THE MICHIGAN ' ^ Y CIGARETTE CASES STERLING SILVER PLATE GOLD S JOLAPANESE ---= - 7 to $40,00 SEE OUR 75 CENT SPECIAL HALLER & FULLER STATE ST. JEWELERS 7111 iiiiijiiiililt i 1111i 11 11 11 lUtl111h FOUR SPECIAL TRAINS WILL BRING OHIO ROOTERS TO GAME Four special trains will be used by the Ann Arbor railroad to transport the hundreds of O. S. U. rooters that are planning the trip from Colum- bus to see the Ohio State-Michigan football game, Saturday, Oct. 22. A special rate of $6.57 has been arranged for with the Ann Arbor railroad. Try a Daily Want Ad. It pays.-Adv. 1I KELM BROTHERS RESTAURANT This is our first year in Ann Arbor, But try us and you will see that it isn't our first in satisfy-* ing our patrons 209 EAST LIBERTY STREET 1 IN MY HOME TOWN There is a real restaurant and it IS a blingdinger. You can always go in there and be sure of getting something pretty good to eat. And you always MORE VARSITY CANDTES IN CROSS COUNTRY IS CRY OF COACH FARRELL Michigan Far Behind Other Big Ten Schools in Number of Men Out NOTICE for Fall Track All wrestlers who won their numerals In the tournament last ARRANGE LENGTHY SCHEDULE spring are requested to meet FOR HILL AND DALE RUNNERS at Dr. May's office, at 5 o'clock, Friday afternoon, for the pur- With the first run but a little more pose of organizing the team and than a week away, Coach Steve Far- electing a captain. Others who rell of the cross country team, again are interested are welcome. asks that more men turn out for the__ distance runs. A stiff schedule has___ been arranged for the team and SteveMA ME TOH V is anxious that"more tryouts report. MAT MEN TO HAVE So far only about 20 fellows have ven- WRESTLING COACH tured to run against the chilly winds, and from these 20, a team must be Provided the wrestling enthusiasts picked before the meet with Purdue on the campus get busy and. become which will be pulled ofon Oct. 22. organized, a professional instructor Michigan has probably the largest en- will be secured to coach all candidates rollment of any university in the Con- for a grappling team. The instructor ference, and yet many of the other will take charge about Jan. 1, if the in- schools are turning out and support terest in the sport is sufficient to mer- ing their cross country coaches in a it a man. Those promoting wrestling better fashion than is being displayed urge all who expect to go out, to begin at Michigan. Illinois, which runs training at once so that they will be against the Wolverines Oct. 29, has ready for actual instruction when the more than 150 men showing up every time comes. night for work. The first call at bhio An important meeting of all men State brought forth 100 prospects. interested in wrestling will be held at Large Turnouts at Other Schools 5 o'clock this afternoo in Dr. George Purdue has shown its spirit by hav- A. May's office at Waterman gymnas- ing 60 fellows in the footsteps of Fur- ium. Men who won their numerals nas, their star distance man, while last spring and all newcomers are M. A. C. reports that more than 100 urged to be present. A captain will Aggies are attempting to make the be elected and the team organized. cross country team at East Lansing. Steve is also anxious to have more freshmen report at Waterman gym- nasium, so that he can get some idea as to the prospects for next fall. Coach WIHr lB QI0 Douglas has 2$ running with him each WI __ U F ij night, but says that there should be atTN FOBL SQA least 150 instead of the number who are now running. ICHIGAN TEAM ARRANGES DUAL An Excellent Schedule Arranged MATCIES IH OHIO AND The schedule is now complete and promises the distance men such stiff Michigan will attempt to hand competition that only hard work will Ohio State two defeats on Saturday, enable them to cop. On Oct. 22, Pur- Oc.2.Sihgn'aofta yil due comes here for her annual race. meet the Ohio State team of four This will be run In the morning so players Saturday morning previous to that it will not interfere in any way pthe footbal game. On the foloewing with the football game between Mich- w the golfbal eamOwihllcompny igan and Ohio State. The following week the golf team will accompany week wil see the team at Urbana the Michigan football eleven to 2111- weeth will te teat Una, nois, where they will clash with the where they will take part in a tri- Illini golfers. All golf players of angle meet with the Indians and Ohio ability who are eligible and wish to State. On Nov. 5, they will go to East try out should call W. H. Ingham, Lansing to run against the Aggi ag-,td., gregation. A week of rest follows the 21 o ference rules governing athletics Farmer meet and then the team will also pertain to golf, and, consequent- go to Bloomington, Indiana, to take ly, only those players that are eligi- ptie e ,No. ble need report. Tryouts should not- The final run of the season will be ify William Ingham immediately as staged on Thanksgiving day at Ferry officials wish to hold the tournament field over the usual course for the Friday, afternoon and Saturday Harphan trophy. Fr___y_____rn____and__aurday SISLEJ, COBB, HEILMAN, AND HORNSBY CHOSEN MANAGERS George Sisler, Ty Cobb, Harry Heilman, and Roger Hornsby will each manage and play on one of the clubs in the California Winter Base- ball league which consists of two rr teams in San Francisco and two in Los Angeles. The season starts Sat- urday, Oct. 8, and will last for 10 weeks, playing a double header on Sunday and a game on all other days except Monday. Frank Chance is president of the league and other well known men are associated with him in this new ven- ture. Several other big league play- ers are signed up and the remaining positions are being taken care of by the best of the Pacific Coast league. Tickets to the Packard Dances $1.00. Wahr's.--Adv. T U see her everywhere- in the.classroom, on the ca Patronize,ourAdvertisers.--Adv. games. And invariably he get good service and the 1 reason. prices are somewhere within In short, you always feel as if you had had your money's worth. Well, I'll tell you just what it is like. There is a place in this town that always reminds me of it. That's Flowers Restaurant 32 STEPS FROM STATE ST. I COLUMN PLA SI Fl Ef CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Gold-plated slide trom- bone with case-high and low pitch. Excellent condition. Cheap. 530 Thompson. Phone 1579-W. 15-3 FOR SALE-New Handy Vol. Encyclo- pedia Britannica, 11th edition. India paper, leather binding. Never used. Half price.-Phone 963-R. 15-3 FOR SALE-Fox Typewriter- $12.00; Frisco Jazz Slide $2.50. See Soults, 612 CjhurcW after 7 P. M. or phone 1070-W. 17 FOR SALE-Remington .22 repeater.1 Perfect condition, also large size Victrola with records. Phone 811-R. 17-2 FOR SALE-Pair riding boots. Size 9-c. Inquire after 7 P. M., R. Hall, 632 Oakland. 16-3 FOR SALE- Dining room furniture, desk and sectional bookcase. Phone 786. 17-2 FOR SALE-$75 Victrola and 25 pop- ular records for $30. Phone 1172-M. 16-3 LOST LOST-A black leather bill purse con- taining athletic book, University fee receipt, and receipt for subscription to Michigan Daily. Finder please phone 1058-3 or leave at 318 East Jefferson. Reward. 17 LOST-Black leather notebook with name Yost on inside cover also copy of Jose. Liberal reward if return- ed to Yost at 548 So. State St. 17-2 LOST-Raincoat on first floor Natural Science. If the person who took it will leave it in hall of 219 S. Thayer, no questions will be asked. 17 LOST-5 1-2 by 11 inch Chemistry 5 Data book, bearing name W. L. New- bury on cover. Phone 2372. 17 MISCELLANEOUS SANDWICHES, steaks, ice cream, malted milk, hot coffee,ranything to eat delivered to your room till 11 P. M. Let us give you a price on that banquet or dinner. Meal tick- ets. Ham's Lunch, 538 Forest. Call 1526-M. Just off So. University. 11-21 GENEROUS reward for return of small open face lady's watch, on link bracelet. Valued as heirloom. Between highschool and Mack and Co. Phone 13 84-J. 17 TYPEWRITING done. Rush jobs and legal papers specialties. Call An- derson, 1194-M, or leave work at 422 E. Washington St. 17-3 BOARD-Home cooking, $5.00 a week, two meals daily. Accommodations for 25. Phone 885-J. 15-3 WANTED WANTED-More people to eat our 35 cent dinners. Soup, choice of three meats, pctatoes, bread and butter, tea or coffee and desert all for 35 cents. We deliver lunches. Ham's Lunch. 538 Forest. Phone 1526-M. 16-2 WANTED-Several young ladies, pre- ably students, for afternoon and Saturday work. Address, Vich. Daily, Box A. T. 14-4 WANTED-A single room in private family. Must be very desirable with few other roomers. Write Box G. M., Daily. 17-3 FOR RENT FOR RENT. - Share in large front suite. Steam heat.- Desks. Plenty hot water. Also room-mate wanted for double room. Phone 1194-M, 422 E. Washngton. 16-3 FOR RENT-Two single rooms and one double room, "steam heat, two blocks from campus. 1224 Washte naw. 670-R. 14-6 Headquarters for D a nc e and Banq-ue t P rogams De Luxe New Lines in Paper, Leather, Wood and Celluloid The Mayer- Schaurer Company I12 South Main Street Packard Dancing Academy er