f1 rza taI 171 . a.ri -r - Wesaa s iCIAL ULLET.N 118:0P. (U:W" 6uALSaturdsiL) I , MAY 12, 1922 Number 161 Senate: ourth regular meeting of the University Senate for the year will at 8 p. m., Monday, May 15, in Room C, Law building. Report of Control of Student Publications. Consideration of proposal for es- a University Committee on Discipline, J. L. MARKLEY, Secretary. Education Reception: taff of the School of Education will give a reception to seniors ae or August -- enrolled- in the School and to graduate students g in Education, on Friday, May 12, from 4 to 6 o'clock, in the Room, 105 Tappan Hall. All students thus classified, and all per, tly connected with the instructural-and administrative-staffs of the Education, are cordially invited. Engineering Students: very desirable that all students who expect to become chemical have at least one summer's experience in industrial work. Ar- s are being made with a number of Michigan manufacturers who g to employ one or more undergraduate chemical engineers daring g summer. Students who are interested in this will please see Pro- .Wood, 125, Chemistry building, within the next two weeks. ALFRED H. WHITE. y 1' pic for the last'exercise in Philosophy I, due May 25, will be found the bulletin boards in the Study Hall of the Library Saturday May 13. C. B. VIBBERT, R. M. WENLEY. ion Ushers: 1 Union ushers who cannot attend all May Festival Concerts ort to me at once. W. C. HOLLANDS. e afternoon of Monday, May 15, there will be a Review in honor Xeneral George Bell, Jr., U. S. Army, and President Marion L. Bur- Corps will assemble at the north end of the Engineering building m., 'where rifles,.belts, and bayonets will be issued and organiza- ned. Band will bring instruments and music. The Review will at4 p.m. thority of the President and the Deans, students who are members 0. T. C., are excused from classes on Monday afternoon. A com- idance will therefore be expected. nts are cautioned to wear insignia of rank, collar insignia, service d chevrons to which entitled, R. 0. T. C. emblem, and any marks- adges and service ribbons or other awarded decorations. rm: Service uniform complete with blouse. ROBERT ARTHUR, P. M. S. & T. aneous Contest: econd extemporaneous contest of the year will be held on Tuesday, he preliminaries will be held Saturday morning, May 20. All stu-- eligible except'first semester frestimen, winners of previous con- members of Delta Sigma Rho.,, The subject for the contest is: a Peace Conference. Preliminary speeches will be four minutes All those wishing to enter the contest should mail their names asses and class to the chairman of the Contest Commitee at once. F. ROLAND ALLABEN, 920 E. Washington St., Chairman of Contest Committee. l will be an important meeting of Alpha Nu Debating Society at y evening. All members and pledges are requested to be present. annual election of officers will take place at this meeting. R. M. RYAN, President. WJfomen Senior collars will be sold again Monday afternoon from 1 to 5 o'clcok at the league booth in University hall. There will be a membership meet- ing of the Y. W. C. A. at 4 o'clock Mon- day afternoon at Newberry hall. There will be an installation of new officers as well as a report on the national convention at this time. Chaperones for dances over the week end are: Union-Saturday, Mrs. Yates Adams; Armory-Friday, Miss Martha Hills; Saturday, Mrs. H. G. Berger. The fourth round of the tournament must be played off morrow night. tennis by to- DEFEDS ACHITECTBALL STUDENT SAYS DATE SET BEFORE THAT OF CAP NIGHT AND MUST STAND Editor, Michigan Daily: The writer of the editorial in the Tuesday Daily certainly went astray. Had he called at Dean Bursley's of- fice, he would have found that the date of the Architects' May Party was made before the Student council met to discuss a date for the ceremony of Cap Night. We filed our application for permission upon the 21st day of March. The Student. council has not yet consulted the office of the Den of Students in regard to Cap Night. The Architects' May Party of last year was held May 7, but this year, owing to the Military ball, the date was changed, 4ie 26th of May being decided upon because of the May Fes- tival and Cap Night, both of which last year came the third week in May. Thedate of the dance cannot now be changed since the 26th is the only available evening. We regret very much that the Cap Night ceremonies have been moved to the date fixed for this party and trust that The Daily will see that it is utterly unwarranted in its statement. Our freshmen are wearing pots and we hope to see them cast before at- tending the Architects' ball FRANK ANDRUS, '22A. SALVATION ARMY FAR FROM QUOTA, START FINAL DRIVE According to latest reports on the Salvation Army campaign for a new headquarters citadel which has been conducted during the past two weeks the quota of $30,000 is still not ap- proached, the total amount of collec- SENIOR LIT NOTICE , tions up until yesterday afternoon be- ing $13,500. Most of the comihittees have reported and practically the en- tire business section has been can- vassed. Officials are now planning a All senior lits must get their caps and gowns before noon the day of Swing-Out, next Tues- day. The days for wearing caps and gowns are to be Tuesdays and Fridays.I ROBERT PEARE, Chairman of Cap and Gown Committee. A i nouse to hous~e canvassing or the ci tomorrow, at which time all thc who have not already subscribed 1w be asked to give. NOTICE All men who will not mow lawns, wash dishes or dig ditches had better investigate the new proposition of the FULLER BRUSH CO., for next summer. 801 1st Nat'l Bank. Phone 2849-R Hours--5 and 7.9. 11 i I ' COMING SOON I i I All sophomore girls wishing tional movie tickets call studenta at Helen Newberry' residence. addi- office I'm starting a riot at the ;ARCADE Wanna Join us I ,000 SOY" Baseball practices for freshmen and sophomores are held regularly at 4 o'clock on Mondays and Thursdays; for juniors and seniors, at 4:45 o'clock on Mondays and Wednesdays. Any girls who are planning to be here for summer school and would be interested in helping carry on the Michigan league campaign during that time are asked to call Neva Lovewell, '22, at Martha Cook. All houses which want more candy from the league booth are asked to call for it at once. Also all money for the candy must be in by May 15 so that the booth may be closed. There will be a 10 honor point hike for all girls interested at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning. The party will leave from Barbour gymnasium at this hour. The Girls' Educational club will meet at 7 o'clock this evening at Martha Cook building: Miss Leila Gerry, of Detroit, who is the national secretary of Pi Lambda Theta, nation- al educational fraternity, will hold a conference with the Edudational club members at this time. ATTORNEY GEN. WILEY WILL SPEAK AT UNION It's Laughter Time Again - And Then a Big Tear That You Never Will Forget-Registering a Milestone Upon Your Memory - Truly a Picture Achievement -W s . .. Keep Fit for both muscular and mental work by making at least one meal a day of Sh1redded Whteat rRAD MARK AREG. U.S. PAT. OFF. SPORT GARTER This garter is ideal for men's and women's long hose-and just right for knickers-because the webbing is soft and wide. Buy by name and get the genuine. Made solely by The Thos. P. Tay- for Co., Bridgeport, Cana. Featured by leading Student Supply Stores Patronise Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Two biscuits make a delicious and satisfying meal, but you can eat all you wish without harm. It is 100 per cent. whole wheat, steamed and baked, and good to the taste. Very rich in energy-building carbohydrates and muscle-making proteins; liberal in vitamines. A favorite food of brain workers and a leading item on the menu at athletic training quarters. Shredded Wheat is on the training table of nearly every school and college in this country. Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. -/ [AT'S GOING ON FRIDAY ph band meets at Waterman sium. Music for all. phomore - freshman tug-of. :uron river. pha Nu elections, fourth floor, sity hall. theran students meet at 424) Aberty street for marshmal- ast., esh Frolic at Union. SATURDAY pring games at Ferry feld. per Room Bible class meets e hall. aftsmen confer third degree it time this year at Masonic U-NOTICES iesiring physical examination report at Waterman gymnas- ay day this week from 2:30 on. i Arbor Art association an. s an exhibition of Batiks by Knapp, oil paintings by G. A. ir, water colors by Edmund ipbell and Lars Hoftrup, and d ink and pencil drawings by Walker, Catherine C. Fowler, atherine McEwen. Open daily b to 5 o'clock, West gallery, i Memorial hall. ang People's society of St. Lutheran church invites all an students to a marshmal- ast at 7:30 o'clock tonight t parsonage, 420 West Liberty AT THE THEATERS TODAY SCEEN --- - Merlin Wiley, 104L, attorney gener- al of Michigan, will be the speaker at the Union Sunday meeting next Sun-. day. Mr. Wiley during his college ca- reer was a member of the debating team in the intercollegiate 'debate against the University of Pennsylva- nia, and an assistant in oratory. He is reputed, by Ann Arbor acquaint- ances ,to be a forceful and interesting speaker. Previous to his appointment to-the office of attorney general, Mr. Wiley practiced law in Sault Ste. Marie and was three times a member of the state legislature. He became attor- ney general in 1920 and since his ap- pointment "he has shown a conspicu- ous gift for 'ironing out' the difficul- ties of party government," according to alumni officials here. The sneaker was alsoactive in cam- pus Activities outside of his chosen field of oratory. He was a member of the Varsity Glee club, the Quad- rangle society, and a member of the oratorical board. Mr. Wiley will be the guest of Pres- ident Marion L. Burton and Mrs. Bur- ton during his stay in Ann Arbor. Fill your "M Book" 100 Cards and Plate - - 100 " from Your Plate $3.00 to $3.88 $ 1.73 TIME'S FLYING-Order Them Now VI SITING CARDS Wahr's UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Arcade--"Spanish Jade." Majestic- "Turn to the Right' and Bell's Hawaiians.. Orpheum - Hoot Gibson in "Headin' West." t 1 - K l I Rae-"Proxies." Wuerth- "Chivalrous Charlie." Cloister" DOBBS 1922 STRAWS STAGE Mimes-Union ,- "The with All-star cast. Garrick (Detroit)--"The Broken a Wing." Band Elects New Officers Election and oppointment of Var- sity band officers for the coming year took place at a meeting of the band Wednesday night. The annual ban- quet and installation of officers will be held at the Union Monday, May 22, at 6 o'clock. The officers for next1 year are as follows: S. R. Bidwell, '24L,, manager; C. J. Cole, '23, student director; K. P. Jones, '23M, president; H. L. Parker, '23, vice-president; G. V. Harrison, '23, librarian; M. B. Cur- less, '24, assistant librarian. A. S. IL E. Elects Officers Officers of the A. S. M. E. for the ensuing year-were chosen Tuesday at an election held by the society. They are as follows: chairman, Paul Pew, '23E ;vice-chalrn, K. A.. Lawrence, 123E; treasurer, Dean Seitz, '23E; and secretary, R. C. Boucher, '23E. The active membership of the University branch is 225 and is the largest of the 62 associations at leading techni- cal schools throughout the country. M° i Straw Hat u Day May 13th . . t'' .r: " May 13th Straw Hat Day _i. PHOTOGRAPHIERS uts are wanted for the raphic staff of the 1922- ichiganensian. Phone J. -1 wit h pictures you have made yourself. There isya Rexo Camera of the size and price for every purse and purpose, from the dainty Vest Pocket to the highly de- veloped 3A Special. Price from $7.50 to $110.00. Rexoete Cameras (Box Type--Five Sizes) The sturdiest and most efficient box camera made. Prices from $2.50 to $5.50. Sold in Ann Arbor by STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE 1 O *UT NI VlERSTYV The Dobbs Straws are now on display for your approval. Nineteen Twenty two Styles carry the same Dobbish exclusiveness as in the past, AGENTS E E. SENIORS, NOTICE rs of the School of Edu- TINKER & COMPANY SOUTH STATE STREET AT WILLIAM STREET The Home of Better Clothes, Hats and Furnishings at air Prices. 7 11 A