...... :..... Mow mmm TELEPHGOE 214 F-t NE AILE f %I I Co. II' 11 More Michigan men play Billiards than is the case of any other American or foreign University. II I.Et IThis has been true now 0 for a period of about six-: .Eteen years. The reason. _t o. fI 1u d, ixLLAUDS CIGAUS CANDIES PIPZS 1LUNCLES SO1DA.S N I -_ ;5 Surelya a fmight eration. appeal t( correct i ing mak ty important factor in his success. and worthy of very careful ;consid- LOT HES- YOU'LL BE PROUD TO OWN a man may take pardonable bride 'in his personal appearance. :UPPEN HEIMER GOOD CLOTHES It is to men who give serious thought ito mnatters of dress. They are always in style - always in good taste.. The fine woolens and expert tailor- Le long wear and faultless fit certain. New styles, fabrics and patterns-and ,a new standard. of value. at these moderate ,prices. d )a, week $35 $40 - 45 ral agent during ar vacation al propositions whereby you 100.00 weekly. A postal ils of plans. Your time for rt; why not make the most before you forget it. DDUCTS CO. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. II See the windows N.',F. ALLEN CO.O7 211 ;SOUTH, MAIN ST. -the house of Kuppenhelmer good clothes ; I lE I CLOSE COLUMN TISING AT 3 P.M. , r, LOST 11 LOST-Pair of shelled-rimmed glass- es on Ann, N. Ingalls, or Corwell - Place, Sunday evening. Farrel,, - 2506-R, 158-21 L LOST--Saturday afternoon, patr of dark shell rimmed glasses. Finder e please call 1680-T. Reward. 158-3 r. LOST-Silver fountain pen and pencil Z with initials R. E. B. Reward., Call Ruth Bimms. 1405-M. 157-2 BUD COUNIHAN CGENE AHERN RUBE GOLDBERG H. T. WEBSTER DAN FITZPATRICK RALPH',BARTON i t t f . i . ,. WILLIAM H. WALKER CHAS. D. ,MITCHELL CLAIRE BRIGGS EDS WEELAN l L9(' # t VW*U{ ]FAIIU5 CAR~OO! COL44rgL vArt p'So DE BECK r.;JOHN . HELD, JR. 1LOST- Friday, silver'. with nam~e engraved. fountain pen Call Francis 'ckets Y. W. Barrett, 1346-W. 168 LOST - Man's black folding purse, sometime Friday. Reward. Call Jacobs, 2895-M. 158-2 W..6 Mx WANTED-To pure your Fountain Pen against ,s. We emboss your name on it i. gold leaf. Rider's Pen shops.: Pen Specialists, 214 Nickle's Arcade. 152-21 WANTED-Your Fountain Pen to re- pair. Quick, skilled service. Fair prices. Rider's Pen Shop, Pen Specialists, 214 Nickel's, Arcade. 152-21 WANTED-To rent house for next fall to accommodate about 15 men. 1016 East University, 1925-R. 158-3 WANTED-To buy canoe. Must be in good condition. Address Daily, Box E. 0. J. 158-2 FOR RENIT FOR RENT-Beautifully furnished five room apartment in new modern building southeast of campus, for one year from July 1st. Reference' required. Call 383-J. 157-2 FOR RENT-Furnished apartment. 6 rooms and bath, one block from campus, from June 15th to Septem- ber 15th. Phone 1159-J or Box 1. R. C., Daily. 157-4 FOUTND APPEAR IN BASEBALL :: CARTOON t 3tely typewrit- ypist. Biddle's 's Arcade. 155-21 done. Prompt T, mornings or 157-2 6~'~t~oo 'OTJD-A ountin en wich olds149 NUMBER OF OLD ' {N 0 r. APPEAR IN ON SALE WEDNESDAY. )rt'sI CAM PUS STANDS PRESS BUILDING III f 'i _ I - i i . :;... er gas 1156-3 ug. 9 t. No. 15 8-3 {. ; ' '2. Z OUND-A Fountain Pen which hdlg