s (I) first, Asch- (M) third. Time 2-5. for the dle even s he too Johnso 3-5 se i slower In th nt took conds. e of the and Osi nper of first pla TheirI Neiscb 440 yard run, Sweet (I) first, Fes- senden (I) second, Schlapprizzi (I) third. Time 49 and 2-5 seconds. ne by 880 yard run, Yates (I) first, Kloep- Wol- per (I) second, Douglas (M) third; time 1 minute 58 3-5 seconds. ts. In 1 mile run, Patterson (I) first, k sec- Wharton (I) second, Wells (I) third; n who time 4 minutes 19 3-5 seconds. conds 2 mile run, Swanson (I) first, Davis r than (M) second, Scott (I) third; time 9 e 220 minutes 42 3-5 seconds. first 120 yard high hurdles, Johnson (I) S. H. first, Sargent (M) second, S. H. Wal- Illini, lace (I) third; time 15 3-5 seconds. 220 yard low hurdles, Sargent (M) borne, first, S. H. Wallace- (I) second, H. S. the Wallace (I) third; time 24 3-5 sec- ce in onds. height High jump, McEllven (M) and Os- h and borne (I) tied for first and Neisch (M) third and Smith (M) tied for third; height n the 5 feet 10 inches. 2 and Broad jump, Schmitz (M) first, Os- inch borne (I) second, Neisch (M) third; y Os- distance 22 feet 2 3-4 inches. econd. Pole vault, Landowski (M), Collins Three (I), Chandler (I) tied for first; height Tre11 feet 6 inches. 'pole Javeli throw, Hoffman (M) first, g off Angier (I) second, Landowski (M) foot thir'd; distance 200 feet. 1 easily Discus throw, Coughlin (I) first, The Carlson (I) second, Cannon (I) third; andler distance 126 feet 3-8 of an inch. Mich- Shot put, Cannon (I) first, Stipe (M) com- second, Carlson (I) third; distance 42 feet 1-2 inch. Hammer throw, Hill (I) first, most Schmidt (M) second, Stipe (M) third; ffman distance 134 feet 8 3-4 inches. g the fwho mesh Net Team ly 18 arr# .the VStarts' ,Practice who have worked out so far are Paul Jerome, junior champion of Detroit; Gilbert Rock, junior champion of Cleveland; John H. Tracey, R. H. Crane, and Charles Merriam. It 'is' still too early to pick the members of the team, however, and all men are uged to come out. Matches will be ar-' ranged with the Varsity squad later in the season. i I INDEPENDENT BASEBALL j ' MANAGERS I Each independent baseball j manager is requested to come to I the intramural office today or Monday to check over the results of the games in which his teamj has participated. FACULTY, NOTICE Enough faculty men have al- ready entered the faculty horse- shoe tournament to make it a success. If any more wish to enter they must turn in their names today to the intramural office. Phone 2268. FRESHMEN, NOTICE All freshmen interested in try- ing out for assistant intramural managers report at the intra- mural office, Press building, at once. WILLIAM H. MERNER, Intramural Manager. rl 1 f f" a 12 ut ial. Cha of der w was the the day. Ho If by heavin sting Angler ark beat his rd by near likely be of for some nd Landows cond and I the discust tance being he ;ammner first with 134 imidt and St I and third. eam, took fi 42 feet, 1-2 took second >ok third. the meet i- time. ski of third. throw g 126 throw 4 feet, ipe of Can- rst in inch. and is as Twenty-eight men have reported so far (for the freshman tennis team. Charles Hodgman is coaching the squad and is giving a considerable amount of his time to the work. He says that all the men have not been turning out regularly and that'if they expect to keep their names on the list they should report as often as possible. Four courts have been re- served for the use of the yearling squad so that they do not have to spend much time in waiting. The most likely looking prospects I I I Copyright 1922 Part Schaffner &- Marx ales work upon busi- ed. Not insurance, se- any overworked line. Chemics will be spec- d,, although this is not oposition. Every am- nt of commerce and should enquire. You and make good money. tly indicating your de- rmatioon. I will then rhen I will be in Ann ei'view. Address R. E. Valentine Building, To- 162-3 LIKE to know how you can make this ad fifty students from it during spring vaca- r commissions ran all $40 to $112. Come in r the reports and see of your friends have e that come in early sir choice of territory. nust be in by May 20th. 232 Nickels' Arcade. 161-21 largest brush company offers college students. ,ke good. Investigate us plan and you will 2-5 and 7-9 P. M. Co., 301 National Bank one 2849-R. 163 accurately typewrit- enced typist. Biddle's 1 Nickel's Arcade. 155-21 b THIS COLUMN CLOSES .TISING AT 3 P.M. FOR SALE-For first best offer, one 24 plate Nelson Static machine, one combination Galvanic, Faradic, Su- insaidat, "Kidder Make," one operat- ing chair either Harvard or Allisan, one Geneva test case. Good op en-' ing for Physician, good opening for Druggist. Address A. N. Shotwell, M. D., 46 Macomb St., Mt. Clemens, UIichigan. 162-7 FOR SALE-Brunswick Records; we receive all new Brunswick Records released and offer them for sale on time each month. Fraternity and house club charge accounts solicit- ed. The Stofflet Phono Shop, 110 E. Washington St. 159-5 FOR SALE - Morris canoe, closed decks, mahogany finish throughout two back rests, paddles, cushions, rug equipment complete. Price $60. Phone University 92-J, or evenings, 925-M. 162-2 .U styles are right in these newest spring suits I 1: It's easy to see that the U, HE lines are correct to start with; the fabrics and tailoring are so fine that they hold the style as long as you wear the clothes. Prices are so com- fortably low that you'll wonder why you've delayed buying. I i $3O $35 FOR SALE-May Festival course tick- et, front, right center, fir'st balcony. Call. 1597-M at meal hours. 163 FOR SALE- Three Festival tickets, any concert, main floor, west side, row R. Phone 1766-J. 163-2 FOR SALE-Iver Johnson bicycle in- A-1 condition. 418 E. Washington St. 2172-M. 161-3 FOR SALE-One May Festival course ticket, Main floor. Call 317F-2. 163-2 WANTED WANTED-To insure your Fountain Pen against loss. We embbss your name on it in gold leaf. Rider's Pen shops. Pen Specialists, 214 Nickle's Arcade. 152-21 in conservative and sport models New Shirts Go at $1.39 FINEST COLORINGS and Tuesday are Shirt Days at Monday A Wardrobe Trunk's the Thing FOR TRAVELING COMFORT Every time you travel you'll appreciate the service an Indestructo Wardrobe Trunk gives. The various compartments keep your garments neat; the whole interior arrange- ment makes for accessibility. They are priced $35 to $50. this store for 'men. We're selling new Wit- LOST J. Brazell, a log-log Triday. Please return >om 941, Engineering 163 et for Architects May )und please return to s, '22A. Reward. 161-3 .k scarf between cam- versity Hospital. Re- s Box C. V. P., Daily. 163 gold wrist watch with C., 1916, on back. Re- Christie, 753. 163 Gamma Pin. If found 2. 162-2 son shirts, with soft cuffs, at $1.39 each. In striped patterns; very smart. Most have unattached soft collars of the same materials. WANTED-Your Fountain Pen to re- pair. Quick, skilled service. Fair prices. Rider's Pen Shop, Pen Specialists, 214 Nickel's Arcade. _____________152-21 WANTED-May Festical tickets. Two for Thursday evening. Call Spier, 1855, at meal time. 163 FOUND FOUND-A Fountain Pen which holds over 200 drops of ink. For partic- ulars call at Rider's Yen Shops, Pen Specialists. 214 Nickels Arcade. 152-21 FOUND-On a street south of the campus, fountain pen. Owner may have same by indentifying it. Call The Reule Conlin Company frlain Street at Washington 6m mm mmwr~ aw