hulL I UIUL ULI LIIU .A9y HERE Too, Smith, Steketee, and I ake Up Michigan's Golf Team RINES OUT TO REVENG EAT GIVEN THEM IN Fj Brown is said to be by far the best player of the four and will play num- ber one, against Winters. Pixler will be paired up with Loeb of Michigan, Lebotny and Smith, and Wennerton and Steketee are the other pairings. These men will tee off at 9 o'clock this morning. Loeb In the afternoon Winters and Stek- etee will opopse two of the Purdue men in a best ball foursome. Loeb and Smith will also take on the other ;E pair of visitors in a 'similar match. E ' Just how the Purdue men will be di- vided in 'these matches is not known as yet. Purdue and Michigan golfers will tee off this morning on the Ann Arbor Golf club links for a return match. Beaten once by Purdue the Wolver- ines have spent many hours in prac- tice and will try their best to re- deem themselves. With a state cham- pion on their team the Boilermakers are formidable opponents and the match is sure to be close. Captain Johnny Winters will play number one for Michigan and to him will go the task of meeting their best player, Brown. Smith, Loeb, and Frank Steketee will be the other Michigan men. The men are'almost on a par and8all have been consist- ently under 80 on the local course. During the past week they have tak-'1 en advantage of the wonderful golf weather and have spent almost every afternoon on the course. This same team opposed Ohio State last week and there Hugh Smith performed a feat that is the hope of all golfers, to make a hole in one. Loeb and Stek- etee are also playing a fine brand of golf and will make their opponents do some wonderful playing to , defeat them. Brown, Pixler, Lebotny, and Wen- nerton are the Purdue players. Destre Hen For Delta Sigma Psi All those desiring to sign up for membership in Delta Sigma Psi, na- tional honorary athl'etic society, must send in their names to Dr. May at Waterman gymnasium or to Mr. E. D. Mitchell at the intramural office. There are 412 events most of which are in the nature of track.' Anyone who has won a, letter in a Varsity 'sport will be given credit for any one event he may choose. The winners will be given a distinctive key and certificate and their names will be posted in Waterman gymnasium. Ann Arbor Custom Shoe Factory, shoes tailor made to suit your indi- vidual taste. Sport shoes our special- ty. Bring your repairs to the place where shoes are made. 534 Forest .Avenue.-Adv. Read Michigan Daily Ads and you will buy wisely.-Adv. it willbe a;fight Which will be upwto the fire next fall it is absolutely ne- Samething for sale? A C us alone to put over." cessary that we all come back on Sept. Ad in The Daily will And a b NOTW SEN"If we ai to bring things out of 15 ready to go through one of the stiff- Adv. est training programs the coaches are ori' SU1.1 M P iS91 C ti ICHIS E: nable to devise," Thistlewaite declared, MEN AND' f-.... --------.--------------.---s----. - "and when we meet Chicago, Oct. 14,Make - -ii - IRST NATIOwe wont have to apologize for any- 11tunt ehae FOOTBALL CANDIDATES ARE TO thing."Cteacher eda cREPORT FOR PRACTICE -ontry.ot aNonagencyA SEPT. 15 Lost something? A Classified Ad in e dourcdidate We will put you in just thept * wa~l~e in 1 f d dhundreds ordollars to your income or there is ______________________Wit t~eNW . Organized in 1863 The Daily will And It for you.-Adv. att to, .e Now != SPECIMAISTS'EDUCATIONAL BUREAU. deN81ldg.,ST. (By Associated Press) 10 Evanston, Ill., May 12.-That North-$t western university had come to the «tDeposits : end of her athletic slump owas the jam- -TS_ _ opinion of more than 75 prospective Oldest National Bank en Michigan football candidates, who at a recent f C" meeting in Patten gymnasium heard Coach Glenn Thistlewaite Athletic Director Dana M.Evans, Captain-elect ADRIAV-ANN ARDOR BUS - SCHEDULL IFECIVE OCT. 1o, 1921 Patterson and several 'alumni outline Read Down Central Stadard Time THE plans for next fall's work and em- AM. P.M. P.M. A&PM psietencsiyogetn inDaily Daily Daily Daily phasize the necessity of getting in 7:30 1 30 Lv... Adrian ...Ar. 7.00 12:45 condition during the summer. 8: 2: Tuone .... 6:5 rw Hat Parade W ill Soon Be 8:25 22:25......Clinton...60 10° rHa 15.drW f Vl , "We have lost in every sport 'so far 9:15 3:1 ....Saline...... 5:115 11:00 this year," Director Evans declared. A. P P5ArAnnArborL.:. AJu l t n hs:wl "We have always been about one step Red Just a look at the new shapes just received will make behind other universities from the SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS yOu long to get under a straw hat. We are showing standpoint of athletics. We are all P.M. P.M. an extensive variety in all the styles that good dressers tired oftlosing and a radical change 3:30 L... Adrian.. .Ar. 9:00like to wear. in the state of affairs is about to take ..05 Tecumseh..:2 4:25 . ' Clinton . 8:05$ -* place," 5:15 Saline ..... s Better pick your straw hat now, it, was a serious group of men that P.M. P.M while the assortment is good. listened to Coach Thistlewaite, the next speaker, deliver his ultimatum to the football men. "Northwestern is facing one of the toughest propositions Sold by CALKINS-FLETCHER DrugCo Lindensch i& in its athletic history," he said, "and m TRE A)PRICE Ann Arbor's Leading Clothiers and Furnishi TODAY ONLYo ON. 209 S. MA "A RED HAIRED CUPID" PIPE_ with ROY/STEWART also Larry Semon In "SCHOOL DAYS"e This "AD" with 10 cents will admit you device Today I gve colr Sunday-Hart 'in cleanersmoking "THE DAWN MAKER" Agents for the United States and CanadaC s GROSVENOR NICHOLAS & CO., Inc. AE60 Broad Street New York city TiIS TIa CLO ESC LOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. MISCELLANEOUS DESIRABLE VACATION sales work in any territory calling upon busi- ness men. No inv estment or nguar- antee required. Not insurance, se- curities, or any overworked line. Medics and Chemics will be spec- ially interested, although this is not a medical proposition. Every 'am- bitious student of commerce and salesmanship should enquire. You will like this'and make good money. Write promptly indicating your de- sire for informatioon. I will then advise you when I will be in Ann Arbor for interview. Address R. E. Sunderland, Valentine Building, To- ledo, Ohio. .162-3 WOULD YOU LIKE to know how much money you can make this summer? I had fifty students from Ann Arbor out during spring vaca- tion and their commissions ran all the way from $40 to $112. Come in and look over the reports and see what some of your friends have made. Those that come in early will have their choice of territory. All requests must be in by May 20th. H. J. Leader, 232 Nickels' Arcade. Tel. 600-M. 161-21 ARE YOU looking for a house for the summer? Private home, completely. furnished for summer. Eight rooms and sleeping porch, near Cedar Pointe, Rtggles and Rye Beach. 'Wonderful bathing beach. Reason- able. Address Box 27, Huron, Ohio. 161-2 GET YOUR pal. and sell our merch- andise in the Michigan summer re- sorts together. You make no de- liveries. A pleasant way to spend your vacation with big money pos- sible. Call at the Allenel Hotel, Saturday afternoon if interested. 162 SEE WHAT the largest Brush Com- pany in the world offers college students this summer. 'Fuller Brush Co., 301 First National Bank Bldg. 2-5 and 7-9. Phone 2849-R. 162 MANUSCRIPTS accurately typewrit- ten by experienced typist. Biddle's Book Store, 11 Nickel's Arcade. 155-21 FORB SIEl FOR SALE-For first best offer, one 24 plate Nelson Static machine, one *combination Galvanic, Faradic, Sn- insaidat, "Kidder Make," one operat- ing chair either Harvard or Allisan, one Geneva test case. Good open ing for Physician, good opening for Druggist. Address A. N. Shotwell, M. D., 46 Macomb St., Mt. Clemens, Michigan. 162-7 FOR SALE--Brunswick Records; we receive all new Brunswick Records released ,and offer them for sale on time each month. Fraternity and house club charge accounts solicit- ed. The Stofflet Phono Shop, 110 E. Washington St. 159-5 FOR SALE-37 small sizes, 34 to 36, Sport Model Suits in the popular Tweeds and Homespuns and a num- ber of novelty weaves that are ex- ceptionally adapted for Sport Suits. Saturday, only $27.50. F. W. Gross, 309 S. Main._162 FOR SALE - Morris canoe, closed decks, mahogany finish throughout, two back rests, paddles, cushions, rug equipment complete. Price $60. Phone University 92-J, or evenings, '925-M. 162-2 OPEN TODAY! THE "NEW HOME" OF 00" EATS A FULL LINE OF DELICATESSESI GOODS Breakfast and Lunches Served at Al( Hours CANOE LUNCHES A SPECIALTY ICE COLD BUTTERMILK 1112 S. U. PHONE 155 I'm starting a riot at the 1 ARCADE Manna join usg COMING SOON! i 4, PO I LAST TIMES TONIGHT More Exciting than a Trip to * . Tl SCHEDULE 2:00 9:30 7:00 8:3 Your eyes will sparkle at the glo vistas of sunny Spanish hill and del unfolded by this picture. Your heart will be stirred profou by the glowing tale of Spanish and love. Spain Your voice will say with ours- a wonderful picture!" It's Laughter Time Again - And Then a Big Tear That You Never Will Forget-Registering a Milestone Upon Your Memory - Truly a Picture Achievement FOR SALE-Iver A-1 condition. St. 2172-M. Johnson bicycle in 418 E. Washington 161-3 ADDED "A DARK HORSE A COMEDY RIOT - YOU JUST GOTTA LAUGH STARTING TOMORROW MARRY IN HASTE AND ANNUL AT LEISURE! WOULD YOU? o CLASS typing -W, mornings. done. Call 161-2 LOST LOST - Conklin fountain pen with name P. E. Delf, on N. State, Thurs- day. Also a Shull's Zoology test in Natural Science Building, May 5. Finder please call 144. 162 LOST - Parker fountain pen at or near Hill Auditorium on Wednesday 'after lecture. Prized as gift. Re- ward. Phone 1629-W. 162 LOST-Manuscript entitled "Damus- ka"; possibly left in Upper study hall of Library. Please phone 1767-M. 161-2 LOST - Ticket for Architects May Party. If found please return to Frank Andrus, '22A. Reward. 161-3 LOST-Bunch of keys, Tuesday even- ing, probably on State or Thayer. Finder call 519-J. 161-2 LOST - Black leather notebook on Ferry field. Reward. H. A. Tews, 2121-R. 162 LOST-A Delta Gamma Pin. If found please call 452. 162-2 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Furnished 6 room house for Summer Session, near campus. 508 Walnut St. Phone 1879-R. 160-21 Specialists. 214 Nickels Arcade. FOR RENT - Furnished apartment. Three rooms. Kitchenette, bath. July 1st to September 1st. Call 397. 160-3 FOR RENT - For summer months Furnished house. 522 Eltn St. Call 21$4-J. 161-2 FOUND POUND-A Fountain Pen which holds over 200 drops of ink, For partic- ulars call at Rider's 'Pen Shops. Pen 115..91 WANJT" ANTED-University student desires ;o renit large furnished rooming louse. Best of references. Address 405 First National Bank Bldg., De- roit, Michigan. 160-3- ANTED-To insure your Fountain Pen against loss. We emboss your ame on it in gold leaf. Rider's Pen shops. Pen Specialists, 214 Vickle's Arcade. 152-21: LNTED-Your Fountain P'en to re- >air. Quick, skilled service. Fair prices. Rider's Pen Shop, Pen Specialists, 214 Nickel's Arcade. 152-21 kNTED-Two seats for May Festiv- Ul Concerts on both Thursday and Friday nights. Call Spier at 1855. tK 0 0 _ o "A Homespun Vamp THE STORY OF A BRIDE WHOSE HUSBAND PROMISED TO LO HONOR, AND CHERISH HER UNTIbr-HE COULD GET AN ANN MENT! ADDED "THE BOOK AGENT" A SUNSHINE COMEDY IA HAWAI IANS ON THE STAGE Starting Sunday GLORIA SWANSON in "HER HUSBAND'S TRADEMARK"