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May 07, 1922 - Image 19

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-07

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(Continued from Page 5)
Christ, Dante, Galileo, Nietzsche, Poe
and numberless others. Some men,
of course, can oppose the rabble, but
only after first cloaking themselves as
idiots and winning the rabble's favor.
Even then their subsequent snubbing
of the mob finally- brings them :to.a
grief, as with Caesar, Napoleon, Dis-
raeli, and, dropping a peg or two,
Woodrow Wilson.
r But mark me, I am not saying that'
the two freshmen are men of such
calibre as the first three mentioned,
nor even as superior as the fuddled
Wilson. On the contrary, my obser-
vations of men in general lead me to
believe that the young, fellows are!
probably but little better than their
persecutors. Flying in the face of tle
herd alone shows that they lacked a
deal of foresightedness. That the
Constitution of these United States
gives them the right to wear a "frosh
pot," derby, tam-o-shanter, or no hat
st all, is entirely beside the point.
The Constitution also gives us a free
press and free speech, and other things
which have been denied since the
time the document was written.
In sum, the young men should have
known that any flouting of the super-
stitions of the mob is always sure
to meet with certain and sudden pun-
ishment, that any departure from the
norm, meritorious or otherwise, any
innovation, or any deed of. daring not
decorated with gold braid and pap,
always reaps a sad reward.
For those who are getting red in
the face and indignant, as they read,
allow me to state that all classed
began wearing special class headgear
in 1908 and that the wearing was not
then compulsory with the members
of any class. The spirit of thus hu-
miliating the freshmen did not break
into its glorious traditional blossom
until nearly four years later. Ah, the
sacred and venerable tradition! Ah,
the dear old observance, handed
down from generation to generation!
That it should be vioIated is intoler-
able! Even if we should, by any rare
chance, get a young Archimedes in
this school, let us by all means kick
him out if he should refuse to wear a
I recommend without stint Edwin
Bjbrkman's first novel, "The Soul of a
Child" (Knopf). It is the only wholly
real description I have ever read of
a boy's life. Necessarily it is not for
prudes. Besides being a delight to
any person of intelligence it is some-
thing which should be read by, every
father who is not a complete ass. I
hope-to review the book in a week or
Hepplestall's, Harold Brighouse's
new novel (McBride) is a story .of
which the real hero is Steam, shown
as a force not only to dominate men's
fortunes but to control their hearts.
Beginning in the early days of the
Industrial Revolution, when Reuben
Hepplestall built his cotton mill upon
the ruins of the hand-power and water
power manufactories of his less pro-
gressive contemporaries, it tells of
'the feud that arose between the Hep-
plestall's and the Bradshaws and how
aTter a hundred years, in post-war
England, that hatred was burled by an-
other passion..
H. G. Wells and Henrik Van Loon
have probably done more to popularize
history than any other two men. The
publishers claimto have gold over
35,000 copies of Van Loon's "Story of
Mankind" in 15 weeks, while "The
Outline of History" continues to be
of the biggest selling non-fiction

:IILAND EDITOR VISITS US A New Book on .Sex> Her new ideals of worship are freely
(Continued from Page 1) Miss A.. Maude Royden, England's expressed and people of all classes
He commented that the writer of son- foremost *woman preacher, daughter and beliefs attend. Since college days
nets had the best opportunity of judg- of Sir Thomas Royden, has written she has been prominent in debating
ing the success of his work because a book entitled "Sex and Common and scholarships and these talents she
the sonnet standards are much more Sense" (Putnam's). , has devoted fully to social problems,
definite than those of the lyric. Free She is the first woman to appear in which she is and always has been
verse he considers the most subtle on a lecture platform of the Oxford deeply interested.
and difficult form of poetry. University Extension Course. In 1917 Miss Royden enjoys the distinction
Mr. Frederick first novel has just 'she became pulpit associate to Rev. of being the subject of a chapter in
been accepted by Knopf. It is called Joseph Fort Newton (now of the "Painted Windows," by "A Gentleman
"Druida,"-accent on the second syl. Church of the Divine Paternity, 72nd with a Duster," and is the only woman
lable, long "i"-and will appear in St. and Park West, N. Y. City) at the so discussed in that volume. She is
January, 1923. He is beginning work City Temple, London and was the first at present in this country wherse she
on his second novel this spring. It of her sex to preach there. will remain a short time.
is not to be a story of college life, During the war she established a
but it will include two or three transi- clinic where she discussed moral, re- Shane Leslie who, a few years ago,
tional chapters concerning the hero's ligious and .domestic problems with wrote an interesting book, "The End
undergraduate career, and this part of women and girls. She is now a of a Chapter," has written a novel,
the story is to be located in Ann preacher in the Guild House, London, his first, "The Celt and the'World,"
Arbor. conducting fellowship services there. (Scribners).

A newcomer in wash frocks
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