, wish to serve as assistants
on the administrative end of the Up-
perclass Advisory committee are ask-,
ed to report in the activities room of
the Union between 4:361 and 5:30
o'clock on any afternoon except Sun-
(By Associated Press)
Washington, May 18. - President
Harding, speaking today before the
chamber of commerce of the United

States, declared that the country, "at
this very momeht is on the threshold
of a new era, and business is reviv-
ing and the country refinding itself.
"The government," he said, "is
greatly interested in restoration of
normal world business and economic
conditions," and added that there is
no disposition on its part to hold off
from other nations.
"American industry, however," he
.said, "should not be destroyed to
build up the commerce of other
He declared that there was no one
constructive thought in the minds of
the administration at the present time
that took rank over that of a desire to
establish firmly and successfully an
American merchant marine.
Round-Up Gives Dance Tonight'
Members of the Round-Up club and
their friends wil attend the annual
spring formal .of the club at the Ann
Arbor Country club tonight. Music,
will be furnished by the Hotel Statler
orchestra of Detroit. Dancing will

(By D. A. Lee)
Permission has been granted the of-
ficials of the coming DAILY-gargoyle
baseball game to turn the cement
stands on Ferry field toward the south
in order that more spectators may be
accommodated Saturday morning
when the two crack teams meet to
decide the All-campus pen-pushers
Meanwhile each of the teams is get-
ting into the pink of condition in or-
der that the classical affair may be
finished before sunset. The gargoil
team has been holding secret prac-
tices, and Catcher Seagears has been
running the pitching staff through a
multitude of thumbs up and thumbs
down signals. As yet no heaver on
the gurgle staff has proved himself
New York, May 18. - Representa-
tives of anthracite coal operators to-
day proposed that miners accept wage
reductions averaging 21 per cent ini
settlement of the strike called last
April 1. The offer was refused by
leaders of the miners' operation, head-
ed by Philip Murray, vice-president of
the United Mine Workers of Amer-
The hard coal diggers will remain
on strike until they are granted the
20 per cent increase included in the
19 demands made nine weeks pgo,
Mr. Murray declared.
The employers' proposal was sub-
mitted at a meeting of the miners and
operators sub-committee o wage
contract negotiations.
Miners and operators in the eighth
week of the strike now stand divid-
ed by a difference of 41 per cent in
their wage demands.
One hundred twenty-five men have
been selected for the first line of try-
outs for next year's Union opera out
of approximately 500 applicants who
have signed up, according to E. Mor-
timer Shuter, director of the opera
and Mimes productions.
The tryouts met for the first time
yesterday evening to learn something
of the work from their director. Ac-
tive work under Mr. Roy Hoyer, who
has been connected with the opera
for the last three years in the capacity
of dancing director, will begin next
Mr. Hoyer, who is expected to arrive
in Ann Arbor Sunday morning, has for
many years been Fred Stone's juven-
ile lead, and carries a national reputa-
tion. A musical comedy baritone
voice, an ability to act, and person-
ality that pleases an audience in addi-
tion to his mastexy of dancing have
lead to the fame which he has won in
the juvenile leads with Fred Stone in
"Chin Chin," "Jack 0' Lantern," and
"Tip Top."
Alumnus Tells Of

outstanding, although the majority
of the members have been declared
by the campus to be fit material for
the mound.
All-Star Team for DAILY
In THE DAILY camp everything is
running smoothly and the team is con-
fident of victory. Outfielder Robert-
son, who hit or was hit by the gargoil
picher consistently last year, is de-
clared to be a second. Babe Ruth,
squared. "Nate" has been hitting
over 1000 in the Chariot league. "By"
Byers, who will probably start at sec-
ond base, is being watched by Coach
Ray Fisher and if he shows up well.
in the game Saturday morning will
probably be sent to Urbana by aero-
Frank McPike will undoubtedly
start in as catcher again, and if the
opposing batsmen do not swing their
clubs will probably finish the game.
'Frank's slugging is again noticeable
and it is said that he intends to knock
-all of the pills lopsided.
."Walt" Scherer is the most likely
candidate for, the work on first sack.
"Walt" has handled some 2,000 chanc-
es this year without a slip, and if he
does as well in the coming event,
will probably be granted his numerals,
spun in cardboard on a background
of isinglass.
gargyle Works in Dark
The gargyle team is being kept se-
'cret as much as possible. Up until
yesterday the place where the pichers
*were working out was unknown.
But late in the afternoon a wild pitch
left the boarded lot at the corner of
Noth University avenue and Twelfth
street and shattered a window in Bar-
bour gymnasium. The ball is said to
lhave been pitched by "Jimmie" House.
Riford, who will probably have a
chance to show up on first base,
might not show up at all. His hitting
this year has been nostly foul and
his fielding so poor that his applica-
tion for a position with the Athletics
was not even considered. Riford will
be counted on to argue with the um-
pire, however.
. Hoover, Sarasohn and Selway will
'cover a lot of ground in the outfield
is, the claim made by a lower-staff
member of the girgle, who let out a
few secrets of the team because he'
could not get into the line-up.
May Unearth Talent
Lee Boyd, whose abilities have been
unquestioned, has been seen lately
practicing with an old Varsity catch-
er and it is believed may start in to
heave for the quip-scribblers. The
gargle has an unknown quantity in
Don Steketee, but by process of elim-
ination it has been deduced that he
will play in the infield. His prowess
as a keystone sacker has been determ-
ined by questions 'aimed at a Quija
board and it is predicted that he will
be as useful as a sieve in a brewery.
The teams will meet at 9 o'clock
.Saturday morning and test their
'strength. Rooters are expected to
flood Ferry field as early as 5 o'clock
that morning in order to get seats
'near the outfield, where most of the
play will take place.
5 Are Initiated
.'Into Quarterdeck

Record Throng Lxpected In City
For Annual Classic; Dopesters Plum


Stock's Interpretation of "Death
Transfiguration" Shows
Orchestra at Best
(By Sidney B. Coates)
Earl V. Moore, acting conductdr
the Choral Union, with his chorus
300 voices, two soloists and the C
cago Symphony orchestra brought
second May Festival concert to a s
cessful close last night with the p
formance of Wolf-Ferrari's""La V
Nuova." J
The work, for a composition of
quiet, lyric tone was rather long,
throughout a high artistic quality '
maintained. Last night's concert v
the first time that Mr. Moore has t
the opportunity to conduct the cho
and orchestra at a Festival conc
and much credit is his due for the
'ellent way in which he did his worl
The orchestra was his through
'and the ,chorus responded with
thusiam and feeling to his baton. 'I
Choral Union numbers were for
most part execellently done, especi
the opening chorus, "Love is the Fi
the chorale at the end of the "Lo, N
an Angel Calleth" chorus, and the
citative, "Quo Modo Sedet", near
end of the work. The soprano sect
also did some exceptional work in
chorus, "The Woodland Choir I
joices" at the beginning of the fi
Werrenrath Pleases Audience
Of the soloists, Reinald WerrenrE
baritone, had by far the most diffic
task. While none of his numbers w
especially dffflcult, and while none
them gave opportunity for brilli
singing, still the part of the "lov
called for almost intense interpre
tion and sustained effect. Mr. W
renrath's singing was dramatic,
did ,at no time lose the true cla
spirit of the work. His voice is ple
ing with clear, rich tones in his m
dle and high registers. Some of
lower passages, however, seemed
lack the precision of most of his w
Adele Parkhurst, soprano, had
one short solo at the beginning of
cantata, followed by a duet with
Werrenrath. She entered into
spirit of the work, but the minor r
which she filled did not fully br
out her capacity as soloist.
Orchestra Gives Numbers
The first two numbers on the p
gram were given by the orchestra,
rected by Frederick Stock. Tb
numbers were the Procession of
Knights of the Holy Grail from "F
sifal" by Wagner and the tone p
"Death and Transfiguration"
Strauss. It was in the latter w
that Mr. Stock brought out the
possibilities of the orchestra. Ev
phrase in the colorful poem helped
build the work to a mighty and e
ful climax, portraying death, with
happy denouement of the transfigu
tion bringing the work to a quiet e
Strauss' composition calls for he
work by all the sections of the
chestra, and like many in the mod
school calls heavily on the br
woodwind and percussion choirs of
orchestra. The conductor drew fi
his men the real story of Ritter's d
matic verse.
The opening number from Wag
"Parsifal" carried with it the v
known and much loved themes of
first act of the opera, but the w
somehow seemed lacking in spir
that enthusiastic and fervent s
with which Wagner makes the knit
march to the uncovering of the B
Grail. The work was played
though it were an old story, gr
old in the telling.
(By Edgar H. Aes)
Two May Festival concerts will
offered today: The children's con
at 2:30 o'clock in Hill auditorium,
a concert of miscellaneous number:
Frieda Hempel of the Metropol
opera house, the University Ch
Union and the Chicago Symphony
chestra under the direction of Fre
(Continued on Page Eight)

Hewitt, '22M, Recovering at 110s]
Leland V. Hewitt, '22M, who
found in an unconscious conditio:
a roon at the Union Monday a:
noon, is reported as improving at
University hospital. It is tho,
"^-"n ' '^^' ^nU o ^-^nr ^"^ ^ of ^o

neering s
tion We
ning. "F
the Engin

Atiemted raudthe press
A timp ed Faudua"l ducki
After th
"The Sword That Did Not Come to held at tl
Michigan" is discussed in the issue of Follow
the Alumnus that was mailed yester- Richard
day. When Prof. F. W. Kelsey was in Victor P..
Jerusalem on a recent European trip Rodger A
he came across this sword that the '
article discusses, an ancient relic of MICHIGI
the time of Nero, which he was nearly COl
persuaded to add to the collection of
documents he was gathering for the Delega
University. How he discovered that it gational
was a forgery and what it all brought busy ses
about are described in an interesting day, oft
manner. ence re
What Michigan will be like in 1932 o'clock R
forms the principal topic for discussion tors.
in the department "With the Muffler At 10:
Open." New buildings and new in- "iggs, o
structors are described and West hall addresse
is prophesied to be still standing be- ship of
cause the workmen have been afraid in State
to venture near enough to it to tear At 5:3
it down since 1927. and the
A series of reports from alumni national
bodies from over the whole country dent M
describing*their meetings for the radio speaker.
reunion night constitutes a large part
of this week's issue. Swedb
A report of the work of the Museum Membe
of Zoology and the men that are engag- gian") e
ed in aiding its research and accounts in its d(
of the athletic progress of the Michigan the wee:
teams of 'the past week complete the Sunday

rdeck, honorary marine engi-
ociety, 'held its aniual initia-
dnesday afternoon and eve-
Testivities" commenced under
neering arch and ended with
entation of the ritual and us-
sing in the engineering tank.
t initiation a banquet was
:e Union.
ing is a list of the intiates:
Roland, Joachim Seelinger,
John, Davis McTaggart, and
tes to the Michigan Congre-
conference spent a very
ssion yesterday in the third
the conference. The confer-
sumed business dt 8:30
with the election of modera-
:30 o'clock Prof.. Henry 'E.
f the engineering department,
d the body on "The Relation-
the Church to the Students
0 the young people's banquet
brotherhood banquet was
K. . Burton, secretary of the
council and brother of Presi-
arion L. 'Burton, was the
anborgians Welcome Visitors
ers of the New ("Swedenbor-
church, and others interested
octrines,'are invited to attend
kly meetings at 10:45 o'clock
mornings at the home of Dr.

ctice, as a means of
t desirable, Professor
s, frankly stating that
ome of this work. Con-
practice he said: "My
t the best interests of

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