Faculty Prepafres for Diamond Battle Faculty members of the rhetoric de- partment are priming themselves in ce daily gridiron grinds for an indoor e- baseball game with the economic de- on partment. to be held soon. Rhetoric ed player chiefs are on edge to have re- ty venge for the terrible defeat last year nt *by the "Ecs," who seemed to apply the id budget system, or something, in ob- taining runs. ;_ Calendar Of Coming Events State Savings I ICor. Plain and Washington of smokers have proved it--and now Ct to you- er tobaccos NATURE has produced h the finest varieties of pure Turkish ious FLAVOR of the finest Turkish-- NJOYMENT of the finest Turkish- FY you as will the finest Turkish- ghest grade and personally selected used in MURAD. To enjoy 100% pure, Turkish at its VERY BEST-to reach the -DPEAK of Cigarette Quality-you have but to smoke MURAD- May 10-Varsity Glee and Mandolin clubs give Spring serenadIe. Western State Normal baseball gamb. May 11-Senior Swing-out. Senior Girls' Play, "Pomander 'Walk." 0. S. U. tennis match. Freshman declamation contest. May 12-Freshman-Sophomore tug-of- war. 'Frosh-Frolic. Senior Engineer Step. Michigan high school debating league state championship debate. May 13-Spring Games at Ferry Field. Illinois, track meet. Purdue golf match. May 15-University Senate meets. Gen. George Bell, Jr., corps area commander, reviews University R. 0. T. C. May 16-Players club play. May 17-May Festival begins. May 19-May Festival. May 20-May Festival., May 22-Northwestern tennis match. Illinois golf match. May 23-Serenade (Girls' Glee club, Fresh). May 24-First Senior Sing. i May 25-High school editors' conven- tion. May 26-Cap Night. Architects' Ball. May 27-Chicago baseball game. May 29-Wisconsin baseball game., Chicago golf match. May 30-Lantern Night. June 1-Lantern Night. June 2-0. S. U. baseball game. Last day of classes. Any additions or corrections to. the above should be mailed to the Calen- dar Editor of The Daily,. F, A I, Know Your Alumni (By Courtesy of Chimes) Capital,$ 300000 urplus $26 Resources $4,000,000 III ' I I Do You Know- That William Wallace Campbell is a very eminent astronomer, that he is director of the famous Lick observ- atgry on Mt. Hamilton in California, that he is the author of many books aid papers of note on astronomical subjects, and finally and most im- portant, that he graduated from the University of Michigan in 1866 and has since been awarded . degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Science by his Alma Mater? ALPHA EPSILON PI BRIDGE -NETS CAMPAIGN FUND $ 0 Fifty dollars was donated to the Michigan League campaign fund as a result of a bridge-tea which was given at the Detroit Women's Fed- eration club by the girls of the Alpha Epsilon Pi sorority. Health authorties sound a warn- ing against winter foods in warm weather. They suggest lighter menus --such as are served daily at the Ar- cade Cafeteria.-Adv. ,, Try MURAD to- day and "Judge for Yourself-!" UNDERWOOL + STANDARD . PO TABLE .1 20c R I D I C In College anc the ability to use a is sure to be of INSTRUCTION Lieut. John N. Ryan of the U. S. Reserve Corps, for- merly in the regular army is now at the stables of G. L. Mul- lison, 326 E. Ann St. and offers a course in Horsemanship or individual instruction at extremely low rates. GET THE MOST OUT OF T HE easiest way to ac- quire the typewriter habit is to get and use the Underwood Portable. Sturdy, compact, convenient, it speedsup your writing and turnsput better results. It is the lightest Port- able when cased for carrying. Weighs 6% lbs.,, uncasdd. Price $50 Obtainable a't Underwood offices in all principal cities, or direct from UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO., I Underwood Building, New York '4 v YOUR RIDING Learn to play Polo, Jump,.ride cross country, play games ond horseback, etc. Special class rates for complete course in Horsemanship.' RATES UPON APPLICATION } 5 PHONE 87 SA. .,w , MORAN, 711 N .. -- -- --= -, FfI f F. 4L Mario Chamlee Cyrena Van Gordon Carl Schlegel ANN ARBOR MAY FESTIVAL FOUR DAYS-MAY 17, 18, 19,20-SIX CONCERTS Singers - Pianists Orchestra - Choruses MICHIGAN'S GREATEST MUSICAL EVENT A limited number of course tickets still available at $4.50 and $5.00. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC CHARLES A. SINK, - Secretary old." 1 NA felts in 1 4 your h and the gum in the remains to aid digestion, a teeth and soothe mouth ,* are the other WRIGLEY to choose from, too: F