YT J2tf i 'r A6F Ap %noon OOM% a tr t axt F-11 DAY A2ND SEB ..l/ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922 I WiU 1I IUII BLE 'TILL RECOVERS RESULTS OF TIVE i AT GENOA E NOT'EXPECTED Willing to Join Investi- 'th Aim of Securing Restoration (By Associated Press) Washington, May 17. -- Any ques- ,i ofthe recognition by the United ats, of the Russian soviet govern- ent lies beyond the time when res- ration of productivity in Russia yall have been set i motion by that untry tself, .acording to. ana- oritative and plainly-spoken outline the attitude of the American gov- nment obtained here today. Refusal participate both in the aenoa con- rence and in the proposed commis- on for consideration of Russian af- irs at the Hague, it was added, was sed on the conviction that such a storation could not be hoped for ider the terms outlined in the Rus- an memorandum of May 11 at Genoa. In the meantime it was explained, Le United States was ready to em- rk on any purely scientific investi- tiof of conditions In Russia with a ew to recommendations of the steps Wessary for the commercial, finan- al, and ndustral revival of that Auntry; but It will have no part in ay such deliberations that even Im- y a recognition of the soviet regime ENTAL BILOiNG WORK TO START NET WEE 'ILL ]USUME CONSTRUCTION ARRIVE Work on the new addition to the ental building is progressing rapid- under the favorable weather condi-. :ns. The new foundation has been id for over a month, while at pres- it workmen are busy excavating for fresh air duct for the ventilating stem. Stone and brick are expected arrive next week when the actual ork on the building will commence. aterials to- be installed by the eilding and grounds department have hived and will be set up as soon the present Dental building is va- ted, about June 15. It will be nec- sary to tear out part of the old ructure before work can progress ,pidly. According to Dean Marcus L. Ward the dental school all the equip- ent for the new addition has been dered and is expected to arrive in e near future. "The new building ill be ready for, occupancy when hool starts next fall, and will un- >ubtedly increase our enrollment by ore than 100," said Dean Ward yes- rday. The new structure will give added ace for 120 more chairs, bringing e total number up to 200. This will low Juniors t use chairs and pro- de each senior with his own chair. The clinic will be increased 100 per ut and two laboratories will be in- eased the same amount. A new dem- istratlon amphitheater will also be nstructed. ENDA TANGLE TO HGUE xperts Will Continue Discussion in Holland Tribunal (By Associated Press) Genoa, 1Iay 17.-- The Hague has en definitely selected as the meet- g-place of the experts who will rther examine the Russian problem, was announced tonight. Arrange Gents for the Hague conference In mne were .practically completed with day's acceptance by the Russiqgns the proposal submitted to them, hih has been amended so as 'to pro- de that a truce between the various ewers will continue for a maximum eigl~t -Months. Web and Flange Initiate Today Thirteen experts with the transit qd level will gather at the engineer- g arch at 4 o'clock this afternoon prove themselves worthy of enter- g Web, and Flange honorary senior vil engineering socley. Three mem- wrs of the faculty will be taken in as Artist- Author Will Speak On "Ideals In Art" G. A. Beneker, well known artist and writer on art, will speak at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in West gal- lery, Alumni Memorial hall, on "Ideals in Art." Mr. Beneker is inter- ested especially in the interpretation of industrial types - the steel roller, the welder, the -engineer and the blacksmith. He has studied these men at work and at play and now brings them to the public in his canvasses. His Victory Loan poster "Sure! We'll finish the job" was one of the out- standing posters of the war period. To Beneker art is a constructive, co- ordinating force in industry and in life. "The right kind of a picture," he says, "may thrill 0 different people, each speaking a different language. To help men and women go on work- ing, loving, laughing, singing, living with all their hearts and souls, is the true purpose of art." FESTI ,VAL SOLOIST CANCESCNRC Althouse Secured in Place of Ric- cardo Martin in "Tannhauser" Saturday RADIO BROADCASTING NOW PLANNED BY MANAGEMENT Paul Althouse, tenor with the Metro- politan Opera company, will be the tenor soloist in the Saturday night concert in the May Festival series. He will take the part of "Tannhauser" in the Wagner opera, a role to have been sung by Riccardo Martin, also of the Metroolitan Opera company. Martin Indisposed At the last minute Riccardo Martin notified the School of Music that he would not be able to sing in the per- formance of "Tannhauser." The only reason given out is that he is indis- posed. Yesterdaynoon rSchool of Music officials got Mr. Althouse on long distance wire, and succeeded in securing him for the concert, Althouse has sung the "Tannhauser" role many times, both in German and English, and is said to be one of the finest interpreters of this role now playing in opera. He is also well known for his concert appearances, his work with the Metropolitan and his phonograph records. William Wheeler to Sing r Riccardo Martin's indisposition also 'necessitated getting 'a soloist for the tenor hole in Stock's 'Psalmodic Rhap- sody" to be given at tomorrow night's concert. This part, an exceedingly difficult solo, will be taken by Wil- liam Wheeler, head of the voice de- partment of the School of Music, a tenor well known to Ann Arbor music 'natrons for his local concert and teaching work. Another annonucement given out by the festival management is that all the concerts will be broadcasted by radio. After several weeks' negotia- tions with the New York management, the clauses, in the contracts against broadcasting the concerts have been 1waived. Apparatus for giving these concerts by radio, in the same manner as those broadcasted all winter, has been set up by the signal corps of the R. 0. T. C. and is now in operation. RICGS ADDRESSES '25E ASSEMBLY "If you, measure the success of an institution by the success of its alum- ni, the University of Michigan is sec- ond to none in the country," said Henry E. Riggs, professor of civil engineering, in his talk to the fresh- man engineers in room 348, Engineer- ing building, yesterday morning. Professor Riggs believes that the engineeiing profession should be known as a learned profession. He claims thattthe profession is as old as any of the professions which are at present recognized as learned pro- fessions. "There is no reason why we are not a learned: profession," he remarked. "We have just as many marks of achievement to our credit." Until after the Civil war there were two types of. engineers, the civil and the military. Since that time the im- portance of the profession has grown until now there are over 300 schools that give instruction in this subject, according to Professor Riggs. Illinois Downs Chicago, 11.6 (By Associated Press) Chicago, May 17.-Illinois defeated Chicago in a Western Conference baseball game today, 11 to 6. Batter- ies, Bandker and Daugherty; Dixon STUDENT COUNCIL NAM ES SPEAKER AT CAP NGTMAY 26 JUDGE THOMPSON, OF NEW YORK, SUPREME COURT, TO GIVE ALUMNI TALK SWING-OUT COMBATS TO BE STOPPED NEXT YEAR Resolutions Disapprove Mutilation of University Property in Class Demonstartions Announcement of the speakers and officials for Cap Night to be held May 26, plans for the occasion and action against the informal Swing-Out fights which have recently caused the de- struction of University property were the chief points taken up at the Stu.- dent council meeting last night at the Union. Judge Robert F. Thompson, of the supreme court of tle state of New York, will be the alumni speaker at Cap Night, while Angue G. Goets, '22M, president of the Student council, will act as master of ceremonies. The faculty and student speaker have not been selected as yet, but will be an- nounced laer Cap Night will be held; as it always has been from time memorial in Sleepy Hollow, near the University hospital. Following the precedent as set last year "M" blankets will be given out during the exercises following the burning of the pots. These will ,be presented to the men by the faculty speaker. Committee Named The Student council committee in charge of Cap Night was appointed as follows : Chairman, Thomas J. Lynch, '23E; committeemen, Eugene Harbeck, '22E, W. W. Michaels, '22, W. B. Beadle, '23Ed; and E. C. Haug, '23E It was further announced thathall the men who will be here for the inter- scholastic meet at that time will be invited to the ceremonies as guests of the University. Following Cap Night discussion the question of regulating or abolishing the fraternity freshman Swing-Out fight, which has become a custom just during the past four years, when am- bitious yearlings have attempted to 'place their fraternity swing above the others on the night before the Swing- Out ceremonies, was brought up. The council discussed this question thor- oughly with a view to eliminating dis- organization and lack of discipline at the combats. Any plan of this nature was held impracticable, however. It then brought up the motion that inasmuch as the affair is not a Mich- igan tradition but only something that has been developed in the last few years, and being only sponsored by a few fraternities, making it more dis- organized every year, it should be abolished. It was decided that action would be taken next year'to see that no fighting occurred. Condemn Class Practices The question of pjainting of class numerals on the walks and buildings of the University and destruction of University )property in the various class demonstartions was also taken up and condemned. In regard to this matter, the council called to the at- tention of the classes the University and council ruling made last year against this, when freshmen painted the walks. The taking of the fire hose and ladders from the University sheds which occurred during the re- cent games was also brought up as a violation of this ruling. JUNIORS ASSUME ROBES Candidates for Mortarboard Make Attempt at Senior Dignity To try to assume the dignity of a senior when onet'is only a junior is hard, according to 13 women of the class of '23. It is even much worse when one is aware that everyone else is staring unabashed at the vain at- tempts. It may be possible for a senior with her cap and gown to impress profes- sors that she should have been includ- ed in the Phi Beta Kappa lists, but a junior wearing the coveted head- gear and looking as though she had forgotten her robe doesn't even stand the chance of fooling her instructors. Surely you will see the poor unfor, tunates on the campus this morning-- but after all they are not unfortu- nate, for they are merely undergoing the pre-initiation stunts of Mortar- board, national honorary society for Whimsies Issuet for May Marked By Short Pieces - Comparatively reduced in size, the May number of Whimsies which is ex- pected off the press tomorrow is nev- ertheless thought by its editors to surpass in quality many other issues of the magazine, which has now com- pleted its first year among campus publications. Three pieces, a one-act play and two short stories stand out in the month's contributions. "Something to Smile Over, a one- act play by Max Ewing, '24, ,has al- ready been staged by the Players club this spring with marked success. It is a comedy in which the old idea of telling the truth under difficulties is transplanted into a next-door-to- Greenwich-village atmosphere. "Apples Versus Apples," a short story by A. D. Conkey, grad, is an ad- venture in romantic idealism.'Barbed wire, a grocery store, and a bump on the head are seen through a queer 'haze. Wessel Smitter, '22, has contribut- ed "Ordeal by Epitaph," a short story which brings out in firm, con- vincing lines one phase of a small- girl personality. Threespoems by Forman G. Brown, '22, are conspicuous among the verse content-"The Wall," "Sonniet," and "From Jim." Other verse contribu- tions by Chester Kuhn, '22, Lawrence H. Conrad, '23, Stella Brunt, '22, and Don A. Coll, '23, round out the re- mainder of the issue, the last of the year. MICHIGAN TUNES TO OPEN_ YFIRST OF SENIOR SINS Seniors will have their first sing at 7 o'clock tonight when all classes will. assembM arrayed in caps and gowns on the steps of the Library. The pro- gram will begin promptly at 7 o'clock and will end a little before 8 o'clock, in plenty of time for attendnee at the 1Vay Festival. The program will be in the nature of a combined concert arl sing and is as follows: ' Opening by Varstiy band, "The Vic- tors," "Varsity," "I Want to Go Back to Michigan," "'Tis of Michigan," two band numbers, selections by Tang and" Tavares, "Michigan," "In College Days," "Michigan Goodbye," "Fire Song," and "Yellow and Blue." Howard D. Tubbs, '22E, will lead the singing. All seniors are urged to ac- qaint themselves with the words of' the songs to be sung. WOMEN, ON CAMPUS TO ATTEND MAY BREKFSTj Women of the campus will gather at 9 o'clock Saturday morning in Bar- bour gymnasium for the annual May breakfast given by the Y. M. C. A. Sereral brief readings by Prof. Oscar; Campbell and musical selections by Josephine Connable, '23, s. of M., and Hope Halladay, also of the School of Music, will be added attractions. Much time and energy is being spent on the decorations, which will carry out the effect of spring in lilacs and other spring flowers. The programs in themselves have been stated to be well worth the price of admission as they are hand painted. Several organizations on the cam- pus are planning to go en masse and as many more as can are invited to do so. Members of Mortarboard,,.sen- ior honorary society for women, are planning to sit together. A number of sororities will take adva*age of this opportunity for pleasant entertain- ment. and will take their mothers to breakfast at this time. The price of the affair will be 35 cents and tickets may be procured at any of the dormitories or at Newberry hall. LIT PROBATIONERS MUST TAKE TESTS All students in the literary college that are now on probation and who have not completed one of the mental tests given such students are requir- ed by University ruling to report toI the bur'eau of educational reference and research for examination. A total of 249 members of the literary college will be imong this number. These examinations will be held in, two sections, at 4 o'clock on Monday, May 22, and Tuesday, May 23. Those students whose names begin with let- ter from A to K inclusive, will report to room B, Law building; from L to R, inclusive, to room C, Law build- ing; from S to Z, inclusive, to room CHA MLEE AND SYMPHONY AR' STRADEC INFIRST PERFORMANCE. OF MAY ..ADVISERS TO BE LISTED Men wishing to serve as up- perclass advisers next year are requested to fill out the enclos- ed coupon and mail to the Union j or hand in at the main desk immediately. I desire to serve as an up-, perclass adviser next year. Name ..................... Address.................-. Glass ,,.., Class ......................I I .I Department............... Phone No. ....... :..... - . M ICHIGAN TENTL1SPNS Rain Halts Match; With Score 8-1; Chance for Victory Today Excellent THREE SINGLES CONTESTS SHOW BRILLIANT PLAYING (Special to The Daily) Philadelphia, May 17. - Michigan's team continued to play /good tennis today and when rain called a halt to the match with the University of Penn- sylvania, the score stood three matches to one, in favor of Michigan. Play- 'ing in the singles had been completed and the doubles were well under way when the stekdy. drizzle of ,the after- noon turned into a real rain storm. Three of the singles went to Mich- igan by virtue of wins of Reundel, Rorich and Sanchez. Merkel fell be- fore the fast game of Captain Morgan of the Penn team. This match was a long, hard affair. Both men were driving well and good at the net. Rorieh Wins Rorich came throuigh with a well earned win over Vanneman' of Penn. The scores were 6-1, 9-7. In the first set the Penn player was laying to Rorich's pet shot. His lobbng game was Just what Rorich desired and the Michigan player's overhead made short work of this style of game. The sec- ond set found a change in the Penn player's tactics with the result that Rorich was forced to a long deuce set before winning. Sanchez finished up with an impressive win over Moran, achop stroke artist. The score was 6-2, 6-4. Sanchez's drive and net game destroy- ed the effectiveness of Moran's chop. He went to the net at every chance. In the doubles Reindel and Merkel were pitted against Morgan and Man- gum. The score stood at seven all when rain put a' stop to the match. ' Doubles Played Today Weather permitting, the doubles will be continued on Thursday, which was to be a day of rest for Michigan before going to Lehigh on Friday. Sanchez and Rorieh should win from Moran and Vanneman. In Morgan and Man- gum, Michigan's first doubles team has run up against the stiffest doubles competition on the trip. The outcome of this match is uncertain. On, the basis of the singles matches, Mich- igan's showing against champion Til- den's proteges has been gratifying. P e Druid Azvunvdds Enter Old Clan Fourteen men met at the Druid rock *yesterday afternoon, wherethere were imparted to them the secrets' of the ancient society. A formal initiation and banquet was held later at the Union in honor of th6 Awenydds, at which M. A. Newton, '22, acted as toastmaster. Dean John R. Effinger spoke for the faculty, Sidney Sara- sohn, '22, offered a toast for the chap- ter and John R. Riford, '23, spoke for the initiates. The following members of the class of 1923 were admitted: Lothrop P. Bull, Burton E. Dunlop, James J. Johnson, William G. Lichtenberg, Jr., Howard J. Liverance, Edward C. Mc- Cobb, Robert 0. Martin, Edwin R.1 TENOR'S SUCCESS COMPLETE IN NUMBER ORCHESTRA M ENSEMBLE PE I Briliant Co Themes (By E. H. Ailes) Ann Arbor's twenty-ninth May Festival opened brillian night in Hill auditorium whe Chamlee, the young' tenor Metropolitan 'Opera, and the Symphony orchestra, under t' of Frederick Stock ,offered a which stirred a capacity audie highly enthusiastic receptk Chamlee's succes was immed complete from the first note. When an unknown singere town,he so rarely measures v expectations 'aroused by hi agent that we rightly observi taro scepticism until we hear tist for ourselves. No such can be allowed in regard to M lee to whose rapidly growing tion .Ann Arbor has unhe added its approval. The repel ,corded him was well earned, Chamlee is an excellent artist of the most promising of the ed "successors to Caruso." when one reflects that he is der 30 years of age, he cann predict for Chamlee a great Opera Numbers Render Three arias were offered solist, and these gave ampl tunity. for a demonstration undoubted ability. He sings thetically and intelligently i of rare lyric beauty. His to: considerable -of the "golden' so much admired in Carso, loved by all concert 'goers izetti's aria, "Una Furtiva i his tones seemed slightly na save for this fault, his voice ceptionally beautiful quality uniforni excellence througho an extensive range. Leon "Matinatta" was Mr. Chamlee of an encore to his first num lowing his singing of Massen fuyeg deuce image," which w ered with admirable clarity and diction, the applause of I ence elicited Cadman's soi That I Worship So."' Mr. C concluding number, "E. Luc stelle" from "La Tosca" was repeatedly in response to-w' sang Flotow's beloved air "1\ from "Martha." To praise the work of the Symphony orchestra or its c would be a waste of words. leader of Mr. Stock's genius, ture and perfect ensemble w so long been an iportant I the success, off the May F seems practically irreproach Brahm's "Academic Festiv ture served the double pur opening the program and re-i Ing the orchestra to Ann Arbc lovers. Into it the composer troduced with beautiful effect of German student melodies, lack of inherent musical mer ly atoned for by Brahms' treatment. Would that a gre: ican composer would arise similar justice to the beautif of the University of Michigar Orchestra Suite Fier The "Suite for Orchestra" Dohnanyi is replete with the temperament of the Hungari Dohnanyi's work, while not oyiginal, contains many elodies, and shows talent of order in writing for the orch Why George Chadwick's Ba Orchestra, "Tam O'Shante placed upon the program is tery. It is mediocre throug inspires one with thoughts c thng in the world except th ful poem. of Burns which ga the composition. Not even and his msicians could m work interesting. With the performance of second symphonic poem "T the orchestra, the concert c close. The second May Festival (Continued on Page Ei IsI rrl Gargoyle Appe Slander and satiric B. M. 0. C.'s that a every graduating clas University will appea sue of the Gargoyle , on the campus this n+teai oain tlib Meiss, Albert J. ford, Nathan W. ker, John t. Ri-