Books and Authors "THE CHILDREN OF THE MARKET a friend of Douglas and having a goodl PLACE" deal of leisure, he watches the theI unfolding of political affairs and theI By Edgar Lee Masters nation's progress. He follows ther (A Review byI . D. S.) stormy career of Douglas and the in-t creasing dissension over the problem "The Children of the Market Place" of slavery. Douglas's debates are re-t (Macillan) by Edgar Lee Masters lated, his meeting with Lincoln. Therec is an historical novel built on epic is a remarkable description of the Re- proportions It starts with thepublican convention at Chicago, wherej ppios tstttledAmeriartsfth he the hysterical politicians nominatede thinly settled America of the early Lincoln after a long and frenzied ses- ninteenth century and plunges sion. These and many other scenes through the tempestuous transitional involving prominent political men of era that eventually resulted in the the day are given in convincing de-i modern industrial state that we know The personal story of Hills comes today. in at intervals as a relief tp the long Through the story strides the pow- procession of political events. Thea erful figure of Stephen Douglas, bril. stress given this portion of the book liant and dynamic, the small town la is strangely uneven. Thus, Mills' so-a lution of the problem of his octoroont student who forced his way to presi half-sister, his courtship, his wife's° dential candidacy. It is, in reality, death, his second love affair and itst Douglas's story for, although there are failure, are all dwelt upon at some pictures of Chicago, Washington, and length. But his married life and es- New York in their early days, pecially the life of his boy, Reverdy,I although the political events and the are scarcely touched upon. . scientific and literary influences are However, the book is chiefly a carefully traced, there is always the chronicle of America's period of find- same dominant personage in the ing itsef. As such, it is a complete, background. Now he is furnishing powerful, and extraordinarily inter-i the life and merriment of a esting piece of work. neighborhood dance, now he is in the midst of a vigorous political cam- The new novel from D. H. Lawrence, paign; but he is never far away. "I "Aaron's Rod," just published by am trying," says the author, "to set Thomas Seltzer, completes an epic of forth the soul of a great man who the love-life of men and women, an extracted from his environment other epic in trilogy form, consisting of,i things than beauty; or rather the first, "The Rainbow," then "Women ini beauty of national progress," Masters Love," and now this novel. The three does this very successfully One books have an intimate . relation, a feels with no uncertainty the strength unity of theme. They seem to enbody of personality behind the actions of Lawrence's own deepest soul experi- the tireless orator whose life was so ences and adventures. It is interest- closely associated with the tremen- ing to note how in the grand climax dour growth and progress of this of this monumental series, he has country. achieved a simplicity of style and treatment, which makes the book There are three streams of interest read like a piece of light fiction, in the book, for, besides the historical though it deals with the profoundest - and biographical elements, there is a and most fundamental problems of fictional narrative. This last is sub- modern love and marrage. ordinated to the two former. The story is told by one James Hills, who "Modern Essays" is an excellent comes from England and settles in collection of 32 essays selected by Illinois when he is quite young,Being Christqpher Morley. At Wahr's-- Books Worth Your Time Edgar Lee Masters-Children of the Market Place..$2.00 Bjorkman-The Soul of a Child ................ 2.50 Alex. Black-The Latest Thing... . ..... 2.00 Galsworthy-The Forsyte Saga ..... ........ 2.50 Dukes-Red Dusk and the Morrow.............. 3.50 Arthur Pound-Iron Men of Industry............1.75 "Painted Windws"-By a Gentleman with aDuster 2.50 JUST RECEIVED The May Issue "Double Dealer," Price 25c UNIVERSITY- WAHR'S TE ... .. . ,..O.. . . . . .RES "PAINTED WINDOWS" it is to have any hope of a future militant life, we must still bear in (A Review by S. T. Beach) mind that the conclusions reached The "Gentleman with a Duster," are purely personal; our lack of per- sonal touch with affairs ecclesiastical in England renders it quite impossi- Downing Street" the dirt and grime of be to make valuable comparisons, or illusion which kept Britain's states- to reach any eventualities of our own men from gaining a true picture of which might make the book truly themselves, has turned his attention vanuable. Out of touch with the to the clergy, and in "Painted Win- Church of England, as well as with the Dissenting factions, it is almost im- dows" (Putnam) he. attempts to wash possible to find any particular worth clean the windows of the church that ;n the book from a comparative stand- we may look inside and see, as they point. It is interesting, to be sure, are, the greatest ecclesiastical digni- but I cannot feel that the layman will ' read it with the avidity which char- caries of England. acterized the perusal of "The Mirrors The "Gentleman," who is still mask- of Downing Street." In the latter ing under his screen of anonymity, work, the names, at least, had become has presented twelve portraits in a part of his every-day conversation. which are arraigned Non-Conformist In "Painted Windows," it is almost a safe wager that no single American, and Anglican, Roman Catholic and unless he is a clergyman himself or a Free Thinker with an equal fairness Atudent of theology and of theologians, and insight. There is an introduc- will be familiar with a quarter of the tion by Dr. Kirksopp Lake,-quite one men treated. of the best chapters in the book, by But granting that the book lacks the way-and an interesting conclu- interest because of a lack of familiar- sion in which the author attempts to ity with its principals, still, we can- draw together the threads of his bio- not but have some moiety of enjoy- logical narrative, to weave the web of ment in reading it. Even though the his own deductions. If we cannot theories which the author has ad- agree with him, at least, we may be vanced and the deductions which he interested, has raised be not entirely convincing, The danger of "Painted Windows," the problem which truly vitalizes the if any will take the work with a work lends some sort of an interest to suficient seriousness to merit its hav- it. Even the most orthodox of us ing a danger, is to be found simply finds it necessary to admit that the in the author's conception of the dig- church, as an organic part of every nitaries where lives and opinions man's life, is failing in its mission. form the matter of the volume. Ad- It is this viewpoint-which "The Gen- mitting that the studies seem to be tleman with a Duster" assumes. If' made with the perfectly serious en- he has not entirely justified himself, deavor of issuing a challenge to the at least, he has left some food for Christian world to reform its way if thought. , Story Furnished by the Camera, will be the source of much pleasure in future years. But make sure your films are de- veloped by men who know how. Then you have the assurance of maximum success at picture tak- log. Lyndon & Co. Amateur Finishing 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY lillllilitittililltitilillitilillllitistgt i re