PER OF THE UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN except Monday during the University rel ofStudent Publication. 'E ASSOCIATED PRSS is tclusively ertitled d*. the r'- he c lecal news pub siaed thare i * at Aaz Arbor, Malan, upsre55 mad Street. :ations not to exceed eo words,..if signed, the signa- sarily to appear in ptrint but as an evidence of faith, events will be published in The Daily at tlie discre- ltor, 'iet at or mildft he Daily office. Unsigned, sn ill receive no'consideration. N. manuscript will fles the writer ricloses pctageo does not necessarilyndorse the sentiments expressed iniations. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 :DITOR...........BREWSTER I. CAMPBELL . ..................Jos eph . Bernstein .... ..............jaes B.Young Adams G. P. Overton P. 'DAWion M. B. Stahl xd Lambrecht Paul Watzel k MoPike} J'reyKny d airman...............-.L. Armstrong Kern4 rd- 'Iershdorfer X. R. Meiss !. Andrews zinc +rditor............Thornton W. Sargent, Jr. itr........ +rYr. :f. r.eoge E. Sloan ..'......'...........siney B. Coaes 01..........................n-...-George Reindel- .;.... .......... ... . . -. ...Elizabeth Vick ery .............-. R. Meis r ~Assistanits° erman . A. Donane Marion Kch Dggc orothy G. ltz J.E Mac e Grund Kathrine Montgomery. ra WinontaA.Hifbbard R; C. Moriarty k ar.yD.,Hoel. ilian Scher- ark H Howlett R. B. Tarr Cohlin Marion Kerr Virginia Tryon.. Victor Klein BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 kANAGER.............VRNON P, HILLFRY ............ RRR . .' Y.. . .Albert J. Parker --.-......--.-John J Ha el, Jr. ........ athan W. Robertson =#. r.«.........awter K; Scherer ....Herold C. Hunt ' ,Asistanta" T. H. Wolfe E. D. Armantrout at Prks " Pal Blum Edward Conlin oe ' Stanley Monroe .Lawrece Favrot ses William Graulich C. D. Malloch idring 1a C.-Maltby Wallace Flower k Harvey Reed Carles R. Richards s George Rokod RihardG. i3urcell SATURDAY MAY ,13,1922 Night- ditor- . A. DONAHUE Assistant - .P. Overton R. 1. Tarr E WAITING'FORTHE ISSUES he Presient'of the sUniversity is egage ? five battles thle results of whichwill. ha'- ect upon the future of Michigan, the stu is interestedly and conifiden y lookng on. rs realize that he is .solving their p'rob- waging their wars, and although the tasks front him at present are large enough for rinstead of 'one, they place their fiith in accomplish everything that can be ac- I for Mic higan.. NG.BACK, OH. BRING BACK, ~ time- clash betveen senior laws and engi- r the qtes ti to whether the former woild' not pass through the Engineering Siing-out day; :has come into much dis- ate years becatIse of the earnestness and splayed by the contestants and the mild hat sometimes resulted. Last year the )uncil put its foot down on the traditional changing the"line of march so that no quld go throughi the arch, and this year it taken the saine precaution. who relish- a .good fight view this action probation. It appears to them Jike an ef- gash one tradition- or ,custom, as you hile, at the same timer making' repeated :o promote the observance of others. The 0'ing-out fight is actually no little worse nrltestants than b ttling games, played by rclassmen on Ferry field, or than th an- staged each year on theeveof Swing-out freshmen seeking to place'"swings" for s of their respective hoitses.' s the 'senior engineers xwill follow the this year that they set lat, and will dis- rpetual contempt of their rivals from the. of the diagonal, by breaking away from march and majestically parading through* done. Perhaps. But nieanwhile the sor- ver of a good old free-for-all will look regret at the rmild Swing-out of today. the old scrap may have been undignified, s what put the final punch into the whole UNION TALKS FOR ALL nistake as to the purpose of the Sunday talks given at the Union seems to be re- for the meager attendance of late These are informal, but they are not religious :er. The speaker is invariably a man of I ability in his chosen field, but his mission rt knowledge of his vocation in a manner ugh to make his mfterial of benefit to the audience, no matter in what chan-' terests run. arly are these talks valuable to the man decided as to what occupation he will fol-. leaving college. During the course of the business and professional-worlds to give him an insight into each of the yarious fields of endea'or as well as a broad outlook on them all. Tomorrow Merlin Wiley, attorney general of Michigan, will talk on "The Business of Govern- ment". The address will be anomalous .in that it will not deal directly with any particular vocation. The subject, however, is one which should hold con- siderable interest for every college student, and Mr. Wiley is .a speaker of high enough caliber to make attendance at the meeting worth while. INFORMATION PLEASE Although the telephone company in Ann Arbor has a department known as "Information", for the benefit of its patrons, this department is at present practically useless :because of the limited knowledge which it seems to possess. In most cities through- out the country the information bureau of the ,telephone service has a classification of its subscrib- ers in three different ways, first the name, second th address, and. third the telephone number. In other words, if an individual has any one of these three requisites; the information bureau can supply him with the other two. 'The accommodation which this furnishes is obvious. In Ann .Arbor, however, there is but one kind of information disseminated, - if the name of the subscriber is known, his address and telephone number rmay be obtained. Almost the entire stu- dent body, which comprises nearly one-half the population, is staying at homes where the tele7 phones are in the name of someone 'lse. Accord- ingly, innumerable cses arise where although a student's name and address are known, his tele- phone number cannot be found because the tele- phone is listed under the name of his landlord in- stead of his own. If 4 triple classification were in service here, there would' be no difficulty in reaching a man as long as his address was known. Ann Arbor has comparatively few telephone sub- scribers, and if the metropolitan cities can take the trouble to formulate the huge lists which they have linto, three classifications, surely the local telephone service might take similar steps to provide what would be a real aid and accommodation to its patrons. THE SPIRIT OF A GIFT When Dr. George Vincent, president of the Rock- efeller foundation, declined the money allotted him as speaker at the first monthly convocation and turned it over to De n Lloyd to be used as a re- serve in the fellowship fund, he performed an act not only of generosity but of .noteworthy signifi- cance as well. His act provides tangible evidence of the sympathetic attitude of our great- scholars and educators towards popular education, The spirit of devotion manifested in Dr. Vin- cent's willingness to forego personal compensation for the sake of contributing to the spread of edu- cati9n, has made it possible for our universities to offer unusual opportunities through the fellowship system. The Rhodes scholarship fund which' en- ables many deserving students of American univer- sities to study at Oxford may be cited as a conspic- uous example.. The fact that Dr.:Vincent regarded the honor of speaking before a Michigan audience, coupled with the educational advantagees which his gift to the fellowship fund would confer upon students, as reward enough for his services, should make his donation exceedingly gratifying to all members of the University Let's .see that cane at Ferry field this morning, Senior. It is your privilege to wear it whenever you wish. Every day is cane day now. TJie Telescope Learn by Experience It's a wonerful thing, to buy a swell ring, Knowing that she will accept it; But pity the jay, who a hundred will pay, Forgetting that she might reject it. Hurry We have other important questions to settle, and it is therefore necessary to devise a method to re- move the drane from. the'Clements library within, the next week. We will publish further suggestions for three days more, and then a consensus will be made and a plan resolved upon. The suggestions for today are the following: * Raise the. walls and slide it under them. Have the Vigilance committee ball it out. Put fertilizer around the base of it, 'and it will sprout branches and leave of its own accord. A Course in'MNarketing Lady: How much are your potatoes? Grocer: Twenty-five a peck. Lady: Say, what think I'm feeding - a flock of birds? Not a Fish Story We know, a young man named William Fay, He used to go fishing most every day. He liked it so well that his work he forsook, And angled so much he was given the hook. We Can, Still Learn Things How many of us know that breadfruit grows on trees"and: is.not a species of wheat? One to Think Over How does a bald-headed man know where to stop washing his fpce?, UNCLE BEANIE. AT BOTH STOES other's Day I1 DETROIT UNITED LIMES Ana Arbor and Jackson 'TIE TABLE Dtit(Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars - 6:oo a, m., 7:ro a. M, 8:ao a. m..g:oo a. m., and hourly to 9:05 V. tM. Jackson Expreas Cars (local stops of An krbe:). :47 a. as and every two hours to 9:47 p. ,m. Local Cars Eat Bound-:ss a.m., Y:0e a. tn. and every two hennas to gm:o, x...s P. al. To Ypsilanti only--u :4s r. in.. : a s a. IA., :azs a. U. To $*si. change at Ypsilaati. Local Cars Weas Rouad- 7: a. s., s 4o V. U. S i Jackson and alanmazoo-imited cars: ":47 xo% a. M.. t2:47, 2.47, 4in47: Ia- l- anasaid Lansing -iUited: 1:47 1922 T.MAY 1922 S M T, T F S 1 2 3 4 5 , 6 7 8 9. 10 '11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .31 HATS - SPRING - HATS hReblocked at greatly reduced prices. Turned inside out, with all new trim. mings they are as good as new. High class work only. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 PACKARD STREET Telephone 1792 sC.AN-D~E STEAM &0 Fi 1 TELEPHONE 214 F-i YOU, MR. STUDENT should have use You can rent fra typeu ter one from us for three months for $7.50 up. Or "-_--- you can rent - - y with privilege. ' of buying; At C any time up to, six months we will allow all rent you have paid to count' against sale price of machine. Thereais no. obligation'to buy. The offer is made to save you money if you find you want to own a machine after first zventing. Your Choice of Makes. State your choice: Underwood, Remington, L. C. Smith, etc.rvery machine is perfect-rebuilt by the famous "Young Process." This pro- cess is our own. It is recognized the country over. It is back of our iron-clad guarantee which makes you judge and jury. We grant to days' free trial on all our machines. You run no risk. Get Our Prices We save you so. per cent 'and up on typewriters. All makesand models to select from-the largest selected stock of machines in America. Send for catalog before you rent or buy any. where. Write today!l , YOUNG TYPEWRITER COMPANY 25 W. Lake St., Dept. 317, Chicago Phone Central 46 A Clear Mind What you can do with your mind depends to such a degree on what you have done to your stomach that you cannot afford to be indifferent to what you eat. In eating ShrIedded Wi-feal you have the assurance that you are eating a food that provides strength for body and mind with little digestive effort and a food that is a distinct help in the elimination of other foods. It is 100 per cent. whole wheat, steam- ed and baked to a delicious flavor, and ready to *eat. Shredded Wheat is on the training table of nearly every sohool and college in this country. Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, N.Y. L'_. Bfathn Suts Tom Wye and Bradley all-wool suits in all styles, shades and colors, in single or two-piece garments. Also parts only for two-piece suits. For Camping, Week End, or "Gold Medal Folding Cots," Stools, Chairs, T Grills, Water and Barracks Bags, Mess Cans, C kets, Auto Touro Tents, etc. Khaki Breeches, Trousers, Shirts, all styles unc iery, Puttees and Shoes. Get our prices. Surplus Suplies 213 NORTH, FOURTH AVENUE "It pays to walk a few blocks" S ' DOBBS 922 STRAWS 0, .. ,, ..axe.< ". ^ s:' Straw Hat Day May 13th, ii C? ' N. /y? Ir ioi } f a f Straw Hat Day May 13th The Dobbs Straws are now on display for your approval. two Styles carry the same Dobbish exclusiveness as Nineteen Twenty- in the past. AGENTS. TrINKIER '.& COMPANY SOUTH STATE STREET AT WILLIAM STREET The Home of Vetter Clothes, Hats and Furnishings at Fair Prices. .1 ,