be be the so be There will be a meeting of all Uni- versity women who live in Ann Ar- bor at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. This special meeting has been -called for the pur- pose of making a decision concerning a proposition to raise funds for the University of Michigan ' league cam- paign. Plans Completed For Sorosis fete With elaborate plans under way for decorative effects which have tak- en much time and effort, the lawn fete to be given by Collegiate Sorosis for the Lienefit of the Michigan league campaign fund on Saturday evening, May 20, promises to be one of the most attractive affairs of its kind. The entire lawn in front of the house will, be lighted'by a series of electrical contrivances beneath which the tables for refreshments will be placed. The girls promise that the quality of straw- berry short cake which is to be serv- ed will do much towards the success of the affair. An attempt is being made to cater especially to those whose previous en- gagements will make it impossible to attend all evenig, No admission will be charm - . to the affair itself but small cldages will be made for danc- ing, refreshments, and fortune-telling in the booths on the lawn. Music for dancing will be furnished by a campus orchestra from 8 to 11:30 o'clock, th, entire lower floor of the house being used for this purpose. Much emphabis is laid on the fact that the affair is to be a get-together for students and town people. Special arrangements will be made to care for May Festival patrons and others who come for but a part of thq evening. Ann Arbor Custom Shoe Factory, shoes tailor made to suit your indi- vidual taste. Sport shoes our special- ty. Bring your repairs' to the place where shoes are mad. 534 Forest Avenue.-Adv. SENIORS and other graduates, get just the po- sition you want as a teacher through us. Good September openings. No elementary subjects. -Largest bureau of its kind. Write for details and list of Michigan graduates placed by us. SPECIALISTS' EDUCATIONAL BUREAU ODEON BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO. CHILDREN CO-STAR WIT H MEIGHAN Five small chiildren furnish serious competition for honors for Thomas Meighan in his latest picture, "The Bachelor Daddy," which will appear the end of this week at the Majestic theater under the auspices of the sophomore girls of the University. Meighan as a rich mine owner adopts the five children of one of his em- ployees who was killed in an attempt to save the boss's life. After many interesting escapades the children fin- ally show him the way to true love. The picture is being given for the benefit of the Michigan league cam- paign fund but the committee wishes to announce that it will be money well spent to go. In addition to the feature picture there will be added attrac- tions by persons of well established reputation along dramatic lines. Tickets may be bought at the the- ater or from any of the sophomore girl . Best dinner of the year. That's what you'll say after eating the delicious roast chicken and tasty dressing- special this noon at the Michigan Cafe- teria.-Adv. Read Michigan Daily Ads and you will buy wisely.-Adv. - AE TODAY-MONDAY William S. Hart "THE DAWN MAKER" falso Larry Semon in "SCHOOL DAYS" This "ad." with io cents will admit you Soon-"Forbidden Fruit' RAE For the first Warm Days '15 '2O $35 ~R Es #~ A i~'K~ ~~i$kiJ I' ~ /~'j2I' K., p"' ~ wI~ ~ N ,11 I A I//I '.~ I,, 0 .1! 6~' J~ 'G~t~~ ~ 'A J9 f)~'fr ~1(W 1 Charming New Summer A presentation of entirely new things that every woman will want to see. Styles for many occasions' wear from simple,. yet ever so tasteful, porch frocks to exquisite, dainty afternoon dresses with a charm which so befit- tingly characterizes the fine apparel shown by this House. You will take pleasure in viewing the display. i / 1' will 18. MISSES - WOMEN'S to pre- at 11 --- CORNER WOODWARD & STATZ ONLY PLAC or orBNEa& NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER STORE in "A ....- ,, r . . . . ; . : ,; They' touch the "spot" those perfectly delicious CREAM FRIED CAKES "" . t .. "- ' .r =jam t r 1 '1u ro v FROM "Her The Ann Arbor Creamery FRESH BUTTER AND EGGS 55 123 WEST LIBERTY PHONE 664 with Business" I,, ; ' TODAY -MONDAY Marry in Haste and Annul at Leisure! Would You? l""' Mae Mc AVoy -.1j IN [a. at- ver long suffers exposure mel that per pro- must be weather, form a scratch- I TZ 1 -; 1 , i w + r . ' . r s { ' , . # !. - w E . ;' Not much bigger than a pint of cider -.- but she could cook and bale and wash and sew to beat the band. So her two uncles who were so tight they'd put a nickel through a wringer before they let go of it, arranged to marry her to a local Romeo. And then came the stranger, and the night of the robbery-uAnd In this story which began at such a leisurely pace things began to hap- pen a mile a minute. A robbery, a riot, a brave rescue, a marriage at the point of a gun, a struggle between two women for a mans love, a fire, and a smash- ing climax- "A HOMESPUN VAMP" to ask of an camel must do autify. finish by ex- w F " j - . ' ---'- ioe Enamel ful- because it has to fulfill them. sh gloss enam- hard film, im- d unaffected by The ___ADDED Book Agent" A SUNSHINE COMEDY IT'S BETTER THAN A CIRCUS AND ALL LAUGHS d quart Put up SHOWING 1:80 3:00 4:80 7:00 8:20 Last Feature Starts 9 p. m. Jackie ogan.,i eMY BOY" HE HAS A H1XNDID NE SMLE FOR OU --A)A SOB NOW AND THEN AS THE STORY UNFOLDS A !ITORM7 18